993 resultados para NUTRITIONAL ENRICHMENT


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Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is often associated with nutritional deficiency, which appears to contribute to the progression of UC severity. The present study aimed to evaluate nutritional status and dietary intake in UC remission patients. Methods: The present study comprised a cross-sectional study in which variables such as extent of disease (distal colitis, left-sided colitis, pancolitis), remission period, sex and age were recorded. Extent of disease was assessed by the results of a colonoscopy and dietary intake was evaluated by using 3-day, 24-h recalls. A Kruskall-Wallis test was used to compare the intake of macro- and micronutrients among the three study groups. The analysis was complemented by the Mann-Whitney test. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictive factors of extent of disease (pancolitis versus left-sided colitis versus distal colitis). Results: The median (range) age of the 59 patients was 49.0 (37.0-63.0) years and 53.3% were female. Twenty-six (44.1%) patients had distal colitis, 11 (18.6%) patients had left-sided colitis and 22 (37.3%) patients had pancolitis. A high probability of an inadequate intake of fibre (100%), fat soluble vitamins (>40% for vitamin A and >95% for vitamin E), vitamin C (>34%), calcium (>90%) and magnesium (>50%) was identified in the study group. Vitamin D intake (odds ratio = 0.60; 95% confidence interval = 0.39-0.94; P < 0.05) was significantly associated with increased intestinal damage. Conclusions: A large number of individuals showed an inadequate intake of nutrients. In addition, the consumption of vitamin D was significantly associated with extent of disease. © 2013 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Historically, the ichthyofauna of large Brazilian rivers has been subject to anthropogenic interference, such as impoundments. Currently, cage fish farming systems are a new source of impact on aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this study was to characterise the impact of freshwater fish farms on the feeding of five species of Neotropical freshwater fish. Specimens of Astyanax altiparanae, Galeocharax knerii, Iheringicthys labrosus, Pimelodus maculatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus were sampled in areas around two systems of cage fish farming (CF), and two control areas (CT) that were not influenced by this activity. Results show that there were significant changes in the diet of trophic generalist species (A. altiparanae, P. maculatus and I. labrosus) accompanied by a related increase in the condition factor values of these species in cage areas. Trophic specialist species, such as the carnivorous fish species G. knerii and P. squamosissimus, presented small differences between the CF and CT areas with regard to diet and showed no differences in other analyses performed. In conclusion, cage fish farms can affect the natural diet of trophic generalist fish species, directly affecting the nutritional status (condition factor), where food wastes was found to be one of the principal items consumed by this trophic guild. Results indicate that these species are responsible for recycling a great quantity of organic matter transferred by this type of activity, which, along with local fishery activities, contribute to mitigation of associated processes of eutrophication. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The objective of this work was to assess the incidence of Yellow Sigatoka in banana plants cultivated with deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur or boron. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 8 treatments, 4 repetitions and 1 plant per repetition. The treatments were supplied in solution culture and consisted of all the nutrients (control) or nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S) or boron (B) deficiency. Leaves 1 and 2 were inoculated on the abaxial surface with a suspension of conidia and assessed every 5 days to with a total of 5 assessments. The average number of lesions were integrated for the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The greatest AUDPC occurred in plants deficient in K, N, P, S, or Mg. Plants deficient in N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S or B had lower leaf contents of these nutrients and showed morphological changes expressed in visual deficiency symptoms. Thus, banana plants deficient in K, N, P, S or Mg had a greater incidence of Yellow Sigatoka, compared with plants with full nutrients and plants deficient Ca or B.


