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Captive breeding of peccaries is on the increase in neotropical countries. Few studies, however, have reported behavioural responses of wild animals under farmed conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of space allowance on the occurrence of social behaviour patterns on farmed collared peccary (Pecan tajacu). We observed three herds of collared peccaries each containing eight acquainted individuals. Using a 3 x 3 Latin square design, herds were allocated, in a random order, to one of the three experimental enclosures, each with a different size. 375, 750 and 1,500 m(2) of total available area, each with three wooden shelters. We recorded all the occurrences of selected positive and agonistic behavioural patterns that occurred 90 min before and during feeding Enclosure size had a significant effect on agonistic patterns of peccaries during feeding, in that more agonistic behaviour was observed in smaller spaces We also found that shelter usage increased as space decreased Differing space allowances, however, did not have an effect on the occurrence of positive interactions that were more frequent before compared to during feeding. We concluded that enclosure size had an effect on the expression of agonistic be and the use of shelters by collared peccaries Thus, animal welfare can be improved by adopting at least 187 5 m(2) per peccary. In addition, our study also confirmed the importance of shelter areas in collared peccary husbandry.


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Mahogany trees, Swietenia macrophylla, occur in open rainforest, semi deciduous and deciduous and dense rainforest of Peruvian Amazonian tropical forest. They occur, preferentially, in areas with a defined dry season, with typical phenology and seasonal variation activity, forming distinct tree-rings. The present work had as aim to determine the wood density radial variation of 14 mahogany trees, of two populations of the Peruvian Amazonian tropical forest, through the X-ray densitometry and to evaluate their application as methodology, compared to the classic method of measurement table, for the determination of the treering width. The radial wood apparent density of the trees profiles rendered it possible to delimit the areas of juvenile-adult wood and of the heartwood-sapwood, relative to the anatomical structure and chemical composition differences, due to the extractives and the vessels obstruction by tyloses. The mean, minimum and maximum wood apparent density of the mahogany trees for the Populations A and B were of 0.70; 0.29; 1.01 g.cm(-3) and 0.81; 0.29; 1.19 g.cm(-3), respectively. The analysis of the variance and mean test indicate differences of mean wood density among the mahogany trees of each population, probably due to the age of the trees. There was no correlation between mean wood density of mahogany trees among the two populations, as well as, between the tree-ring width and the respective mean density. The X-ray densitometry technique is an important tool in the evaluation of the radial variation of wood apparent density and the delimitation of tree-ring boundaries, with correlations of 0.94 and 0.93 in relation to measurement table, for each sampled population.


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This research was carried out to evaluate and compare 11 organic honey samples and six non organic honey samples, respectively, harvested from islands of the triple frontier (Sao Paulo, Parana and Mato Grosso do Sul states) and from the state of Parana, Brazil. The samples were studied for the presence of coliforms from 35 degrees C, to 45 degrees C and the enumeration of moulds and yeast, a minimum of 1.9 x 10(2) and a maximum of 1.1 x 10(3) CFU/g were observed in organic honey and a minimum of 1.8 x 10(1) and a maximum of 2.5 x 10(2) CFU/g were in non organic honey. In this studied region, the organic honey presented a microbiological quality inferior to the non organic honey.


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Chitinase and peroxidase activity in different stages of eucalypt leaves after inoculation with Puccinia psidii and acibenzolar-S-metil To elucidate some biochemical processes during infection in the pathosystem Puccinia psidii x eucalyptus, the defense metabolism in different-stage leaves was compared between rust-resistant and susceptible clones, respectively. In addition, chitinase and peroxidase activities were assayed. Each treatment consisted of 4 replicates, in a completely randomized design: 2 clones, inoculated and not inoculated with P. psidii; sprayed with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and distilled water; and represented by the 1(st) leaf pair (size equivalent to 1/5 total leaf development), 2(nd) pair (2/5 total development), and 4(th) pair (4/5 total leaf length). Leaves were harvested in 4 periods: 0, 24, 72 and 96 hours after inoculation. Results indicated that ASM treatment or P. psidii action led to higher chitinase and peroxidase activity level but did not alter the expression of these activities in developed leaves (4(th) pair) during the experiment. Alterations in enzyme levels after inoculation were only observed in developing leaves (1(st) and 2(nd) pairs), which suggests that the response to infection was concomitant to chitinase and peroxidase synthesis. The highest increases in enzymatic activities were observed in resistant clones at 72 hours after inoculation and in susceptible ones previously treated with ASM and later inoculated with the pathogen.


