692 resultados para Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth
Up to now 19 species of Cladocera have been found in ponds of the Varanger Peninsula (Eastern Finnmark, Norway), which are presented here. A comparison with other regions in the northern Holarctic shows, that the limits of distribution of Cladocera mainly run parallel to latitudes. Using the number of Cladocera-species as an indicator, certain regions seem to be either favoured or unfavoured with respect to the climate in inland-waters. The Varanger Peninsula can be reckoned as a favoured region.
We reconstruct paleoproductivity at three sites in the Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 982, 925, and 1088) to investigate the presence and extent of the late Miocene to early Pliocene 'biogenic bloom' from 9 to 3 Ma. Our approach involves construction of multiple records including benthic foraminiferal and CaCO3 accumulation rates, Uvigerina counts, dissolution proxies, and geochemical tracers for biogenic and detrital fluxes. This time interval also contains the so-called late Miocene carbon isotope shift, a well-known decrease in benthic foraminiferal d13C values. We find that the timing of paleoproductivity maxima differs among the three sites. At Site 982 (North Atlantic), benthic foraminifera and CaCO3 accumulation were both at a maximum at ~5 Ma, with smaller peaks at ~6 Ma. The paleoproductivity maximum was centered earlier (~6.6-6.0 Ma) in the tropical Atlantic (Site 925). In the South Atlantic (Site 1088), paleoproductivity increased even earlier, between 8.2 Ma and 6.2 Ma, and remained relatively high until ~5.4 Ma. We note that there is some overlap between the interval of maximum productivity between Sites 925 and 1088, as well as the minor productivity increase at Site 982. We conclude that the paleoproductivity results support hypotheses aiming to place the biogenic bloom into a global context of enhanced productivity. In addition, we find that at all three sites the d13C shift is accompanied by carbonate dissolution. This observation is consistent with published studies that have sought a relationship between the late Miocene carbon isotope shift and carbonate preservation.
Calcareous nannoplankton, palynomorph, benthic foraminifera, and oxygen isotope records from the supraregionally distributed Niveau Paquier (Early Albian age, Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b) and regionally distributed Niveau Kilian (Late Aptian age) black shales in the Vocontian Basin (SE France) exhibit variations that reflect paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the mid-Cretaceous low latitudes. To quantify surface water productivity and temperature changes, nutrient and temperature indices based on calcareous nannofossils were developed. The nutrient index strongly varies in the precessional band, whereas variations of the temperature index reflect eccentricity. Since polar ice caps were not present during the mid-Cretaceous, these variations probably result from feedback mechanisms within a monsoonal climate system of the mid-Cretaceous low latitudes involving warm/humid and cool/dry cycles. A model is proposed that explains the formation of mid-Cretaceous black shales through monsoonally driven changes in temperature and evaporation/precipitation patterns. The Lower Albian Niveau Paquier, which has a supraregional distribution, formed under extremely warm and humid conditions when monsoonal intensity was strongest. Bottom water ventilation in the Vocontian Basin was diminished, probably due to increased precipitation and reduced evaporation in regions of deep water formation at low latitudes. Surface water productivity in the Vocontian Basin was controlled by the strength of monsoonal winds. The Upper Aptian Niveau Kilian, which has a regional distribution only, formed under a less warm and humid climate than the Niveau Paquier. Low-latitude deep water formation was reduced to a lesser extent and/or on regional scale only. The threshold for the formation of a supraregional black shale was not reached. The intensity of increases in temperature and humidity controlled whether black shales developed on a regional or supraregional scale. At least in the Vocontian Basin, the increased preservation of organic matter at the sea floor was more significant in black shale formation than the role of enhanced productivity.
The conservation of birds and their habitats is essential to maintain well-functioning ecosystems including human-dominated habitats. In simplified or homogenized landscapes, patches of natural and semi-natural habitat are essential for the survival of plant and animal populations. We compared species composition and diversity of trees and birds between gallery forests, tree islands and hedges in a Colombian savanna landscape to assess how fragmented woody plant communities affect forest bird communities and how differences in habitat characteristics influenced bird species traits and their potential ecosystem function. Bird and tree diversity was higher in forests than in tree islands and hedges. Soil depth influenced woody species distribution, and canopy cover and tree height determined bird species distribution, resulting in plant and bird communities that mainly differed between forest and non-forest habitat. Bird and tree species and traits widely co-varied. Bird species in tree islands and hedges were on average smaller, less specialized to habitat and more tolerant to disturbance than in forest, but dietary differences did not emerge. Despite being less complex and diverse than forests, hedges and tree islands significantly contribute to the conservation of forest biodiversity in the savanna matrix. Forest fragments remain essential for the conservation of forest specialists, but hedges and tree islands facilitate spillover of more tolerant forest birds and their ecological functions such as seed dispersal from forest to the savanna matrix.
Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 located in the southern South China Sea (SCS) were investigated to evaluate the relationship between faunal composition patterns and paleoceanographic changes during the last 6 million years (late Miocene to Holocene). We used multivariate statistics (correspondence analysis) to analyze carbon-flux-related changes in assemblage composition of benthic foraminifers. Additional proxies for carbon flux and deep-water ventilation include delta13C records of epifaunal Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and infaunal Uvigerina peregrina var. dirupta and Melonis pompilioides, benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates (BFARs), diversity indices, and relative abundances of indicator species. We observe three significant benthic faunal changes in the southern South China Sea during the last 6 million years. Strong fluctuations in BFAR and relative abundance of productivity indicator species between glacial and interglacial stages after the mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR) at approximately 0.9 Ma, indicating stronger seasonal carbon flux fluctuations, are accompanied by the extinction of such species as Stilostomella spp. Increases in carbon flux indicator species are coupled with an overall decrease in benthic foraminifer diversity around 3.0 Ma in the late Pliocene. This may indicate increasing carbon flux in a period of productivity maximum caused by enhanced offshore upwelling from intensified winter monsoon wind strength.
Reworked shallow-water foraminifers that settled on the upper slope of the central Great Barrier Reef at Site 821 (water depth, 212.6 m) were used as indicators of the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that have controlled the Pleistocene evolution of the adjacent platform. Throughout the 400-m-thick sequence drilled, the nature, composition, and distribution of the shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages studied indicate that (1) all the species recorded are at present living in diverse tropical, reef-related areas of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic provinces; (2) the composition of the microfaunal taphocoenoses is almost identical between the different stratigraphic intervals studied and the modern Great Barrier Reef environments; (3) inner-neritic, tropical environments have continued to develop since the middle Pleistocene; (4) high- to moderate-energy platform edges occurred repeatedly throughout Pleistocene time. These factors may suggest that, since the beginning of the Pleistocene, several reef-like tracts have grown successively on the central area of the northeastern Australian shelf edge. These tracts probably had a sufficiently evolved morphological zonation to act as shelters for foraminiferal biocoenoses of high species diversity.
The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation change on the continent. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in the marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. To investigate land-sea interactions during deglaciation, we compare proxies for continental (pollen assemblages) and marine conditions (alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures) of two high-resolution, radiocarbon-dated sedimentary records from the tropical southeast Atlantic. The southern site is located West of the Cunene River mouth; the northern site is located West of the Angolan Huambe Mountains. It is inferred that the vegetation in Angola developed from Afroalpine and open savannah during the last Glacial maximum (LGM) via Afromontane Podocarpus forest during Heinrich Event 1 (H1), to an early increase of lowland forest after 14.5 ka. The vegetation record indicates dry and cold conditions during the LGM, cool and wet conditions during H1 and a gradual rise in temperature starting well before the Younger Dryas (YD) period. Terrestrial and oceanic climate developments seem largely running parallel, in contrast to the situation ca. 5° further South, where marine and terrestrial developments diverge during the YD. The cool and wet conditions in tropical West Africa, South of the equator, during H1 suggest that low-latitude insolation variation is more important than the slowdown of the thermohaline circulation for the climate in tropical Africa.
