808 resultados para Motion pictures in science.
Robotics research in Portugal is increasing every year, but few students embrace it as one of their first choices for study. Until recently, job offers for engineers were plentiful, and those looking for a degree in science and technology would avoid areas considered to be demanding, like robotics. At the undergraduate level, robotics programs are still competing for a place in the classical engineering graduate curricula. Innovative and dynamic Master’s programs may offer the solution to this gap. The Master’s degree in autonomous systems at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), Porto, Portugal, was designed to provide a solid training in robotics and has been showing interesting results, mainly due to differences in course structure and the context in which students are welcomed to study and work
Constrained nonlinear optimization problems are usually solved using penalty or barrier methods combined with unconstrained optimization methods. Another alternative used to solve constrained nonlinear optimization problems is the lters method. Filters method, introduced by Fletcher and Ley er in 2002, have been widely used in several areas of constrained nonlinear optimization. These methods treat optimization problem as bi-objective attempts to minimize the objective function and a continuous function that aggregates the constraint violation functions. Audet and Dennis have presented the rst lters method for derivative-free nonlinear programming, based on pattern search methods. Motivated by this work we have de- veloped a new direct search method, based on simplex methods, for general constrained optimization, that combines the features of the simplex method and lters method. This work presents a new variant of these methods which combines the lters method with other direct search methods and are proposed some alternatives to aggregate the constraint violation functions.
Robotics research in Portugal is increasing every year, but few students embrace it as one of their first choices for study. Until recently, job offers for engineers were plentiful, and those looking for a degree in science and technology would avoid areas considered to be demanding, like robotics. At the undergraduate level, robotics programs are still competing for a place in the classical engineering graduate curricula. Innovative and dynamic Master's programs may offer the solution to this gap. The Master's degree in autonomous systems at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), Porto, Portugal, was designed to provide a solid training in robotics and has been showing interesting results, mainly due to differences in course structure and the context in which students are welcomed to study and work.
A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This thesis examines the processes through which identity is acquired and the processes that Hollywood :films employ to facilitate audience identification in order to determine the extent to which individuality is possible within postmodem society. Opposing views of identity formation are considered: on the one hand, that of the Frankfurt School which envisions the mass audience controlled by the culture industry and on the other, that of John Fiske which places control in the hands of the individual. The thesis takes a mediating approach, conceding that while the mass media do provide and influence identity formation, individuals can and do decode a variety of meanings from the material made available to them in accordance with the text's use-value in relation to the individual's circumstances. The analysis conducted in this thesis operates on the assumption that audiences acquire identity components in exchange for paying to see a particular film. Reality Bites (Ben Stiller 1994) and Scream (Wes Craven 1996) are analyzed as examples of mainstream 1990s films whose material circumstances encourage audience identification and whose popularity suggest that audiences did indeed identify with them. The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson 2001) is considered for its art film sensibilities and is examined in order to determine to what extent this film can be considered a counter example. The analysis consists of a combination of textual analysis and reception study in an attempt to avoid the problems associated with each approach when employed alone. My interpretation of the filmmakers' and marketers' messages will be compared with online reviews posted by film viewers to determine how audiences received and made use of the material available to them. Viewer-posted reviews, both unsolicited and unrestricted, as found online, will be consulted and will represent a segment of the popular audience for the three films to be analyzed.
The study examines the buddy film genre and the representation of masculinity in relation to the homosocial and the homoerotic. As a genre, the buddy films focus on male relationships, thematically seeking to mediate the boundaries surrounding the homosocial continuum and the intimacy and eroticism implicit in male bonding. Theories of genre, gender and identity are used to analyze the construction of masculine identity within the films. By providing a qualitative analysis of films from the 1960s to contemporary times, the research establishes a relationship between social changes, attitudes toward men and depictions of men. The buddy films adapt to address changes in the representation of masculinity, embodied in the difference between the male couple in the films. The early films of the 1960s served as templates that deconstructed traditional representations of male identity through articulating the tension within homosocial relationships. However, in the later films this tension became a refle~ive convention, acting to undermine the eroticism onto a displaced Other. The buddy film genre highlights the tension inherent to the male masquerade. This tension is situated in the need to represent the protagonist's homosocial relationship, while disavowing the eroticism that surrounds homosocial bonding. The structure of the buddy film genre, which focuses on the exploration of masculinity and representing the bonds of homosocial intimacy, makes these films a significant site for investigating the cultural construction of masculine identities.
