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The significance of the Brianconnais domain in the Alpine orogen is reviewed in the light of data concerning its collision with the active Adriatic margin and the passive Helvetic margin. The Brianconnais which formerly belonged to the Iberian plate, was located on the northern margin of the Alpine Tethys (Liguro-Piemont ocean) since its opening in the early-Middle Jurassic. Together with the Iberian plate the Brianconnais terrane was separated from the European plate in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, following the northern Atlantic, Bay of Biscay, Valais ocean opening. This was accompanied by the onset of subduction along the northern margin of Adria and the closure of the Alpine Tethys. Stratigraphic and metamorphic data regarding this subduction and the geohistory of the Brianconnais allows the scenario of subduction-obduction processes during the Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary in the eastern and western Alps to be specified. HP-LT metamorphism record a long-lasting history of oceanic subduction-accretion, followed in the Middle Eocene by the incorporation of the Brianconnais as an exotic terrane into the accretionary prism. Middle to Late Eocene cooling ages of the Brianconnais basement and the presence of pelagic, anorogenic sedimentation lasting until the Middle Eocene on the Brianconnais preclude any sort of collision before that time between this domain and the active Adria margin or the Helvetic margin. This is confirmed by plate reconstructions constrained by magnetic anomalies in the Atlantic domain. Only a small percentage of the former Brianconnais domain was obducted, most of the crust and lithospheric roots were subducted. This applies also to domains formerly belonging to the southern Alpine Tethys margin (Austroalpine-inner Carpathian domain). It is proposed that there was a single Palaeogene subduction zone responsible for the Alpine orogen formation (from northern Spain to the East Carpathians), with the exception of a short-lived Late Cretaceous partial closure of the Valais ocean. Subduction in the western Tethyan domain originated during the closure of the Meliata ocean during the Jurassic incorporating the Austroalpine-Carpathian domain as terranes during the Cretaceous. The subduction zone propagated into the northern margin of Adria and then to the northern margin of the Iberian plate, where it gave birth to the Pyrenean-Provencal orogenic belt. This implies the absence of a separated Cretaceous subduction zone within the Austro-Carpathian Penninic ocean. Collision of Iberia with Europe forced the subduction to jump to the SE margin of Iberia in the Eocene, creating the Apenninic orogenic wedge and inverting the vergence of subduction from south- to north-directed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Magmatic rocks from the pre-Mesozoic basements of the Sambuco and Maggia nappes have been dated by U-Pb zircon ages with the LA-ICPMS technique. Several magmatic events have been identified in the Sambuco nappe. The mafic banded calc-alkaline suite of Scheggia is dated at 540 Ma, an age comparable to that of mafic rocks in the Austroalpine Silvretta nappe. The Sasso Nero peraluminous augengneiss has an age of 480-470 Ma, like many other ``older orthogneisses'' in Alpine basement units. It hosts a large proportion of inherited zircons, which were dated around 630 Ma, a Panafrican age indicating the Gondwanan affiliation of the Sambuco basement. The calc-alkaline Matorello pluton yielded ages around 300 Ma, similar to numerous Late Carboniferous intrusions in other basement units of the Lower Penninic (Monte Leone, Antigorio, Verampio) and Helvetic domains (Gotthard and other External Crystalline Massifs). Associated lamprophyric dykes are slightly younger (300-290 Ma), like similar dykes sampled in gneiss blocks included in the sedimentary cover of the underlying Antigorio nappe (290-285 Ma). The Cocco granodiorite and Ruscada leucogranite, both intruding the basement of the neighbouring Maggia nappe, yielded ages of ca. 300-310 Ma, identical within errors to the age of the Matorello pluton. They are significantly older than former age determinations. This age coincidence, coupled with remarkable petrologic similarities between the Cocco and Matorello granodiorites, strongly suggests paleogeographic proximity of the Sambuco and Maggia nappes in Late Carboniferous times. In recent publications these two nappes have been interpreted as belonging to distinct Mesozoic paleogeographic domains: ``European'' for Sambuco and ``Brian double dagger onnais'' for Maggia, separated by the ``Valais'' oceanic basin. In this case, the similarity of the Matorello and Cocco intrusions would demonstrate the absence of any significant transcurrent movement between these two continental domains. Alternatively, according to a more traditional view, Sambuco and Maggia might belong to a single large Alpine tectonic unit.
Mycorrhizal symbioses link the biosphere with the lithosphere by mediating nutrient cycles and energy flow though terrestrial ecosystems. A more mechanistic understanding of these plant-fungal associations may help ameliorate anthropogenic changes to C and N cycles and biotic communities. We explore three interacting principles: (1) optimal allocation, (2) biotic context and (3) fungal adaptability that may help predict mycorrhizal responses to carbon dioxide enrichment, nitrogen eutrophication, invasive species and land-use changes. Plant-microbial feedbacks and thresholds are discussed in light of these principles with the goal of generating testable hypotheses. Ideas to develop large-scale collaborative research efforts are presented. It is our hope that mycorrhizal symbioses can be effectively integrated into global change models and eventually their ecology will be understood well enough so that they can be managed to help offset some of the detrimental effects of anthropogenic environmental change.