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Inheritance of resistance to Puccinia psidii G. Winter in a eucalyptus interspecific hybrid progeny evaluated under conditions of natural infection Rust caused by the fungus Puccinia psidii is currently the most important disease of eucalyptus. It is widely disseminated in Brazil, and causes serious damage in nurseries and plantation areas. The identification of resistant germplasm along with knowledge of the genetic basis of resistance heredity are the first requirements for the success of breeding programs aiming to develop resistant varieties. Earlier studies carried out under controlled conditions suggested a monogenic control as well as the participation of at least two genes promoting resistance to rust. The goal of this study was to evaluate the resistance to P. psidii under field conditions in fourteen progenies from controlled crosses and self-crosses among four hybrid clones of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden x Eucalyptus urophylla ST Blake that contrast for resistance to the fungus. Results indicated that resistance could be explained by one locus with main effects and at least three different alleles. However, loci with minor effects may influence the resistance, since variation on severity classes was observed. Differences in segregation of resistance between reciprocal crosses were not observed, indicating absence of cytoplasmic effects.


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The aim of this work was to study the diversity of the fauna of plant-parasitic nematodes in preserved areas of the Amazon forest, Mato Grosso state (MT), and to assess the effect of agricultural land use on plant-parasitic nematode communities. Soil and root samples were collected in each location in the late spring during the rainy season of 2005, in two areas of primary vegetation in Nova Maringa (Northwest) and Guaranta do Norte (North) and two adjacent areas planted with teak trees (Tectona grandis) and pasture (Brachiaria brizantha). Four-teen taxa of plant-parasitic nematodes were identified at species level: Discocriconemella degrissei, D. limitanea, Dolichodorus minor, Helicotylenchus erythrinae, H. pseudorobustus, Meloidogyne exigua, M javanica, Mesocriconema ornata, Paratrichodorus minor, Pratylenchus loosi, P zeae, Rotylenchus caudaphasmidius, Xiphinema ensiculiferum and X luci (for the first report of this in Brazil) and five at genus level (Atalodera sp., Hemicriconemoides sp., Meloidogyne sp., Paratylenchus sp., and Trophotylenchulus sp). These taxa, mainly those from primary vegetation, belong to families with different parasitic behavior, probably due to great plant diversity in the Amazon forest. Comparison between the two preserved areas revealed low index of similarity, as a consequence of the endemic flora in the Amazon forest, and no similarity was observed between preserved native vegetation and adjacent cultivated areas, demonstrating the high influence of agricultural activity on the plant-parasitic nematode communities. There is evidence of recent introduction of plant-parasitic nematodes in these cultivated areas; therefore measures should be taken to prevent the loss of economic sustainability in Amazonian soils. Keywords: abundance, Amazonia, diversity, Brachiaria brizantha, plant-parasitic nematode fauna, Tectona grandis.


