997 resultados para Museums.


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The presentation will focus on ICOM Switzerland‘s works concerning training designed for museums professionals. Its implication in this field is increasing, within the framework of its own offer of continuous education, as well as within partnerships with other external institutions (for example universities).In September 2008, the first Master in Museology in Switzerland (Master en études muséales) will be launched, as a result of the cooperation of ICOM Switzerland, the University of Neuchâtel and l‘Association des musées suisses (the National Swiss Museums Association).ICOM Switzerland is involved in reflections with museum professionnals. For instance, it collaborated with Swiss museum educators (the médiateurs culturels) in order to define quality standards for their working areas. This year also, a certification has also been set up, regarding training for museums professionals. The project has been presented in Vienna last year and it is now operational.


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At the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we carry out module-based programmes to educate and qualify different target audiences working in the filed of cultural heritage. Our development and realization of educational programmes and training courses directed at practical applicability, including life-long learning of adults, topic complementarity with related professional and scientific fields, connection with universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate studies of heritages, promotion of theoretical museological discourses raising awareness of the meaning of cultural heritage, firm placement in an international network of related institutions and promotion of international relations with special emphasis on neighbouring countries. We encourage project partnership and cooperate with different domestic and foreign associates in forming and carrying out programmes.


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Enkhnaran will discuss issues for professional education raised by museums and tourism companies, which share similar objectives in the sense that each aim to provide their guests with quality information entertainment and a memorable experience. With limited budget capabilities, it is especially important for museums to co-operate with tourist companies in order to attract new and repeat visitors as well as generate important revenue.


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In Portugal, namely in municipal museums, the reduced percentage of museum professionals that have a stable administrative position imposes a high degree of polyvalence allowing them to coordinate, often by themselves, the quotidian activities at the museum(s) they run.


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Pierre Mayrand is a long-time member of ICTOP and founder of MINOM. He did graduate studies in Montreal and overseas, studying art history with a specialization in architecture and urban planning. In 1970, when the Université du Québec was founded, Pierre entered the teaching profession, participating (as director, professor, and researcher) in the setting up of programs in national heritage, museology and cultural development. He is still active in teaching and project development now as a altermuseologist.


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Due to various reasons museum employees from the Baltic States rarely use the chance to study museology abroad. Therefore the State Authority on Museums of Latvia in collaboration with ICOM-Latvia decided to ―deliver‖ this knowledge, by inviting internationally acknowledged lectors from different countries to widen the scope of takers of this opportunity. Estonian and Lithuanian colleagues are also joining in the project, which is included in the cooperation programme of the Ministries of Culture of the Baltic States.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado é a consolidação de um conjunto de desejos, anseios, planos e condições favoráveis, amadurecidos ao longo de três anos - em São Paulo - e concretizados em outros dois anos - em Lisboa. Em meio ao imediatismo que o mundo contemporâneo exige de seus transeuntes, este projeto acadêmico assumiu como desafio „desacelerar para criar‟. O intuito foi „degustar‟ o processo vivenciado: refletir sobre as etapas, aceitar as dificuldades e limitações, observar as mudanças, perceber as evoluções, reconhecer as conquistas e, principalmente, respeitar o tempo de amadurecimento das idéias. Desta forma, foi possível equilibrar a satisfação com as renúncias, necessárias a toda construção acadêmica.