The South America-Antarctica plate system shows many oceanic accretionary systems and subduction zones that initiated and then stopped. To better apprehend the evolution of the system, geodynamic reconstructions (global) have been created from Jurassic (165 Ma) to present, following the techniques used at the University of Lausanne. However, additional synthetic magnetic anomalies were used to refine the geodynamics between 33 Ma and present. The reconstructions show the break up of Gondwana with oceanisation between South America (SAM) and Antarctica (ANT), together with the break off of `Andean' geodynamical units (GDUs). We propose that oceanisation occurs also east and south of the Scotian GDUs. Andean GDUs collide with other GDUs crossing the Pacific. The west coast of SAM and ANT undergo a subsequent collision with all those GDUs between 103 Ma and 84 Ma, and the Antarctic Peninsula also collides with Tierra del Fuego. The SAM-ANT plate boundary experienced a series of extension and shortening with large strike-slip component, culminating with intra-oceanic subduction leading to the presence of the `V-' and anomalies in the Weddell Sea. From 84 Ma, a transpressive collision takes place in the Scotia region, with active margin to the east. As subduction propagates northwards into an old and dense oceanic crust, slab roll-back initiates, giving rise to the western Scotia Sea and the Powell Basin opening. The Drake Passage opens. As the Scotian GDUs migrate eastwards, there is enough space for them to spread and allow a north-south divergence with a spreading axis acting simultaneously with the western Scotia ridge. Discovery Bank stops the migration of South Orkney and `collides with' the SAM-ANT spreading axis, while the northern Scotian GDUs are blocked against the Falkland Plateau and the North-East Georgia Rise. The western and central Scotia and the Powell Basin spreading axes must cease, and the ridge jumps to create the South Sandwich Islands Sea. The Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia region has always experienced mid-oceanic ridge subduction since 84 Ma. Slab window location is also presented (57-0 Ma), because of its important implication for heat flux and magmatism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A gradual increase in Earth's surface temperatures marking the transition from the late Paleocene to early Eocene (55.8±0.2Ma), represents an extraordinary warming event known as Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Both marine and continental sedimentary records during this period reveal evidences for the massive injection of isotopically light carbon. The carbon dioxide injection from multiple potential sources may have triggered the global warming. The importance of the PETM studies is due to the fact that the PETM bears some striking resemblances to the human-caused climate change unfolding today. Most notably, the culprit behind it was a massive injection of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and oceans, comparable in volume to what our persistent burning of fossil fuels could deliver in coming centuries. The exact knowledge of what went on during the PETM could help us to foresee the future climate change. The response of the oceanic and continental environments to the PETM is different. Many factors might control the response of the environments to the PETM such as paleogeography, paleotopography, paleoenvironment, and paleodepth. To better understand the mechanisms triggering PETM events, two different environments were studied: 1) shallow marine to inner shelf environment (Wadi Nukhul, Sinai; and the Dababiya GSSP, Luxor, Egypt), and 2) terrestrial environments (northwestern India lignite mines) representing wetland, and fluvial environments (Esplugafreda, Spain) both highlighting the climatic changes observed in continental conditions. In the marine realm, the PETM is characterized by negative ö13Ccar and ô13Corg excursions and shifts in Ô15N to ~0%o values above the P/E boundary and persisting along the interval suggesting a bloom and high production of atmospheric N2-fixers. Decrease in carbonate contents could be due to dissolution and/or dilution by increasing detrital input. High Ti, K and Zr and decreased Si contents at the P/E boundary indicate high weathering index (CIA), which coincides with significant kaolinite input and suggests intense chemical weathering under humid conditions at the beginning of the PETM. Two anoxic intervals are observed along the PETM. The lower one may be linked to methane released from the continental shelf with no change in the redox proxies, where the upper anoxic to euxinic conditions are revealed by increasing U, Mo, V, Fe and the presence of small size pyrite framboids (2-5fim). Productivity sensitive elements (Cu, Ni, and Cd) show their maximum concentrated within the upper anoxic interval suggesting high productivity in surface water. The obtained data highlight that intense weathering and subsequent nutrient inputs are crucial parameters in the chain of the PETM events, triggering productivity during the recovery phase. In the terrestrial environments, the establishment of wetland conditions and consequence continental climatic shift towards more humid conditions led to migration of modern mammals northward following the extension of the tropical belts. Relative ages of this mammal event based on bio-chemo- and