865 resultados para New Technologies
Rocket species have been shown to have very high concentrations of glucosinolates and flavonols, which have numerous positive health benefits with regular consumption. In this review we highlight how breeders and processors of rocket species can utilize genomic and phytochemical research to improve varieties and enhance the nutritive benefits to consumers. Plant breeders are increasingly looking to new technologies such as HPLC, UPLC, LC-MS and GC-MS to screen populations for their phytochemical content to inform plant selections. Here we collate the research that has been conducted to-date in rocket, and summarise all glucosinolate and flavonol compounds identified in the species. We emphasize the importance of the broad screening of populations for phytochemicals and myrosinase degradation products, as well as unique traits that may be found in underutilized gene bank resources. We also stress that collaboration with industrial partners is becoming essential for long-term plant breeding goals through research.
The UK government is mandating the use of building information modelling (BIM) in large public projects by 2016. As a result, engineering firms are faced with challenges related to embedding new technologies and associated working practices for the digital delivery of major infrastructure projects. Diffusion of innovations theory is used to investigate how digital innovations diffuse across complex firms. A contextualist approach is employed through an in-depth case study of a large, international engineering project-based firm. The analysis of the empirical data, which was collected over a four-year period of close interaction with the firm, reveals parallel paths of diffusion occurring across the firm, where both the innovation and the firm context were continually changing. The diffusion process is traced over three phases: centralization of technology management, standardization of digital working practices, and globalization of digital resources. The findings describe the diffusion of a digital innovation as multiple and partial within a complex social system during times of change and organizational uncertainty, thereby contributing to diffusion of innovations studies in construction by showing a range of activities and dynamics of a non-linear diffusion process.
This exhibition brings together material from the first decade of platform-independent design. It introduces the mature proprietary digital technology that existed just before 1985, and presents artefacts that represent key chapters in the transition to platform-independent digital typefaces, in combination with digital tools for page layout. The exhibition includes the first issues of the key journals of the period, which both represented the new approaches, and offered critique for the impact of the new technologies on typographic design.
Different treatments that could be implemented in the home environ-ment are evaluated with the objective of reaching a more rational and efficient use of energy. We consider that a detailed knowledge of energy-consuming behaviour is paramount for the development and implementation of new technologies, services and even policies that could result in more rational energy use. The proposed evaluation methodology is based on the development of economic experiments implemented in an experimental economics laboratory, where the behaviour of individuals when making decisions related to energy use in the domestic environment can be tested.
This paper assesses the impact of the location and configuration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) on Low-Voltage (LV) feeders. BESS are now being deployed on LV networks by Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) as an alternative to conventional reinforcement (e.g. upgrading cables and transformers) in response to increased electricity demand from new technologies such as electric vehicles. By storing energy during periods of low demand and then releasing that energy at times of high demand, the peak demand of a given LV substation on the grid can be reduced therefore mitigating or at least delaying the need for replacement and upgrade. However, existing research into this application of BESS tends to evaluate the aggregated impact of such systems at the substation level and does not systematically consider the impact of the location and configuration of BESS on the voltage profiles, losses and utilisation within a given feeder. In this paper, four configurations of BESS are considered: single-phase, unlinked three-phase, linked three-phase without storage for phase-balancing only, and linked three-phase with storage. These four configurations are then assessed based on models of two real LV networks. In each case, the impact of the BESS is systematically evaluated at every node in the LV network using Matlab linked with OpenDSS. The location and configuration of a BESS is shown to be critical when seeking the best overall network impact or when considering specific impacts on voltage, losses, or utilisation separately. Furthermore, the paper also demonstrates that phase-balancing without energy storage can provide much of the gains on unbalanced networks compared to systems with energy storage.
