970 resultados para Olfactory tract
The prevailing paradigm for G protein-coupled receptors is that each receptor is narrowly tuned to its ligand and closely related agonists. An outstanding problem is whether this paradigm applies to olfactory receptor (ORs), which is the largest gene family in the genome, in which each of 1,000 different G protein-coupled receptors is believed to interact with a range of different odor molecules from the many thousands that comprise “odor space.” Insights into how these interactions occur are essential for understanding the sense of smell. Key questions are: (i) Is there a binding pocket? (ii) Which amino acid residues in the binding pocket contribute to peak affinities? (iii) How do affinities change with changes in agonist structure? To approach these questions, we have combined single-cell PCR results [Malnic, B., Hirono, J., Sato, T. & Buck, L. B. (1999) Cell 96, 713–723] and well-established molecular dynamics methods to model the structure of a specific OR (OR S25) and its interactions with 24 odor compounds. This receptor structure not only points to a likely odor-binding site but also independently predicts the two compounds that experimentally best activate OR S25. The results provide a mechanistic model for olfactory transduction at the molecular level and show how the basic G protein-coupled receptor template is adapted for encoding the enormous odor space. This combined approach can significantly enhance the identification of ligands for the many members of the OR family and also may shed light on other protein families that exhibit broad specificities, such as chemokine receptors and P450 oxidases.
In mammals the retina contains photoactive molecules responsible for both vision and circadian photoresponse systems. Opsins, which are located in rods and cones, are the pigments for vision but it is not known whether they play a role in circadian regulation. A subset of retinal ganglion cells with direct projections to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) are at the origin of the retinohypothalamic tract that transmits the light signal to the master circadian clock in the SCN. However, the ganglion cells are not known to contain rhodopsin or other opsins that may function as photoreceptors. We have found that the two blue-light photoreceptors, cryptochromes 1 and 2 (CRY1 and CRY2), recently discovered in mammals are specifically expressed in the ganglion cell and inner nuclear layers of the mouse retina. In addition, CRY1 is expressed at high level in the SCN and oscillates in this tissue in a circadian manner. These data, in conjunction with the established role of CRY2 in photoperiodism in plants, lead us to propose that mammals have a vitamin A-based photopigment (opsin) for vision and a vitamin B2-based pigment (cryptochrome) for entrainment of the circadian clock.
NMR analysis and molecular dynamics simulations of d(GGTAATTACC)2 and its complex with a tetrahydropyrimidinium analogue of Hoechst 33258 suggest that DNA minor groove recognition in solution involves a combination of conformational selection and induced fit, rather than binding to a preorganised site. Analysis of structural fluctuations in the bound and unbound states suggests that the degree of induced fit observed is primarily a consequence of optimising van der Waals contacts with the walls of the minor groove resulting in groove narrowing through: (i) changes in base step parameters, including increased helical twist and propeller twist; (ii) changes to the sugar–phosphate backbone conformation to engulf the bound ligand; (iii) suppression of bending modes at the TpA steps. In contrast, the geometrical arrangement of hydrogen bond acceptors on the groove floor appears to be relatively insensitive to DNA conformation (helical twist and propeller twist). We suggest that effective recognition of DNA sequences (in this case an A tract structure) appears to depend to a significant extent on the sequence being flexible enough to be able to adopt the geometrically optimal conformation compatible with the various binding interactions, rather than involving ‘lock and key’ recognition.
Objective: To examine the relation between different types of alcoholic drinks and upper digestive tract cancers (oropharyngeal and oesophageal).
Although the presence of an olfactory impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD) has been recognized for 25 years, its cause remains unclear. Here we suggest a contributing factor to this impairment, namely, that PD impairs active sniffing of odorants. We tested 10 men and 10 women with clinically typical PD, and 20 age- and gender-matched healthy controls, in four olfactory tasks: (i) the University of Pennsylvania smell identification test; (ii and iii) detection threshold tests for the odorants vanillin and propionic acid; and (iv) a two-alternative forced-choice detection paradigm during which sniff parameters (airflow peak rate, mean rate, volume, and duration) were recorded with a pneomatotachograph-coupled spirometer. An additional experiment tested the effect of intentionally increasing sniff vigor on olfactory performance in 20 additional patients. PD patients were significantly impaired in olfactory identification (P < 0.0001) and detection (P < 0.007). As predicted, PD patients were also significantly impaired at sniffing, demonstrating significantly reduced sniff airflow rate (P < 0.01) and volume (P < 0.002). Furthermore, a patient's ability to sniff predicted his or her performance on olfactory tasks, i.e., the more poorly patients sniffed, the worse their performance on olfaction tests (P < 0.009). Finally, increasing sniff vigor improved olfactory performance in those patients whose baseline performance had been poorest (P < 0.05). These findings implicate a sniffing impairment as a component of the olfactory impairment in PD and further depict sniffing as an important component of human olfaction.
