607 resultados para Nobel Prizes.


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Cada año que pasa desde que se le concediera el premio Nobel en 2009 a Elinor Ostrom por su trabajo en la gobernanza de los bienes comunes sus análisis cobran importancia y más notoriedad. El mundo que nos rodea está cambiando de forma rápida y constante, creando nuevos retos a nivel mundial. Los resultados de las investigaciones de Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012) han levantado expectativas sobre mecanismos alternativos para movernos hacia un entorno político, social, económico y natural renovado y más sostenible. En este trabajo se explora la perspectiva de esta pensadora respecto a cuestiones como la sostenibilidad de los recursos naturales, la organización social o la iniciativa individual dejando a un lado la dicotomía estado-mercado.


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In this thesis, a machine learning approach was used to develop a predictive model for residual methanol concentration in industrial formalin produced at the Akzo Nobel factory in Kristinehamn, Sweden. The MATLABTM computational environment supplemented with the Statistics and Machine LearningTM toolbox from the MathWorks were used to test various machine learning algorithms on the formalin production data from Akzo Nobel. As a result, the Gaussian Process Regression algorithm was found to provide the best results and was used to create the predictive model. The model was compiled to a stand-alone application with a graphical user interface using the MATLAB CompilerTM.


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Companies operating in the wood processing industry need to increase their productivity by implementing automation technologies in their production systems. An increasing global competition and rising raw material prizes challenge their competitiveness. Yet, too extensive automation brings risks such as a deterioration in situation awareness and operator deskilling. The concept of Levels of Automation is generally seen as means to achieve a balanced task allocation between the operators’ skills and competences and the need for automation technology relieving the humans from repetitive or hazardous work activities. The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent existing methods for assessing Levels of Automation in production processes are applicable in the wood processing industry when focusing on an improved competitiveness of production systems. This was done by answering the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: What method is most appropriate to be applied with measuring Levels of Automation in the wood processing industry? RQ2: How can the measurement of Levels of Automation contribute to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry’s production processes? Literature reviews were used to identify the main characteristics of the wood processing industry affecting its automation potential and appropriate assessment methods for Levels of Automation in order to answer RQ1. When selecting the most suitable method, factors like the relevance to the target industry, application complexity or operational level the method is penetrating were important. The DYNAMO++ method, which covers both a rather quantitative technical-physical and a more qualitative social-cognitive dimension, was seen as most appropriate when taking into account these factors. To answer RQ 2, a case study was undertaken at a major Swedish manufacturer of interior wood products to point out paths how the measurement of Levels of Automation contributes to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The focus was on the task level on shop floor and concrete improvement suggestions were elaborated after applying the measurement method for Levels of Automation. Main aspects considered for generalization were enhancements regarding ergonomics in process design and cognitive support tools for shop-floor personnel through task standardization. Furthermore, difficulties regarding the automation of grading and sorting processes due to the heterogeneous material properties of wood argue for a suitable arrangement of human intervention options in terms of work task allocation.  The application of a modified version of DYNAMO++ reveals its pros and cons during a case study which covers a high operator involvement in the improvement process and the distinct predisposition of DYNAMO++ to be applied in an assembly system.


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La Revolución Espiritual promovida por el Dalai Lama plantea una unión entre espiritualidad y política. El proyecto de una ética universal, que se inscribe dentro de dicha Revolución, busca impactar la manera en que las relaciones internacionales se desarrollan, dándole prevalencia a los valores humanos. Sin embargo, esa proposición se encuentra ligada al contexto de exilio en el marco del conflicto sino-tibetano que afecta al continente asiático. Por esto, en la presente monografía, haciendo uso de los conceptos de marco de acción colectiva e identidad inscritos en la corriente de los movimientos sociales en la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales, se pretende determinar la relación entre identidad tibetana, marco de acción colectiva y la propuesta de una ética universal. Para ello se recurre, metodológicamente, a textos y a trabajo de campo en Bogotá. Así, se pretende establecer la relación entre espiritualidad y política como propuesta tibetana atravesada por el conflicto sino-tibetano.


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como principal objetivo el de analizar la manera como las características sociopolíticas de los Estados del Mekong, específicamente en el caso de Camboya y Myanmar, dificultan la implementación de las normas enunciadas en el Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños, también conocido como el Protocolo de Palermo. En este sentido, se parte de las características principales del Protocolo y de la manera como el tráfico de personas se presenta en el Mekong para posteriormente analizar la forma como la corrupción, la impunidad y la desigualdad de género representan retos sociopolíticos que obstruyen la implementación de los mandatos internacionales enmarcados en este instrumento


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IS/IT investments are seen has having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of the firm, on its performance, and demand an active and motivated participation of several stakeholder groups. The shortfall of evidence concerning the productivity of IT became known as the ‘productivity paradox’. As Robert Solow, the Nobel laureate economist stated “we see computers everywhere except in the productivity statistics”. An important stream of research conducted all over the world has tried to understand these phenomena, called in the literature as «IS business value» field. However, there is a gap in the literature, addressing the Portuguese situation. No empirical work has been done to date in order to understand the impact of Information Technology adoption on the productivity of those firms. Using data from two surveys conducted by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), Inquiry to the use of IT by Portuguese companies (IUTIC) and the Inquiry Harmonized to (Portuguese) companies (accounting data), this study relates (using regression analysis) the amounts spent on IT with the financial performance indicator Returns on Equity, as a proxy of firm productivity, of Portuguese companies with more than 250 employees. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the Portuguese situation concerning the impact of IS/IT on the productivity of Portuguese top companies. Empirically, we test the impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity of a sample of Portuguese large companies. Our results, based on firm-level data on Information Technology expenditure and firm productivity as measured by return on equity (1186 observations) for the years of 2003 and 2004, exhibit a negative impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity, in line with “productivity paradox” claimants.


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Augusto Righi (1850 - 1920) è stato un fisico bolognese di prestigio e fama internazionale, i suoi contributi scientifici spaziarono in quasi tutti gli ambiti della fisica noti al tempo; inoltre, egli era rinomato per essere un insegnate chiaro e comprensibile, che si dedicò anche alla comunicazione scientifica con la società. In questo lavoro di tesi: si analizza l’opera La moderna teoria dei fenomeni fisici (radioattività, ioni, elettroni) di Augusto Righi, come esempio divulgativo di successo della teoria degli elettroni di Lorentz; si delinea il quadro culturale e sociale presente a cavallo tra l’Ottocento e il Novecento in Italia, Inghilterra e Francia; si selezionano alcune opere della scena internazionale per meglio collocare il contributo di Righi; si definiscono le differenze terminologiche tra la divulgazione scientifica e la Public Understanding of Science sorta negli ultimi decenni. Si procede dunque col definire una griglia di analisi tramite la quale si studia la trasposizione attuata dagli autori sui contenuti scientifici della teoria degli elettroni, nel momento in cui questi vengono comunicati alla società. Si mostra come la teoria degli elettroni sia stata sviluppata da Lorentz durante la fine dell’Ottocento e come questa sia sviluppata in diversi sui scritti; si ricostruiscono quindi i natali di tale teoria, per poi delinearne le caratteristiche principali esposte da Lorentz, Righi, Pearson e Poincaré. In questo confronto consiste la prima analisi presentata in questo scritto ed effettuata mantenendo una visione ampia sulle opere dei quattro scienziati; successivamente si propone un esempio di analisi più profonda e dettagliata, riguardante in particolare uno dei punti principali della teoria di Lorentz: il rapporto fra la carica elettrica e la massa dell’elettrone.