The present study examined individual differences in Absorption and fantasy, as well as in Achiievement and achievement striving as possible moderators of the perceptual closure effect found by Snodgrass and Feenan (1990). The study also examined whether different instructions (experiential versus instrumental) interact with the personality variables to moderate the relationship between priming and subsequent performance on a picture completion task. 1 28 participants completed two sessions, one to fill out the MPQ and NEO personality inventories and the other to complete the experimental task. The experimental task consisted of a priming phase and a test phase, with pictures presented on a computer screen for both phases. Participants were shown 30 pictures in the priming phase, and then shovm the 30 primed pictures along with 30 new pictures for the test phase. Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of the two different instruction sets for the task. Two measures of performance were calculated, most fragmented measure and threshold. Results of the present study confirm that a five-second exposure time is long enough to produce the perceptual closure effect. The analysis of the two-way interaction effects indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption with priming level on threshold performance. The results were in the opposite direction of predictions. Possible explanations for the Absorption results include lack of optimal conditions, lack of intrinsic motivation and measurement problems. Primary analyses also revealed two significant between-subject effects of fantasy and achievement striving on performance collapsed across priming levels. These results suggest that fantasy has a beneficial effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels, whereas achievement striving seems to have an adverse effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels. Results of the secondary analyses with a revised threshold performance measure indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption, condition and priming level. In the experiential condition, test performance, based on Absorption scores for pictures primed at level 4, showed a positive slope and performance for pictures primed at levels 1 and 7 based on Absorption showed a negative slope. The reverse effect was found in the instrumental condition. The results suggest that Absorption, in combination with experiential involvement, may affect implicit memory. A second significant result of the secondary analyses was a linear three-way interaction of Achievement, condition and priming level on performance. Results suggest that as Achievement scores increased, test performance improved for less fragmented primed pictures in the instrumental condition and test performance improved for more highly fragmented primes in the experiential condition. Results from the secondary analyses suggest that the revised threshold measure may be more sensitive to individual differences. Results of the exploratory analyses with Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness and agentic positive emotionality (PEM-A) measures indicated no significant effects of any of these personality variables. Results suggest that facets of the scales may be more useful with regard to perceptual research, and that future research should examine narrowly focused personality traits as opposed to broader constructs.
In 1997, Paul Gilroy was able to write: "I have been asking myself, whatever happened to breakdancing" (21), a form of vernacular dance associated with urban youth that emerged in the 1970s. However, in the last decade, breakdancing has experienced a massive renaissance in movies (You Got Served), commercials ("Gotta Have My Pops!") and documentaries (the acclaimed Freshest Kids). In this thesis, 1 explore the historical development of global b-boy/bgirl culture through a qualitative study involving dancers and their modes of communication. Widespread circulation of breakdancing images peaked in the mid-1980s, and subsequently b-boy/b-girl culture largely disappeared from the mediated landscape. The dance did not reemerge into the mainstream of North American popular culture until the late 1990s. 1 argue that the development of major transnational networks between b-boys and b-girls during the 1990s was a key factor in the return of 'b-boying/b-girling' (known formerly as breakdancing). Street dancers toured, traveled and competed internationally throughout this decade. They also began to create 'underground' video documentaries and travel video 'magazines.' These video artefacts circulated extensively around the globe through alternative distribution channels (including the backpacks of traveling dancers). 1 argue that underground video artefacts helped to produce 'imagined affinities' between dancers in various nations. Imagined affinities are identifications expressed by a cultural producer who shares an embodied activity with other practitioners through either mediated texts or travels through new places. These 'imagined affinities' helped to sustain b-boy/b-girl culture by generating visual/audio representations of popularity for the dance movement across geographical regions.
This critical analysis explores the conflicted position of women as ''trailing spouses" and the effects on families who relocate globally under the auspices of a multinational corporation, by utilizing a discursive analysis of two contemporary films and available literature. Current portrayals of women and children in contemporary media provide emotional yet conflicting images of the perfect woman, wife, mother, child and family. The basic tenets of a North American patriarchal economic system are being televised around the world. Technological advancements have made it possible to advertise political agendas on a global television screen. Much of what we see is propaganda couched in films and advertisements that are designed to romantic~e the practice of deriving profits from the unpaid labor of woman and invisibility of children and child rearing. I intend to show that the materiality of trailing a spouse globally conflicts with these romanticized images and supports feminist literature that asserts the notion that mothers and children are oppressed and managed for the benefit of capital.