paleomagnetic stratigraphy support a migration path originating from Asia into Europe and North America, followed by later migration from Asia into India and suggests a barrier to migration that is likely linked to the timing of the India-Asia collision. In contrast, at Esplugafereda, northeastern Spain, the terrestrial environment reacted differently. Two significant S13C shifts with the lower one linked to the PETM and the upper corresponding to the Early Eocene Thermal Maximum (ETM2); 180/160 paleothermometry performed on two different soil carbonate nodule reveal a temperature increase of around 8°C during the PETM. The prominent increase in kaolinite content within the PETM is linked to increased runoff and/or weathering of adjacent and coeval soils. These results demonstrate that the PETM coincides globally with extreme climatic fluctuations and that terrestrial environments are very likely to record such climatic changes. - La transition Paléocène-Eocène (55,8±0,2 Ma) est marquée par un réchauffement extraordinaire communément appelé « Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum » (PETM). Les données géochimiques caractérisant les sédiments marins et continentaux de cette période indiquent que ce réchauffement a été déclenché par une augmentation massive de CO2 lié à la déstabilisation des hydrates de méthane stockés le long des marges océaniques. L'étude des événements PETM constitue donc un bon analogue avec le réchauffement actuel. Le volume de CO2 émis durant le PETM est comparable avec le CO2 lié à l'activité actuelle humaine. La compréhension des causes du réchauffement du PETM peut être cruciale pour prévoir et évaluer les conséquences du réchauffement anthropogénique, en particulier les répercussions d'un tel réchauffement sur les domaines continentaux et océaniques. De nombreux facteurs entrent en ligne de compte dans le cas du PETM, tels que la paléogéographie, la paléotopographie et les paléoenvironnement. Pour mieux comprendre les réponses environnementales aux événements du PETM, 2 types d'environnements ont été choisis : (1) le domaine marin ouvert mais relativement peu profond (Wadi Nukhul. Sinai, Dababiya, Luxor, Egypte), (2) le milieu continental marécageux humide (mines de lignite, Inde) et fluviatile, semi-aride (Esplugafreda, Pyrénées espagnoles). Dans le domaine marin, le PETM est caractérisé par des excursions négatives du ô13Ccar et ô13Corg et un shift persistant des valeurs de 815N à ~ 0 %o indiquant une forte activité des organismes (bactéries) fixant l'azote. La diminution des carbonates observée durant le PETM peut-être due à des phénomènes de dissolution ou une augmentation des apports terrigènes. Des taux élevés en Ti, K et Zr et une diminution des montants de Si, reflétés par des valeurs des indices d'altération (CIA) qui coïncident avec une augmentation significative des apports de kaolinite impliquent une altération chimique accrue, du fait de conditions plus humides au début du PETM. Deux événements anoxiques globaux ont été mis en évidence durant le PETM. Le premier, situé dans la partie inférieur du PETM, serait lié à la libération des hydrates de méthane stockés le long des talus continentaux et ne correspond pas à des variations significatives des éléments sensibles aux changements de conditions redox. Le second est caractérisé par une augmentation des éléments U, Mo, V et Fe et la présence de petit framboids de pyrite dont la taille varie entre 2 et 5pm. Le second épisode anoxique est caractérisé par une forte augmentation des éléments sensibles aux changements de la productivité (Cu, Ni et Co), indiquant une augmentation de la productivité dans les eaux de surface. Les données obtenues mettent en évidence le rôle crucial joué par l'altération et les apports en nutriments qui en découlent. Ces paramètres sont cruciaux pour la succession des événements qui ont conduit au PETM, et plus particulièrement l'augmentation de la productivité dans la phase de récupération. Durant le PETM, le milieu continental est caractérisé par l'établissement de conditions humides qui ont facilité voir provoqué la migration des mammifères modernes qui ont suivi le déplacement de ces ceintures climatiques. L'âge de cette migration est basé sur des arguments chimiostratigraphiques (isotopes stables), biostratigraphiques et paléomagnétiques. Les données bibliographiques ainsi que celles que nous avons récoltées en Inde, montrent que les mammifères modernes ont d'abord migré depuis l'Asie vers l'Europe, puis dans le continent Nord américain. Ces derniers ne sont arrivés en Inde que plus tardivement, suggérant que le temps de leur migration est lié à la collision Inde-Asie. Dans le Nord-Est de l'Espagne (Esplugafreda), la réponse du milieu continental aux événements PETM est assez différente. Comme en Inde, deux excursions signicatives en ô13C ont été observées. La première correspond au PETM et la seconde est corrélée avec l'optimum thermique de l'Eocène précoce (ETM2). Les isotopes stables de l'oxygène mesurés 2 différents types de nodules calcaires provenant de paléosols suggère une augmentation de 10°C pendant le PETM. Une augmentation simultanée des taux de kaolinite indique une intensification de l'altération chimique et/ou de l'érosion de sols adjacents. Ces résultats démontrent que le PETM coïncide globalement avec des variations climatiques extrêmes qui sont très aisément reconnaissables dans les dépôts continentaux.
