932 resultados para Multilevel linear model


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Past research has shown that having a large population of ethnic minorities beyond the neighborhood level arouses intolerance in the majority. However, this paper presents the argument that the effect of minority size on tolerance depends on minority type: the less subject the minority is to negative stereotyping, the more favorable the effect that minority size has on tolerance. In this study, a hierarchical linear model was applied to a dataset on advanced and emerging democracies in Europe. The analysis shows that when the duration and level of democracy are controlled for, ethnic tolerance was associated positively with native minority size and negatively with foreign population size.


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Determination of combustion metrics for a diesel engine has the potential of providing feedback for closed-loop combustion phasing control to meet current and upcoming emission and fuel consumption regulations. This thesis focused on the estimation of combustion metrics including start of combustion (SOC), crank angle location of 50% cumulative heat release (CA50), peak pressure crank angle location (PPCL), and peak pressure amplitude (PPA), peak apparent heat release rate crank angle location (PACL), mean absolute pressure error (MAPE), and peak apparent heat release rate amplitude (PAA). In-cylinder pressure has been used in the laboratory as the primary mechanism for characterization of combustion rates and more recently in-cylinder pressure has been used in series production vehicles for feedback control. However, the intrusive measurement with the in-cylinder pressure sensor is expensive and requires special mounting process and engine structure modification. As an alternative method, this work investigated block mounted accelerometers to estimate combustion metrics in a 9L I6 diesel engine. So the transfer path between the accelerometer signal and the in-cylinder pressure signal needs to be modeled. Depending on the transfer path, the in-cylinder pressure signal and the combustion metrics can be accurately estimated - recovered from accelerometer signals. The method and applicability for determining the transfer path is critical in utilizing an accelerometer(s) for feedback. Single-input single-output (SISO) frequency response function (FRF) is the most common transfer path model; however, it is shown here to have low robustness for varying engine operating conditions. This thesis examines mechanisms to improve the robustness of FRF for combustion metrics estimation. First, an adaptation process based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm was developed and added to the single-input single-output model. Second, a multiple-input single-output (MISO) FRF model coupled with principal component analysis and an offset compensation process was investigated and applied. Improvement of the FRF robustness was achieved based on these two approaches. Furthermore a neural network as a nonlinear model of the transfer path between the accelerometer signal and the apparent heat release rate was also investigated. Transfer path between the acoustical emissions and the in-cylinder pressure signal was also investigated in this dissertation on a high pressure common rail (HPCR) 1.9L TDI diesel engine. The acoustical emissions are an important factor in the powertrain development process. In this part of the research a transfer path was developed between the two and then used to predict the engine noise level with the measured in-cylinder pressure as the input. Three methods for transfer path modeling were applied and the method based on the cepstral smoothing technique led to the most accurate results with averaged estimation errors of 2 dBA and a root mean square error of 1.5dBA. Finally, a linear model for engine noise level estimation was proposed with the in-cylinder pressure signal and the engine speed as components.


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Prior to 2000, there were less than 1.6 million students enrolled in at least one online course. By fall 2010, student enrollment in online distance education showed a phenomenal 283% increase to 6.1 million. Two years later, this number had grown to 7.1 million. In light of this significant growth and skepticism about quality, there have been calls for greater oversight of this format of educational delivery. Accrediting bodies tasked with this oversight have developed guidelines and standards for online education. ^ There is a lack of empirical studies that examine the relationship between accrediting standards and student success. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the presence of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on College (SACSCOC) standards for online education in online courses, (a) student support services and (b) curriculum and instruction, and student success. An original 24-item survey with an overall reliability coefficient of .94 was administered to students (N=464) at Florida International University, enrolled in 24 university-wide undergraduate online courses during fall 2014, who rated the presence of these standards in their online courses. The general linear model was utilized to analyze the data. The results of the study indicated that the two standards, student support services and curriculum and instruction were both significantly and positively correlated with student success but with small R2 and strengths of association less than .35 and .20 respectively. Mixed results were produced from Chi-square tests for differences in student success between higher and lower rated online courses when controlling for various covariates such as discipline, gender, race/ethnicity, GPA, age, and number of online courses previously taken. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the curriculum and instruction standard was the only variable that accounted for a significant amount of unique variance in student success. Another regression test revealed that no significant interaction effect exists between the two SACSCOC standards and GPA in predicting student success. ^ The results of this study are useful for administrators, faculty, and researchers who are interested in accreditation standards for online education and how these standards relate to student success.^