In the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene a group of 95 species of elongate, cylindrical, deep-sea (lower bathyal-abyssal) benthic foraminifera became extinct. This Extinction Group (Ext. Gp), belonging to three families (all the Stilostomellidae and Pleurostomellidae, some of the Nodosariidae), was a major component (20-70%) of deep-sea foraminiferal assemblages in the middle Cenozoic and subsequently declined in abundance and species richness before finally disappearing almost completely during the mid-Pleistocene Climatic Transition (MPT). So what caused these declines and extinction? In this study 127 Ext. Gp species are identified from eight Cenozoic bathyal and abyssal sequences in the North Atlantic and equatorial Pacific Oceans. Most species are long-ranging with 80% originating in the Eocene or earlier. The greatest abundance and diversity of the Ext. Gp was in the warm oceanic conditions of the middle Eocene-early Oligocene. The group was subjected to significant changes in the composition of the faunal dominants and slightly enhanced species turnover during and soon after the rapid Eocene-Oligocene cooling event. Declines in the relative abundance and flux of the Ext. Gp, together with enhanced species loss, occurred during middle-late Miocene cooling, particularly at abyssal sites. The overall number of Ext. Gp species present began declining earlier at mid abyssal depths (in middle Miocene) than at upper abyssal (in late Pliocene-early Pleistocene) and then lower bathyal depths (in MPT). By far the most significant Ext. Gp declines in abundance and species loss occurred during the more severe glacial stages of the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene. Clearly, the decline and extinction of this group of deep-sea foraminifera was related to the function of their specialized apertures and the stepwise cooling of global climate and deep water. We infer that the apertural modifications may be related to the method of food collection or processing, and that the extinctions may have resulted from the decline or loss of their specific phytoplankton or prokaryote food source, that was more directly impacted than the foraminifera by the cooling temperatures.
Paleogene calcareous nannofossils from split spoon cores recovered from five wells along the Coastal Plain of New Jersey and Maryland have been analyzed in order to provide onshore information complementary to that derived from the offshore DSDP Site 605 (upper continental rise off New Jersey). Hiatuses are more numerous and of greater extent in the onshore sections, but the major ones correlate well with those noted in the offshore section. At one site at least (Leggett Well), sedimentation may well have been continuous across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, as it is believed to have been at DSDP Site 605. These various correlations are discussed elsewhere in a companion paper (Olsson and Wise, this volume). Important differences in nannofossil assemblages are noted between the onshore (shelf paleoenvironment) and offshore (slope-rise paleoenvironment) sections. Lithostromation simplex, not present offshore, is consistently present onshore and seems to be confined to the Eocene shelf sediments of this region. The same relationship holds for the zonal marker, Rhabdosphaera gladius Locker. The Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus plexus is more diverse and better preserved in the onshore sections, where the lowermost Eocene Zone CP9 is well represented. Differential preservation is postulated to account for two morphotypes of Tribrachiatus bramlettei (Brönnimann and Stradner). Type A is represented at DSDP Site 605 by individuals with short, stubby arms, but these forms are not present in the equivalent onshore sections. There they are replaced by the Type B morphotypes, which exhibit a similar basic construction but possess much longer, more delicate arms.
During the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene, 63 species of elongate, bathyal-upper abyssal benthic foraminifera (Extinction Group = Stilostomellidae, Pleurostomellidae, some Nodosariidae) declined in abundance and finally disappeared in the northern Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722, 758), as part of the global extinction of at least 88 related species at this time. The detailed record of withdrawal of these species differs by depth and geography in the Indian Ocean. In northwest Indian Ocean Site 722 (2045 m), the Extinction Group of 54 species comprised 2-15% of the benthic foraminiferal fauna in the earliest Pleistocene, but declined dramatically during the onset of the mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) at 1.2-1.1 Ma, with all but three species disappearing by the end of the MPT (~0.6 Ma). In northeast Indian Ocean Site 758 (2925 m), the Extinction Group of 44 species comprised 1-5% of the benthic foraminiferal fauna at ~3.3-2.6 Ma, but declined in abundance and diversity in three steps, at ~2.5, 1.7, and 1.2 Ma, with all but one species disappearing by the end of the MPT. At both sites there are strong positive correlations between the accumulation rate of the Extinction Group and proxies indicating low-oxygen conditions with a high organic carbon input. In both sites, there was a pulsed decline in Extinction Group abundance and species richness, especially in glacial periods, with some partial recoveries in interglacials. We infer that the glacial declines at the deeper Site 758 were a result of increased production of colder, well-ventilated Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), particularly in the late Pliocene and during the MPT. The Extinction Group at shallower water depths (Site 722) were not impacted by the deeper water mass changes until the onset of the MPT, when cold, well-ventilated Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) production increased and may have spread into the Indian Ocean. Increased chemical ventilation at various water depths since late Pliocene, particularly in glacial periods, possibly in association with decreased or more fluctuating organic carbon flux, might be responsible for the pulsed global decline and extinction of this rather specialised group of benthic foraminifera.
