819 resultados para Nature study
Chez l'être humain, le pouvoir d'influence peut être accordé volontairement aux individus qui se démarquent par leurs habiletés exceptionnelles. Dans cette étude, deux théories issues de la perspective évolutionniste sur ce type de pouvoir sont confrontées : celle de la transmission sociale de l'information (Henrich et Gil-White 2001) et celle de l'échange social (Chapais 2012). Cinq hypothèses principales sont extraites et mises à l'épreuve : 1) la compétence supérieure de certains individus leur permet d'acquérir un statut supérieur; 2) la compétence d'un individu est évaluée par comparaison sociale et par l'intermédiaire de mécanismes psychosociaux; 3) les experts sont utiles à autrui puisqu'ils sont de meilleurs modèles à imiter et de meilleurs partenaires de coopération; 4) ces experts reçoivent de la déférence de leurs admirateurs en échange d'un partenariat avec eux ; 5) conséquemment, une compétition pour l'acquisition d'un statut supérieur émerge via la démonstration publique de la compétence et la recherche d'une réputation favorable. Ces prévisions sont testées par une analyse comparative de la littérature ethnographique portant sur dix sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs relativement égalitaires en utilisant la base de données du eHRAF of World Cultures. Les résultats appuient très fortement toutes les prévisions et indiquent que des asymétries de statut sont omniprésentes chez tous les peuples de l'échantillon, ce qui refléterait l'universalité des propensions psychosociales qui sous-tendent ces inégalités.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université catholique de Louvain.
Il s'agit d'une hypothèse largement répandue que l’égo-dystonie et l’égo-syntonie caractérisent les obsessions dans les troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA) et que ces facteurs sont cliniquement pertinents pour la conceptualisation et le traitement des TCA. Cependant, les résultats empiriques sur ce sujet sont rares. Compte tenu du chevauchement reconnu entre les TCA, notamment l'anorexie et la boulimie (BN), et le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC) dans la phénoménologie et les caractéristiques psychologiques, un programme de thérapie cognitive basée sur les inférences (TBI) de 24 semaines, démontré efficace dans le traitement des TOC, a été adapté pour traiter les TCA. La recherche sur le TOC suggère que la transformation des pensées intrusives en obsessions est liée à la mesure dans laquelle les pensées intrusives menacent des perceptions fondamentales du soi et de l’identité. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'examiner le lien entre l’égo-dystonie et les TCA. Pour se faire, nous avons exploré le lien entre la nature égo-dystone des obsessions chez les patients souffrant d'un TCA et la peur de l'image de soi. Nous avons également étudié la relation entre la sévérité des symptômes TCA et l’égo-dystonie dans les obsessions. En outre, nous avons investigué les différences dans la présence de pensées égo-dystones et de peur face à son identité entre des sujets non-cliniques et des personnes atteintes d’un TCA. Enfin, nous avons comparé le degré d’égo-dystonie dans les pensées de personnes atteintes d’un TCA à celui dans les pensées d’individus souffrant d’un TOC. L’égo-dystonie dans les pensées a été mesurée par l'Ego Dystonicity Questionnaire (EDQ) et le degré de peur face à l’identité a été mesuré par le Fear of Self Questionnaire (FSQ) d’une part dans un échantillon de femmes souffrant d’un TCA (n = 57) et d’autre part dans un échantillon de participantes non-cliniques (n = 45). Les résultats révèlent que l’égo-dystonie et la peur face à l’identité étaient fortement corrélées à la fois dans l’échantillon clinique et non-clinique. Les scores de l’EDQ n’étaient pas significativement corrélés à la sévérité des symptômes TCA à l'exception de la sous-échelle d’irrationalité de l’EDQ qui était fortement associée à la sévérité des comportements compulsifs compensatoires. Les participantes souffrant d'un TCA avaient des scores significativement plus élevés à l’EDQ et au FSQ que les sujets non-cliniques. Ensuite, une étude de cas décrit l’application du programme de thérapie cognitive TBI pour une femme de 35 ans avec un diagnostic de BN. La pathologie TCA s’est significativement améliorée au cours de la TBI et six mois suivant la thérapie. Cette étude de cas met en évidence l'importance de cibler les idées surévaluées, les doutes et le raisonnement face au soi et à l’identité dans le traitement psychologique pour les TCA. Enfin, l’objectif final de cette thèse était d’examiner les changements au niveau (1) des symptômes TCA, (2) du degré d’égo-syntonie dans les obsessions, et (3) des mesures de peur face à l’identité, de motivation, d’humeur et d’anxiété au cours de la TBI et au suivi post six mois. L’égo-dystonie, la peur face à l’identité, les symptômes TCA et le stade motivationnel ont été mesurés chez 15 femmes souffrant de BN au cours du traitement et six mois après la TBI. Quatre vingt pourcent de l’échantillon, soit 12 des 15 participantes, ont démontré une diminution cliniquement significative des symptômes TCA et 53% ont cessé leurs comportements compensatoires au suivi post six mois. Les retombées cliniques relatives au traitement des TCA sont discutées.