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Marker assisted selection depends on the identification of tightly linked association between marker and the trait of interest. In the present work, functional (EST-SSRs) and genomic (gSSRs) microsatellite markers were used to detect putative QTLs for sugarcane yield components (stalk number, diameter and height) and as well as for quality parameters (Brix, Pol and fibre) in plant cane. The mapping population (200 individuals) was derived from a bi-parental cross (IACSP95-3018 x IACSP93-3046) from the IAC Sugarcane Breeding Program. As the map is under construction, single marker trait association analysis based on the likelihood ratio test was undertaken to detect the QTLs. Of the 215 single dose markers evaluated (1:1 and 3:1), 90 (42%) were associated with putative QTLs involving 43 microsatellite primers (18 gSSRs and 25 EST-SSRs). For the yield components, 41 marker/trait associations were found: 20 for height, 6 for diameter and 15 for stalk number. An EST-SSRs marker with homology to non-phototropic hypocotyls 4 (NPH4) protein was associated with a putative QTL with positive effect for diameter as also with a negative effect for stalk number. In relation to the quality parameters, 18 marker trait associations were found for Brix, 19 for Pol, and 12 for fibre. For fibre, 58% of the QTLs detected showed a negative effect on this trait. Some makers associated with QTLs with a negative effect for fibre showed a positive effect for Pol, reflecting the negative correlation generally observed between these traits.


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This experiment aimed at evaluating the influence of different heating times of settable eggs of Cobb 500 (R) broiler breeders before submitting them to different storage periods on egg weight loss, embryo mortality, and hatchability. A total number of 1,980 eggs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, comprising nine treatments with 22 replicates of 10 eggs each. The following factors were analyzed: pre-storage heating periods (0, 6, 12 hours at 36.92 degrees C) and storage periods (4, 9, 14 days at 12.06 degrees C). After storage, eggs were incubated under usual conditions, and were transferred to the hatcher at 442 hours of incubation. Eggs were weighed before heating, incubation, and transference to determine weight loss. Partial hatchability was determined at 480 hours, and total hatchability at 498 hours of incubation. Embryo mortality was determined in non-hatched eggs. It was concluded that heating eggs for six hour before storage improves incubation results as it decreases incubation length and late embryo mortality, therefore its use can be indicated in commercial operations. Storing eggs for 14 days and pre-heating for 14 days and pre-heating for 12 hours severely impair incubation results, and therefore are not recommended.


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An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different heating times of settable eggs of Cobb 500 (R) broiler breeders before submitting them to different storage periods on body weight, digestive tract organ weights, and intestinal mucosa morphology of newly-hatched chicks. Settable eggs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement: pre-storage heating periods (0, 6, 12 hours at 36.92 degrees C) and storage periods (4, 9, 14 days at 12.06 degrees C). Body weight and relative weights of the yolk sac, heart, liver, proventriculus+gizzard, and intestinal segments were measured in chicks hatching at 480 and 498 hours of incubation. Villi height, width and perimeter, and crypt depth < im) were measured in duodenal histological sections. It was concluded that pre-storage healing for six hours of eggs stored for four or nine days increases small intestine weight of newly-hatched chicks, but does not influence the morphology of the duodenal mucosa. Pre-storage heating for 12 hours negatively influences body weight and duodenal mucosa development, and therefore this practice is not recommended. Storage length does not have consistent effect on body weight and development of the gastrointestinal tract.


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Xylopia aromatica is a species of the Annonaceae family, native to the Brazilian ""Cerrado"". Seeds of this species usually possess morphophysiological dormancy which makes propagation more difficult. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of removing the aril and sarcotesta and applying plant growth regulators to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica seeds. Seeds were separated into two groups: one consisting of seeds with aril and sarcotesta and another without these two seed coat appendices. Seeds with and without these appendices were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water or Promalin (R) (gibberellin 4 [GA(4)] + gibberellin 7 [GA(7)] and cytokinin [6-Benziladenine]) solutions of 250, 500 and 1,000 mg.L(-1), and sown in ""Cerrado"" soil. Later, seeds without the aril and sarcotesta were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water. Promalin (R) or GA(4) + GA(7) solutions at same concentrations and sown in sand or ""Cerrado"" soil. The removal of the aril and sarcotesta had a positive effect on the seed germination. Application of plant growth regulators helped to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica, with the greatest percentage of seedling emergence being observed in seeds treated with Promalin at 250 and 500 mg.L(-1) then sown in sand.