Major and trace element compositions, stable H and 0 isotope compositions and Fe 31 contents of amphibole megacrysts of Pliocene-Pleistocene alkaline basalts have been investigated to obtain information on the origin of mantle fluids beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian region. The megacrysts have been regarded as igneous cumulates formed in the mantle and brought to the surface by the basaltic magma. The studied amphiboles have oxygen isotope compositions (5.4 +/- 0.2 %., 1 sigma), supporting their primary mantle origin. Even within the small 6180 variation observed, correlations with major and trace elements are detected. The negative delta(18)O-MgO and the positive delta(18)O-La/Sm(N) correlations are interpreted to have resulted from varying degrees of partial melting. The halogen (F, Cl) contents are very low (< 0.1 wt. %), however, a firm negative (F+Cl)-MgO correlation (R(2) = 0.84) can be related to the Mg-Cl avoidance in the amphibole structure. The relationships between water contents, H isotope compositions and Fe 31 contents of the amphibole megacrysts revealed degassing. Selected undegassed amphibole megacrysts show a wide 813 range from -80 to -20 parts per thousand. The low delta D value is characteristic of the normal mantle, whereas the high delta D values may indicate the influence of fluids released from subducted oceanic crust. The chemical and isotopic evidence collectively suggest that formation of the amphibole megacrysts is related to fluid metasomatism, whereas direct melt addition is insignificant.
Stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the Cretaceous to Eocene Tibetan sedimentary succession has allowed us to reinterpret in detail the sequence of events which led to closure of Neotethys and continental collision in the NW Himalaya. During the Early Cretaceous, the Indian passive margin recorded basaltic magmatic activity. Albian volcanic arenites, probably related to a major extensional tectonic event, are unconformably overlain by an Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene carbonate sequence, with a major quartzarenite episode triggered by the global eustatic sea-level fall at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. At the same time, Neotethyan oceanic crust was being subducted beneath Asia, as testified by calc-alkalic volcanism and forearc basin sedimentation in the Transhimalayan belt. Onset of collision and obduction of the Asian accretionary wedge onto the Indian continental rise was recorded by shoaling of the outer shelf at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, related to flexural uplift of the passive margin. A few My later, foreland basin volcanic arenites derived from the uplifted Asian subduction complex onlapped onto the Indian continental terrace. All along the Himalaya, marine facies were rapidly replaced by continental redbeds in collisional basins on both sides of the ophiolitic suture. Next, foreland basin sedimentation was interrupted by fold-thrust deformation and final ophiolite emplacement. The observed sequence of events compares favourably with theoretical models of rifted margin to overthrust belt transition and shows that initial phases of continental collision and obduction were completed within 10 to 15 My, with formation of a proto-Himalayan chain by the end of the middle Eocene.
A suite of deeper-water hiatal (DWH) stromatolites has been identified in the phosphatic and glauconitic sediments of Aptian to Cenomanian age in the alpine Helvetic thrust-and-fold belt, which represents the former northern Tethyan margin. The most important occurrences date from the latest Early to Late Aptian, the late Early to early middle Albian, and the Early Cenomanian. They are invariably associated with condensed phosphatic beds and occur preferentially on top of hardgrounds or on reworked pebbles and fossils. The zone of optimal stromatolite growth and preservation coincides with the zone of maximal sedimentary condensation, in the deeper parts of phosphogenic areas. The DWH stromatolites show variable morphologies, ranging from isolated laminae ("films") to internally laminated columns and crusts. They reach thicknesses of maximal 10 cm and are either preserved in phosphate or micrite. In the latter case, they may show peripheral impregnations of phosphate or iron oxyhydroxides. The quasi-complete lack of macroscopic sessile organisms suggests that the DWH stromatolites grew close to the upper boundary of an oxygen-minimum zone. Electron-scanning microscopic images show that the Early Cenomanian examples preserved in micrite consist of filamentous structures, which form spaghetti-like assemblages. They are. interpreted as the remains of poikiloaerobic, heterotrophic microbes. Coeval DWH stromatolites are known from the entire European segment of the northern Tethyan margin, and shallow-water counterparts are commonplace on Tethyan carbonate platforms. This indicates that, in general, paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental conditions were appropriate for stromatolite growth and preservation. The here-described DWH stromatolites proliferated especially in time windows, which followed upon the oceanic anoxic periods OAE la (Early Aptian), lb (latest Aptian and earliest Albian), and Id (latest Albian). They may represent pioneer ecosystems, which thrived during the recovery phases following the "mid"-Cretaceous OAEs.