The new blockbuster film sequel : changing cultural and economic conditions within the film industry
Film sequels are a pervasive part of film consumption practices and have become an important part of the decision making process for Hollywood studios and producers. This thesis indicates that sequels are not homogenous groups of films, as they are often considered, but offer a variety of story construction and utilize a variety of production methods. Three types of blockbuster sequel sets are identified and discussed in this thesis. The Traditional Blockbuster Sequel Set, as exemplified by Back to the Future (1985, 1989, 1990) films, is the most conventional type of sequel set and capitalizes on the winning formula of the first film in the franchise. The MultiMedia Sequel Set, such as The Matrix (1999,2003) trilogy, allows the user/viewer to experience and consume the story as well as the world of the film through many different media. The Lord a/ the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003) set of films is an illustration of The Saga Sequel Set where plot lines are continuous over the entire franchise thus allowing the viewer to see the entire set as a unified work. The thesis also demonstrates how the blockbuster sequel sets, such as the Pirates a/ the Caribbean (2003, 2006, 2007) franchise, restructure the production process of the Hollywood film industry.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 C65 F86 2005
La méditation par le ‘mindfulness’ favorise la stabilité émotionelle, mais les mécanismes neuroneux qui sous-tendent ces effets sont peu connus. Ce projet investiga l’effet du ‘mindfulness’ sur les réponses cérébrales et subjectives à des images négatives, positives et neutres chez des méditants expérimentés et des débutants au moyen de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Le ‘mindfulness’ atténua l’intensité émotionelle via différents mécanismes cérébraux pour chaque groupe. Comparés aux méditants, les débutants manifestèrent une déactivation de l’amygdale en réponse aux stimuli émotifs durant le ‘mindfulness’. Comparés aux débutants, les méditants exhibèrent une déactivation de régions du réseau du mode par défaut (RMD) pendant le ‘mindfulness’ pour tous stimuli (cortex médian préfrontal [CMP], cortex cingulaire postérieur [CCP]). Le RMD est constitué de régions fonctionnellement connectées, activées au repos et déactivées lors de tâches explicites. Cependant, nous ne connaissons pas les impacts de l’entraînement par la méditation sur la connectivité entre régions du RMD et si ces effets persistent au-delà d’un état méditatif. La connectivité fonctionnelle entre régions du RMD chez les méditants et débutants au repos fut investiguée au moyen de l’IRMf. Comparés aux débutants, les méditants montrèrent une connectivité affaiblie entre subdivisions du CMP, et une connectivité accrue entre le lobule pariétal inférieur et trois regions du RMD. Ces résultats reflètent que les bienfaits immédiats du ‘mindfulness’ sur la psychopathologie pourraient être dûs à une déactivation de régions limbiques impliquées dans la réactivité émotionelle. De plus, les bienfaits à long-terme de la méditation sur la stabilité émotionelle pourrait être dûs à une déactivation de régions corticales et cingulaires impliquées dans l’évaluation de la signification émotive et une connectivité altérée entre régions du RMD à l’état de repos.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Depuis la fin des années 1990, une nouvelle génération d’écrivaines s’est emparée des thèmes du corps et de la sexualité. Certaines de leurs œuvres ont fait scandale pour l’impudeur qui les caractériserait, d’autres pour leur violence ou leur appartenance supposée à la pornographie. Si ces textes témoignent de changements profonds au sein de la société, ils attirent également notre attention sur leur inscription manifeste hors des catégories génériques qu’ils semblaient indiquer. Ce mémoire rend compte de la façon dont À ciel ouvert de Nelly Arcan, Baise-moi de Virginie Despentes, La brèche de Marie-Sissi Labrèche, La vie sexuelle de Catherine M. de Catherine Millet et La nouvelle pornographie de Marie Nimier traitent la thématique du corps et du sexe. La politique des corps révèle que les récits d’aujourd’hui expriment, certainement aussi fortement que dans les années 1970, la nécessité de dissoudre et de réinventer les identités sexuées. De plus, une analyse centrée sur la notion de sujet telle qu’elle s’écrit dans la relation du plaisir et du désir montre que le thème sexuel est un moyen pour les auteures d’explorer une réalité qui devient flagrante lorsque les êtres de langage se mettent à habiter leur corps. Enfin, une lecture générique souligne toute la complexité de l’utilisation de la pornographie dans les récits étudiés et s’intéresse aux stratégies de légitimation indiquant vers quelle définition de la littérature tendent les auteures.