Causing civilian casualties during military operations has become a much politicised topic in international relations since the Second World War. Since the last decade of the 20th century, different scholars and political analysts have claimed that human life is valued more and more among the general international community. This argument has led many researchers to assume that democratic culture and traditions, modern ethical and moral issues have created a desire for a world without war or, at least, a demand that contemporary armed conflicts, if unavoidable, at least have to be far less lethal forcing the military to seek new technologies that can minimise civilian casualties and collateral damage. Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) – weapons that are intended to minimise civilian casualties and collateral damage – are based on the technology that, during the 1990s, was expected to revolutionise the conduct of warfare making it significantly less deadly. The rapid rise of interest in NLW, ignited by the American military twenty five years ago, sparked off an entirely new military, as well as an academic, discourse concerning their potential contribution to military success on the 21st century battlefields. It seems, however, that except for this debate, very little has been done within the military forces themselves. This research suggests that the roots of this situation are much deeper than the simple professional misconduct of the military establishment, or the poor political behaviour of political leaders, who had sent them to fight. Following the story of NLW in the U.S., Russia and Israel this research focuses on the political and cultural aspects that have been supposed to force the military organisations of these countries to adopt new technologies and operational and organisational concepts regarding NLW in an attempt to minimise enemy civilian casualties during their military operations. This research finds that while American, Russian and Israeli national characters are, undoubtedly, products of the unique historical experience of each one of these nations, all of three pay very little regard to foreigners’ lives. Moreover, while it is generally argued that the international political pressure is a crucial factor that leads to the significant reduction of harmed civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure, the findings of this research suggest that the American, Russian and Israeli governments are well prepared and politically equipped to fend off international criticism. As the analyses of the American, Russian and Israeli cases reveal, the political-military leaderships of these countries have very little external or domestic reasons to minimise enemy civilian casualties through fundamental-revolutionary change in their conduct of war. In other words, this research finds that employment of NLW have failed because the political leadership asks the militaries to reduce the enemy civilian casualties to a politically acceptable level, rather than to the technologically possible minimum; as in the socio-cultural-political context of each country, support for the former appears to be significantly higher than for the latter.
For the first time, nanograined Pb(1-1.5x)La(x)TiO(3) ferroelectric ceramics, with x=0.2, were produced by a process based on a high-pressure densification technique (HPD) that eliminates the need of high-temperature sintering. Our results showed the production of workable dense ceramics with average grain size around 100 nm and free from secondary phase. Regarding the dielectric measurements, the samples showed satisfactory dielectric losses as well as remarkable diffusivity in the dielectric curves. Moreover, ferroelectric hysteresis measurements showed that samples produced by the HPD technique can stand high electric fields necessary to switch the polarization and thus to induce piezoelectric activity. Our results demonstrated clearly the viability of the proposed method to produce nanograined ferroelectric bulk ceramics, then opening the possibility of developing new technologies.
The pulp- and paper production is a very energy intensive industry sector. Both Sweden and the U.S. are major pulpandpaper producers. This report examines the energy and the CO2-emission connected with the pulp- and paperindustry for the two countries from a lifecycle perspective.New technologies make it possible to increase the electricity production in the integrated pulp- andpaper mill through black liquor gasification and a combined cycle (BLGCC). That way, the mill canproduce excess electricity, which can be sold and replace electricity produced in power plants. In thisprocess the by-products that are formed at the pulp-making process is used as fuel to produce electricity.In pulp- and paper mills today the technology for generating energy from the by-product in aTomlinson boiler is not as efficient as it could be compared to the BLGCC technology. Scenarios havebeen designed to investigate the results from using the BLGCC technique using a life cycle analysis.Two scenarios are being represented by a 1994 mill in the U.S. and a 1994 mill in Sweden.The scenariosare based on the average energy intensity of pulp- and paper mills as operating in 1994 in the U.S.and Sweden respectively. The two other scenarios are constituted by a »reference mill« in the U.S. andSweden using state-of-the-art technology. We investigate the impact of varying recycling rates and totalenergy use and CO2-emissions from the production of printing and writing paper. To economize withthe wood and that way save trees, we can use the trees that are replaced by recycling in a biomassgasification combined cycle (BIGCC) to produce electricity in a power station. This produces extra electricitywith a lower CO2 intensity than electricity generated by, for example, coal-fired power plants.The lifecycle analysis in this thesis also includes the use of waste treatment in the paper lifecycle. Both Sweden and theU.S. are countries that recycle paper. Still there is a lot of paper waste, this paper is a part of the countries municipalsolid waste (MSW). A lot of the MSW is landfilled, but parts of it are incinerated to extract electricity. The thesis hasdesigned special scenarios for the use of MSW in the lifecycle analysis.This report is studying and comparing two different countries and two different efficiencies on theBLGCC in four different scenarios. This gives a wide survey and points to essential parameters to specificallyreflect on, when making assumptions in a lifecycle analysis. The report shows that there arethree key parameters that have to be carefully considered when making a lifecycle analysis of wood inan energy and CO2-emission perspective in the pulp- and paper mill in the U.S. and in Sweden. First,there is the energy efficiency in the pulp- and paper mill, then the efficiency of the BLGCC and last theCO2 intensity of the electricity displaced by BIGCC or BLGCC generatedelectricity. It also show that with the current technology that we havetoday, it is possible to produce CO2 free paper with a waste paper amountup to 30%. The thesis discusses the system boundaries and the assumptions.Further and more detailed research, including amongst others thesystem boundaries and forestry, is recommended for more specificanswers.