Il est relativement bien établi que les crises focales entraînent une augmentation régionale du flot sanguin dans le but de soutenir la demande énergétique en hémoglobine oxygénée des neurones épileptiques. Des changements hémodynamiques précoces ont également été rapportés dans la région homologue controlatérale, bien que ceci ait été moins bien caractérisé. Dans cette étude, notre objectif est de mieux caractériser, lors de crises focales, la nature des changements hémodynamiques précoces dans la région homologue controlatérale au foyer épileptique. L'imagerie optique intrinsèque (IOI) et la microscopie deux-photons sont utilisées pour étudier les changements hémodynamiques dans la région homologue controlatérale au site de crises focales induites par l’injection de 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) dans le cortex somatosensitif ipsilatéral de souris. Dans l'étude d'IOI, des changements de l’oxyhémoglobine (HbO), de la désoxyhémoglobine (HbR) et du débit sanguin cérébral ont été observées dans la région homologue controlatérale au site de crises focales lors de toutes les crises. Toutefois, ces changements étaient hétérogènes, sans patron cohérent et reproduisible. Nos expériences avec la microscopie deux-photons n’ont pas révélé de changements hémodynamiques significatifs dans la région homotopique controlatérale lors de trains de pointes épileptiques. Nos résultats doivent être interprétés avec prudence compte tenu de plusieurs limitations: d’une part absence de mesures électrophysiologiques dans la région d’intérêt controlatérale au foyer simultanément à l’imagerie deux-photons et à l'IOI; d’autre part, lors des expériences avec le deux-photons, incapacité à générer de longues décharges ictales mais plutôt des trains de pointes, couverture spatiale limitée de la région d’intérêt controlatérale, et faible puissance suite au décès prématuré de plusieurs souris pour diverses raisons techniques. Nous terminons en discutant de divers moyens pour améliorer les expériences futures.
La présente thèse est une étude ethnographique qui examine le savoir en tant que pratique située au Ladakh, dans l’Himalaya indien. Elle analyse les implications socioculturelles des deux moteurs de changement en jeu au Ladakh: l’un est d'origine socio-économique et lié à la production du Ladakh en tant que zone frontalière, tandis que l’autre est de nature environnementale et entrainé par les changements climatiques. Alors que le Ladakh est demeuré hors de la portée de l’État bureaucratique pendant l’administration coloniale britannique, la région s’est trouvée reconfigurée en zone frontalière stratégique après l’indépendance de l’Inde des suites des guerres successives avec le Pakistan et la Chine. L’Indépendance a mené à la partition de l’Inde et du Pakistan en 1947; cette thèse examine la portée à long terme des évènements traumatisants de la partition tels qu’ils se sont déroulés au Ladakh et comment les Ladakhis établissent des liens entre ces évènements et les changements climatiques. L’État indien s’est produit dans la région à travers une volonté de dominer les montagnes, principalement par le développement d’infrastructures et par l’intégration du savoir local des Ladakhis dans l’appareil militaire. La militarisation a restructuré l'économie du Ladakh, redéfini la structure des ménages, contribué à l’exode rural, déplacé la centralité des activités agropastorales et, tel que la dissertation le soutient, altéré de manière significative la connexion de la population locale avec l'environnement. La rationalisation croissante de la perspective sur l’environnement aujourd'hui contribue à la fragmentation des liens qui unissent les domaines naturels et humains dans la cosmologie locale de même qu’à l'abandon des pratiques rituelles connexes. Parallèlement, la région est touchée par des effets distincts des changements climatiques, en particulier la récession des glaciers. La thèse juxtapose l'expérience subjective de ces vastes changements dans la vie quotidienne des villageois de la Vallée de Sham avec les faits historiques environnementaux, démontrant ainsi que les événements historiques locaux influent sur les perceptions des changements environnementaux. L'analyse démontre qu’un phénomène objectif tel que la récession des glaciers est interprété à travers des réalités locales. Plus précisément, selon la conception du monde locale, un glacier en retrait est une figure rhétorique d’une transformation de la condition humaine. Comme le fait valoir la dissertation, l’interprétation culturelle ne constitue pas un obstacle à l'objectivité de l'histoire naturelle de la cosmologie locale. L’interprétation culturelle et l'expérience empirique s’avèrent par ailleurs essentielles à la vitalité des connaissances locales sur l'environnement et à la performance des pratiques associées.