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A mandioca é cultivada como "mandioca mansa" para consumo in natura e "mandioca para indústria" como fonte de amidos e farinhas. Raças locais foram utilizadas para descoberta de "mutações espontâneas" e desenvolvimento de abordagem evolutiva e de melhoramento para estudos de função gênica. Recursos de Genômica e Proteômica foram obtidos. Análises de expressão gênica por blot de RNA e microarranjos foram desenvolvidos para identificação de expressão diferencial. "Mandioca açucarada" foi identificada, sendo relacionada com falta de expressão do gene da BEI e de uma mutação "nonsence" na sequência do gene GBSSI causando a formação do amido serose. "Mandioca avermelhada" apresentou falta de expressão do gene CasLYB, e a "amarela" uma regulação de repressão do gene CasHYb. Análise Proteômica do complexo carotenóide-proteína, juntamente com a análise de expressão de gene da CAP4, revelaram uma dupla fita de cDNA associada ao elevado acúmulo de carotenóide. Sequenciamento do gene da GBSSI identificou 22 haplótipos e grande diversidade de nucleotídios. Populações segregantes de cruzamentos de fenótipos bioquímicos diferenciados com cultivares elites dos Cerrados foram obtidas.


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Este estudo avaliou a composição química da farinha de banana verde sem casca e com casca, obtido por secagem em leito de jorro, com o objetivo de agregar valor nutricional a produtos alimentícios. As bananas foram cortadas e trituradas para a obtenção de uma pasta, sendo esta alimentada no secador leito de jorro (12 cm de altura e T = 80 º C), a fim de obter uma farinha. As farinhas obtidas foram submetidas a análise da umidade, proteína, cinzas, Carboidratos totais, amido total, amido resistente, e fibras. As farinhas de banana verde, principalmente com casca, são boas fontes de fibras e amido resistente, com uma média de 21,91g/100g e 68,02g/100g respectivamente. O teor médio de proteína encontrado foi para 4,76g/100g, sendo classificada como uma proteína de baixo valor biológico, tendo a lisina como o primeiro aminoácido limitante. Os resultados mostraram que a farinha de banana verde com casca obtida por secagem em leito de jorro pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para agregação de valor nutricional aos produtos, a fim de aumentar a sua fracção não digerível.


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O buriti e o patauá são duas palmeiras endêmicas da região Amazônica. As polpas destes frutos são tradicionalmente consumidas pela população local, mas ainda não ganharam os mercados nacional e internacional. A composição nutricional em ácidos graxos e tocoferol foi determinada com metodologias analíticas modernas de cromatografia gasosa (CG) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) baseadas nos padrões da AOCS (AMERICAN..., 2002) e AOAC (ASSOCIATION..., 1997), respectivamente. As duas polpas se mostraram bastante energéticas, com uma alta concentração em ácidos graxos, respectivamente 38,4% e 29,1% em massa seca (MS), em proteínas, 7,8% e 7,4% MS e em fibras dietéticas, 46% e 44,7%. A polpa de buriti pode ser considerada uma ótima fonte de vitamina E devido ao seu alto teor de tocoferol (1169 µg.g-1 MS). O perfil de ácidos graxos encontrados para a polpa de patauá foi muito semelhante ao de azeite de oliva.


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O envelhecimento é um processo dinâmico e progressivo que se caracteriza pela ocorrência de modificações morfológicas, bioquímicas, funcionais e psicológicas do organismo. O objetivo do presente artigo é fornecer conceitos atualizados sobre estresse oxidativo, abordando sua importância no envelhecimento, assim como o estado nutricional e suplementação com antioxidantes (substâncias que evitam ou atenuam a oxidação de substratos oxidáveis, como lipídeos, proteínas, carboidratos e o ácido desoxirribonucleico) na população geriátrica. Evidências sugerem que existe uma relação inversa entre estresse oxidativo e estado nutricional em indivíduos idosos. Embora seja comprovado o aumento do estresse oxidativo nas doenças crônicas associadas ao envelhecimento, como doença de Parkinson e doença de Alzheimer, não há, até o momento, evidências clínicas consistentes que comprovem a eficiência da suplementação com antioxidantes contra o estresse oxidativo. Nesse contexto, a suplementação não é recomendada. Por outro lado, idosos devem ser encorajados a ingerir alimentos antioxidantes, como, por exemplo, frutas e vegetais. A manutenção do peso dentro da faixa de normalidade (índice de massa corpórea entre 23 e 28 kg/m2) também deve ser estimulada.