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Despite the well-recognized benefits of exercise, Americans are gaining weight in astounding proportions and levels of physical activity are on the decline. The purpose of this study was to investigate a relationship between physical fitness, self-concept and sexual health. There is a dearth of knowledge on this relationship specifically in the context of sex-negative curricula, which is the dominate discourse in the United States. One hundred and thirty-three participants between the ages of 18 - 50 volunteered for fitness testing and data collection. Physical fitness was assessed through body fat, resting metabolic rate, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Self-reported exercise was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Self-concept was measured by the Six Factor Self-Concept Scale, which presented a total self-concept score and as six individual concepts of self (likability, morality, task accomplishment, giftedness, power and vulnerability). Additionally, sexual function was measured by Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning and presented as both an aggregate score and five separate constructs of sexual functioning (fantasy/cognition, arousal, orgasm, behavior/experience, and drive/desire). Questions pertaining to sexual partners, sex education, and demographic information were also included. The results of the General Linear Model indicated significant relationships between physical fitness, self-concept and total sexual functioning. The sexual behavior/experience of men was predicted by body fat percentage and flexibility. In women, behavior/experience was predicted by body fat percentage and arousal was predicted by cardiovascular endurance. Total self-concept was related to muscular endurance. When men were isolated in the analysis, likability was positively related to sexual behavior/experience, and task accomplishment was inversely related to sexual behavior/experience. In women, giftedness was related to cognition/fantasy, arousal, orgasm and total sexual functioning. No relationships were found between physical fitness and the number of sexual partners in men; however, both muscular strength and the power self-concept were significantly related to number of sexual partners in women. As a result of these findings, women may be inclined to exercise to improve arousal and sexual functioning. Furthermore, educators should note the findings of a positive relationship between physical and psychological health and sexual well-being because they provide support for the development and adoption of sex-positive curricula that incorporate potential benefits of sexual activity.


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Résumé : Problématique : Puisque les enfants de moins de cinq ans passent environ 29 heures par semaine dans les milieux de garde et qu’ils apprennent en observant et en imitant les autres, les éducateurs et les pairs peuvent être des modèles importants dans l’apprentissage de saines habitudes de vie. Les objectifs étaient d’analyser les associations entre 1) les pratiques des éducateurs et l’apport alimentaire, 2) l’activité physique (AP) des enfants de trois à cinq ans dans les milieux de garde, 3) le degré d’influence des pairs sur l’apport alimentaire, et 4) l’AP des enfants de trois à cinq ans. Méthodes : Les associations entre les pratiques des éducateurs et les comportements liés à l’apport alimentaire et l’AP des enfants ont été étudiées à l’aide d’une étude transversale, menée auprès de 723 enfants de trois à cinq ans de 51 milieux de garde en Saskatchewan et au Nouveau-Brunswick à l’automne 2013 et 2014. Le degré d’influence des pairs sur l’apport alimentaire et l’AP des enfants a été étudié à l’aide d’une étude longitudinale, menée auprès de 238 enfants de trois à cinq ans au début et à la fin des années scolaires 2013-2014 et 2014-2015. L’AP des enfants a été mesurée à l’aide d’accéléromètres, et l’apport alimentaire a été mesuré à l’aide d’une analyse de consommation par pesée et photographiée. Une grille d’observation de l’environnement a permis de mesurer les pratiques des éducateurs en milieu de garde. Des régressions linéaires multiniveaux ont répondu aux quatre objectifs de l’étude. Résultats : Le modelage est positivement associé à l’apport en sucre (p=0,026) et l’éducation alimentaire est négativement associée à l’apport en calories (p=0,026) et en fibres (p=0,044). Ne pas utiliser de récompenses alimentaires est négativement associée à l’apport en gras (p=0,049). Aucune pratique n’est associée à l’AP des enfants. Plus l’écart entre l’apport alimentaire et l’AP des enfants et ceux de leurs pairs est grand au début de l’année, plus les enfants voient leur apport alimentaire et leur AP changer, se rapprochant de la moyenne de leurs pairs neuf mois plus tard (p<0,05). Conclusion : Les éducateurs et les pairs jouent un rôle important dans l’adoption d’habitudes alimentaires saines et d’AP chez les enfants de trois à cinq ans dans les milieux de garde. L’environnement social est donc important à considérer dans les interventions de promotion d’habitudes de vie saine dans les milieux de garde.