Doctorat effectué en cotutelle Pour le département d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal, M.M. Jacques G. Ruelland et Othmar Keel, Pour le laboratoire P.A.C.E.A.– U.M.R. 5199. C.N.R.S., de l'École doctorale des sciences Terre-Mer, directeurs successifs, M. P.-Y. Demars, puis M. Michel Lenoir. Thèse soutenue à Bordeaux le 6 juin 2012.
The curious anecdote in Karel van Mander’s biography of Bruegel, where the artist is said to have swallowed all the mountains and rocks during his crossing of the Alps and spat them out again onto canvas and panels upon returning home, has been quoted by almost every Bruegel scholar. Yet it has never been given a full explanation. In this study, it is proposed that the passage, echoing on one level Bruegel’s frequent depiction of overindulging peasants, disguises a highly cultivated reference to the theory of imitation as a digestive process, or innutrition theory, which was widely used by humanist writers of the time to champion vernacular expression.
The study was carried out with the broad objective to understand the quality attributes of Kerala as a global tourism destination. It also sheds some light on the nature of international travel market for Kerala in terms of activities , benefit sought , country and trip profile. For understanding the difference in level of tourists perception , the study also tried to compare overall trip satisfaction and impression with destination for different tourists groups categorized into country of origin and various socio-demographic groups.
The present investigation on the Muvattupuzha river basin is an integrated approach based on hydrogeological, geophysical, hydrogeochemical parameters and the results are interpreted using satellite data. GIS also been used to combine the various spatial and non-spatial data. The salient finding of the present study are accounted below to provide a holistic picture on the groundwaters of the Muvattupuzha river basin. In the Muvattupuzha river basin the groundwaters are drawn from the weathered and fractured zones. The groundwater level fluctuations of the basin from 1992 to 2001 reveal that the water level varies between a minimum of 0.003 m and a maximum of 3.45 m. The groundwater fluctuation is affected by rainfall. Various aquifer parameters like transmissivity, storage coefficient, optimum yield, time for full recovery and specific capacity indices are analyzed. The depth to the bedrock of the basin varies widely from 1.5 to 17 mbgl. A ground water prospective map of phreatic aquifer has been prepared based on thickness of the weathered zone and low resistivity values (<500 ohm-m) and accordingly the basin is classified in three phreatic potential zones as good, moderate and poor. The groundwater of the Muvattupuzha river basin, the pH value ranges from 5.5 to 8.1, in acidic nature. Hydrochemical facies diagram reveals that most of the samples in both the seasons fall in mixing and dissolution facies and a few in static and dynamic natures. Further study is needed on impact of dykes on the occurrence and movement of groundwater, impact of seapages from irrigation canals on the groundwater quality and resources of this basin, and influence of inter-basin transfer of surface water on groundwater.
