850 resultados para Multinational Groups


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Esta dissertação examina as capacidades tecnológicas (sistema técnico-organizacional, molécula e medicamento) disponibilizadas em alianças estratégicas pela indústria farmacêutica multinacional, assim como as principais implicações das alianças estratégicas para a indústria farmacêutica em termos de configuração de suas capacidades tecnológicas . Essas questões são examinadas à base de evidências empíricas secundárias sobre alianças estratégicas em uma amostra de 25 companhias multinacionais da indústria farmacêutica, pertencentes a três grupos: companhia farmacêutica de grande porte (big pharma); companhia biofarmacêutica de grande porte (biofarma) e companhia pequena de pesquisa . A literatura relacionada oferece uma grande quantidade de estudos sobre alianças estratégicas e capacidades tecnológicas na indústria farmacêutica multinacional. Porém, o tema das implicações de tais alianças estratégicas para mudanças na configuração de capacidades tecnológicas ainda carece de mais fundamentação empírica, pela perspectiva de gestão de empresa e, mais precisamente, pela perspectiva de estratégia empresarial baseada em competências dinâmicas. Essa dissertação baseia-se em extensiva e sistemática coleta de evidências empíricas relativas às alianças estratégicas implementadas por 25 companhias da indústria farmacêutica e, publicadas durante o período de 1993 a 2003. Tais evidências empíricas foram coletadas a partir de três bancos de dados: Business & Industry; Galé e Dialog . Com relação aos resultados, foi encontrado que: Em termos de participações com capacidades tecnológicas ingressantes em alianças estratégicas: (i) as 'big pharmas' ingressaram com 11 % das 169 capacidades tecnológicas; (ii) as biofarmas ingressaram com 44% das 143 capacidades tecnológicas; (iii) as companhias pequenas de pesquisa ingressaram com 72% das 95 capacidades tecnológicas . 2 Em termos de implicações das alianças estratégicas para a mudança na configuração de capacidades tecnológicas que ingressaram em alianças estratégicas, foi encontrado que: (i) as 'big pharmas' aumentaram a proporção em moléculas (16% para 55%); (ii) as biofarmas aumentaram a participação em moléculas (22% para 32%) e sistema técnico-organizacional para pesquisa de molécula (49% para 55%); (iii) as companhias pequenas de pesquisa inseriram-se a uma nova atividade (comercialização de medicamento no mercado farmacêutico) a partir do aumento da participação em medicamentos (3% para 29%). Adicionalmente, atualizaram sistemas técnico-organizacionais para pesquisa de molécula . As evidências sugerem que o critério de escolha por companhia parceira e por mecanismo de aliança estratégica foi condicionado aos objetivos e às necessidades de cada grupo de companhia da indústria farmacêutica. Por fim, enquanto as companhias integradas, 'big pharmas' e biofarmas, principalmente, as primeiras, têm adaptado o modelo de negócio "Fully Integrated Pharmaceutical Company" com a adoção de alianças estratégicas para complementação de capacidades tecnológicas, as companhias pequenas de pesquisa capitalizam as suas capacidades tecnológicas através das alianças estratégicas e ingressam no mercado farmacêutico com a comercialização de medicamentos adquiridos por meio de alianças estratégicas. Portanto, as evidências sugerem que a busca por complementação de base de conhecimento para competir no mercado globalizado, tem implicado ainda que, informalmente, uma alteração na organização das atividades tecnológicas inovadoras, especialmente, em termos de produtos (medicamentos) .


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Trata-se de um estudo exploratório/explanatório que visa avaliar a convergência entre a percepção de atratividade do mercado hoteleiro brasileiro e o posicionamento estratégico para negócios das grandes cadeias multinacionais de hotéis na avaliação de seus altos dirigentes. A pesquisa está inserida no contexto das estratégias de negócios internacionais e da expansão global hoteleira, tendo o Brasil como alvo.