The eastern part of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador includes fragments of an Early Cretaceous ( approximate to 123 Ma) oceanic plateau accreted around 85-80 Ma (San Juan unit). West of this unit and in fault contact with it, another oceanic plateau sequence (Guaranda unit) is marked by the occurrence of picrites, ankaramites, basalts, dolerites and shallow level gabbros. A comparable unit is also exposed in northwestern coastal Ecuador (Pedernales unit). Picrites have LREE-depleted patterns, high epsilonNd(i) and very low Pb isotopic ratios, suggesting that they were derived from an extremely depleted source. In contrast, the ankaramites and Mg-rich basalts are LREE-enriched and have radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions similar to the Galapagos HIMU component; their epsilonNd(i) are slightly lower than those of the picrites. Basalts, dolerites and gabbros differ from the picrites and ankaramites by flat rare earth element (REE) patterns and lower epsilonNd; their Pb isotopic compositions are intermediate between those of the picrites and ankaramites. The ankaramites, Mg-rich basalts, and picrites differ from the lavas from the San Juan-Multitud Unit by higher Pb ratios and lower epsilonNd(i). The Ecuadorian and Gorgona 88-86 Ma picrites are geochemically similar. The Ecuadorian ankaramites and Mg-rich basalts share with the 92-86 Ma Mg-rich basalts of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP) similar trace element and Nd and Pb isotopic chemistry. This suggests that the Pedernales and Guaranda units belong to the Late Cretaceous CCOR The geochemical diversity of the Guaranda and Pedernales rocks illustrates the heterogeneity of the CCOP plume source and suggests a multi-stage model for the emplacement of these rocks. Stratigraphic and geological relations strongly suggest that the Guaranda unit was accreted in the late Maastrichtian (approximate to 68-65 Ma). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The origin of andesite is an important issue in petrology because andesite is the main eruptive product at convergent margins, corresponds to the average crustal composition and is often associated with major Cu-Au mineralization. In this study we present petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data for basaltic andesites of the latest Pleistocene Pilavo volcano, one of the most frontal volcanoes of the Ecuadorian Quaternary arc, situated upon thick (30-50 km) mafic crust composed of accreted Cretaceous oceanic plateau rocks and overlying mafic to intermediate Late Cretaceous-Late Tertiary magmatic arcs. The Pilavo rocks are basaltic andesites (54-57 center dot 5 wt % SiO(2)) with a tholeiitic affinity as opposed to the typical calc-alkaline high-silica andesites and dacites (SiO(2) 59-66 wt %) of other frontal arc volcanoes of Ecuador (e.g. Pichincha, Pululahua). They have much higher incompatible element contents (e.g. Sr 650-1350 ppm, Ba 650-1800 ppm, Zr 100-225 ppm, Th 5-25 ppm, La 15-65 ppm) and Th/La ratios (0 center dot 28-0 center dot 36) than Pichincha and Pululahua, and more primitive Sr ((87)Sr/(86)Sr similar to 0 center dot 7038-0 center dot 7039) and Nd (epsilon(Nd) similar to +5 center dot 5 to +6 center dot 1) isotopic signatures. Pilavo andesites have geochemical affinities with modern and recent high-MgO andesites (e.g. low-silica adakites, Setouchi sanukites) and, especially, with Archean sanukitoids, for both of which incompatible element enrichments are believed to result from interactions of slab melts with peridotitic mantle. Petrographic, mineral chemistry, bulk-rock geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the Pilavo magmatic rocks have evolved through three main stages: (1) generation of a basaltic magma in the mantle wedge region by flux melting induced by slab-derived fluids (aqueous, supercritical or melts); (2) high-pressure differentiation of the basaltic melt (at the mantle-crust boundary or at lower crustal levels) through sustained fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene, leading to hydrous, high-alumina basaltic andesite melts with a tholeiitic affinity, enriched in incompatible elements and strongly impoverished in Ni and Cr; (3) establishment of one or more mid-crustal magma storage reservoirs in which the magmas evolved through dominant amphibole and clinopyroxene (but no plagioclase) fractionation accompanied by assimilation of the modified plutonic roots of the arc and recharge by incoming batches of more primitive magma from depth. The latter process has resulted in strongly increasing incompatible element concentrations in the Pilavo basaltic andesites, coupled with slightly increasing crustal isotopic signatures and a shift towards a more calc-alkaline affinity. Our data show that, although ultimately originating from the slab, incompatible element abundances in arc andesites with primitive isotopic signatures can be significantly enhanced by intra-crustal processes within a thick juvenile mafic crust, thus providing an additional process for the generation of enriched andesites.
