941 resultados para Milton Bradley Company.
This collection consists of a special edition of The Evening Herald (Rock Hill, SC newspaper) which included a section devoted to the history of the company.
The Rock Hill Hardware Company was organized on June 4, 1893 by A.R. Smith and John Gelzer, A.A. Barron and his sons R.E. and W.L. bought Smith out in 1896 and by 1907 had acquired the whole firm. The Barron family owned and operated it until it closed in 1978. The collection consists of a 1906 ledger, financial records, a photograph, a seed license, World War II ration booklets, and newspaper clippings.
This present work is a theoretical and qualitative research divided into three chapters that aims to demonstrate how the representations of the female in the book The Mists of Avalon (1982), writing by Marion Zimmer Bradley, dialogues and revises the tradition of cavalry novels on the Arthurian legend, particularly Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur (1485) which brings the female from the images ideologically constructed of angel and monster. Bradley innovate the Matter of Britain when she created a version of the Arthurian myth following a perspective guided on the female. From the analysis of the history of Bradley's writing as well as the historical context of the development of feminism and the feminist criticism in which she wrote will be sought-point as The Mists of Avalon part of the tradition, but reframes the traditional episodes in order to deconstruct the patriarchal sense and the male images about the feminine
Explosives industries are a source of toxic discharge. The aim of this study was to compare organisms sensitivity (Daphnia similis, Danio rerio, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida) in detecting acute toxicity in wastewater from two explosives, 2,4,6-TNT (TNT) and nitrocellulose. The samples were collected from an explosives company in the Paraiba Valley, So Paulo, Brazil. The effluents from TNT and nitrocellulose production were very toxic for tested organisms. Statistical tests indicated that D. similis and D. rerio were the most sensitive organisms for toxicity detection in effluents from 2,4,6-TNT and nitrocellulose production. The P. putida bacteria was the organism considered the least sensitive in indicating toxicity in effluents from nitrocellulose.
The study aims to analyze the IT architecture management practices associated with their degree of maturity and the influence of institutional and strategic factors on the decisions involved through a case study in a large telecom organization. The case study allowed us to identify practices that led the company to its current stage of maturity and identify practices that can lead the company to the next stage. The strategic influence was mentioned by most respondents and the institutional influence was present in decisions related to innovation and those dealing with a higher level of uncertainties.
Na tradição ocidental, a virtude tem sido sempre considerada a plenitude do ser humano, como resume Tomás de Aquino: ultimum potentiae, ou, em linguagem de hoje, o máximo do que se pode ser. Curiosamente essa mesma concepção ocorre em outras culturas, como a Tupi. Milton Nascimento compôs uma canção que expressa o próprio cerne dessa tradição. A língua árabe dá um passo além: a virtude excede!
Grazie all’analisi del dibattito in corso nelle istituzioni europee inerente il tema della neutralità della rete si è avuto modo di capire come le web companies, debbano non solo interagire con il proprio mercato, ma anche con un ambiente in cui vi sono attori che definiscono regole ed influenzano i contesti sociali. Questo ambiente è composto da quei fattori sociali, politici e legali che interagiscono e influenzano dall’esterno i mercati e gli accordi privati. Esso comprende quindi tutte le interazioni economiche che hanno come intermediario un soggetto pubblico, in questo caso le istituzioni europee, e in cui, causa questa presenza, la natura degli accordi non risponde prettamente a logiche economiche ma più a quelle politiche.