938 resultados para Open Data, Bologna


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The Neolithic is characterized by the transition from a subsistence economy, based on hunting and gathering, to one based on food producing. This important change was paralleled by one of the most significant demographic increase in the recent history of European populations. The earliest Neolithic sites in Europe are located in Greece. However, the debate regarding the colonization route followed by the Middle-eastern farmers is still open. Based on archaeological, archaeobotanical, craniometric and genetic data, two main hypotheses have been proposed. The first implies the maritime colonization of North-eastern Peloponnesus from Crete, whereas the second points to an island hopping route that finally brought migrants to Central Greece. To test these hypotheses using a genetic approach, 206 samples were collected from the two Greek regions proposed as the arrival point of the two routes (Korinthian district and Euboea). Expectations for each hypothesis were compared with empirical observations based on the analysis of 60 SNPs and 26 microsatellite loci of Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region I. The analysis of Y-chromosome haplogroups revealed a strong genetic affinity of Euboea with Anatolian and Middle-eastern populations. The inferences of the time since population expansion suggests an earlier usage of agriculture in Euboea. Moreover, the haplogroup J2a-M410, supposed to be associated with the Neolithic transition, was observed at higher frequency and variance in Euboea showing, for both these parameters, a decreasing gradient moving from this area. The time since expansion estimates for J2a-M410 was found to be compatible with the Neolithic and slightly older in Euboea. The analysis of mtDNA resulted less informative. However, a higher genetic affinity of Euboea with Anatolian and Middle-eastern populations was confirmed. These results taken as a whole suggests that the most probable route followed by Neolithic farmers during the colonization of Greece was the island hopping route.


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The Gaia space mission is a major project for the European astronomical community. As challenging as it is, the processing and analysis of the huge data-flow incoming from Gaia is the subject of thorough study and preparatory work by the DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium), in charge of all aspects of the Gaia data reduction. This PhD Thesis was carried out in the framework of the DPAC, within the team based in Bologna. The task of the Bologna team is to define the calibration model and to build a grid of spectro-photometric standard stars (SPSS) suitable for the absolute flux calibration of the Gaia G-band photometry and the BP/RP spectrophotometry. Such a flux calibration can be performed by repeatedly observing each SPSS during the life-time of the Gaia mission and by comparing the observed Gaia spectra to the spectra obtained by our ground-based observations. Due to both the different observing sites involved and the huge amount of frames expected (≃100000), it is essential to maintain the maximum homogeneity in data quality, acquisition and treatment, and a particular care has to be used to test the capabilities of each telescope/instrument combination (through the “instrument familiarization plan”), to devise methods to keep under control, and eventually to correct for, the typical instrumental effects that can affect the high precision required for the Gaia SPSS grid (a few % with respect to Vega). I contributed to the ground-based survey of Gaia SPSS in many respects: with the observations, the instrument familiarization plan, the data reduction and analysis activities (both photometry and spectroscopy), and to the maintenance of the data archives. However, the field I was personally responsible for was photometry and in particular relative photometry for the production of short-term light curves. In this context I defined and tested a semi-automated pipeline which allows for the pre-reduction of imaging SPSS data and the production of aperture photometry catalogues ready to be used for further analysis. A series of semi-automated quality control criteria are included in the pipeline at various levels, from pre-reduction, to aperture photometry, to light curves production and analysis.


