963 resultados para Ontario. Clerk of Forestry


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Pub. by the Dept. of Agriculture, 1896-1899; by the Dept. of Public Works, 1900-1915: Dept. of Public Highways, 1916-1927


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Name of Dept. Changes as Follows: Dept. of Forestry, 1901-1923; Dept. of Forests and Waters, 1923-<1952/54>


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Many developing south-east Asian governments are not capturing full rent from domestic forest logging operations. Such rent losses are commonly related to institutional failures, where informal institutions tend to dominate the control of forestry activity in spite of weakly enforced regulations. Our model is an attempt to add a new dimension to thinking about deforestation. We present a simple conceptual model, based on individual decisions rather than social or forest planning, which includes the human dynamics of participation in informal activity and the relatively slower ecological dynamics of changes in forest resources. We demonstrate how incumbent informal logging operations can be persistent, and that any spending aimed at replacing the informal institutions can only be successful if it pushes institutional settings past some threshold. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cochran's Q-test is a non-parametric analysis which can be applied to a two-way design in which the data are binomial and can take only two possible outcomes, e.g., 0 or 1, alive or dead, present or absent, clean or dirty, infected or non-infected, and is an extension to the binomial tests introduced in Statnote 39 . This statnote describes the application of this test in the analysis of the changes which occur in the fungal flora of forestry nursery beds after two different sterilization procedures .


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Karim Rashid is one of the most prolific designers of his generation. Over 3000 designs in production, over 300 awards and working in over 35 countries attest to Karim’s legend of design. Karim’s diversity affords him the ability to cross-pollinate ideas, materials, behaviors, aesthetics from one typology to the next, crossing boundaries and broadening consumer horizons. His award winning designs include democratic objects such as the ubiquitous Garbo waste can and Oh Chair for Umbra, interiors such as the Morimoto restaurant, Philadelphia and Semiramis hotel, Athens and exhibitions for LG Hausys and Audi. Karim has collaborated with clients to create democratic design for Method and Dirt Devil, furniture for Artemide and Magis, brand identity for Citibank and Hyundai, high tech products for LaCie and Samsung, and luxury goods for Veuve Clicquot and Swarovski, to name a few. Karim has recently been selected to design several real estate developments in New York City for HAP Investments, a New York City based International investment group. Karim’s work is featured in 20 permanent collections and he exhibits art in galleries world wide. Karim is a perennial winner of the Red Dot award, Chicago Athenaeum Good Design award, I.D. Magazine Annual Design Review, IDSA Industrial Design Excellence award. He holds honorary doctorates from the Ontario college of Art & Design and Corcoran College of Art & Design. 2011 highlighted Karim’s largest retrospective to date at the Triennale, in Milan, Italy. Karim is a frequent guest lecturer at universities and conferences globally disseminating the importance of design in everyday life. Karim has been featured in magazines including Time, Financial Times, NY Times, Esquire, GQ and countless more. His books include From the Beginning, Forma Edizioni (2014), Sketch, Frame (2012), a monograph of 300 drawings and computer renderings of selected works, KarimSpace, Rizzoli (2009), Design Your Self, Harper Collins (2006), Evolution, Rizzoli (2004) and I Want to Change the World, Universe (2001). In his spare time Karim’s pluralism flirts with art, fashion, and music and is determined to creatively touch every aspect of our physical and virtual landscape.


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The VRAG-R is designed to assess the likelihood of violent or sexual reoffending among male offenders. The data set comprises demographic, criminal history, psychological assessment, and psychiatric information about the offenders gathered from institutional files together with post-release recidivism information. The VRAG-R is a twelve-item actuarial instrument and the scores on these items form part of the data set. Because one of the goals of the VRAG-R development project was to compare the VRAG-R to the VRAG, subjects' VRAG scores are included in this data set. Access to the VRAG-R dataset is restricted. Contact Data Services, Queen's University Library (academic.services@queensu.ca) for access.


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The VRAG-R is designed to assess the likelihood of violent or sexual reoffending among male offenders. The data set comprises demographic, criminal history, psychological assessment, and psychiatric information about the offenders gathered from institutional files together with post-release recidivism information. The VRAG-R is a twelve-item actuarial instrument and the scores on these items form part of the data set. Because one of the goals of the VRAG-R development project was to compare the VRAG-R to the VRAG, subjects' VRAG scores are included in this data set. Access to the VRAG-R dataset is restricted. Contact Data Services, Queen's University Library (academic.services@queensu.ca) for access.