The present study is an attempt to address issues related to sediment properties like texture, mineralogy and geochemistry as well as water quality of two important rivers of central Kerala-the Periyar and the Chalakudy rivers. The main objectives of the study are to investigate the textural and mineralogical characteristics as well as transportation and depositional mechanisms of the sediments of Periyar and Chalakudy rivers, to find out the geochemical variability of organic carbon, phosphorus and certain major (Na,K,Ca and Mg) and minor/trace(Mn,Pb,Ni,Cr, and Zn) elements in the bulk sediments and mud fraction of these rivers, to evaluate the status of heavy metal pollution registered in the sediments of these rivers, to assess the physico-chemical characteristics and water quality of Periyar and Chalakudy rivers and to estimate the dissolved nutrient flux through the Periyar and Chalakudy rivers into the receiving coastal waters. The granulometric characteristics as well as statistical parameters of the sediments of Periyar and Chalakudy rivers depend on the flow pattern controlled by the gradient of the terrain. Compared to Periyar, fluctuations in the dispersal of particles are more in Chalakudy river. In Periyar river, the P and Fe in bulk sediments show a positive correlation with C-org, while in Chalakudy river, both the elements are related to THM concentration. In general, C-org, Fe and P Shows an increasing trend downstream. In Periyar river, the P and Fe in bulk sediments show a positive correlation with C-org, while in Chalakudy river, both the elements are related to THM concentration. Among these two rivers, the pollution of water is several fold higher in Periyar river due to influx due to influx of considerable quantity of liquid and solid wastes of industrial/domestic/urban origin. Nutrient analysis reveals 2-3 times increase in N and P during monsoon season whereas SiO2-Si shows a decreasing trend.
A detailed ultrasonic study of the elastic properties of lithium ammonium sulfate ~LiNH4SO4! or LAS has been carried out below room temperature. The elastic constants of LAS at room temperature are reported. The discrepancy present in earlier elastic constant data associated with the different choice of axes for this orthorhombic system are clarified. The results of the temperature variation study down to 220 K confirm the ferroelastic phase transition at 285 K and establish a thermal hysteresis of about 2.5 K between the cooling and heating cycles. Results of the investigation on the suspected weak phase transition at 256 K suggest that this transition occurs at 242 K on cooling and at 256 K on heating, thus having a thermal hysteresis of about 14 K. However, since the observed elastic anomaly for this transition is very small, the nature of this transition still remains unclear
This thesis presents in detail. the theoretical developments and calculations which are used for the simultaneous determination of thermal parameters, namely thermal diffusivity (a). thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (K) and heat capacity (cr ) employing photopyroelectric technique. In our calculations. we have assumed that the pyroelectric detector is supported on a copper backing. so that there will be sufficient heat exchange between the heated pyroelectric detector and the backing so that the signal fluctuations are reduced to a minimum. Since the PPE signal depends on the properties of the detector that are also temperature dependent. a careful temperature calibration of the system need to be carried out. APPE cell has been fabricated for the measurements that can be used to measure the thermal properties of solid samples from ~ 90 K to ~ 350 K. The cell has been calibrated using standard samples and the accuracy of the technique is found to be of the order of± 1%.In this thesis, we have taken up work n photopyroelectric investigation of thermal parameters of ferroelectric crystals such as Glycine phosphite (NH3CH2COOH3P03), Triglycine sulfate and Thiourea as well as mixed valence perovskites samples such as Lead doped Lanthanum Manganate (Lal_xPb~Mn03) Calcium doped (Lal_xCaxMnOJ) and Nickel doped Lanthanum Stroncium Cobaltate (Lao~Sro5Ni,Col_x03).The three ferroelectric crystals are prepared by the slow evaporation technique and the mixed valence perovskites by solid state reaction technique.Mixed valence perovskites, with the general formula RI_xA~Mn03 (R = La. Nd or Pr and A = Ba, Ca, Sr or Pb) have been materials of intense experimental and theoretical studies over the past few years. These materials show . colossal magneloresis/ance' (CMR) in samples with 0.2 < x < 0.5 in such a doping region, resistivity exhibits a peak at T = T p' the metal - insulator transition temperature. The system exhibits metallic characteristics with d %T > Oabove Tp (wherep is the resistivity) and insulating characteristics with d % T < 0 above T p. Despite intensive investigations on the CMR phenomena and associated electrical properties. not much work has been done on the variation of thermal properties of these samples. We have been quite successful in finding out the nature of anomaly associated with thermal properties when the sample undergoes M-I transition.The ferroelectric crystal showing para-ferroelectric phase transitions - Glycine phosphite. Thiourea and Triglycine sulfate - are studied in detail in order to see how well the PPE technique enables one to measure the thermal parameters during phase transitions. It is seen that the phase transition gets clearly reflected in the variation of thermal parameters. The anisotropy in thermal transport along different crystallographic directions are explained in terms of the elastic anisotropy and lattice contribution to the thermal conductivity. Interesting new results have been obtained on the above samples and are presented in three different chapters of the thesis.In summary. we have carried investigations of the variations of the thermal parameters during phase transitions employing photopyroelectric technique. The results obtained on different systems are important not only in understanding the physics behind the transitions but also in establishing the potentiality of the PPE tool. The full potential of PPE technique for the investigation of optical and thermal properties of materials still remains to be taken advantage of by workers in this field.