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O objetivo desta dissertação procurou perceber como as políticas culturais do Governo Regional dos Açores, através do investimento realizado em equipamentos culturais, influenciou a democratização do acesso à cultura na região, no período entre 1976 e 2008. Com vista a esse objetivo, foram analisados os programas de governos aprovados, seguido do levantamento de dados financeiros relativos a despesa e investimento no setor cultural na região. Foram ainda recolhidos os dados existentes sobre os visitantes dos equipamentos escolhidos, mais especificamente, os museus sob a tutela da administração pública regional, o objeto para este estudo de caso. Após a organização de todos esses dados, foram analisados e construídas hipóteses de comparação entre eles, de modo a resumir a evolução e tendência desses valores. Com vista a perceber os desenvolvimentos no período analisado, procedeu-se à recolha mais completa possível de toda a legislação criada para o setor a nível regional, tornando possível analisar essa consolidação. Após a análise de todos os dados recolhidos e trabalhados, verifica-se que a promoção de medidas com vista a uma maior democratização cultural nos Açores passa por vários fatores: um forte investimento financeiro nos equipamentos em questão (como obras e apetrechamento técnico); o desenvolvimento de legislação estruturante; uma postura de descentralização cultural; contratação de pessoal especializado e formação do pessoal existente; e a criação de uma rede regional de museus. Todas essas ações demonstram o trabalho da administração regional, através da implementação de políticas culturais, com vista a uma maior democratização do acesso à cultura por parte das populações.


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La autora destaca la influencia de los “diarios perdidos” de Manuela Sáenz sobre el Diario de Paita (editado por Carlos Álvarez Saá), la biografía publicitada por el Museo Manuela Sáenz en Quito y la película venezolana de Diego Rísquez. Por otro lado, señala que la imagen de Sáenz ha sido apropiada como símbolo de causas cívicas o feministas, predominando la imagen de una atrevida transgresora de las normas de género, sexualmente pervertida, perturbadora del orden social. No obstante, el Museo y la película de Rísquez la presentarían como alguien honorable, e insistirían en la perseverancia del amor y lealtad de Sáenz a Bolívar. Hennes señala, además, que Rísquez trata las cuestiones de género y sexualidad respetando la complejidad e integridad de la Sáenz fílmica y de la histórica, que su performance de género le permite navegar los espacios masculinos y femeninos, para gozar de cierta agencia política y social en el círculo de Bolívar. Habría en la película y el Diario un lugar común, que no aparece en la literatura del Museo: la representación de Bolívar como figura trágica. Pese a sus discrepancias, los textos mencionados contribuyen a la construcción continua del ícono político, social y cultural.


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The article thinks over the role of museums in the construction of scientific and historical representations and as a space that connects the forms of visualizing the past and the construction of historic knowledge. Also analyzes the museum as a setting of tension between the visualization and the generation of scientific or historical knowledge; and between the forms of evoking-representing and the sensitive cognitive processes that it activates in museum audiences. This oscillation takes place in the Museo Paulista.


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Mobile robots provide a versatile platform for research, however they can also provide an interesting educational platform for public exhibition at museums. In general museums require exhibits that are both eye catching and exciting to the public whilst requiring a minimum of maintenance time from museum technicians. In many cases it is simply not possible to continuously change batteries and some method of supplying continous power is required. A powered flooring system is described that is capable of providing power continuously to a group of robots. Three different museum exhibit applications are described. All three robot exhibits are of a similar basic design although the exhibits are very different in appearance and behaviour. The durability and versatility of the robots also makes them extremely good candidates for long duration experiments such as those required by evolutionary robotics.


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Cybernetics is a broad subject, encompassing many aspects of electrical, electronic, and computer engineering, which suffers from a lack of understanding on the part of potential applicants and teachers when recruiting students. However, once the engineering values, fascinating science, and pathways to rewarding, diverse careers are communicated, appropriate students can be very interested in enrolling. At the University of Reading, Reading, U.K., a key route for outreach to prospective students has been achieved through the use of robots in interactive talks at schools, competitions (often funded by Public Understanding of Science projects), a collectable fortnightly magazine, exhibitions in museums, open days at the University, and appearances in the media. This paper identifies the interactive engagement, anthropomorphic acceptability, and inspirational nature of robots as being key to their successful use in outreach activities. The statistical results presented show that the continued popularity of degrees at Reading in cybernetics, electronic engineering, and robotics over the last 20 years is in part due to the outreach activities to schools and the general public.