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Introducción: El Cáncer es prevenible en algunos casos, si se evita la exposición a sustancias cancerígenas en el medio ambiente. En Colombia, Cundinamarca es uno de los departamentos con mayores incrementos en la tasa de mortalidad y en el municipio de Sibaté, habitantes han manifestado preocupación por el incremento de la enfermedad. En el campo de la salud ambiental mundial, la georreferenciación aplicada al estudio de fenómenos en salud, ha tenido éxito con resultados válidos. El estudio propuso usar herramientas de información geográfica, para generar análisis de tiempo y espacio que hicieran visible el comportamiento del cáncer en Sibaté y sustentaran hipótesis de influencias ambientales sobre concentraciones de casos. Objetivo: Obtener incidencia y prevalencia de casos de cáncer en habitantes de Sibaté y georreferenciar los casos en un periodo de 5 años, con base en indagación de registros. Metodología: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo de corte transversal,sobre todos los diagnósticos de cáncer entre los años 2010 a 2014, encontrados en los archivos de la Secretaria de Salud municipal. Se incluyeron unicamente quienes tuvieron residencia permanente en el municipio y fueron diagnosticados con cáncer entre los años de 2010 a 2104. Sobre cada caso se obtuvo género, edad, estrato socioeconómico, nivel académico, ocupación y estado civil. Para el análisis de tiempo se usó la fecha de diagnóstico y para el análisis de espacio, la dirección de residencia, tipo de cáncer y coordenada geográfica. Se generaron coordenadas geográficas con un equipo GPS Garmin y se crearon mapas con los puntos de la ubicación de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se proceso la información, con Epi Info 7 Resultados: Se encontraron 107 casos de cáncer registrados en la Secretaria de Salud de Sibaté, 66 mujeres, 41 hombres. Sin división de género, el 30.93% de la población presento cáncer del sistema reproductor, el 18,56% digestivo y el 17,53% tegumentario. Se presentaron 2 grandes casos de agrupaciones espaciales en el territorio estudiado, una en el Barrio Pablo Neruda con 12 (21,05%) casos y en el casco Urbano de Sibaté con 38 (66,67%) casos. Conclusión: Se corroboro que el análisis geográfico con variables espacio temporales y de exposición, puede ser la herramienta para generar hipótesis sobre asociaciones de casos de cáncer con factores ambientales.


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Transferring distribution models between different geographical areas may be problematic, as the performance of models outside their original scope is hard to predict. A modelling procedure is needed that gets the gist of the environmental descriptors of a distribution area, without either overfitting to the training data or overestimating the species’ distribution potential.We tested the transferability power of the favourability function, a generalized linear model, on the distribution of the Iberian desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the Iberian territories of Portugal and Spain.We also tested the effects of two of the main potential constraints on model transferability: the analysed ranges of the predictor variables, and the completeness of the species distribution data. We modelled 10 km×10km presence/absence data from Portugal and Spain separately, extrapolated each model to the other country, and compared predictions with observations. The Spanish model, despite arguably containing more false absences, showed good predictive ability in Portugal. The Portuguese model, whose predictors ranged between only a subset of the values observed in Spain, overestimated desman distribution when transferred.We discuss possible reasons for this differential model behaviour, and highlight the importance of this kind of models for prediction and conservation applications


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The Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller is a species from the Cactaceae family with the center of origin and domestication in central Mexico. This species introduction in the Iberia Peninsula occurred, probably, by the end of the 15th century, after the discovery of America, spreading later throughout the Mediterranean basin. In Portugal, O. ficus-indica is located, usually, with a typical ruderal behavior, at the edge of roads and paths. In Portugal, as in other Mediterranean regions, inlands areas are under severe draught during extensive summers, in particular, and global warming is expected to affect them deeply in the near future. O. ficus-indica, by its morpho-physiological characteristics and multiple economic uses, represent an alternative crop for those regions. Sixteen Portuguese O. ficus indica ecotypes and two ‘Italian’ cultivars ("Gialla" and "Bianca") were evaluated for plant vigor and biomass production, by nondestructive methods, in the two years following planting. Biomass production and plant vigor were measured by estimating cladode number, cladode area and fresh weight per plant. Linear models to predict the area of cladodes and fresh weight per plant were previously established using a biometric analysis of 180 cladodes. It was not possible to establish an accurate linear model for dry matter using non-destructive estimation. Significant differences were found among populations in the studied biomass-related parameters, and different groups were unfolded. A group of four Portuguese ecotypes outperformed in terms of biomass production, comparable with the “Gialla” cultivar. This group could be used to start a breeding program with the objective of deploy material for animal feeding, biomass and fruit production. Nevertheless, the ‘Gialla’ cultivar showed the best performance, achieving the highest biomass related parameters, not surprisingly for it is an improved plant material.


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In recent years, there has been increasing attention to lighting energy efficiency, due to economics - lower energy costs - and environmental reasons - maninduced climate change. Driven by strict energy-efficiency requirements, the lighting industry started to replace the traditional lamps with LED lighting solutions, ignoring the limits of their maintenance and recycling. Faced with an increasing global population, rising resource consumption and associated negative environmental impacts, shifting from a traditional economic linear model to a more sustainable paradigm of growth is now becoming increasingly urgent. Whereas the topic of circular economy has been widely investigated in literature in the past, little attention has been reserved for the different evaluation tools to assess and improve product circularity and how companies can become more resource-efficient. Hence, the present thesis investigates the implementation of a circular economy in the lighting industry through the use of circularity indicators and ecodesign strategies. Concerning the real luminaire products, the role of the luminaire in the circular economy and recycling industry is explored, highlighting the limits of their End-of-life process. The main conclusions of the thesis reveal the significance of initial product development, reuse, remanufacturing and repair strategies in a transition towards a circular economy.