Laser ablation processes in liquid benzene, toluene and carbon disulphide have been investigated by pulsed photoacoustic technique using 532 nm radiation from a frequency doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The nature of variation of photoacoustic signal amplitude with laser energy clearly indicates that different phenomena are involved in the generation of photoacoustic effect and these are discussed in detail. Our results suggest multiphoton induced photofragmentation as the most plausible interaction process occurring during laser ablation in these liquids.
Farm communication and extension programs are vital part of the farm development attempts. Electronic media plays a major role in farm extension activities. Kerala, the consumer state, which was a complete agricultural state in pre-independence period, is the sprouting land of agricultural extension and publication activities in print media. Later AIR (All India Radio) farm programs and farm broadcasting of Doordarshan enriched the role of electronic media in farm extension activities. The media saturated southern state of India received this new electronic media farm communication revolution whole heartedly. However, after 1990, Kerala witnessed a flood of private T V channels and currently there are 24 channels in this regional language, named Malayalam. All major news and entertainment channels are broadcasting farm programs. Farm programs of AIR and Doordarshan, broadcasted in Malayalam language, have been well accepted to the farmers‘ in Kerala. However, post-independence period, witnessed the formation of Kerala state in Indian Union and the first ballot-elected communist Government started its administration. After the land reform bills, the state witnessed a gradual decrease in agricultural production. Even if it is not reflected much in the attitude and practices of farm community and farm broadcast of traditional electronic broadcasting, a change is observable after the post-liberalization era of India. Private Television channels, which were focused on entertainment value of programs, started broadcasting farm programs and the parameters of program production went through certain changes. In this situation, there is ample relevance for a study about the farm programs of electronic media in terms of a comparative study of audience perception. The study is limited in the state of Kerala as it is the most media saturated state in India. The study analyzes the rate, nature and scope of adoption of farming methods transmitted through electronic media (T.V. and Radio) in Malayalam language.All kinds of Farm programs including comprehensive program serials, success stories, seasonal cropping methods, experts opinion, been analyzed on the basis of the following objectives. To find whether propagating new farm methods through farm programs in electronic media or the availability of adequate infrastructure and economic factors make a farmer to adopt a new farming method. To find which electronic media has more influence on farmers to adopt agricultural programs. To find which form of electronic media gets better feedback from farmers To find out whether the programs of T.V. or Radio is more acceptable to farmers than the print media. To find whether farmers gets the message through their preferred medium for the message. The researcher recorded opinions from a panel of agricultural officers, farm Information officers, agro extension researchers and experts. According to their opinions and guidelines, a pilot study is designed and conducted in Kanjikuzhy Panchayath, in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The Panchayath is selected by considering its ideal nature of being the sample for a social Science research. Besides, the nature of farming in the Panchayath, which devoid of the cultivation of cash crops also supported its sample value. As per the observations from the pilot study, researcher confirmed the Triangulation method as the methodology of research. The questionnaire survey, being the primary part contained 42 Questions with 6 independent and 32 dependent variables. The survey is conducted among 400 respondents in Idukki, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts considering geographical differences and distribution of different types of crops. The response from a total of 360 respondents, 120 from each district, finally selected for tabulation and data analysis.The data analysis, based on percentage analysis, along with the results from focus group discussion among a selected group of 20 farmers, together produced the results as follows. Farmers, who are the audience of farm programs, have a very serious approach towards the medium. They are maintaining a critical point of view towards the content of the programs. Farmers are reasonably aware about the financial side of the programs and the monitory aspirations of both private and Government owned Television channels. Even though, the farmers are not aware on the technical terminology and jargons, they have ideas about success stories, program serials and they are