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The rate of non-full-time faculty members has increased rapidly over the last decade (Louis, 2009; MacKay, 2014; Meranze & Newfield, 2013), as the post-secondary landscape of fluctuating enrolment, fiscal and operational challenges, and the requirement to hire specialized skill sets have required institutions to rely heavily on this demographic. In the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) system, institutions have tried to preserve and enhance educational quality with fewer resources through greater reliance on non-full-time faculty. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of teaching and support of non-full-time faculty at one Eastern Ontario college. Employing a narrative inquiry methodology, data were collected from four participants through their writing three individual letters at the end of each month and participating in one interview at the end of the contract period. The data were analyzed and coded. This analysis revealed five themes: motivation, connection and engagement, compensation, teaching and development, and performance evaluation. Differences in the participants’ perceptions tended to reflect divergences across career stage: retired versus early career. The compensation package provided to non-full-time faculty was considered inadequate for those in the early career stage, especially comparing it to that of full-time faculty. In addition, the amount of previous teaching experience was an important indicator for the appropriate level of teaching resources and support provided by the institution. The newer faculty members required a higher level of support to combat feelings of role isolation. The temporary nature of the role made it difficult to establish a feeling of a strong connection to the institution and subsequently opportunities to engage further to deepen the relationship. Despite these differences across participants, autonomous motivators were consistent across all narratives, as participants expressed their desire to teach and share their knowledge to help students achieve their goals. Participants concluded their narratives by sharing future advice for faculty interested in pursuing the role. The narratives provided areas for improvement that would help increase the level of job satisfaction for non-full-time college faculty members: (a) establishing a more thorough performance evaluation process to align with institutional supports, (b) offering more diverse teaching resources to better prepare faculty and enhance teaching practices, (c) overhauling the compensation package to better recognize the amount of time and effort spent in the role and aligning with the compensation provided to full-time faculty, and (d) including rewards and incentives as part of the compensation package to enhance the level of commitment and availability for the role. These changes might well increase the job satisfaction and improve the retention of non-full-time faculty members.


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There are fundamental spatial and temporal disconnects between the specific policies that have been crafted to address our wildfire challenges. The biophysical changes in fuels, wildfire behavior, and climate have created a new set of conditions for which our wildfire governance system is poorly suited to address. To address these challenges, a reorientation of goals is needed to focus on creating an anticipatory wildfire governance system focused on social and ecological resilience. Key characteristics of this system could include the following: (1) not taking historical patterns as givens; (2) identifying future social and ecological thresholds of concern; (3) embracing diversity/heterogeneity as principles in ecological and social responses; and (4) incorporating learning among different scales of actors to create a scaffolded learning system.


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Cette thèse est une contribution à la modélisation, la planification et l’optimisation du transport pour l’approvisionnement en bois de forêt des industries de première transformation. Dans ce domaine, les aléas climatiques (mise au sol des bois par les tempêtes), sanitaires (attaques bactériologiques et fongiques des bois) et commerciaux (variabilité et exigence croissante des marchés) poussent les divers acteurs du secteur (entrepreneurs et exploitants forestiers, transporteurs) à revoir l’organisation de la filière logistique d’approvisionnement, afin d’améliorer la qualité de service (adéquation offre-demande) et de diminuer les coûts. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de proposer un modèle de pilotage améliorant la performance du transport forestier, en respectant les contraintes et les pratiques du secteur. Les résultats établissent une démarche de planification hiérarchique des activités de transport à deux niveaux de décision, tactique et opérationnel. Au niveau tactique, une optimisation multi-périodes permet de répondre aux commandes en minimisant l’activité globale de transport, sous contrainte de capacité agrégée des moyens de transport accessibles. Ce niveau permet de mettre en œuvre des politiques de lissage de charge et d’organisation de sous-traitance ou de partenariats entre acteurs de transport. Au niveau opérationnel, les plans tactiques alloués à chaque transporteur sont désagrégés, pour permettre une optimisation des tournées des flottes, sous contrainte des capacités physiques de ces flottes. Les modèles d’optimisation de chaque niveau sont formalisés en programmation linéaire mixte avec variables binaires. L’applicabilité des modèles a été testée en utilisant un jeu de données industrielles en région Aquitaine et a montré des améliorations significatives d’exploitation des capacités de transport par rapport aux pratiques actuelles. Les modèles de décision ont été conçus pour s’adapter à tout contexte organisationnel, partenarial ou non : la production du plan tactique possède un caractère générique sans présomption de l’organisation, celle-ci étant prise en compte, dans un deuxième temps, au niveau de l’optimisation opérationnelle du plan de transport de chaque acteur.