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It was decided to carry out a morphological and molecular characterization of the Italian Alternaria isolatescollected from apple , and evaluate their pathogenicity and subsequently combining the data collected. The strain collection (174 isolates) was constructed by collecting material (received from extension service personnel) between June and August of 2007, 2008, and 2009. A Preliminary bioassays were performed on detached plant materials (fruit and leaf wounded and unwounded), belonging to the Golden cultivar, with two different kind of inoculation (conidial suspension and conidial filtrate). Symptoms were monitored daily and a value of pathogenicity score (P.S.) was assigned on the basis of the diameter of the necrotic area that developed. On the basis of the bioassays, the number of isolates to undergo further molecular analysis was restricted to a representative set of single spore strains (44 strains). Morphological characteristics of the colony and sporulation pattern were determined according to previous systematic work on small-spored Alternaria spp. (Pryor and Michaelides, 2002 and Hong et al., 2006). Reference strains (Alternaria alternata, Alternaria tenuissima, Alternaria arborescens and four Japanese strains of Alternaria alternata mali pathotype), used in the study were kindly provided by Prof. Barry Pryor, who allows a open access to his own fungal collection. Molecular characterization was performed combining and comparing different data sets obtained from distinct molecular approach: 1) investigation of specific loci and 2) fingerprinting based on diverse randomly selected polymorphic sites of the genome. As concern the single locus analysis, it was chosen to sequence the EndoPG partial gene and three anonymous region (OPA1-3, OPA2- and OPa10-2). These markers has revealed a powerful tool in the latter systematic works on small-spored Alternaria spp. In fact, as reported in literature small-spored Alternaria taxonomy is complicated due to the inability to resolve evolutionary relationships among the taxa because of the lack of variability in the markers commonly used in fungi systematic. The three data set together provided the necessary variation to establish the phylogenetic relationships among the Italian isolates of Alternaria spp. On Italian strains these markers showed a variable number of informative sites (ranging from 7 for EndoPg to 85 for OPA1-3) and the parsimony analysis produced different tree topologies all concordant to define A. arborescens as a mophyletic clade. Fingerprinting analysis (nine ISSR primers and eight AFLP primers combination) led to the same result: a monophyleic A. arborescens clade and one clade containing both A. tenuissima and the A. alternata strains. This first attempt to characterize Italian Alternaria species recovered from apple produced concordant results with what was already described in a similar phylogenetic study on pistachio (Pryor and Michaelides, 2002), on walnut and hazelnut (Hong et al., 2006), apple (Kang et al., 2002) and citurus (Peever et al., 2004). Together with these studies, this research demonstrates that the three morphological groups are widely distributed and occupy similar ecological niches. Furthermore, this research suggest that these Alternaria species exhibit a similar infection pattern despite the taxonomic and pathogenic differences. The molecular characterization of the pathogens is a fundamental step to understanding the disease that is spreading in the apple orchards of the north Italy. At the beginning the causal agent was considered as Alteraria alternata (Marshall and Bertagnoll, 2006). Their preliminary studies purposed a pathogenic system related to the synthesis of toxins. Experimental data of our bioassays suggest an analogous hypothesis, considering that symptoms could be induced after inoculating plant material with solely the filtrate from pathogenic strains. Moreover, positive PCR reactions using AM-toxin gene specific primers, designed for identification of apple infecting Alternaria pathovar, led to a hypothesis that a host specific toxin (toxins) were involved. It remains an intriguing challenge to discover or not if the agent of the “Italian disease” is the same of the one previously typified as Alternaria mali, casual agent of the apple blotch disease.


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A partire dagli anni '70, si è assistito ad un progressivo riassetto geopolitico a livello mondiale Grazie anche all’evoluzione tecnologica ed alla sua diffusione di massa, il tempo e lo spazio si contraggono nel processo di globalizzazione che ha caratterizzato le società contemporanee ove l'informazione e la comunicazione assumono ormai un ruolo centrale nelle dinamiche di conoscenza. Il presente studio, intende far luce in primis sulla disciplina dell'intelligence, così come enunciata in ambito militare e "civile", in particolare nel contesto USA, NATO ed ONU, al fine quindi di evidenziare le peculiarità di una nuova disciplina di intelligence, cosiddetta Open Source Intelligence, che ha come elemento di innovazione l'utilizio delle informazioni non classificate. Dopo aver affrontato il problema della concettualizzazione ed evoluzione del fenomeno terroristico, sarà posto il focus sull’espressione criminale ad oggi maggiormente preoccupante, il terrorismo internazionale di matrice islamica, in prospettiva multidimensionale, grazie all’adozione di concetti criminologici interdisciplinari. Sotto il profilo della sperimentazione, si è, quindi, deciso di proporre, progettare e sviluppare l’architettura della piattaforma Open Source Intellicence Analysis Platform,un tool operativo di supporto per l’analista Open Source Intelligence, che si pone quale risorsa del’analisi criminologica, in grado di fornire un valido contributo, grazie al merge tra practice e research, nell’applicazione di tale approccio informativo al fenomeno terroristico.