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Agricultural reuse of treated sewage effluent (TSE) is an environmental and economic practice; however, little is known about its effects on the characteristics and microbial function in tropical soils. The effect of surplus irrigation of a pasture with TSE, in a period of 18 months, was investigated, considering the effect of 0% surplus irrigation with TSE as a control. In addition, the experiment consisted of three surplus treatments (25%, 50%, and 100% excess) and a nonirrigated pasture area (SE) to compare the soil microbial community level physiological profiles, using the Biolog method. The TSE application increased the average substrate consumption of the soil microbial community, based on the kinetic parameters of the average well color development curve fitting. There were no significant differences between the levels of surplus irrigation treatments. Surplus TSE pasture irrigation caused minor increases in the physiological status of the soil microbial community but no detectable damage to the pasture or soil.


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Diseases outbreaks are a major concern in intensive fish farming because fish are exposed to stressors which may negatively affect their physiology. This study set out to determine effects of dietary levamisole (Levamisole HCl; SIGMA (R)) on performance and hematology of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, juveniles. Fish (55.94 g) were stocked into 24 plastic aquaria (500 L; 15 fish per aquarium) and fed for 30 d with a commercial diet with 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg levamisole, and for an extra 15 d, with a control diet in a totally randomized design trial (n = 4). Biometrical and hematological data were collected. No significant differences in growth parameters were recorded for either control or supplemented diets. Hematological parameters, such as hemoglobin, plasma glucose, white blood count (WBC), and differential leukocyte count were influenced (P < 0.05) levamisole. WBC, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and special granulocytic cell numbers decreased significantly after 15 d. Dietary levamisole at 100 mg/kg diet for 15 d increased leukocyte production in juvenile pacu. However, levamisole administration for more than 15 d presented toxicity to lymphopoietic tissues. Information about long-period administration, mode of action in weight gain, effects on hematology of levamisole in freshwater fish nutrition are scarce and necessary for its safe use in aquaculture.


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Information on nutritional requirement of some Brazilian farmed fish species, especially essential amino acids (EAA) requirements, is scarce. The estimation of amino acids requirements based on amino acid composition of fish is a fast and reliable alternative. Matrinxa, Brycon amazonicus, and curimbata, Prochilodus lineatus, are two important Brazilian fish with potential for aquaculture. The objective of the present study was to estimate amino acid requirements of these species and analyze similarities among amino acid composition of different fish species by cluster analysis. To estimate amino acid requirement, the following formula was used: amino acid requirement = [(amount of an individual amino acid in fish muscle tissue) x (average totalEAA requirement among channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio)]/(average fish muscle totalEAA). Most values found lie within the range of requirements determined for other omnivorous fish species, in exception of leucine requirement estimated for both species, and arginine requirement estimated for matrinxa alone. Rather than writing off the need for regular dose-response assays under the ideal protein concept to determine EAA requirements of curimbata and matrinxa, results set solid base for the study of tropical species dietary amino acids requirements.


