980 resultados para Mexican War, 1846-1848--Sources


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We present a study of the environments of extended radio sources in the Australia Telescope Low-Brightness Survey (ATLBS). The radio sources were selected from the ATLBS Extended Source Sample, which is a well defined sample containing the most extended of radio sources in the ATLBS sky survey regions. The environments were analysed using 4-m Cerro-Tololo Inter-American Observatory Blanco telescope observations carried out for ATLBS fields in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey r(') band. We have estimated the properties of the environments using smoothed density maps derived from galaxy catalogues constructed using these optical imaging data. The angular distribution of galaxy density relative to the axes of the radio sources has been quantified by defining anisotropy parameters that are estimated using a new method presented here. Examining the anisotropy parameters for a subsample of extended double radio sources that includes all sources with pronounced asymmetry in lobe extents, we find good evidence for environmental anisotropy being the dominant cause for lobe asymmetry in that higher galaxy density occurs almost always on the side of the shorter lobe, and this validates the usefulness of the method proposed and adopted here. The environmental anisotropy parameters have been used to examine and compare the environments of Fanaroff-Riley Class I (FRI) and Fanaroff-Riley Class II (FRII) radio sources in two redshift regimes (z < 0.5 and z > 0.5). Wide-angle tail sources and head-tail sources lie in the most overdense environments. The head-tail source environments (for the HT sources in our sample) display dipolar anisotropy in that higher galaxy density appears to lie in the direction of the tails. Excluding the head-tail and wide-angle tail sources, subsamples of FRI and FRII sources from the ATLBS appear to lie in similar moderately overdense environments, with no evidence for redshift evolution in the regimes studied herein.


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In this paper, a low-complexity algorithm SAGE-USL is presented for 3-dimensional (3-D) localization of multiple acoustic sources in a shallow ocean with non-Gaussian ambient noise, using a vertical and a horizontal linear array of sensors. In the proposed method, noise is modeled as a Gaussian mixture. Initial estimates of the unknown parameters (source coordinates, signal waveforms and noise parameters) are obtained by known/conventional methods, and a generalized expectation maximization algorithm is used to update the initial estimates iteratively. Simulation results indicate that convergence is reached in a small number of (<= 10) iterations. Initialization requires one 2-D search and one 1-D search, and the iterative updates require a sequence of 1-D searches. Therefore the computational complexity of the SAGE-USL algorithm is lower than that of conventional techniques such as 3-D MUSIC by several orders of magnitude. We also derive the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) for 3-D localization of multiple sources in a range-independent ocean. Simulation results are presented to show that the root-mean-square localization errors of SAGE-USL are close to the corresponding CRBs and significantly lower than those of 3-D MUSIC. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Systematic monitoring of subsurface hydrogeochemistry has been carried out for a period of one year in a humid tropical region along the Nethravati-Gurupur River. The major ion and stable isotope (delta O-18 and delta H-2) compositions are used to understand the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater and its interaction with surface water. In the study, it is observed that intense weathering of source rocks is the major source of chemical elements to the surface and subsurface waters. In addition, agricultural activities and atmospheric contributions also control the major ion chemistry of water in the study area. There is a clear seasonality in the groundwater chemistry, which is related to the recharge and discharge of the hydrological system. On a temporal scale, there is a decrease in major cation concentrations during the monsoon which is a result of dilution of sources from the weathering of rock minerals, and an increase in anion concentrations which is contributed by the atmosphere, accompanied by an increase in water level during the monsoon. The stable isotope composition indicates that groundwater in the basin is of meteoric origin and recharged directly from the local precipitation during the monsoonal season. Soon after the monsoon, groundwater and surface water mix in the subsurface region. The groundwater feeds the surface water during the lean river flow season.