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The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries represents the most recent research line in the international context, showing interest both towards the whole community and toward the identification and protection of all the “critical habitats” in which marine resources complete their life cycles. Using data coming from trawl surveys performed in the Northern and Central Adriatic from 1996 to 2010, this study provides the first attempt to appraise the status of the whole demersal community. It took into account not only fishery target species but also by-catch and discharge species by the use of a suite of biological indicators both at population and multi-specific level, allowing to have a global picture of the status of the demersal system. This study underlined the decline of extremely important species for the Adriatic fishery in recent years; adverse impact on catches is expected for these species in the coming years, since also minimum values of recruits recently were recorded. Both the excessive exploitation and environmental factors affected availability of resources. Moreover both distribution and nursery areas of the most important resources were pinpointed by means of geostatistical methods. The geospatial analysis also confirmed the presence of relevant recruitment areas in the North and Central Adriatic for several commercial species, as reported in the literature. The morphological and oceanographic features, the relevant rivers inflow together with the mosaic pattern of biocenoses with different food availability affected the location of the observed relevant nursery areas.


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An extensive sample (2%) of private vehicles in Italy are equipped with a GPS device that periodically measures their position and dynamical state for insurance purposes. Having access to this type of data allows to develop theoretical and practical applications of great interest: the real-time reconstruction of traffic state in a certain region, the development of accurate models of vehicle dynamics, the study of the cognitive dynamics of drivers. In order for these applications to be possible, we first need to develop the ability to reconstruct the paths taken by vehicles on the road network from the raw GPS data. In fact, these data are affected by positioning errors and they are often very distanced from each other (~2 Km). For these reasons, the task of path identification is not straightforward. This thesis describes the approach we followed to reliably identify vehicle paths from this kind of low-sampling data. The problem of matching data with roads is solved with a bayesian approach of maximum likelihood. While the identification of the path taken between two consecutive GPS measures is performed with a specifically developed optimal routing algorithm, based on A* algorithm. The procedure was applied on an off-line urban data sample and proved to be robust and accurate. Future developments will extend the procedure to real-time execution and nation-wide coverage.


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The objective of the work is the evaluation of the potential capabilities of navigation satellite signals to retrieve basic atmospheric parameters. A capillary study have been performed on the assumptions more or less explicitly contained in the common processing steps of navigation signals. A probabilistic procedure has been designed for measuring vertical discretised profiles of pressure, temperature and water vapour and their associated errors. Numerical experiments on a synthetic dataset have been performed with the main objective of quantifying the information that could be gained from such approach, using entropy and relative entropy as testing parameters. A simulator of phase delay and bending of a GNSS signal travelling across the atmosphere has been developed to this aim.


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Traditionally Poverty has been measured by a unique indicator, income, assuming this was the most relevant dimension of poverty. Sen’s approach has dramatically changed this idea shedding light over the existence of many more dimensions and over the multifaceted nature of poverty; poverty cannot be represented by a unique indicator that only can evaluate a specific aspect of poverty. This thesis tracks an ideal path along with the evolution of the poverty analysis. Starting from the unidimensional analysis based on income and consumptions, this research enter the world of multidimensional analysis. After reviewing the principal approaches, the Foster and Alkire method is critically analyzed and implemented over data from Kenya. A step further is moved in the third part of the thesis, introducing a new approach to multidimensional poverty assessment: the resilience analysis.