Regional accreditors often desire the same metrics and data collected by professional program reviews, but may use different terminologies to describe this information; as a result, some schools must manually translate or even recollect data already stored. This report profiles strategies to proactively consolidate the language and policies of accreditation to avoid duplication of labor and to efficiently route program accreditation data that will be repurposed in regional review. It also suggests ways to select new technologies that can streamline data collection, storage, and presentation.
Este trabalho pretende, na visão de novas tecnologias, discutir o processo de forjamento das ligas de alumínio (ABNT 6061), buscando propor uma metodologia baseada na ciência da engenharia. Deseja-se minimizar os procedimentos de tentativa e erro no desenvolvimento de processos de conformação. Para tanto, novas tecnologias disponíveis atualmente, tais como o Projeto Assistido por Computador (CAD), a Fabricação Assistida por Computador (CAM) e a Simulação do Processo (CAE) são empregadas. Resultados experimentais mostrando o comportamento da liga ABNT 6061 através das curvas de escoamento bem como o estabelecimento da condição do atrito no processo de conformação, avaliando dois lubrificantes comerciais disponíveis (Deltaforge 31 e Oildag) para aplicações nas ligas de alumínio, são reportados neste trabalho. A comparação dos resultados obtidos de um experimento prático de forjamento com a simulação pelo “Método dos Elementos Finitos” usando o código “QForm” é apresentada para uma peça de simetria axial em liga de alumínio. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos no forjamento de um componente automotivo em liga de alumínio (ABNT 6061), desenvolvido em parceria com a empresa Dana, são analisados e comparados com as simulações computacionais realizadas usando o código “Superforge”.
Investigar a percepção que os professores das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental dacidade do Rio de Janeiro têm sobre a importância de sua formação para o desenvolvimentodas futuras gerações foi o objetivo desta pesquisa acadêmica. Muito se tem falado nosúltimos tempos sobre a necessidade de mudança na formação de professores. Na segundametade do século XX, a sociedade brasileira assistiu a transformações constantes ocorridasem seus diferentes setores, alguns dos quais historicamente co-responsáveis, junto com aescola, pelo desenvolvimento educacional a família e a Igreja. A sociedade foi tambémtestemunha do avanço das novas tecnologias, principalmente as da comunicação e dainformação que fizeram da mídia outro setor de fundamental importância para a educaçãode crianças e jovens. São mudanças que obrigam a um novo paradigma de professor,detentor de competências diferenciadas para o eficaz desenvolvimento do fazer docente. Natentativa de atingir o objetivo proposto desenvolvemos três capítulos. O primeiro focouprincipalmente a base teórica, que teve como maior sustentação as idéias de PierreBourdieu sobre o capital cultural. No segundo capítulo foi empreendida uma revisão datrajetória da representação social do professor, por meio de um levantamento da história eda legislação voltada para a formação desse profissional, procurando chamar atenção paraas exigências atuais percebidas por Edgar Morin, Jacques Delors e Philippe Perrenoud. Noúltimo capítulo foi apresentada a pesquisa feita com professores da rede oficial da cidadedo Rio de Janeiro, não perdendo de foco as teorias estudadas.
