998 resultados para Nye, Andrea


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ABSTRACT Objective To assess cardiorespiratory capacity through subjective and objective tests in older adults diagnosed with major depression (MDD), Alzheimer disease (AD) and healthy older adults. Methods Fifty seven subjects (72 ± 7.9 years) were divided into three groups: MDD (n = 20), AD (n = 17) and Healthy (n = 20). The subjects answered Hamilton Scale (HAM-D), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ) and 2-minute Step test. Results MDD and AD showed lower scores than healthy group for Nomogram VSAQ (p < 0.001) and 2-minute Step (p = 0.009; p = 0.008, respectively). Adjusted for age and educational level, no differences among groups were observed for Step (MDD, p = 0.097; AD, p = 0.102). AD group did not present differences to healthy group for Step, when adjusting for MMSE (p = 0.261). Conclusions Despite the lower cardiorespiratory fitness of elderly patients with DM and DA have been found in both evaluations, the results should be viewed with caution, since the tests showed low correlation and different risk classifications of functional loss. In addition, age, level educational and cognitive performance are variables that can influence the performance objective evaluation.


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Mulher normotensa de 67 anos desenvolveu síncope, seguida de choque, e, mesmo após estabilização hemodinâmica, permaneceu anúrica. Observaram-se paraplegia e paresia do membro superior direito, além de isquemia das extremidades distais dos membros inferiores. A hipótese de dissecção aórtica aguda foi considerada e confirmada através de tomografia computadorizada, tendo sido a paraplegia atribuída a infarto isquêmico da medula espinhal. Óbito ocorreu no 4º dia de evolução, conseqüente a tamponamento pericárdico. São revistas as dificuldades diagnósticas relacionadas a manifestações pouco conhecidas da dissecção aórtica, enfatizando-se, como complicação rara, a paraplegia aguda.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Social


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PURPOSE: The authors analyzed the 30-day and 6-month outcomes of 1,126 consecutive patients who underwent coronary stent implantation in 1996 and 1997. METHODS: The 30-day results and 6-month angiographic follow-up were analyzed in patients treated with coronary stents in 1996 and 1997. All patients underwent coronary stenting with high-pressure implantation (>12 atm) and antiplatelet drug regimen (aspirin plus ticlopidine). RESULTS: During the study period, 1,390 coronary stents were implanted in 1,200 vessels of 1,126 patients; 477 patients were treated in the year 1996 and 649 in 1997. The number of percutaneous procedures performed using stents increased significantly in 1997 compared to 1996 (64 % vs 48%, p=0.0001). The 30-day results were similar in both years; the success and stent thrombosis rates were equal (97% and 0.8%, respectively). The occurrence of new Q wave MI (1.3% vs 1.1%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS), emergency coronary bypass surgery (1% vs 0.6%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS) and 30-day death rates (0.2% vs 0.5%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS) were similar. The 6-month restenosis rate was 25% in 1996 and 27% in 1997 (p= NS); the target vessel revascularization rate was 15% in 1996 and 16% in 1997 (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Intracoronary stenting showed a high success rate and a low incidence of 30-day occurrence of new major coronary events in both periods, despite the greater angiographic complexity of the patients treated with in 1997. These adverse variables did not have a negative influence at the 6-month clinical and angiographic follow-up, with similar rates of restenosis and ischemia-driven target lesion revascularization rates.


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OBJECTIVE - This study compared the early and late results of the use of one single stent with those of the use of multiple stents in patients with lesions longer than 20mm. METHODS - Prospective assessment of patients electively treated with stents, with optimal stent deployment and followed-up for more than 3 months. From February '94 to January '98, 215 patients with lesions >20mm were treated. These patients were divided into 2 groups as follows: Group A - 105 patients (49%) with one stent implanted; Group B - 110 patients (51%) with multiple stents implanted. RESULTS - The mean length of the lesions was 26mm in group A (21-48mm) versus 29mm in group B (21-52mm) (p=0.01). Major complications occurred in one patient (0.9%) in group A (subacute thrombosis, myocardial infarctionand death) and in 2 patients (1.8%) in group B (one emergency surgery and one myocardial infarction) (p=NS). The results of the late follow-up period (>6 months) were similar for both groups (group A = 82% vs group B = 76%; p=NS), and we observed an event-free survical in 89% of the patients in group A and in 91% of the patients in group B (p=NS). Angina (group A = 11% vs group B = 7%) and lesion revascularization (group A = 5% vs group B = 6%; p=NS) also occurred in a similar percentage. No infarction or death was observed in the late follow-up period; restenosis was identified in 33% and 29% of the patients in groups A and B, respectively (p=NS). CONCLUSION - The results obtained using one stent and using multiple stents were similar; the greater cost-effectiveness of one stent implantation, however, seems to make this strategy the first choice.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular


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This work studied the physical immobilization of a commercial laccase on bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) aiming to identify the laccase antibacterial properties suitable for wound dressings. Physico-chemical analysis demonstrates that the BNC structure is manly formed by pure crystalline I cellulose. The pH optimum and activation energy of free laccase depends on the substrate employed corresponding to pH 6, 7, 3 and 57, 22, 48 kJ mol1 for 2,6-dimethylphenol (DMP), catechol and 2,2 -azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), respectively. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) value for the immobilized laccase (0.77 mM) was found to be almost double of that of the free enzyme (0.42 mM). However, the specific activities of immobilized and free laccase are similar suggesting that the cage-like structure of BNC allows entrapped laccase to maintain some flexibility and favour substrate accessibility. The results clearly show the antimicrobial effect of laccase in Gram-positive (92%) and Gram-negative (26%) bacteria and cytotoxicity acceptable for wound dressing applications.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)


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OBJECTIVE:To assess the changes in the medicamentous treatment of elderly patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction occurring over an 8-year period. METHODS:We retrospectively analyzed 379 patients above the age of 65 years with acute myocardial infarction who were admitted to the coronary unit of a university-affiliated hospital from 1990 to 1997. The patients were divided into 2 groups, according to the period of time of hospital admission as follows: group 1 - from 1990 to 1993; and group 2 - from 1994 to 1997. RESULTS:The use of beta-blockers (40.8%chi 75.2%, p<0.0001) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (42% chi59.5%, p=0.001) was significantly greater in group 2, while the use of calcium antagonists (42% chi 18.5%, p<0.0001) and general antiarrhythmic drugs (19.1% chi 10.8%, p=0.03) was significantly lower. No significant difference was observed in regard to the use of acetylsalicylic acid, thrombolytic agents, nitrate, and digitalis in the period studied. The length of hospitalization was shorter in group 2 (13.4±8.9 days chi 10.5±7.5 days, p<0.001). The in-hospital mortality was 35.7% in group 1 and 26.6% in group 2 (p=0.07). CONCLUSION: Significant changes were observed in the treatment of elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction, with a greater use of beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and a lower use of calcium antagonists and antiarrhythmic drugs in group 2. The length of hospitalization and the mortality rate were also lower in group 2, even though the reduction in mortality was not statistically significant.


