999 resultados para Milan (Italy). Guardia nazionale. Corpo di musica.
Nell'articolo è illustrata la conoscenza della lingua italiana in Svezia nella prima età moderna, con particolare riguardo al Seicento. Gli studi pregressi su questo argomento mostrano che l'Italiano era in questo periodo una delle lingue di cultura più importanti in Svezia. Per verificare questi studi si sono utilizzate le notizie di prima mano contenute in alcuni testi odeporici (lettere, diari, relazioni ecc.) redatti da viaggiatori italiani recatisi in Svezia in questo secolo. Nei primi paragrafi del lavoro il lettore è introdotto alla comprensione dell'argomento grazie ad una esposizione contestualizzata sia della storia della Svezia sia di quella della lingua italiana tra Cinquecento e Seicento. Inoltre si offre anche una veloce introduzione ai contatti culturali tra l'Italia e la Svezia fino al Seicento. L'analisi dei testi odeporici seicenteschi conferma gli studi precedenti, basati su ricerche bibliografiche e d'archivio, dimostrando come l'Italiano, sebbene materia di studio accademico e di apprendimento privato, fosse in realtà conosciuto in Svezia solo da una piccola parte dei nobili, preferendosi ad esso il Francese, mentre il latino era conosciuto bene da tutti i rappresentanti del clero.
Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689)) is probably the most important individual to directly link the cultures of Sweden and Italy, and thus fascinate scholars over the last four centuries. In the last fifty years, research on and interest in this monarch has been particularly intense. This has led to current international scientific debate concerning all the different cultural expressions in which Queen Cristina was particularly involved. However, until now there has been lacking a comprehensive work to illustrate the development of scientific research in Italian on Queen Christina. This article, therefore, without claiming to be exhaustive, aims to fill this gap by identifying the main direction of current research. The article, after briefly introducing previous works (both Italian and Swedish), demonstrates how the first major renaissance of international studies on Queen Cristina took place in Sweden in the early 1960s. Even more important was the subsequent turning point in 1989, when the tercentenary of the death of Queen Christina was celebrated and the Azzolino Collection at the Biblioteca Comunale in Jesi was opened. The article focuses on the studies in Italian during this latter period. To make the exposition more organic and, importantly, more accessible to those readers interested in only one particular aspect of the scientific studies about Queen Christina, the studies in Italian since 1689 are divided into different subject areas.
This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.
This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Com base numa experiência pessoal com a dança e leituras sobre butoh, o trabalho traça um paralelo entre o corpo na dança butoh e o corpo na educação, pensando como o corpo do educando é cerceado a ponto de não conseguir criar possibilidades de liberdade e resultando por isso numa indisciplina como grito de socorro. O primeiro meio de comunicação é o corpo, é nossa mídia mínima e é o primeiro a ser domesticado na escola e na sociedade. O trabalho busca caminhos pelo labirinto procurando como esse corpo poderia encontrar manifestações expressivas no meio da pressão e prisão em que é inserido na sociedade e, consequentemente, na escola, mostrando como exemplo os caminhos que o butoh criou como forma de resistência. Com apoio de Christine Greiner e Maura Baiocchi, procura decifrar como os dançarinos de butoh se manifestam contra esse meio opressor que impôs ao Japão uma cultura ocidental indo contra, rotulando e desrespeitando as nuances da cultura japonesa. Exercitando um butoh com as palavras, Clarice Lispector serve de inspiração à pesquisa, dando pinceladas que mostram quão profundo pode ser um movimento artístico quando se tem o corpo intenso e inteiro na criação, como ela tem. No trabalho, a autora revela o sonho de uma educação onde o corpo vivesse toda a experiência intensamente, recebendo suas marcas como um presente e não como uma cicatriz que dói. Com a ajuda do butoh, sonha uma escola que deixaria marcas a servirem como pistas para a criança encontrar seu próprio corpo
This essay deals with the relationship between the body of the composer and his sounds, approaching - by a philosophical point of view - the process of objectivation of sound along the history of musical writing (escritura = musical scripture), until coming up the emergence of electroacoustic music. At this point, the text handles with the dialectic between analogical and digital resources and with the most crucial problems of electroacoustic music in our days.