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Uma vez que as perspectivas de crescimento económico nos países mais desenvolvidos, como a Europa, os EUA eo Japão estão diminuindo, os mercados emergentes têm se tornado cada vez mais importante para muitas empresas multinacionais. Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China (BRICs) são agora os principais mercados em crescimento em todo o mundo e as empresas estão buscando estratégias para explorar ao máximo o potencial de consumo promissor nessas regiões. Um dos modos mais elaborados de prosseguir essa estratégia é conhecida como "localização" - uma adaptação das práticas de negócios (ao longo de toda a cadeia de suprimentos) com as preferências e condições locais. Este artigo é projetado para analisar as atividades de localização de empresas multinacionais no Brasil. O foco da análise é o de investigar as características do mercado brasileiro, que induzem as multinacionais a localizar o seu marketing mix (composto de produto, preço, colocação e promoção). Em dois estudos de casos com a empresa Suiça Nestlé e a empresa Alemã Volkswagen vários padrões de localização foram no mercado consumidor brasileiro. Os quatro resultados mais significativos da análise são os diferentes padrões sociais o Brasil, que forçar as empresas a reformular certas funções do seu mix de marketing (por exemplo, a colocação no caso da Nestlé), a aceitação dos consumidores brasileiros a pagar preços relativamente elevados (por exemplo, taxas de Volkswagen até 100% mais por seus produtos em relação à Alemanha); o enorme tamanho do Brasil ea infra-estrutura deficiente, que exigem uma abordagem de distribuição localizada; eo caráter atualmente ainda menos exigente dos estratos de consumidores brasileiros emergentes, que permitem às empresas oferecer produtos menos sofisticados em comparação aos mercados europeus.


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We examine the drivers behind the establishment mode choice of German multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the sectors of Automotive, Chemicals and Mechanical Engineering in Brazil for the years 1993-2013 using a novel sample of primary data obtained directly from German MNEs. Based on prevalent theories found in the literature, we test the most common hypotheses on our sample. Firms with high R&D activities and firms with prior market knowledge in Brazil in from of previous sales offices are more likely to enter Brazil by a Greenfield investment. We also show that it is the specific private ownership of the German so-called hidden champions that drive those specific SMEs to enter Brazil by Greenfield, a sneaking suspicion that has been made before. Finally, we show that the establishment mode choice between Brazil and the USA only deviates to a low extent, with German MNEs preferring to enter Brazil by Greenfield and the USA by M&A. Thereby, we provide valuable insights for future research in this field.


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This paper introduces a model economy in which formation of coalition groups under technological progress is generated endogenously. The coalition formation depends crucially on the rate of arrival of new technologies. In the model, an agent working in the saroe technology for more than one period acquires skills, part of which is specific to this technology. These skills increase the agent productivity. In this case, if he has worked more than one period with the same technology he has incentives to construct a coalition to block the adoption of new technologies. Therefore, in every sector the workers have incentives to construct a coalition and to block the adoption of new technologies. They will block every time that a technology stay in use for more than one period.


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Recentemente, os mercados emergentes se tornaram um alvo potencial para a indústria da beleza e o Brasil está se tornando um mercado lucrativo para os produtos cosméticos Premium (Euromonitor International, 2013). A população de baixa renda no Brasil representa 70% de seus habitantes ao considerar as classes C, D e E (Barki e Parente, 2010), sendo a classe C representada por 56% da população (Neri, 2012). Este é um mercado potencial para as empresas multinacionais (MNCs), que enfrentam desafios de fazer negócios no país, visto que a classe C opta por gastar parte de sua renda com produtos relacionados a beleza (Silva e Parente, 2007) e ainda há um pouco conhecimento sobre o comportamento de consumo na base da pirâmide. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é investigar e descrever o comportamento de consumo das mulheres brasileiras da classe C no setor de beleza, em relação aos produtos Mass Premium, melhorando o conhecimento no que diz respeito a essa população e ao tema proposto. Para atingir esse objetivo, o autor utilizou uma metodologia baseada em uma análise descritivas qualitativa em que foram entrevistadas 20 mulheres de todas as faixas etárias, que pertencem à classe C brasileira e citações foram usadas para fornecer a confirmação dos resultados da análise. Os resultados sugerem que, ao longo dos anos, houve de fato um movimento de trade up no consumo de produtos de beleza. Além disso, foram identificados cinco aspectos principais, que conduzem decisão de compra das mulheres de classe C, no setor de beleza: confiabilidade, qualidade, status, autoestima e bem-estar. Apesar das limitações de um estudo exploratório, espera-se que a pesquisa aumente o conhecimento sobre o mercado da base da pirâmide, especialmente no que diz respeito à indústria da beleza.