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Today there are many techniques that allows to exploit vulnerabilities of an application; there are also many techniques that are designed to stop these exploit attacks. This thesis wants to highlight how a specific type of attack, based on a technique called Return Oriented Programming (ROP), can be easily applied to binaries with particular characteristics. A new method that allows the injection of "useful" code in an Open Source projects without arousing suspicions is presented; this is possible because of the harmless aspects of the injected code. This useful code facilitate a ROP attack against an executable that contains vulnerable bugs. The injection process can be visualized in environment where an user can contribute with own code to a particular Open Source project. This thesis also highlights how current software protections are not correctly applied to Open Source project, thus enabling the proposed approach.


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The aim of this thesis is to study how explosive behavior and geophysical signals in a volcanic conduit are related to the development of overpressure in slug-driven eruptions. A first suite of laboratory experiments of gas slugs ascending in analogue conduits was performed. Slugs ascended into a range of analogue liquids and conduit diameters to allow proper scaling to the natural volcanoes. The geometrical variation of the slug in response to the explored variables was parameterised. Volume of gas slug and rheology of the liquid phase revealed the key parameters in controlling slug overpressure at bursting. Founded on these results, a theoretical model to calculate burst overpressure for slug-driven eruptions was developed. The dimensionless approach adopted allowed to apply the model to predict bursting pressure of slugs at Stromboli. Comparison of predicted values with measured data from Stromboli volcano showed that the model can explain the entire spectrum of observed eruptive styles at Stromboli – from low-energy puffing, through normal Strombolian eruptions, up to paroxysmal explosions – as manifestations of a single underlying physical process. Finally, another suite of laboratory experiments was performed to observe oscillatory pressure and forces variations generated during the expansion and bursting of gas slugs ascending in a conduit. Two end-member boundary conditions were imposed at the base of the pipe, simulating slug ascent in closed base (zero magma flux) and open base (constant flux) conduit. At the top of the pipe, a range of boundary conditions that are relevant at a volcanic vent were imposed, going from open to plugged vent. The results obtained illustrate that a change in boundary conditions in the conduit concur to affect the dynamic of slug expansion and burst: an upward flux at the base of the conduit attenuates the magnitude of the pressure transients, while a rheological stiffening in the top-most region of conduit changes dramatically the magnitude of the observed pressure transients, favoring a sudden, and more energetic pressure release into the overlying atmosphere. Finally, a discussion on the implication of changing boundary on the oscillatory processes generated at the volcanic scale is also given.


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During the last few years, a great deal of interest has risen concerning the applications of stochastic methods to several biochemical and biological phenomena. Phenomena like gene expression, cellular memory, bet-hedging strategy in bacterial growth and many others, cannot be described by continuous stochastic models due to their intrinsic discreteness and randomness. In this thesis I have used the Chemical Master Equation (CME) technique to modelize some feedback cycles and analyzing their properties, including experimental data. In the first part of this work, the effect of stochastic stability is discussed on a toy model of the genetic switch that triggers the cellular division, which malfunctioning is known to be one of the hallmarks of cancer. The second system I have worked on is the so-called futile cycle, a closed cycle of two enzymatic reactions that adds and removes a chemical compound, called phosphate group, to a specific substrate. I have thus investigated how adding noise to the enzyme (that is usually in the order of few hundred molecules) modifies the probability of observing a specific number of phosphorylated substrate molecules, and confirmed theoretical predictions with numerical simulations. In the third part the results of the study of a chain of multiple phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles will be presented. We will discuss an approximation method for the exact solution in the bidimensional case and the relationship that this method has with the thermodynamic properties of the system, which is an open system far from equilibrium.In the last section the agreement between the theoretical prediction of the total protein quantity in a mouse cells population and the observed quantity will be shown, measured via fluorescence microscopy.