971 resultados para Nutritional Care
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the characteristics of the patients receiving medical care in the Ambulatory of Hypertension of the Emergency Department, Division of Cardiology, and in the Emergency Unit of the Clinical Hospital of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School. METHODS: Using a protocol, we compared the care of the same hypertensive patients in on different occasions in the 2 different places. The characteristics of 62 patients, 29 men with a mean age of 57 years, were analyzed between January 1996 and December 1997. RESULTS: The care of these patients resulted in different medical treatment regardless of their clinical features and blood pressure levels. Thus, in the Emergency Unit, 97% presented with symptoms, and 64.5% received medication to rapidly reduce blood pressure. In 50% of the cases, nifedipine SL was the elected medication. Patients who applied to the Ambulatory of Hypertension presenting with similar features, or, in some cases, presenting with similar clinically higher levels of blood pressure, were not prescribed medication for a rapid reduction of blood pressure at any of the appointments. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic approach to patients with high blood pressure levels, symptomatic or asymptomatic, was dependent on the place of treatment. In the Emergency Unit, the conduct was, in the majority of cases, to decrease blood pressure immediately, whereas in the Ambulatory of Hypertension, the same levels of blood pressure, in the same individuals, resulted in therapeutic adjustment with nonpharmacological management. These results show the need to reconsider the concept of hypertensive crises and their therapeutical implications.
This research work explores a new way of presenting and representing information about patients in critical care, which is the use of a timeline to display information. This is accomplished with the development of an interactive Pervasive Patient Timeline able to give to the intensivists an access in real-time to an environment containing patients clinical information from the moment in which the patients are admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) until their discharge This solution allows the intensivists to analyse data regarding vital signs, medication, exams, data mining predictions, among others. Due to the pervasive features, intensivists can have access to the timeline anywhere and anytime, allowing them to make decisions when they need to be made. This platform is patient-centred and is prepared to support the decision process allowing the intensivists to provide better care to patients due the inclusion of clinical forecasts.
Healthcare organizations often benefit from information technologies as well as embedded decision support systems, which improve the quality of services and help preventing complications and adverse events. In Centro Materno Infantil do Norte (CMIN), the maternal and perinatal care unit of Centro Hospitalar of Oporto (CHP), an intelligent pre-triage system is implemented, aiming to prioritize patients in need of gynaecology and obstetrics care in two classes: urgent and consultation. The system is designed to evade emergency problems such as incorrect triage outcomes and extensive triage waiting times. The current study intends to improve the triage system, and therefore, optimize the patient workflow through the emergency room, by predicting the triage waiting time comprised between the patient triage and their medical admission. For this purpose, data mining (DM) techniques are induced in selected information provided by the information technologies implemented in CMIN. The DM models achieved accuracy values of approximately 94% with a five range target distribution, which not only allow obtaining confident prediction models, but also identify the variables that stand as direct inducers to the triage waiting times.
The decision support models in intensive care units are developed to support medical staff in their decision making process. However, the optimization of these models is particularly difficult to apply due to dynamic, complex and multidisciplinary nature. Thus, there is a constant research and development of new algorithms capable of extracting knowledge from large volumes of data, in order to obtain better predictive results than the current algorithms. To test the optimization techniques a case study with real data provided by INTCare project was explored. This data is concerning to extubation cases. In this dataset, several models like Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule Learning, Lazy Learning, Decision Trees and many others were analysed in order to detect early extubation. The hydrids Decision Trees Genetic Algorithm, Supervised Classifier System and KNNAdaptive obtained the most accurate rate 93.2%, 93.1%, 92.97% respectively, thus showing their feasibility to work in a real environment.