even informed about channels are not maintaining an audience research section like AIR. Though the farmers accept Doordarshan as the credential source of farm information and methods, they are inclined to the entertainment value of programs too. They prefer to have more entertainment value for the programs of Doordarshan. Surprisingly, they have very solid suggestions on even about the shots which add entertainment value to the farm broadcasting methods of Doordarshan. Farmers are very much aware about the fact that media is just an instrument for inspiration and persuasion. They strongly believe that the source of information and new methods is agricultural research and an effective change happens only when there are adequate infrastructure and marketing facilities, along with the proper support from Government agricultural guideline and support systems like Krishi Bhavans. They strongly believe that media alone cannot create any magic in increasing agricultural production. Farmers are pointing out the lack of response to the feedback and queries of farmers on farming methods, as an evidence for the difference in levels of commitment of Government and private owned Television channels.Farmers are still perceiving AIR farm programs are far more committed to farmers and farming than any other electronic medium. However, they are seriously lacking Radio receivers with medium wave reception facility. Farmers perceive that the farming methods on new crops are more adoptable than the farming methods of traditional crops in both private and Government owned Television channels. There are multiple factors behind this observation from farmers. Farmers changed in terms of viewing habits and they prefer success stories, which are totally irrelevant and they even think that such stories encourage people to go for farming and they opined that such stories are good sources of inspiration. However, they are all very much sure about the importance and particular about the presence of entertainment factor even in farm programs. Farmers expect direct interaction of any expert of the new farming method to implement the method in their agriculture practices. Though introduction of a new idea in the T.V. is acceptable, farmers need the direct instruction of expert on field to start implementing the new farming practices Farmers still have an affinity towards print media reports and agricultural pages and they have complaints to print media on the removal of agricultural information pages from news papers. They prefer the reports in print media as it facilitates them to collect and refer articles when they need it. Farmers are having an eye of doubt about the credibility of farm programs by private T.V. channels. Even if they prefer private Television channels for listening and adopting new farming methods and other farm information, they scrutinize programs to know whether they are sponsored programs by agrochemical or agro-fertilizer manufacturer.
The study has wider policy implications as it identifies the possible variables which influence the sustainability of participatory productive sector projects. The method which is developed to study the sustainability of projects under People’s Planning in Chempu Panchayat could be used for studying the same in other panchayats also. Unlike the case of the standard features of sustainability identified, the independent variables vary according to the nature of the project. Hence, this needs to be modified accordingly while applying the method in a dissimilar domain. Selection of a single panchayat for the present study is relevant on the basis of a common package of inputs for decentralised planning which is forwarded by the State Planning Board respectively for the three-tier panchayat system in Kerala. The dynamic filed realities could be brought out in view of a comprehensive planning approach through an in depth study of specific cases.The assessment of the nature and pattern of productive sector projects in the selected Village Panchayat puts the projects under close scrutiny. The analysis has depended largely on secondary sources of information, especially from panchayat level plan documents, and also on the primary information obtained using direct observation and on-site inspection of project sites. An analysis of the nature and pattem of productive sector projects is important as it gives all necessary information regarding follow-up, monitoring/evaluation and even termination of a particular project. It has also revealed the tendencies of including infrastructure and service sector projects under ‘productive’ category, especially for maintaining the stipulated ratio (40:30:30) of grant-in-aid distribution. The study regarding the allocation and expenditure pattern of plan funds is vital in policy level as it reveals the under-noticed allocation and expenditure pattern of plan funds other than grant-in-aid. One major limitation of the study has been the limited availability of secondary data, especially regarding project-wise expenditure and monitoring/evaluation reports of various project committees.