Middle/late Miocene to early Pliocene sedimentary sequences along the continental margin of southwest Africa have changes that correspond to the carbonate crash (12-9 Ma) and biogenic bloom events (~7-4 Ma) described in the equatorial Pacific by Farrell et al. (1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.143.1995). To explore the origins of these changes, we analyzed the carbon and coarse fraction contents of sediments from ODP Sites 1085, 1086, and 1087 at a time resolution of 5 to 30 kyr. Several major drops in CaCO3 concentration between 12 and 9 Ma are caused by dilution from major increases in clastic input from the Oranje River during global sea level regressions. Abundant pyrite crystals and good preservation of fish debris reflect low oxygenation of bottom/pore waters. Regional productivity was enhanced during the time equivalent to the carbonate crash period. Higher benthic/planktic foraminiferal ratios indicate that CaCO3 dissolution at Site 1085 peaked between 9 to 7 Ma, which was after the global carbonate crash. This period of enhanced dissolution suggests that Site 1085 was located within a low-oxygen water mass that dissolved CaCO3 more easily than North Atlantic Deep Water, which began to bathe this site at 7 Ma. At 7 to 6 Ma, the onset of the biogenic bloom, increases and variations in total organic carbon and benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates show that paleoproductivity increased significantly above values observed during the carbonate crash period and fluctuated widely. We attribute the late Miocene paleoproductivity increase off southwest Africa to ocean-wide increases in nutrient supply and delivery.
On the basis of lithologic, foraminiferal, seismostratigraphic, and downhole logging characteristics, we identified seven distinctive erosional unconformities at the contacts of the principal depositional sequences at Site 612 on the New Jersey Continental Slope (water depth 1404 m). These unconformities are present at the Campanian/Maestrichtian, lower Eocene/middle Eocene, middle Eocene/upper Eocene, upper Eocene/lower Oligocene, lower Oligocene/upper Miocene, Tortonian/Messinian, and upper Pliocene/upper Pleistocene contacts. The presence of coarse sand or redeposited intraclasts above six of the unconformities suggests downslope transport from the adjacent shelf by means of sediment gravity flows, which contributed in part to the erosion. Changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages across all but the Campanian/Maestrichtian contact indicate that significant changes in the seafloor environment, such as temperature and dissolved oxygen content, took place during the hiatuses. Comparison with modern analogous assemblages and application of a paleoslope model where possible, indicate that deposition took place in bathyal depths throughout the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic at Site 612. An analysis of two-dimensional geometry and seismic fades changes of depositional sequences along U.S.G.S. multichannel seismic Line 25 suggests that Site 612 was an outer continental shelf location from the Campanian until the middle Eocene, when the shelf edge retreated 130 km landward, and Site 612 became a continental slope site. Following this, a prograding prism of terrigenous debris moved the shelf edge to near its present position by the end of the Miocene. Each unconformity identified can be traced widely on seismic reflection profiles and most have been identified from wells and outcrops on the coastal plain and other offshore basins of the U.S. Atlantic margin. Furthermore, their stratigraphic positions and equivalence to similar unconformities on the Goban Spur, in West Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and the Western Interior of the U.S. suggest that most contacts are correlative with the global unconformities and sea-level falls of the Vail depositional model.
This paper constitutes a first detailed and systematic facies and biota description of an isolated carbonate knoll (Pee Shoal) in the Timor Sea (Sahul Shelf, NW Australia). The steep and flat-topped knoll is characterized by a distinct facies zonation comprising (A) soft sediments with scattered debris and scarce sponges, hydrozoans and crinoids (320-210 m water depth), (B) hardground outcrops (step-like banks, vertical cliffs) that are mainly colonized by octocorals and sponges (210-75 m), and (C) the summit region (75-21 m) where the slopes merge gently into the flat-topped summit that is densely colonized by massive and encrusting zooxanthellate corals and the octocoral Heliopora coerulea. In contrast, the sediments recovered from the summit are dominated by the green alga Halimeda, subordinate components are corals, benthic foraminifers, mollusks, and coralline red algae. Thus, the sediments are classified as chlorozoan grain assemblage. However, non-skeletal grains (fecal pellets, ooids) are almost completely absent. This discrepancy between the living biota and the sediment composition could reflect a disruption by the severe tropical cyclone Ingrid that hit the northern Australian shelf in March 2005, just before the sampling for this study took place (September 2005).