Nowadays in healthcare, the Clinical Decision Support Systems are used in order to help health professionals to take an evidence-based decision. An example is the Clinical Recommendation Systems. In this sense, it was developed and implemented in Centro Hospitalar do Porto a pre-triage system in order to group the patients on two levels (urgent or outpatient). However, although this system is calibrated and specific to the urgency of obstetrics and gynaecology, it does not meet all clinical requirements by the general department of the Portuguese HealthCare (Direção Geral de Saúde). The main requirement is the need of having priority triage system characterized by five levels. Thus some studies have been conducted with the aim of presenting a methodology able to evolve the pre-triage system on a Clinical Recommendation System with five levels. After some tests (using data mining and simulation techniques), it has been validated the possibility of transformation the pre-triage system in a Clinical Recommendation System in the obstetric context. This paper presents an overview of the Clinical Recommendation System for obstetric triage, the model developed and the main results achieved.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical and evolutive characteristics of patients admitted in an intensive care unit after cardiopulmonary resuscitation, identifying prognostic survival factors.METHODS: A retrospective study of 136 patients admitted between 1995 and 1999 to an intensive care unit, evaluating clinical conditions, mechanisms and causes of cardiopulmonary arrest, and their relation to hospital mortality.RESULTS: A 76% mortality rate independent of age and sex was observed. Asystole was the most frequent mechanism of death, and seen in isolation pulmonary arrest was the least frequent. Cardiac failure, need for mechanical ventilation, cirrhosis and previous stroke were clinically significant (p<0.01) death factors.CONCLUSION: Prognostic factors supplement the doctor's decision as to whether or not a patient will benefit from cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of nutritional attention on the lipid profile and nutritional status of hypercholesterolemic patients attended in health centers of Belo Horizonte. METHODS: Using nutritional attendance patient record cards from two health units, the evolution of the lipid profile and the nutritional state (BMI) was monitored of 96 hypercholesterolemic patients who received diet. The patients were appraised at the following moments: initial (1st consultation), after 3 months (2nd consultation) and last consultation (variable for each patient). RESULTS: On the first attendance, 44,4% of the patients presented not only high total cholesterol and LDL-c, but also hypertriglyceridemia and 70.3% were overweight or obese, but most patients (75.6%) presented adequate HDL-c levels. There was significant reduction in the BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-c values (p < 0.01) and also in the triglyceride levels (p < 0.05) in the first three months, without alteration in the HDL-c levels. A significant reduction (p < 0.01) was observed in the frequency of individuals with high cholesterol (from 89.6% down to 47.9%), high and very high LDL-c (from 82.6% down to 45.7%), as well as high and very high triglyceride (from 43.6% down to 16.7%). The observed reduction in frequency of the low HDL-c was statistically meaningless. CONCLUSION: This study evidences the effect of the nutritional attention on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic patients, reinforcing the need for a multiprofessional team to attend them at the public health services.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the frequency of medical care preceding deaths due to coronary artery diseases (CAD) in different Brazilian regions and capitals and to describe trends in medical care from 1980 to 1999. METHODS: Information on medical care preceding deaths due to coronary artery diseases/acute myocardial infarction in adults > 20 years from 1980 to 1999 was collected in the DATASUS, the databank of the Brazilian Health Ministry. Sex, states, and capitals selected for 1999 were analyzed in the study. Medical care was stratified as follows: with, without, and ignored medical care. The descriptive analysis comprised frequencies, ratios of frequency, test for proportions, and increments or reductions in frequencies. RESULTS: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) represented 75 to 85% of the CAD in the period; the frequency of deaths with medical care ranged from 48.9 to 63%, and that of ignored medical care ranged from 27.2 to 41.5%. The frequency of other CAD with medical care ranged from 56 to 76%. The frequency of deaths preceded by medical care decreased by 17.8%, and that with ignored medical care increased by 36.5% (RF=2). The values for the other CAD were -20.2% and +64.6% (RF=44.4). Deaths preceded by medical care were more frequent in females at all ages and in all Brazilian regions. CONCLUSION: The results show a high frequency of sudden death and suggest errors in diagnosis or codification and overestimation of the statistics about mortality. Validation of the death certificate diagnosis and frequent surveillance are required.