The sterol compositions of three oceanic jellyfish have been determined using gas chromatographic mass spectrometric techniques involving the use of two separate gas chromatographic column systems. The components in overlapping peaks have been identified by comparison of the mass spectra of peaks in the two column systems using subtractive techniques. A mid-water animal, Periphylla periphylla, was found to contain a very complex and unusual sterol profile including rare 5alpha-stanols, whereas two other oceanic jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca and Atolla wyvillei contained similar mixtures of delta5 sterols to those previously isolated from coastal species.
Very large subsidence, with up to 20 km thick sediment layers, is observed in the East Barents Sea basin. Subsidence started in early Paleozoic, accelerated in Permo-Triassic times, finished during the middle Cretaceous, and was followed by moderate uplift in Cenozoic times. The observed gravity signal suggests that the East Barents Sea is at present in isostatic balance and indicates that a mass excess is required in the lithosphere to produce the observed large subsidence. Several origins have been proposed for the mass excess. We use 1-D thermokinematic modeling and 2-D isostatic density models of continental lithosphere to evaluate these competing hypotheses. The crustal density in 2-D thermokinematic models resulting from pressure-, temperature-, and composition-dependent phase change models is computed along transects crossing the East Barents Sea. The results indicate the following. (1) Extension can only explain the observed subsidence provided that a 10 km thick serpentinized mantle lens beneath the basin center is present. We conclude that this is unlikely given that this highly serpentinized layer should be formed below a sedimentary basin with more than 10 km of sediments and crust at least 10 km thick. (2) Phase changes in a compositionally homogeneous crust do not provide enough mass excess to explain the present-day basin geometry. (3) Phase change induced densification of a preexisting lower crustal gabbroic body, interpreted as a mafic magmatic underplate, can explain the basin geometry and observed gravity anomalies. The following model is proposed for the formation of the East Barents Sea basin: (1) Devonian rifting and extension related magmatism resulted in moderate thinning of the crust and a mafic underplate below the central basin area explaining initial late Paleozoic subsidence. (2) East-west shortening during the Permian and Triassic resulted in densification of the previously emplaced mafic underplated body and enhanced subsidence dramatically, explaining the present-day deep basin geometry.
The Zermatt-Saas Fee Zone (ZSZ) in the Western Alps consists of multiple slices of ultramafic, mafic and metasedimentary rocks. They represent the remnants of the Mesozoic Piemonte-Ligurian oceanic basin which was subducted to eclogite facies conditions with peak pressures and temperatures of up to 20-28 kbar and 550-630 °C, followed by a greenschist overprint during exhumation. Previous studies, emphasizing on isotopie geochronology and modeling of REE-behavior in garnets from mafic eclogites, suggest that the ZSZ is buildup of tectonic slices which underwent a protracted diachronous subduction followed by a rapid synchronous exhumation. In this study Rb/Sr geochronology is applied to phengite included in garnets from metasediments of two different slices of the ZSZ to date garnet growth. Inclusion ages for 2 metapelitic samples from the same locality from the first slice are 44.25 ± 0.48 Ma and 43.19 ± 0.32 Ma. Those are about 4 Ma older than the corresponding matrix mica ages of respectively 40.02 ± 0.13 Ma and 39.55 ± 0.25 Ma. The inclusion age for a third calcschist sample, collected from a second slice, is 40.58 ± 0.24 Ma and the matrix age is 39.8 ± 1.5 Ma. The results show that garnet effectively functioned as a shield, preventing a reset of the Rb/Sr isotopie clock in the included phengites to temperatures well above the closure of Sr in mica. The results are consistent with the results of former studies on the ZSZ using both Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd geochronology on mafic eclogites. They confirm that at least parts of the ZSZ underwent close to peak metamorphic HP conditions younger than 43 m.y. ago before being rapidly exhumed about 40 m.y. ago. Fluid infiltration in rocks of the second slice occurred likely close to the peak metamorphic conditions, resulting in rapid growth of garnets. Similar calcschists from the same slice contain two distinct types of porphyroblast garnets with indications of multiple growth pulses and resorption indicated by truncated chemical zoning patterns. In-situ oxygen isotope Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) analyses along profiles on central sections of the garnets reveal variations of up to 5 %o in individual garnets. The complex compositional zoning and graphite inclusion patterns as well as the variations in oxygen isotopes correspond to growing under changing fluid composition conditions caused by external infiltrated fluids. The ultramafic and mafic rocks, which were subducted along with the sediments and form the volumetrically