La schizophrénie est une psychopathologie largement hétérogène caractérisée entre autres par d’importantes défaillances dans le fonctionnement cognitif et émotionnel. En effet, par rapport à la population générale, forte proportion de ces individus présentent une mémoire déficitaire pour les événements émotionnels. À ce jour, le peu d’études qui se sont penchées sur la mémoire émotionnelle épisodique dans la schizophrénie, ont uniquement mis l’emphase sur l'effet de la valence des stimuli (c’est-à-dire le caractère agréable ou désagréable du stimulus). Toutefois, aucune n’a investigué spécifiquement l’intensité de la réaction aux stimuli (c’est-à-dire une faible par rapport à une forte réaction) malgré quantité de preuves faisant montre, dans la population générale, de différents processus de mémoire émotionnelle pour des stimuli suscitant une forte réaction par rapport à ceux évoquant une faible réponse. Ce manque est d’autant plus flagrant étant donné le nombre d’études ayant rapporté un traitement et un encodage atypiques des émotions spécifiquement au niveau de l’intensité de la réponse subjective chez des patients atteints de schizophrénie. Autre fait important, il est étonnant de constater l’absence de recherches sur les différences de sexe dans la mémoire émotionnelle étant donné l’ensemble des divergences entre hommes et femmes atteints de schizophrénie au niveau de la prévalence, de l’âge de diagnostic, de la manifestation clinique, de l’évolution de la maladie, de la réponse au traitement et des structures cérébrales. Pour pallier à ces lacunes, ce mémoire a évalué : (1) l’effet de la valence des stimuli et de l'intensité de la réaction émotionnelle au niveau des fonctions cérébrales correspondant à la mémoire émotionnelle chez des patients atteints de schizophrénie comparativement à des participants sains; et (2) les possibles différences de sexe dans les processus cérébraux impliqués dans la mémoire émotionnelle chez des patients atteints de schizophrénie par rapport à des volontaires sains. Ainsi, la première étude a comparé les activations cérébrales de patients atteints de schizophrénie par rapport à des participants sains au cours d’une tâche de mémoire émotionnelle dont les stimuli variaient à la fois au niveau de la valence et de l'intensité de la réaction subjective. 37 patients atteints de schizophrénie ainsi que 37 participants en bonne santé ont effectué cette tâche de mémoire émotionnelle lors d’une session d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Pour toutes les conditions étudiées (images négatives, positives, de faible et de forte intensité), le groupe atteint de schizophrénie a performé significativement moins bien que les volontaires sains. Comparativement aux sujets sains, ils ont montré moins d’activations cérébrales dans les régions limbiques et préfrontales lors de la reconnaissance des images négatives, mais ont présenté un patron d'activations similaire à celui des participants sains lors de la reconnaissance des images chargées positivement (activations observées dans le cervelet, le cortex temporal et préfrontal). Enfin, indépendamment de la valence des stimuli, les deux groupes ont démontré une augmentation des activations cérébrales pour les images de forte intensité par rapport à celles de plus faible intensité. La seconde étude a quant à elle exploré les différences de sexe potentielles au niveau des activations cérébrales associées à la mémoire émotionnelle dans la schizophrénie et dans la population en général. Nous avons comparé 41 patients atteints de schizophrénie (20 femmes) à 41 participants en bonne santé (19 femmes) alors qu’ils effectuaient la même tâche de mémoire émotionnelle mentionnée plus haut. Or, pour cette étude, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les conditions suivantes : la reconnaissance d’images positives, négatives et neutres. Nous n'avons pas observé de différences entre les hommes et les femmes au niveau des performances à la tâche de mémoire pour aucune des conditions. En ce qui a trait aux données de neuroimagerie, comparativement aux femmes en bonne santé, celles atteintes de schizophrénie ont montré une diminution des activations cérébrales dans les régions corticales du système limbique (p. ex. cortex cingulaire moyen) et dans les régions sous-corticales (p. ex. amygdale) lors de la reconnaissance d'images négatives. Pour ce qui est de la condition positive, elles ont présenté, comparativement au groupe de femmes saines, des diminutions d’activations spécifiquement dans le cervelet ainsi que dans le gyrus frontal inférieur et moyen. Les hommes atteints de schizophrénie, eux, ont montré une augmentation d’activations par rapport aux hommes sains dans le gyrus préfrontal médian lors de la reconnaissance des stimuli négatifs ; ainsi que dans les régions pariétales, temporales et limbiques lors de la reconnaissance des stimuli positifs. Dans un autre ordre d’idées, notre analyse corrélationnelle a mis en évidence, chez les femmes, un lien significatif entre l’activité cérébrale et les symptômes au cours de la mémoire des stimuli positifs, alors que chez les hommes atteints schizophrénie, ce lien a été observé au cours de la mémoire des stimuli négatifs. Bref, l’ensemble de nos résultats suggère, chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie, un fonctionnement cérébral atypique spécifiquement lors de la reconnaissance d’images négatives, mais un fonctionnement intact lors de la reconnaissance de stimuli positifs. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence la présence de différences de sexe dans les activations cérébrales associées à la mémoire épisodique émotionnelle soulignant ainsi l'importance d’étudier séparément les hommes et les femmes atteints de schizophrénie dans le cadre de recherches sur les plans cognitif et émotionnel.