Many professionals of Physical Education are included in the academies environment, very important space for dissemination of physical activity and increasingly attended by the population, due to the practicality of offering various activities in one location. This feature is essential in today's world, as people have less and less time to devote to body care. In pursuit of various goals, such as weight loss, lean mass gain (hypertrophy), aesthetics, health and leisure, attendees expect to reach them through the work of physical education professional. It is expected that this be prepared to meet the most varied demands and goals, so that students are satisfied with the service and obtain the desired results. The academy works as a means, a provider of space that provides tools for the teacher meet the needs of students; now this student has the role of establishing goals and engage in the search results. This study aimed to increase knowledge of the resources provided by the professionals of the academies in service to their customers
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Excited states of the N = Z = 33 nucleus As-66 have been populated in a fusion-evaporation reaction and studied using gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques. Special emphasis was put into the search for candidates for the T = 1 states. A new 3(+) isomer has been observed with a lifetime of 1.1(3) ns. This is believed to be the predicted oblate shape isomer. The excited levels are discussed in terms of the shell model and of the complex excited Vampir approaches. Coulomb energy differences are determined from the comparison of the T = 1 states with their analog partners. The unusual behavior of the Coulomb energy differences in the A = 70 mass region is explained through different shape components (oblate and prolate) within the members of the same isospin multiplets. This breaking of the isospin symmetry is attributed to the correlations induced by the Coulomb interaction.
Atmospheric conditions at the site of a cosmic ray observatory must be known for reconstructing observed extensive air showers. The Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) is a global atmospheric model predicated on meteorological measurements and numerical weather predictions. GDAS provides altitude-dependent profiles of the main state variables of the atmosphere like temperature, pressure, and humidity. The original data and their application to the air shower reconstruction of the Pierre Auger Observatory are described. By comparisons with radiosonde and weather station measurements obtained on-site in Malargue and averaged monthly models, the utility of the GDAS data is shown. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a facility built to detect air showers produced by cosmic rays above 10(17) eV. During clear nights with a low illuminated moon fraction, the UV fluorescence light produced by air showers is recorded by optical telescopes at the Observatory. To correct the observations for variations in atmospheric conditions, atmospheric monitoring is performed at regular intervals ranging from several minutes (for cloud identification) to several hours (for aerosol conditions) to several days (for vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity). In 2009, the monitoring program was upgraded to allow for additional targeted measurements of atmospheric conditions shortly after the detection of air showers of special interest, e. g., showers produced by very high-energy cosmic rays or showers with atypical longitudinal profiles. The former events are of particular importance for the determination of the energy scale of the Observatory, and the latter are characteristic of unusual air shower physics or exotic primary particle types. The purpose of targeted (or "rapid") monitoring is to improve the resolution of the atmospheric measurements for such events. In this paper, we report on the implementation of the rapid monitoring program and its current status. The rapid monitoring data have been analyzed and applied to the reconstruction of air showers of high interest, and indicate that the air fluorescence measurements affected by clouds and aerosols are effectively corrected using measurements from the regular atmospheric monitoring program. We find that the rapid monitoring program has potential for supporting dedicated physics analyses beyond the standard event reconstruction.
The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory can detect neutrinos with energy E-nu between 10(17) eV and 10(20) eV from point-like sources across the sky south of +55 degrees and north of -65 degrees declinations. A search has been performed for highly inclined extensive air showers produced by the interaction of neutrinos of all flavors in the atmosphere (downward-going neutrinos), and by the decay of tau leptons originating from tau neutrino interactions in Earth's crust (Earth-skimming neutrinos). No candidate neutrinos have been found in data up to 2010 May 31. This corresponds to an equivalent exposure of similar to 3.5 years of a full surface detector array for the Earth-skimming channel and similar to 2 years for the downward-going channel. An improved upper limit on the diffuse flux of tau neutrinos has been derived. Upper limits on the neutrino flux from point-like sources have been derived as a function of the source declination. Assuming a differential neutrino flux k(PS) . E-nu(-2). from a point-like source, 90% confidence level upper limits for k(PS) at the level of approximate to 5x10(-7) and 2.5x10(-6) GeV cm(-2) s(-1) have been obtained over a broad range of declinations from the searches for Earth-skimming and downward-going neutrinos, respectively.
A thorough search of the sky exposed at the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory reveals no statistically significant excess of events in any small solid angle that would be indicative of a flux of neutral particles from a discrete source. The search covers from -90 degrees to +15 degrees in declination using four different energy ranges above 1 EeV (10(18) eV). The method used in this search is more sensitive to neutrons than to photons. The upper limit on a neutron flux is derived for a dense grid of directions for each of the four energy ranges. These results constrain scenarios for the production of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays in the Galaxy.