most important part of the ZSZ, are the likely source of those mainly aqueous fluids. - La Zone de Zermatt-Saas Fee (ZZS) est constituée de multiples écailles de roches ultramafiques, mafiques et méta-sédimentaires. Cette zone, qui affleure dans les Alpes occidentales, représente les restes du basin océanique Piémontais-Ligurien d'âge mésozoïque. Lors de la subduction de ce basin océanique à l'Eocène, les différentes roches composant le planché océanique ont atteint les conditions du faciès éclogitique avec des pressions et des températures maximales estimées entre 20 - 28 kbar et 550 - 630 °C respectivement, avant de subir une rétrogression au faciès schiste vert pendant l'exhumation. Différentes études antérieures combinant la géochronologie isotopique et la modélisation des mécanismes gouvernant l'incorporation des terres rares dans les grenats des éclogites mafiques, suggèrent que la ZZS ne correspond pas à une seule unité, mais est constituée de différentes écailles tectoniques qui ont subi une subduction prolongée et diachrone suivie d'une exhumation rapide et synchrone. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, j'ai daté, dans cette étude, des phengites incluses dans les grenats des méta-sédiments de deux différentes écailles tectoniques de la ZZS, afin de dater la croissance relative de ces grenats. Pour cela j'ai utilisé la méthode géochronologique basée sur la décroissance du Rb87 en Sr87. J'ai daté trois échantillons de deux différentes écailles. Les premiers deux échantillons proviennent de Triftji, au nord du Breithorn, d'une première écaille dont les méta-sédiments sont caractérisés par des bandes méta-pélitiques à grenat et des calcschistes. Le troisième échantillon a été collectionné au Riffelberg, dans une écaille dont les méta-sédiments sont essentiellement des calcschistes qui sont mélangés avec des roches mafiques et des serpentinites. Ce mélange se trouve au-dessus de la grande masse de serpentinites qui forment le Riffelhorn, le Trockenersteg et le Breithorn, et qui est connu sous le nom de la Zone de mélange de Riffelberg (Bearth, 1953). Les inclusions dans les grenats de deux échantillons méta-pélitiques de la première écaille sont datées à 44.25 ± 0.48 Ma et à 43.19 ± 0.32 Ma. Ces âges sont à peu près 4 Ma plus vieux que les âges obtenus sur les phengites provenant de la matrice de ces mêmes échantillons qui donnent des âges de 40.02 ± 0.13 Ma et 39.55 ± 0.25 Ma respectivement. Les inclusions de phengite dans les grenats appartenant à un calcschiste de la deuxième écaille ont un âge de 40.58 ± 0.24 Ma alors que les phengites de la matrice ont un âge de 39.8 ± 1.5 Ma. Pour expliquer ces différences d'âge entre les phengites incluses dans le grenat et les phengites provenant de la matrice, nous suggérons que la cristallisation de grenat ait permis d'isoler ces phengites et de les préserver de tous rééquilibrage lors de la suite du chemin métamorphique prograde, puis rétrograde. Ceci est particulièrement important pour expliquer l'absence de rééquilibrage des phengites dans des conditions de températures supérieures à la température de fermeture du système Rb/Sr pour les phengites. Les phengites en inclusions n'ayant pas pu être datées individuellement, nous interprétons l'âge de 44 Ma pour les inclusions de phengite comme un âge moyen pour l'incorporation de ces phengites dans le grenat. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec les résultats des études antérieures de la ZZS utilisant les systèmes isotopiques de Sm/Nd et Lu/Hf sur des eclogites mafiques. ils confirment qu'aux moins une partie de la ZZS a subi des conditions de pression et de température maximale il y a moins de 44 à 42 Ma avant d'être rapidement exhumée à des conditions métamorphiques du faciès schiste vert supérieur autour de 40 Ma. Cette étude détaillée des grenats a permis, également, de mettre en évidence le rôle des fluides durant le métamorphisme prograde. En effet, si tous les grenats montrent des puises de croissance et de résorption, on peut distinguer, dans différents calcschists provenant de la deuxième écaille, deux types distincts de porphyroblast de grenat en fonction de la présence ou non d'inclusions de graphite. Nous lions ces puises de croissances/résorptions ainsi que la présence ou l'absence de graphite en inclusion dans les grenats à l'infiltration de fluides dans le système, et ceci durant tous le chemin prograde mais plus particulièrement proche et éventuellement peu après du pic du métamorphisme comme le suggère l'âge de 40 Ma mesuré dans les inclusions de phengites de l'échantillon du Riffelberg. Des analyses in-situ d'isotopes d'oxygène réalisé à l'aide de la SHRIMP (Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe) dans des coupes centrales des grenats indiquent des variations jusqu'à 5 %o au sein même d'un grenat. Les motifs de zonations chimiques et d'inclusions de graphite complexes, ainsi que les variations du δ180 correspondent à une croissance de grenat sous des conditions de fluides changeantes dues aux infiltrations de fluides externes. Nous lions l'origine de ces fluides aqueux aux unités ultramafiques et mafiques qui ont été subductés avec les méta-sédiments ; unités ultramafiques et mafiques qui forment la partie volumétrique la plus importante de la ZZS.