Este proyecto desarrolla estudios multidisciplinarios para contribuir con información avalada por métodos científicos, a propuestas de desarrollos regionales agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos en la provincia de Córdoba. Se propone realizar evaluaciones de factibilidad de cultivo de variedades de lupinos y quínoas en parcelas experimentales y huertas, verificar las características químico-nutricionales de los granos y establecer mecanismos tecnológicos, para poder presentar productos alimenticios viables de comercialización. Estos granos, poco conocidos en los hábitos nutricionales actuales, fueron considerados desde la antigüedad por distintas civilizaciones, como importantes fuentes de alimento vegetal. En la actualidad la necesidad de contar con nuevas fuentes de alimentos provenientes de sistemas auto-sustentables y manufacturación artesanal, ha llevado investigar alternativas de nuevos cultivos y a revalorizar aquellos que han sucumbido a las tecnologías modernas. Tanto los granos de quínoa como la de los lupinos han cobrado interés a nivel internacional por su alto valor nutricional, farmacológico y por sus cualidades de plantas rústicas a los manejos de cultivo. Es por esas razones, que se propone desarrollar un proyecto de investigación con transferencia de tecnología, para contar con experiencias que permitan establecer los lineamientos agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos necesarios para promover los granos de lupinos y quínoas dentro de los planes nutricionales de nuestra sociedad. La importancia de este proyecto se fundamenta en la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de cultivos que se adapten a los recursos de clima y suelo en áreas rurales de las sierras de Córdoba y promover nuevos emprendimientos relacionados con los sectores agrícolas y de la alimentación. Para su mejor desarrollo el proyecto está diagramado en tres módulos que cubren las siguientes áreas: Módulo 1, ensayos de cultivo en parcelas experimentales y huertas comunales; Módulo 2, análisis químicos-nutricionales; Módulo 3, diseño y adaptación de equipamiento para la manufacturación de alimentos. La metodología de investigación está ampliamente respaldada por la experiencia que cuenta el equipo de trabajo en los módulos propuestos y que puede ser verificada en la producción científica plasmada en trabajos publicados en revistas con referato nacionales e internacionales, presentaciones a congresos y direcciones de tesis.
El informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2001), refiere que en un plazo de 20 años los trastornos mentales pasarán a ser la segunda causa dentro de la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial, y en la actualidad una de cada cuatro personas padece de algún trastorno mental en alguna etapa de su vida. Los estudios realizados en diversos países revelan que una proporción importante de los consultantes de la atención primaria en salud presentan algún tipo de trastornos mentales. Desde esta perspectiva, la atención primaria de la salud ofrece una oportunidad de intervenir en el manejo de los trastornos mentales de forma temprana y eficaz. En Argentina, es limitada la información acerca del registro epidemiológico en salud mental, no contando con estudios abordados desde la Atención Primaria en la provincia de Córdoba. El objetivo general del proyecto es estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales entre los consultantes de atención primaria por problemas de salud general. Para ello se propone: Estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales en una muestra representativa de consultantes adultos por problemas de salud general, de centros de atención primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba, identificar y describir los tipos de trastornos mentales que presentan estos consultantes adultos de centros de atención primaria y analizar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales por sexo y edad de la población en estudio. Metodología: el estudio se realizará en consultorios de Atención Primaria de Salud distribuídos en todo el éjido de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta la representación de las 12 zonas de CPC. La muestra es probabilística, estratificada, polietápica de pacientes que consultan en el primer nivel de atención. Se entrevistarán 1200 pacientes utilizando la versión computorizada del CIDI 3.0, que proporciona diagnóstico de acuerdo a la DSM IV y la CIE-10. La confiabilidad y la validez del instrumento ha sido ampliamente documentada y la traducción de la encuesta al español fue realizada conforme a las recomendaciones de la OMS. El análisis efectuado será de prevalencia de Trastornos Mentales y del Comportamiento (TMC),asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y TCM estimados calculando las razones de disparidad (odds ratio), regresión logística a fin de ajustar los resultados por la posible interacción entre variables, análisis de la asociación de todas las variables con los TMC, análisis univariado de la asociación de cada variable con los TMC, controlando sexo y edad, se construirá un modelo de regresión logística. En todos los casos el nivel de significación será de 0,05. El equipo de trabajo, de cooperación internacional entre profesionales de la UNC y de la Universidad de Chile, y con la participación en colaboración de los profesionales dependientes de la Secretaría de Salud de la municipalidad de Córdoba, representa un avance para trabajar en los centros de salud de esta ciudad, constituyéndose en un avance, cualitativo y cuantitativo de la actividad científica en Atención Primaria en salud mental con abordaje epidemiológico. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento acerca de la prevalencia de los problemas de salud mental de esta población en la ciudad de Córdoba, proporcionando información a los funcionarios y responsables por la gestión de las áreas vinculadas a la salud mental, aportando conocimiento que promueva una temprana identificación de riesgos iniciales en salud mental y conductas de cuidado en la población como potencial de bienestar.Así mismo, se espera sistematizar una experiencia que pueda ser replicada en otros sitios geográficos. Por todo lo anterior, esta propuesta permitirá conocer por primera vez en la ciudad de Córdoba la frecuencia y características de los problemas de salud mental entre consultantes de Atención Primaria, información fundamental para el desarrollo posterior de estrategias que busquen mejorar la detección y el tratamiento de estos problemas. According to the WHO Report (2001), in 20 years, mental health disorders (MHDs) will be the world’s second most frequent cause of morbidity. Primary care offers the opportunity to handle MHDs efficiently at an early stage. In Argentina, the epidemiologic data on mental health (MH) is limited, and there are no records for Córdoba. The aim of this project is to assess the prevalence of MHDs among consultants who resort to primary health centers (PHCCs) in the city of Córdoba for common health problems, by using a representative sample of adult consultants, identifying and describing the types of MHDs evinced, and analysing prevalence by sex and age group under study. Methodology:the study will be carried out in PHCCs located in the municipal area of Córdoba, covering the 12 zones corresponding to the CPCs (municipal branch offices for each zone). A multi-stage stratified random sample of 1200 patients will be interviewed using the program CIDI 3.0 to produce a diagnostic according to DSM IV and CIE-10, a tool with proven reliability and validity.The aspects to be analysed are prevalence of mental and behavior disorders, their association with socio-demographic factors estimated by odds ratios, logistic regression for adjustment of potential interaction among variables, association with all variables, and univariate analysis for association with each variable. Significance level will be 0.05 in all cases. The international teamwork including professionals from the Universities of Córdoba, Chile and the Public Health Department of the Municipality of Córdoba constitutes a qualitative and quantitative step forward in the field of primary health care studies with an epidemiologic approach. This project aims at providing administrators in the MH area with data for the early detection of initial risks in MH and the promotion of prevention habits. This will be the first study conducted in Córdoba, and is aimed at facilitating replication in other geographical areas.
This study sought to explore and examine if the provision of full day care improves the quality of life for children and their parents. Owing to the effects of the Celtic Tiger, life in Ireland has changed considerably over the past five to ten years. Because of the booming economy there are now 60.8% of women employed in the workforce. This means many changes for children, parents and families. Findings in the literature review are based on international studies. The researcher utilised both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for the study. She interviewed 31 respondents; 27 childcare managers; 3 politicians and the chairperson of a childcare committee. Furthermore, 325 questionnaires were completed in a survey by working parents in the statutory and voluntary sectors in and around Sligo town and in two childcare facilities in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. Babies as young as 4 months are being cared for in childcare facilities from 6.45am until 6.pm daily, 5 days per week. Some children are spending up to 11 hours per day in childcare facilities. The study has not categorically concluded that full day care is either positive or negative for children. Childcare facilities are providing good quality childcare encompassing various services; however, 25 out of 27 childcare managers reported to the researcher that they would not leave their child in full day care. Parents are finding it difficult to manage work life balance. Health dominated quality of life issues. Two hundred and thirty five (235) parents reported being stressed. The study also found that 315 working parents feel that the government is not doing enough to support working parents. On a positive note, 241 parents said they are happy in general with the quality of life for them, their family and their children. In addition, the researcher has identified a number of recommendations for future changes in policy and further study.