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Differences-in-Differences (DID) is one of the most widely used identification strategies in applied economics. However, how to draw inferences in DID models when there are few treated groups remains an open question. We show that the usual inference methods used in DID models might not perform well when there are few treated groups and errors are heteroskedastic. In particular, we show that when there is variation in the number of observations per group, inference methods designed to work when there are few treated groups tend to (under-) over-reject the null hypothesis when the treated groups are (large) small relative to the control groups. This happens because larger groups tend to have lower variance, generating heteroskedasticity in the group x time aggregate DID model. We provide evidence from Monte Carlo simulations and from placebo DID regressions with the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Current Population Survey (CPS) datasets to show that this problem is relevant even in datasets with large numbers of observations per group. We then derive an alternative inference method that provides accurate hypothesis testing in situations where there are few treated groups (or even just one) and many control groups in the presence of heteroskedasticity. Our method assumes that we can model the heteroskedasticity of a linear combination of the errors. We show that this assumption can be satisfied without imposing strong assumptions on the errors in common DID applications. With many pre-treatment periods, we show that this assumption can be relaxed. Instead, we provide an alternative inference method that relies on strict stationarity and ergodicity of the time series. Finally, we consider two recent alternatives to DID when there are many pre-treatment periods. We extend our inference methods to linear factor models when there are few treated groups. We also derive conditions under which a permutation test for the synthetic control estimator proposed by Abadie et al. (2010) is robust to heteroskedasticity and propose a modification on the test statistic that provided a better heteroskedasticity correction in our simulations.


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Differences-in-Differences (DID) is one of the most widely used identification strategies in applied economics. However, how to draw inferences in DID models when there are few treated groups remains an open question. We show that the usual inference methods used in DID models might not perform well when there are few treated groups and errors are heteroskedastic. In particular, we show that when there is variation in the number of observations per group, inference methods designed to work when there are few treated groups tend to (under-) over-reject the null hypothesis when the treated groups are (large) small relative to the control groups. This happens because larger groups tend to have lower variance, generating heteroskedasticity in the group x time aggregate DID model. We provide evidence from Monte Carlo simulations and from placebo DID regressions with the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Current Population Survey (CPS) datasets to show that this problem is relevant even in datasets with large numbers of observations per group. We then derive an alternative inference method that provides accurate hypothesis testing in situations where there are few treated groups (or even just one) and many control groups in the presence of heteroskedasticity. Our method assumes that we know how the heteroskedasticity is generated, which is the case when it is generated by variation in the number of observations per group. With many pre-treatment periods, we show that this assumption can be relaxed. Instead, we provide an alternative application of our method that relies on assumptions about stationarity and convergence of the moments of the time series. Finally, we consider two recent alternatives to DID when there are many pre-treatment groups. We extend our inference method to linear factor models when there are few treated groups. We also propose a permutation test for the synthetic control estimator that provided a better heteroskedasticity correction in our simulations than the test suggested by Abadie et al. (2010).


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Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo


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One of the challenges presented by the current conjecture in Global Companies is to recognize and understand that the culture and levels in structure of the Power Distance in Organizations in different countries contribute, significantly, toward the failure or success of their strategies. The alignment between the implementation and execution of new strategies for projects intended for the success of the Organization as a whole, rather than as an individual part thereof, is an important step towards reducing the impacts of Power Distance (PDI) on the success of business strategies. A position at odds with this understanding by Companies creates boundaries that increase organizational chasms, also taking into consideration relevant aspects such as, FSAs (Firm-Specific Advantages) and CSAs (Country-Specific Advantages). It is also important that the Organizations based in countries or regions of low Power Distance (PDI) between its individuals be more flexible and prepared to ask and to hear the suggestions from Regional and Local Offices. Thus, the purpose of this study is to highlight the elements of effective strategy implementation considering the relevant aspects at all levels of global corporate culture that justify the influences of power distance when implementing new strategies and also to minimize the impacts of this internal business relationship. This study also recognizes that other corporate and cultural aspects are relevant for the success of business strategies so consider, for instance, the lack of alignment between global and regional/local organizations, the need for competent leadership resources, as well as the challenges that indicate the distance between the hierarchical levels ─ Headquarters and Regional Office ─ as some of the various causes that prevent the successful execution of global strategies. Finally, we show that the execution of the strategy cannot be treated as a construction solely created by the Headquarters or by only one Board and that it needs to be understood as a system aimed at interacting with the surroundings.