Os Juizados Especiais foram criados para proporcionar acesso à justiça, de forma simples e rápida, sem custos, objetivando resolver conflitos de menor complexidade, de modo informal e preferencialmente através da conciliação. Decorridas mais de duas décadas desde a sua implantação, no Rio Grande do Sul, o sistema não vêm tendo a devida atenção, quer de parte dos operadores, quer de parte do próprio Judiciário. O risco de contaminação das práticas do sistema tradicional de justiça, burocrático e formalista e, por isso mesmo, moroso, exige medidas de administração judiciária que evitem o desvirtuamento dos princípios com base nos quais os Juizados Especiais foram concebidos. A correta atuação dos Juízes Presidentes dos Juizados Especiais, a orientação aos servidores que nele atuam, a prévia preparação dos juízes leigos e conciliadores para o exercício das relevantes funções que lhes são atribuídas, o comprometimento dos integrantes das Turmas Recursais com a unidade do sistema e, fundamentalmente, gestão deste pelo órgão estadual responsável pela coordenação e supervisão dos Juizados Especiais, são medidas que, juntamente com os necessários investimentos em informatização, incentivo à inovação e ao uso das novas tecnologias, padronização de procedimentos, aperfeiçoamento dos bancos de dados e sistema estatístico, podem promover melhorias significativas no seu desempenho.
A orientação teórica que divide a nossa sociedade em um modelo Industrial e em um modelo Pós-Industrial vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço e importância no estudo das organizações. Vários estudos acadêmicos nacionais e estrangeiros relatam o fato de que as organizações atuais mudam rapidamente o seu discurso a fim de adaptar-se às modificações que ocorrem nos processos produtivos e na gestão de pessoas, porém a implementação prática destas mudanças não ocorre de modo tão rápido quanto quer a mudança no discurso. Dado este período de transição, a distância entre a teoria professada e a prática efetiva nas organizações aumenta, surgindo maiores contradições entre discurso e prática, o que tem conseqüências para a produtividade. Estudamos neste projeto dois modelos de Gestão de Pessoas: O modelo Instrumental e o Modelo Político. Muitas organizações dizem que adotam o modelo Político, mas na prática mantém estruturas próximas ao modelo Instrumental. Neste relatório realizamos dois estudos de caso: Um em uma grande empresa nacional, a Souza Cruz, onde a empresa conseguiu superar a dicotomia discurso-ação implantando gradualmente o modelo Político de Recursos Humanos em consonância com a implementação de um sistema de informação que modificou toda a área de gestão de pessoas. Em segundo lugar, apresentamos um outro estudo de caso realizado em uma grande cooperativa Agro-Industrial onde já havia se consolidado práticas relativas ao modelo Político de Gestão de Pessoas e a implementação do modelo Instrumental, em uma ação top-down pelo presidente provocou fenômenos de resistência à mudança e a não implementação efetiva do ERP Entreprise Resource Planning na organização. Comparamos assim um estudo de caso que confirma a problemática levantada pela revisão da literatura (o da cooperativa) e um outro estudo de caso que oferece pistas de como evitar-se este problema, construir um sistema organizacional coerente e seguir em frente monitorando um sistema de aprendizagem baseado no modelo Político de Recursos Humanos.
A disseminação da informação e o uso de novas tecnologias têm delineado uma transformação nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Uma parte significativa desta transformação está relacionada ao uso da educação a distância como forma de atingir novos públicos e desenvolver novas metodologias de ensino. Estas transformações também estão afetando cada vez mais as corporações, que tem economizado milhões de dólares todos os anos, usando a educação a distância (EAD) para treinar seus empregados de modo mais eficiente e eficaz do que com os métodos tradicionais. Mas, apesar da maciça presença da EAD na Web, o assunto educação ou treinamento a distância ainda é pouco conhecido e, até certo ponto, incompreendido. A interface entre o ensino/treinamento via Web e as universidades tradicionais ou abertas está ainda pouco explorado. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer um levantamento comparativo entre os cursos universitários que utilizam a educação a distância e os cursos ou treinamentos a distância utilizados pelas empresas. Buscamos identificar na amostra formas de interação e suporte aos alunos semelhantes entre as universidades e as empresas, a fim de reuni-las formando grupos ou segmentos com características similares. Nesta análise identificamos três grandes grupos que melhor caracterizam as metodologias adotadas.