The nutritional composition o f orange roughy (collected from the Northeast Atlantic near the Rockall Trough) was studied on a seasonal basis. In addition samples were aged and stability assessed. Protein levels (16.68-16.21% w/w) were found to be slightly higher than those recorded for the N ew Zealand species o f orange roughy and compared favourably with protein values for fish muscle in general. Statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Lipid content (3.6-4.5% w/w) was found to be much lower than that recorded for New Zealand. As with protein statistically results show a significant seasonal variation and no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Moisture levels (77.3_79.6%w/w) compared favourably with values obtained from other studies. Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Iodine values (74.63-79.54) indicate the likely presence o f a high level o f mono unsaturated fatty acids. Statistically results show no significant seasonal variation and no sample variation or variation within fish. Thin layer chromatography o f the extracted fat showed the major type to be wax esters with a much lower amount o f triglycerides and smaller amounts of polar lipids, free sterols and free fatty acids. Total fatty acid composition was found to be very similar to that recorded from other studies and showed that most o f the oils extracted from the fish muscle contained a high percentage o f mono unsaturates namely 16:1,18:1, 20:1 and 22:1 (85.63 - 91.14% ) with 16:1 present in the smallest amounts and 18:1 the major one. The only saturated fatty M.Sc. in Biochemistry III Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish acids present in significant quantities were 14:0, 16:0 and 18:0, the total varied from a seasonal average high o f 4.05 % to an average low o f 2.27%. The polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic and arachidonic acid were present in small quantities varying in total from 0.89% to 1.50%. Docosapentaenoic acid (D P A ) was found only in trace quantities in spring, autumn and winter samples and undetected in summer. Levels o f Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA ) and Docosahexaenoic acid (D H A ) were also found in very low percentages and varied on a seasonal basis with average values ranging from 0.41% in summer to 1.03 % in autumn for EPA and from 1.44 % in summer to3.20 % in autumn for D H A . Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or location within the fish. Levels o f freshness were measured using the Thiobarbituric acid (T B A ), Total volatile base nitrogen (T V B -N ) and Trimethylamine (T M A ) techniques. The quality o f the fish upon arrival was excellent and well below legal/acceptable lim its.T V B -N values ranged from 6.88-8.91 mg/lOOg and T M A values from 4.82-6.46 mg/lOOg Values for T B A ranged from 0.18-0.35 mg Malonaldehyde/kg fish. The summer values were higher than the other seasons. Seasonal variation was significant for all methods with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Fish aged at +4°C in air did not exceed the T V B N lim it o f 35mg/100g until day 6 whereas the T V B N lim it was extended to 8 days for fish aged at +4°C in vacuum. However the T M A lim it o f 12mg/100g was reached on day 4 for fish stored at +4°C in air and on day 5 for vacuum packed samples stored at +4°C . Fish stored at -5°C in air and vacuum packed did not reach the T V B N lim it until day 61 but the T M A limit was reached on day 24 for fish stored at -5°C in air and was extended to 31 days for vacuum packed fish stored at-5°C. Prolonged storage at -18°C caused some deterioration o f the frozen fish muscle. Upon thawing the shelf life o f fish stored for 12 months was much shorter than that stored for 6 M.Sc. in Biochemistry IV Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish months. This in turn deteriorated faster than fresh fish held at refridgeration temperature in air. Orange roughy were found to be a good source of protein with moisture levels similar to that o f other fish. They were o f medium fat content but have a very poor content o f the essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Orange roughy can be stored at -18°C but its subsequent refridgerated shelf life will be shorter than that o f unfrozen orange roughy stored at refridgeration temperature. Orange roughy are a very important part o f the ecosystem. Their composition is less nutritionally beneficial than more readily available fish for human consumption and therefore should not be fished at all
Neurocritical care is an ever-changing field. The publishers and author of The Flying Publisher Guide to Critical Care in Neurology have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of the date of publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this site may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors. It is the responsibility of the reading physician who must rely on experience and knowledge about the patient to determine the best treatment and care pathway. The information contained herein is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. The contributors to this book, including Flying Publisher & Kamps, disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of information contained herein.
Managed Care, physicians' behavior, primary practice, efficiency, econometric analysis
Background:Overweight is one of the major public health problems in Brazil; it is associated with dyslipidemia, which is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.Objective:To evaluate the lipid profile of residents of the municipality of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, according to the nutritional status.Methods:Data from the population-based cross-sectional study ISA-Capital 2008 on a sample of residents of São Paulo were used. Participants were categorized into groups according to body mass index and age range. The levels of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol were measured. The association between lipid profile, nutricional status, and waist circumference was investigated. The data were processed using the survey mode of the Stata 11.0 software.Results:The prevalence of any type of dyslipidemia in the population was 59.74%, with low HDL-cholesterol dyslipidemia being the most common type. Not overweight individuals had higher mean levels of HDL-cholesterol and lower levels of LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol when compared with the overweight group. The rate of inadequacy of these variables was higher in the overweight individuals, regardless of the age group, to the exception of LDL-cholesterol in the adults and elderly. A higher prevalence of isolated hypertriglyceridemia was observed in individuals with higher waist circumference among the adults and the total population.Conclusion:The results indicate an association between dyslipidemia and overweight in the population of the city of São Paulo. The most prevalent dyslipidemia in this population was low HDL-cholesterol.