In adult rodents, neural progenitor cells in the subependymal (SZ) zone of the lateral cerebral ventricle generate neuroblasts that migrate in chains via the rostral migratory stream (RMS) into the olfactory bulb (OB), where they differentiate into interneurons. However, the existence of this neurogenic migratory system in other mammals has remained unknown. Here, we report the presence of a homologue of the rodent SZ/RMS in the adult macaque monkey, a nonhuman Old World primate with a relatively smaller OB. Our results—obtained by using combined immunohistochemical detection of a marker for DNA replication (5-bromodeoxyuridine) and several cell type-specific markers—indicate that dividing cells in the adult monkey SZ generate neuroblasts that undergo restricted chain migration over an extended distance of more than 2 cm to the OB and differentiate into granule interneurons. These findings in a nonhuman primate extend and support the use of the SZ/RMS as a model system for studying neural regenerative mechanisms in the human brain.
Neuronal synchronization in the olfactory bulb has been proposed to arise from a diffuse action of glutamate released from mitral cells (MC, olfactory bulb relay neurons). According to this hypothesis, glutamate spills over from dendrodendritic synapses formed between MC and granule cells (GC, olfactory bulb interneurons) to activate neighboring MC. The excitation of MC is balanced by a strong inhibition from GC. Here we show that MC excitation is caused by glutamate released from bulbar interneurons located in the GC layer. These reciprocal synapses depend on an unusual, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid-resistant, N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. This type of feedback excitation onto relay neurons may strengthen the original sensory input signal and further extend the function of the dendritic microcircuit within the main olfactory bulb.
Recent evidence emerging from several laboratories, integrated with new data obtained by searching the genome databases, suggests that the area code hypothesis provides a good heuristic model for explaining the remarkable specificity of cell migration and tissue assembly that occurs throughout embryogenesis. The area code hypothesis proposes that cells assemble organisms, including their brains and nervous systems, with the aid of a molecular-addressing code that functions much like the country, area, regional, and local portions of the telephone dialing system. The complexity of the information required to code cells for the construction of entire organisms is so enormous that we assume that the code must make combinatorial use of members of large multigene families. Such a system would reuse the same receptors as molecular digits in various regions of the embryo, thus greatly reducing the total number of genes required. We present the hypothesis that members of the very large families of olfactory receptors and vomeronasal receptors fulfill the criteria proposed for area code molecules and could serve as the last digits in such a code. We discuss our evidence indicating that receptors of these families are expressed in many parts of developing embryos and suggest that they play a key functional role in cell recognition and targeting not only in the olfactory system but also throughout the brain and numerous other organs as they are assembled.
Olfactory receptor (OR) genes represent ≈1% of genomic coding sequence in mammals, and these genes are clustered on multiple chromosomes in both the mouse and human genomes. We have taken a comparative genomics approach to identify features that may be involved in the dynamic evolution of this gene family and in the transcriptional control that results in a single OR gene expressed per olfactory neuron. We sequenced ≈350 kb of the murine P2 OR cluster and used synteny, gene linkage, and phylogenetic analysis to identify and sequence ≈111 kb of an orthologous cluster in the human genome. In total, 18 mouse and 8 human OR genes were identified, including 7 orthologs that appear to be functional in both species. Noncoding homology is evident between orthologs and generally is confined within the transcriptional unit. We find no evidence for common regulatory features shared among paralogs, and promoter regions generally do not contain strong promoter motifs. We discuss these observations, as well as OR clustering, in the context of evolutionary expansion and transcriptional regulation of OR repertoires.
To gain insight into the structural basis of DNA bending by adenine–thymine tracts (A-tracts) and their role in DNA recognition by gene-regulatory proteins, we have determined the crystal structure of the high-affinity DNA target of the cancer-associated human papillomavirus E2 protein. The three independent B-DNA molecules of the crystal structure determined at 2.2-Å resolution are examples of A-tract-containing helices where the global direction and magnitude of curvature are in accord with solution data, thereby providing insights, at the base pair level, into the mechanism of DNA bending by such sequence motifs. A comparative analysis of E2–DNA conformations with respect to other structural and biochemical studies demonstrates that (i) the A-tract structure of the core region, which is not contacted by the protein, is critical for the formation of the high-affinity sequence-specific protein–DNA complex, and (ii) differential binding affinity is regulated by the intrinsic structure and deformability encoded in the base sequence of the DNA target.