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Rapid tests to assess the nutritional status of plants gerbera can make easier the decision of any adjustments in the fertilization of the substrate. The study was conducted to evaluate nutritionally fertigated gerbera plants with increasing levels of electrical conductivity (EC), using portable meters nitrate and potassium, and chlorophyll. For this, two experiments were conducted. A randomized block design with five levels of EC (0.5, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0 and 6.5 dS m-1) and four replications was used. Cherry cultivar was used in the first experiment. In the second experiment, two cultivars (Cherry and Salmon Rose) were used. In the first experiment, the sap of the leaves was subjected to rapid testing of N-NO3- (equipment Cardy Horiba C -141). N-NO3- and K+ (C-131) were determined in the substrate solution. The intensity of the green leaf, in the second experiment was evaluated with portable Chlorophyll Meter. The N content in the indicator leaf in the first and N and K contents in the plant in the second experiment were determined. Rapid tests are presented as good indicators of the level of N-NO3- and K+ in plant tissue, with the advantages of convenience and speed of determination, facilitating monitoring of fertilization of the substrate by producers and technicians.


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PURPOSE: Malnutrition is prevalent in patients with advanced liver disease (LD) related to multifactorial causes. Fluid retention can underestimate the nutritional status based on anthropometric measures. We evaluated nutritional indicators and body composition (BC) in patients with liver cirrhosis and correlated them with LD severity. METHODS: Forty three patients with LD enrolled for liver transplantation were evaluated by Anthropometric measures, subjective evaluation (Global Assessment of Nutritional Status - SGA) and biochemical indicators. Single-frequency electrical bioimpedance (SFE-BIA) was used to evaluate body composition (BC). It measured resistance (R), reactance (Xc) and the phase angle (PA). LD severity was estimated by Child-Pugh and Meld criteria (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease). RESULTS: Child-Pugh index between patients was 7.11±1.70 and Meld was 12.23±4.22. Arm Circumference, Arm Muscle Circumference and Arm Muscle Area, SGA, hemoglobin, hematocrit and albumin showed better correlation with disease severity. Xc and PA showed correlation both with Meld and Child-Pugh score when BC were evaluated. PA was depleted in 55.8% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of malnutrition varied according to the method. Global assessment of nutritional status showed better correlation with disease severity than with objective methods. Single-frequency electrical bioimpedance for body composition analysis in cirrhotic patients must be cautiously used; however, primary vectors seems to be valid and promising in clinical practice.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by the intracellular protozoan Leishmania donovani complex. VL may be asymptomatic or progressive and is characterized by fever, anemia, weight loss and the enlargement of the spleen and liver. The nutritional status of the patients with VL is a major determinant of the progression, severity and mortality of the disease, as it affects the clinical progression of the disease. Changes in lipoproteins and plasma proteins may have major impacts in the host during infection. Thus, our goal was evaluate the serum total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides, glucose, albumin, globulin and total protein levels, as well as the body composition, of VL patients before and after treatment. Methods Nutritional evaluation was performed using the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to assess body composition. Biochemical data on the serum total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, glucose, albumin, globulin and total protein were collected from the medical charts of the patients. Results BIA indicated that both pre-treatment and post-treatment patients exhibited decreased phase angles compared to the controls, which is indicative of disease. Prior to treatment, the patients exhibited lower levels of total body water compared to the controls. Regarding the biochemical evaluation, patients with active VL exhibited lower levels of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and albumin and higher triglyceride levels compared to patients after treatment and the controls. Treatment increased the levels of albumin and lipoproteins and decreased the triglyceride levels. Conclusions Our results suggest that patients with active VL present biochemical and nutritional changes that are reversed by treatment.