Rifting processes, leading to sea-floor spreading, are characterized by a sequence of events: transtensive phase of extension with syn-rift volcanism; simple shear extension accompanied by lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric up-welling and thermal uplift of the rift shoulder and asymmetric volcanism. The simple shear model of extension leads to an asymmetric model of passive margin: a lower plate tilted block margin and an upper plate flexural, ramp-like margin- Both will be affected by thermal contraction and subsidence, starting soon after sea-floor spreading. Based on these actualistic models Tethyan margins are classified as one type or the other. Their evolution from the first transtensional phase of extension to the passive margin stage are analyzed. Four main rifting events are recognized in the Tethyan realm: an episode of lower Paleozoic events leading to the formation of the Paleotethys; a Late Paleozoic event leading to the opening of the Permotethys and East Mediterranean basin: an early Mesozoic event leading to the opening of the Pindos Neotethys and a Jurassic event related to the opening of the Alpine/Atlantic Neotethys. Type margins are given as example of each rifting event: -Northern Iran (Alborz) as a type area for the Late Ordovician to Silurian rifting of Paleotethys. -Northern India and Oman for the Late Carboniferous to early Permian rifting of Permotethys. -The East Mediterranean (Levant, Tunisia) as a Late Carboniferous rifting event. -The Neotethyan rifting phases are separated in two types: an eastern Pindos system found in Turkey and Greece is genetically linked to the Permotethys with a sea-floor spreading delayed until middle Triassic: a western Alpine system directly linked to the opening of the central Atlantic is characterized by a Late Triassic transtensive phase, an early to Middle Liassic break-away phase and. following sea-floor spreading, a thermal subsidence phase starting in Dogger. Problems related to the closure of the Paleozoic oceanic domains are reviewed. A Late Permian, early Triassic phase of `'docking'' between an European accretionary prism (Chios) and a Paleotethyan margin is supported by recent findings in the Mediterranean area. Back-arc rifting within the European active margin led to the formation of marginal seas during Permian and Triassic times and will contribute to the closure of the Paleozoic oceans.
Ophiolites occur at several places in the Lower Penninic of the W and Central Alps. They are generally ascribed to oceanic crust of a so-called ``Valais ocean'' of Cretaceous age which plays a fundamental role in many models of Alpine paleogeography and geodynamics. The type locality and only observational base for the definition of a ``Valais ocean'' in the W Alps is the Versoyen ophiolitic complex, on the French-Italian boundary W of the Petit St-Bernard col. The idea of a "Valais ocean'' is based on two propositions that are since 40 years the basis for most reconstructions of the Lower Penninic: (1) The Versoyen forms the (overturned) stratigraphic base of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Valais-Tarentaise series; and (2) it has a Cretaceous age. We present new field and isotopic data that severely challenge both propositions. (1) The base of the Versoyen ophiolite is a thrust. It overlies a wildflysch with blocks of Versoyen rocks, named the Mechandeur Formation. This ``supra-Tarentaise'' wildflysch has been confused with an (overturned) stratigraphic transition from the Versoyen to the Valais-Tarentaise series. Thus the contact Versoyen/Tarentaise is not stratigraphic but tectonic, and the Versoyen ophiolite has no link with the Valais basin. This thrust corresponds to an inverse metamorphic discontinuity and to an abrupt change in tectonic style. (2) The contact of the Versoyen complex with the overlying Triassic-Jurassic Petit St-Bernard (PSB) series is stratigraphic (and not tectonic as admitted by all authors since 50 years). Several types of sedimentary structures polarize it and show that the PSB series is younger than the Versoyen. Consequently the Versoyen ophiolitic complex is Paleozoic and forms the basement of the PSB Mesozoic sediments. They both belong to a single tectonic unit, named the Versoyen-Petit St-Bernard nappe. (3) Ion microprobe U-Pb isotopic data on zircons from the main gabbroic intrusion in the Versoyen complex give a crystallization age of 337.0 +/- 4.1 Ma (Visean, Early Carboniferous). These zircons show typical oscillatory zoning and no overgrowth or corrosion. and are interpreted to date the Versoyen magmatism. These U-Pb data are in excellent agreement with our field observations and confirm the Paleozoic age of the Versoyen ophiolite. The existence of a ``Valais ocean'' of Cretaceous age in the W Alps becomes very improbable. The eclogite facies metamorphism of the Versoyen-Petit St-Bernard nappe results from an Alpine intra-continental subduction, guided by a Paleozoic oceanic suture. This is an example of the lone term influence of inherited deep-seated structures on a Much younger orogeny. This might well be a major cause of of the inherent complexity of the Alps.