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The objectives were to evaluate preweaning performance, body composition, and efficiency of calves representing straightbred Nellore (NL), F(1), and 3-breed-cross systems. Energy requirements, milk production, and efficiency of 39 cow-calf pairs were recorded from straightbred NL calves from NL cows (10), crossbred (Angus-sired) calves from NL cows (ANL: 9), and crossbred calves (CC; Canchim-sired: 5/8 Charolais, 3/8 Zebu) from ANL (10) and Simmental x NL (10) cows. Cows and their respective calves were individually fed from birth to weaning (17 to 190 d postpartum). At 38 d of age, corn silage (7.8% CP, 2.19 Mcal of ME/kg of DM) was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was recorded by weighing calves before and after suckling. The ratio between GE and ME of milk was considered 1:0.93. Calves were slaughtered at weaning and the 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-rib section was removed for body composition estimation. The ANL calves were lighter (P < 0.01) at birth than the CC calves; the NL calves were intermediate. At weaning, the CC calves were heavier (P = 0.04) than the NL and ANL calves (230 +/- 5.5 vs. 172 +/- 8.1 and 209 +/- 8.6 kg, respectively). The ANL calves had greater (371 +/- 27 Mcal; P = 0.01) silage intake than the NL (270 +/- 25 Mcal) and CC (279 +/- 17 Mcal) calves. Milk energy intake was greater for the CC calves (970 +/- 38 Mcal of ME; P = 0.005) than the NL (670 +/- 57 Mcal of ME) and ANL (743 +/- 61 Mcal of ME) calves. The ANL calves compensated for the reduced milk production of the NL cows, which supplied less of their energy requirement for growth by increased silage intake. Calves from crossbred cows received a greater proportion of their total energy intake from milk. Crossbred calves had greater (P < 0.03) retained energy (retained energy = weaning body energy - birth body energy) than the NL calves (388 +/- 23 for ANL, and 438 +/- 15 for CC vs. 312 +/- 22 Mcal for NL calves). Percentages of water (P = 0.74) and chemical fat (P = 0.51) were similar among groups (63.7 +/- 0.6 and 14.3 +/- 0.7% for ANL calves, 63.1 +/- 0.4 and 14.7 +/- 0.5% for CC calves, and 63.3 +/- 0.6 and 13.7 +/- 0.7% of empty BW for water and chemical fat, respectively, for NL calves). Energetic efficiency (kcal of retained energy/Mcal of ME intake) was similar (P = 0.52) among groups (358 +/- 22 for ANL calves, 355 +/- 14 for CC calves, and 327 +/- 22 for NL calves). The greater BW gains and the differences in empty body composition at weaning were not enough to compensate for the greater ME intake of crossbreds. In this study, the crossbreeding systems evaluated increased preweaning calf performance but did not affect gross or energetic calf efficiency.


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The objectives of this study were to determine if percentage Bos taurus (0 or 50%) of the cow had an effect on ME requirements and milk production, and to compare cow/calf efficiency among 3 mating systems. Metabolizable energy requirements were estimated during a feeding trial that encompassed a gestation and lactation feeding trial for each of 2 groups of cows. Cows were 0 or 50% Bos taurus ( 100 or 50% Nellore) breed type: Nellore cows (NL; n = 10) mated to Nellore bulls, NL cows ( n = 9) mated to Angus bulls, Angus x Nellore (ANL; n = 10) and Simmental x Nellore (SNL; n = 10) cows mated to Canchim (5/ 8 Charolais 3/ 8 Zebu) bulls. Cows were individually fed a total mixed diet that contained 11.3% CP and 2.23 Mcal of ME/kg of DM. At 14-d intervals, cows and calves were weighed and the amount of DM was adjusted to keep shrunk BW and BCS of cows constant. Beginning at 38 d of age, corn silage was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was measured using the weigh-suckle-weigh technique. At 190 d of age, calves were slaughtered and body composition estimated using 9-10-11th-rib section to obtain energy deposition. Regression of BW change on daily ME intake (MEI) was used to estimate MEI at zero BW change. Increase in percentage Bos taurus had a significant effect on daily ME requirements (Mcal/d) during pregnancy (P < 0.01) and lactation (P < 0.01). Percentage Bos taurus had a positive linear effect on maintenance requirements of pregnant (P = 0.07) and lactating (P < 0.01) cows; during pregnancy, the ME requirements were 91 and 86% of those in lactation (131 +/- 3.5 vs. 145 +/- 3.4 Mcal.kg(-0.75).d(-1)) for the 0 and 50% B. taurus groups, respectively. The 50% B. taurus cows, ANL and SNL, suckling crossbred calves had greater total MEI (4,319 +/- 61 Mcal; P < 0.01) than 0% B. taurus cows suckling NL (3,484 +/- 86 Mcal) or ANL calves (3,600 +/- 91 Mcal). The 0% B. taurus cows suckling ANL calves were more efficient (45.3 +/- 1.6 g/Mcal; P = 0.03) than straightbred NL (35.1 +/- 1.5 g/Mcal) and ANL or SNL pairs (41.0 +/- 1.0 g/Mcal). Under the conditions of this study, crossbreeding improved cow/ calf efficiency and showed an advantage for cows that have lower energy requirements.