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The occurrence of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) and trace methane oxidation (TMO) was investigated in a freshwater natural gas source. Sediment samples were taken and analyzed for potential electron acceptors coupled to AOM. Long-term incubations with 13C-labeled CH4 (13CH4) and different electron acceptors showed that both AOM and TMO occurred. In most conditions, 13C-labeled CO2 (13CO2) simultaneously increased with methane formation, which is typical for TMO. In the presence of nitrate, neither methane formation nor methane oxidation occurred. Net AOM was measured only with sulfate as electron acceptor. Here, sulfide production occurred simultaneously with 13CO2 production and no methanogenesis occurred, excluding TMO as a possible source for 13CO2 production from 13CH4. Archaeal 16S rRNA gene analysis showed the highest presence of ANME-2a/b (ANaerobic MEthane oxidizing archaea) and AAA (AOM Associated Archaea) sequences in the incubations with methane and sulfate as compared with only methane addition. Higher abundance of ANME-2a/b in incubations with methane and sulfate as compared with only sulfate addition was shown by qPCR analysis. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene analysis showed the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria belonging to SEEP-SRB1. This is the first report that explicitly shows that AOM is associated with sulfate reduction in an enrichment culture of ANME-2a/b and AAA methanotrophs and SEEP-SRB1 sulfate reducers from a low-saline environment.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of blood pressure (BP) control and other cardiovascular risk factors in patients with diabetes mellitus in a referral service for the treatment of hypertension. METHODS: A retrospective study where diabetic patients (at least 2 fasting glucose levels above 126 mg/dL, use of hypoglycemic agents or insulin, or both of these) were included. They were evaluated at the first appointment (M1) and at the last appointment (M2), regarding blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), use of hypertensive drugs, glycemia, total cholesterol (TC), creatinine, and potassium. RESULTS: Of 1,032 patients studied, 146 patients with a mean age of 61.6 years had diabetes, and 27 were men (18.5%). Mean follow-up was 5.5 years. BP values were 161.6 x 99.9 mmHg in M1 and 146.3 x 89.5 mmHg in M2. In M1, 10.4% of the patients did not use medications, 50.6% used just 1 drug, 30.8% used 2 drugs, and 8.2% used 3 or more drugs. In M2, these values were 10.9%, 39%, 39.7%, and 10.4%, respectively. Diuretics were the most commonly used medication, whereas angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) were those drugs which presented greater increase when comparing M1 to M2 (24.6% and 41.7%, respectively). Only 17,1% reached the recommended goal (BP<130x85 mmhg). The other cardiovascular risk factors did not change significantly. CONCLUSION: Our data reinforce the necessity of a more aggressive approach in the treatment of these patients, despite the social and economic difficulties in adhering to treatment.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar o critério ultra-sonográfico de área mínima da luz (AML), com valor de corte igual a 4,0 mm² na tentativa de diferençar as lesões que devem ou não ser tratadas. MÉTODOS: Incluímos 173 pacientes consecutivos com lesões angiograficamente moderadas (porcentual de estenose entre 40 e 70) submetidos à realização de ultra-som, divididos em 2 grupos: grupo 1 clínico (AML > 4,0 mm²) e grupo 2 revascularização (AML < 4,0 mm²), que foram acompanhados para determinar as taxas de eventos cardíacos maiores (ECM) em dois anos, a necessidade de revascularização da lesão-alvo e identificar os preditores clínicos, angiográficos e ultra-sonográficos dos eventos. RESULTADOS: Apresentaram AML > 4,0 mm² 75 (43%) pacientes, mantidos clinicamente e 98 (57%) pacientes AML < 4,0 mm², tratados com stents coronarianos. Pela angiografia coronariana quantitativa não houve diferença significante entre o porcentual de estenose do vaso [grupo 1: 48% vs grupo 2: 53%; p=0,06]. Ao contrário das mensurações ultra-sonográficas, pois a AML mostrou-se significativamente maior no grupo 1 quando comparada ao grupo 2 [4,54 mm² vs 2,45 mm²; p<0,001)]. O impacto clínico da tomada de decisão foi favorável, não verificando-se diferença na ocorrência de eventos cardíacos maiores: [grupo 1: 5 (7%) vs grupo 2: 14 (15%); p= 0,09]. A necessidade de revascularização da lesão-alvo também não diferiu (grupo 1: 3 (4%) vs grupo 2: 11 (12%); p=0,07). As variáveis preditoras para os ECM foram: diabetes, angina CFIII pré-hospitalização e a AML avaliada pelo ultra-som. CONCLUSÃO: A estratégia de decisão de tratamento assegura baixas taxas de ECM em ambos os grupos no seguimento de 24 meses, garantindo reduzidas taxas de revascularização, sendo as variáveis preditoras de eventos cardíacos maiores: diabetes melito, angina classe funcional III e a AML ao ultra-som intracoronariano.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a existência e freqüência do fenômeno da potenciação pós-extra-sistólica em áreas miocárdicas discinérgicas de pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica estudados por ventriculografia de contraste radiológico. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva semiquantitativa da ventriculografia de contraste radiológico em pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica, consecutivamente estudados para avaliação de mecanismos de taquicardia ventricular. RESULTADOS: De 72 pacientes inicialmente incluídos, apenas em 20 o ventriculograma foi analisável para os propósitos do estudo. O fenômeno da potenciação pós-extra-sistólica foi verificado em 11 (55%) desses pacientes, obtendo-se melhora de 15,31% no escore de contração, da situação basal para a de pós-extra-sístole (p= 0,0001). Sua ocorrência verificou-se mesmo em segmentos ventriculares com déficit intenso de contratilidade. CONCLUSÃO: O fenômeno da potenciação pós-extra-sistólica é verificável em proporção significante de pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica em que, angiograficamente, foi possível analisar o fenômeno, indicando a existência de reserva contrátil, potencialmente recrutável, em regiões ventriculares, exibindo discinergia acentuada. Estudos adicionais para se entender os mecanismos subjacentes são requeridos.