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This paper proposes Poisson log-linear multilevel models to investigate population variability in sleep state transition rates. We specifically propose a Bayesian Poisson regression model that is more flexible, scalable to larger studies, and easily fit than other attempts in the literature. We further use hierarchical random effects to account for pairings of individuals and repeated measures within those individuals, as comparing diseased to non-diseased subjects while minimizing bias is of epidemiologic importance. We estimate essentially non-parametric piecewise constant hazards and smooth them, and allow for time varying covariates and segment of the night comparisons. The Bayesian Poisson regression is justified through a re-derivation of a classical algebraic likelihood equivalence of Poisson regression with a log(time) offset and survival regression assuming piecewise constant hazards. This relationship allows us to synthesize two methods currently used to analyze sleep transition phenomena: stratified multi-state proportional hazards models and log-linear models with GEE for transition counts. An example data set from the Sleep Heart Health Study is analyzed.


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We proposed and tested a multilevel model, underpinned by empowerment theory, that examines the processes linking high-performance work systems (HPWS) and performance outcomes at the individual and organizational levels of analyses. Data were obtained from 37 branches of 2 banking institutions in Ghana. Results of hierarchical regression analysis revealed that branch-level HPWS relates to empowerment climate. Additionally, results of hierarchical linear modeling that examined the hypothesized cross-level relationships revealed 3 salient findings. First, experienced HPWS and empowerment climate partially mediate the influence of branch-level HPWS on psychological empowerment. Second, psychological empowerment partially mediates the influence of empowerment climate and experienced HPWS on service performance. Third, service orientation moderates the psychological empowerment-service performance relationship such that the relationship is stronger for those high rather than low in service orientation. Last, ordinary least squares regression results revealed that branch-level HPWS influences branch-level market performance through cross-level and individual-level influences on service performance that emerges at the branch level as aggregated service performance. © 2011 American Psychological Association.


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We introduce the log-beta Weibull regression model based on the beta Weibull distribution (Famoye et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2007). We derive expansions for the moment generating function which do not depend on complicated functions. The new regression model represents a parametric family of models that includes as sub-models several widely known regression models that can be applied to censored survival data. We employ a frequentist analysis, a jackknife estimator, and a parametric bootstrap for the parameters of the proposed model. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influences on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to assess global influences. Further, for different parameter settings, sample sizes, and censoring percentages, several simulations are performed. In addition, the empirical distribution of some modified residuals are displayed and compared with the standard normal distribution. These studies suggest that the residual analysis usually performed in normal linear regression models can be extended to a modified deviance residual in the proposed regression model applied to censored data. We define martingale and deviance residuals to evaluate the model assumptions. The extended regression model is very useful for the analysis of real data and could give more realistic fits than other special regression models.


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Modeling volatile organic compounds (voc`s) adsorption onto cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (cscnt) using the linear driving force model. Volatile organic compounds (VOC`s) are an important category of air pollutants and adsorption has been employed in the treatment (or simply concentration) of these compounds. The current study used an ordinary analytical methodology to evaluate the properties of a cup-stacked nanotube (CSCNT), a stacking morphology of truncated conical graphene, with large amounts of open edges on the outer surface and empty central channels. This work used a Carbotrap bearing a cup-stacked structure (composite); for comparison, Carbotrap was used as reference (without the nanotube). The retention and saturation capacities of both adsorbents to each concentration used (1, 5, 20 and 35 ppm of toluene and phenol) were evaluated. The composite performance was greater than Carbotrap; the saturation capacities for the composite was 67% higher than Carbotrap (average values). The Langmuir isotherm model was used to fit equilibrium data for both adsorbents, and a linear driving force model (LDF) was used to quantify intraparticle adsorption kinetics. LDF was suitable to describe the curves.


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The conventional convection-dispersion model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. The extension of this model to include nonlinear kinetics and zonal heterogeneity of the liver is not straightforward and requires numerical solution of partial differential equation, which is not available in standard nonlinear regression analysis software. In this paper, we describe an alternative compartmental model representation of hepatic disposition (including elimination). The model allows the use of standard software for data analysis and accurately describes the outflow concentration-time profile for a vascular marker after bolus injection into the liver. In an evaluation of a number of different compartmental models, the most accurate model required eight vascular compartments, two of them with back mixing. In addition, the model includes two adjacent secondary vascular compartments to describe the tail section of the concentration-time profile for a reference marker. The model has the added flexibility of being easy to modify to model various enzyme distributions and nonlinear elimination. Model predictions of F, MTT, CV2, and concentration-time profile as well as parameter estimates for experimental data of an eliminated solute (palmitate) are comparable to those for the extended convection-dispersion model.