1000 resultados para Nomimoscolex guillermoi n. sp.
Os AA. iniciam com o presente trabalho uma série de publicações com o fim de rever as espécies neotropicais da famÃlia Simuliidae. Fazem a revisão bibliográfica, a redescrição do macho, fêmea, pupa, larva, e elegem os neótipos de S. (E) orbitale LUTZ, 1910. Descrevem S. (E.) pintoi n. sp. de macho, fêmea, pupa e larva; consideram S. nigrimanum MACQ., 1837 como sp. inquirendae.
Fidena adnaticornis n. sp. is described from female specimens. It closely resembles Fidena besckii (WIED. ), 1828 and indeed more closely Fidena soledadei (LUTZ), 1911. It can be distinguished from both by the antenna which are so close together that the distance between their basis is less that the width of the first antennal segment; also by the prevalence of yellow hairs on the coxae. In F. soledadei and chiefly in F. besckii the antennae an evidently more separated; they have also few yellow hairs limited to the base extremity of the coxae with prevalence of brown or black hairs. In F. besck the prealar hairs are predominantly yellow ones and there exist yellow hair around the edge of the scutellum, which does not occours in F. adnaticorn and in F. soledadei. In the abdomen the following areas, covered by whit hairs are more extensive in F. besckii: the mid row of white patches on the sternites is more conspicuous and involves the fifth segment; on the sternites instead of stripes the hairs form bands somewhat broader at the middle the respective segment, they may even form triangles with the base as with as the whole segment. Both cotypes of F. soledadei have the hairs damages but, at least, in the 1+2 sternites the areas covered by the white hairs see to be larger than in F. adnaticornis; they have also a higher frons: index : = 2.9.
A new system for wing venation of Simuliidae is proposed. Lutzsimulium cruzi n., gen. and n. sp. is described based on an single female and its pupal skin.
A new system for wing venation of Simuliidae is proposed. Lutzsimulium cruzi n., gen. and n. sp. is described based on a single female and its pupal skin.
A posição desta espécie é após Tibouchina floribunda Cogn. No hábito assemelha-se a Tibouchina Schwackei Cogn. mas distingue-se bem desta pelo revestimento diferente e a côr alva da página inferior da folha.
Planta muitÃssimo interessante, que se distingue das demais espécies do gênero pela forma pectinada da folha. Dedicamos a linda espécie ao Dr. Adolpho Lutz, eminente sábio, que tanto trabalhou em prol da ciência, no Brasil.
Encholirium Lutzii is distinguished from the majority of species by its branched inflorescence. Only E. horridum L. B. Smith and rarely E. spectabile Martius exhibit this character, but have much larger flowers than E. Lutzii and stout floral axes. Also the wing of the seed in E. horridum is very long-caudate. We feel that it is particularly appropriate to dedicate this new species to Dr. Adolpho Lutz because of his great discoveries in the biological relationships of the Bromeliaceae.
Field-work in the sierras near the sea-board of south-eastern Brazil continues to yield new or rare frogs. Four more of these forms are presented here. Two of them, both new, are put into the genus Eleutherodactylus, to which they belong by their general habitat, morphology, and also by the osteological characters. They differs from the known regional species of this genus only by the wider and shorter disks of some of the digits and the more lanceolate build. The other two species belong to the very little known genus Holoaden, established by MIRANDA RIBEIRO in 1920. One of them is his type-species, H. lüderwaldti, which continues to be very rare. The other, H. bradei, is new. It seems endemic to the Upper Itatiaia and is very plentiful there.
Auf den Tergiten des 5. und 6. Abdominalsegments des Maennchens einer Art der Gattung Barypenthus liegt ein umfangreiches Druesenorgan, das als maennliches Duftorgan betrachtet wird. Es besitzt zwei verschiedene Druesenepithelien, von denen eins ein lipoides volatiles, das andere ein schwereres lipoides Sekret abscheidet. Es wird vermutet, dass das eine Sekret zur stabilisierung im anderen geloest wird.