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The replacement of native vegetation by other land uses is one of the main degrading ecosystem agents, being the most important component of terrestrial environments, natural or with different levels of human disturbance, besides being the main substrate used by plants to obtain conditions soil for its development. In this context, there is the need to adopt the use and sustainable management of land systems. The study aimed to evaluate what is forest restoration system more efficient degraded areas, based on the potential recovery of physical, chemical, carbon and biological activity in the soil. The work was conducted in a forest restoration area UTFPR- Campus two neighbors, whose experiment was established in October 2010. The experimental design is completely randomized, with four replications and experimental plot of 40 m wide by 54 m long ( 2160 m2) were collected and six sampling points per plot. The soil is classified as a Typic. The models evaluated are: 1 - natural or passive regeneration; 2 - Nucleation; 3 - Planting trees in the total area under lines fill and diversity (total planting); 4 - Reference area (forest). The collection of soil samples in layers of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m was carried out in October 2013 and evaluated physical attributes of texture, bulk density, total porosity, microporosity and soil macroporosity and stability of water in households, chemical properties, and total organic carbon (TOC) and physical particle size fractionation and soil biological activity. To find the best forest restoration model, we designed a Restoration Quality Weighted Index for each variable analyzed. Natural regeneration and total plantation showed generally better soil aggregation over 0.10 m and nucleation volume of similar porosity the forest for these layers. There were no differences between the models below 0.10 m for the variables aggregation and soil porosity. The nucleation template had the lowest bulk density, but being greater than the density in the layer forest 0.05-0.10 m, however, was similar to below 0.10 m above the ground. The models had chemical properties similar to or greater than the forest. The forest had the highest stock of COT and carbon associated with minerals (CAM), but natural regeneration was similar to the particulate organic carbon (POC) in the superficial layers of the soil (0-0.10 m), below 0, 10 m, the forest showed higher stock of COT and COP on the ground. The highest peak of C-CO2 emissions occurred in the 28-35 day range where the total plantation was similar to forest. After four years of experiments, it was found that the effect of restoration methods on physical attributes and soil carbon restricted to 0.10 m deep.


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The publication provides a snapshot of the forest and timber industry’s contribution to the Queensland economy and highlights the scope, innovation and features of the state’s forest and timber products that are produced from Queensland’s unique resources.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, 2015.


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A temática desta dissertação é a gestão sustentável da actividade florestal. Tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento e aplicação de metodologias de planeamento e gestão do uso do solo. As preocupações com as intervenções na paisagem e com a incorporação das componentes que a constituem no planeamento e na gestão do território tem vindo a ter um maior desenvolvimento desde a década de 70. Por sua vez, as iniciativas políticas nacionais e internacionais na área do ambiente tiveram um maior impulso a partir dessa época, conduzindo a uma situação em que as preocupações com a sua conservação, gestão e qualificação assumem um papel fundamental. Um aumento da qualidade das paisagens implica um correcto planeamento do uso do solo e um subsequente esquema de incentivos à realidade sócioeconómica, potenciadores de um desenvolvimento sustentável. A gestão e o desenvolvimento sustentável pressupõem, por um lado, uma utilização parcimoniosa dos recursos, mas também uma articulação correcta dos usos às potencialidades do território, num quadro de planeamento e gestão do espaço que permita e promova o desenvolvimento de actividades económicas viáveis. Reconhecendo a forte influência que a acção antrópica tem exercido sobre a paisagem, privilegia-se a avaliação do factor evolução do uso do solo e a relação destas alterações com origem na actividade humana e com causas naturais de forma a determinar as causas específicas das alterações de uso. Nesta perspectiva efectua-se uma avaliação retrospectiva do impacto das diversas medidas de gestão com reflexo nas paisagens do Concelho de Arganil. A metodologia desenvolvida divide-se em cinco fases e tem como resultados os cenários de evolução do uso do solo e da demografia bem como a proposta de um modelo de ocupação sustentável. A escolha deste concelho como território de estudo para aplicação da investigação produzida prende-se com o facto de se considerar que ele é representativo de toda uma realidade da actividade florestal numa região vasta e de características razoavelmente idênticas, na qual existiram mudanças acentuadas de uso do solo e do meio sócio-económico nos últimos 50 anos, e de apresentar tendências evolutivas semelhantes às dos outros concelhos envolventes, o que permitirá aplicar a metodologia desenvolvida a outras áreas.