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The maternal and paternal genetic profile of Guineans is markedly sub-Saharan West African, with the majority of lineages belonging to L0-L3 mtDNA sub-clusters and E3a-M2 and E1-M33 Y chromosome haplogroups. Despite the sociocultural differences among Guinea-Bissau ethnic groups,marked by the supposedly strict admixture barriers, their genetic pool remains largely common. Their extant variation coalesces at distinct timeframes, from the initial occupation of the area to later inputs of people. Signs of recent expansion in mtDNA haplogroups L2a-L2c and NRY E3a-M2 suggest population growth in the equatorial western fringe, possibly supported by an early local agricultural centre, and to which the Mandenka and the Balanta people may relate. Non-West African signatures are traceable in less frequent extant haplogroups, fitting well with the linguistic and historical evidence regarding particular ethnic groups: the Papel and Felupe-Djola people retain traces of their putative East African relatives; U6 and M1b among Guinea-Bissau Bak-speakers indicate partial diffusion to Sahel of North African lineages; U5b1b lineages in Fulbe and Papel represent a link to North African Berbers, emphasizing the great importance of post-glacial expansions; exact matches of R1b-P25 and E3b1-M78 with Europeans likely trace back to the times of the slave trade.


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In this thesis we study the invariant rings for the Sylow p-subgroups of the nite classical groups. We have successfully constructed presentations for the invariant rings for the Sylow p-subgroups of the unitary groups GU(3; Fq2) and GU(4; Fq2 ), the symplectic group Sp(4; Fq) and the orthogonal group O+(4; Fq) with q odd. In all cases, we obtained a minimal generating set which is also a SAGBI basis. Moreover, we computed the relations among the generators and showed that the invariant ring for these groups are a complete intersection. This shows that, even though the invariant rings of the Sylow p-subgroups of the general linear group are polynomial, the same is not true for Sylow p-subgroups of general classical groups. We also constructed the generators for the invariant elds for the Sylow p-subgroups of GU(n; Fq2 ), Sp(2n; Fq), O+(2n; Fq), O-(2n + 2; Fq) and O(2n + 1; Fq), for every n and q. This is an important step in order to obtain the generators and relations for the invariant rings of all these groups.


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In captive common marmoset groups, the reproductive inhibition observed in subordinate female seems to be a result of olfactory, visual and behavioral cues from the dominant female. However, few studies have examined the relationship among adult males living in the same social group. These studies have shown that reproductive failure among peer males seems to be based on hormonal and behavioral mechanisms. New insights on sexual strategies in primates have been shown using fecal steroids, but so far no information is available for common marmoset males. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of light-dark cycle, age and reproductive condition on the profile of fecal androgens in males living in the same family group. Feces were collected from six fathers and six sons for androgen determination during the light phase of the 24-h cycle for eight days randomly distributed over a 4-week period. Androgen levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay technique. Adult sons showed higher androgen levels (166.97 ± 22.95 ng/g) than fathers (80.69 ± 44.38 ng/g) and juveniles (49.06 ± 23.15 ng/g; P < 0.05). No diurnal variation (P > 0.05) in fecal androgen profile was observed in adults or juveniles. No indication of androgen-mediated social competition between fathers and adult sons was demonstrable. These results provide basic information on fecal androgen profile useful to investigate the socioendocrinology of free-ranging common marmoset males and verify that, in contrast to daughters, the reproductive suppression of sons is not based on physiological inhibition of their gonads


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In order to evaluate the effect of energy intake and broiler genotype on performance, carcass yield, and fat deposition, 600 one-day-old male chicks from two different genetic groups (AgRoss 308 - commercial line and PCLC - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) non-improved line) were fed diets with different metabolizable energy level (2950, 3200 and 3450 kcal/kg). A completely randomized experimental design in a 2X3 factorial arrangement with four replications of 25 birds per treatment was applied. In order to ensure different energy intake among treatments within each strain, feed intake was daily adjusted by pair-feeding schemes. AgRoss 308 broilers had better performance and carcass yield, and presented lower abdominal fat deposition rate. In both genetic groups, the highest dietary energy level increased weight gain, heart relative weight, and fat deposition. However, it reduced the difference between AgRoss 308 and PCLC for feed conversion ratio and carcass protein deposition. These findings allow concluding that genetic improvement had a significant effect on broiler energy metabolism, and that the highest performance differences between genetic groups are found when low-energy intake is imposed.