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This study examines differences in the surface black carbon (BC) aerosol loading between the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS) and identifies dominant sources of BC in South Asia and surrounding regions during March-May 2006 (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget, ICARB) period. A total of 13 BC tracers are introduced in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry to address these objectives. The model reproduced the temporal and spatial variability of BC distribution observed over the AS and the BoB during the ICARB ship cruise and captured spatial variability at the inland sites. In general, the model underestimates the observed BC mass concentrations. However, the model-observation discrepancy in this study is smaller compared to previous studies. Model results show that ICARB measurements were fairly well representative of the AS and the BoB during the pre-monsoon season. Elevated BC mass concentrations in the BoB are due to 5 times stronger influence of anthropogenic emissions on the BoB compared to the AS. Biomass burning in Burma also affects the BoB much more strongly than the AS. Results show that anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions, respectively, accounted for 60 and 37% of the average +/- standard deviation (representing spatial and temporal variability) BC mass concentration (1341 +/- 2353 ng m(-3)) in South Asia. BC emissions from residential (61 %) and industrial (23 %) sectors are the major anthropogenic sources, except in the Himalayas where vehicular emissions dominate. We find that regional-scale transport of anthropogenic emissions contributes up to 25% of BC mass concentrations in western and eastern India, suggesting that surface BC mass concentrations cannot be linked directly to the local emissions in different regions of South Asia.


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In this paper we address the problem of the separation and recovery of convolutively mixed autoregressive processes in a Bayesian framework. Solving this problem requires the ability to solve integration and/or optimization problems of complicated posterior distributions. We thus propose efficient stochastic algorithms based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We present three algorithms. The first one is a classical Gibbs sampler that generates samples from the posterior distribution. The two other algorithms are stochastic optimization algorithms that allow to optimize either the marginal distribution of the sources, or the marginal distribution of the parameters of the sources and mixing filters, conditional upon the observation. Simulations are presented.


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Resumen: El hispanista francés Georges Cirot fue el primero en emplear el término “maurofilia literaria” (maurophilie littéraire) en 1938 para referirse a la representación del valor y la nobleza de los moros en la literatura española del siglo XVI. Pero como señaló Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1957, 202), ya en los siglos XIV y XV los castellanos se habían sentido atraídos por los musulmanes de Granada, por su exótica civilización, su lujo en el vestir, la espléndida ornamentación de sus edificios y su modo de cabalgar, armarse y combatir. Francisco Márquez Villanueva (1984, 117-118) indicó que aunque la literatura maurófila del siglo XVI fue elaborada bajo el signo avanzado del humanismo cristiano, cuyas características fueron “el inconformismo y la sensibilidad para toda suerte de realidades en divergencia del mundo oficial”, las raíces de la maurofilia literaria se encuentran en el viejo romancero fronterizo y morisco elaborado en el siglo XV. En su opinión, el Romancero fue la patria de la “maurofilia pura” y es donde encontramos un cuadro de referencias temáticas “hecho de toponimia y onomástica, armas, indumentaria, policromía y cabalgadas” tendiente a caracterizar al moro como un ser refinado y superior. Para María Rosa Lida (1960, 355), en cambio, la imagen caballeresca del moro se remonta a don Juan Manuel, pues en sus obras aparecen las cortes musulmanas como “centros de molicie refinada y suntuosa”. En efecto, en el Libro de los estados se afirma el valor del moro como guerrero y en el Conde Lucanor aparecen una serie de reyes moros magnánimos y discretos. Sin embargo, el árabe como personaje sabio o “ejemplar” figura ya en una de las fuentes del Conde Lucanor, la Disciplina clericalis, obra compuesta a principios del siglo XII por el judío converso Pedro Alfonso. Por otra parte, el análisis de la representación de los moros en textos épicos, Avengalvón en el Poema de mio Cid y Almanzor en la Los siete infantes de Lara, nos permite descubrir un importante e insoslayable antecedente de la maurofilia de los últimos siglos de la Edad Media


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Resumen: Un fortuito hallazgo del libreto manuscrito de la ópera El grito de Dolores, de Ramón Vega, compositor mexicano del siglo XIX, protagonizado por esta autora, desencadenó una serie de preguntas que hasta el presente no han sido respondidas a cabalidad por los estudios dedicados a la historia de la música en México. La investigación desarrollada con el propósito de situar el manuscrito encontrado en el contexto social y cultural del siglo de la Independencia y la exhaustiva pesquisa realizada en diferentes archivos históricos fructificaron en el descubrimiento de un vasto corpus de fuentes documentales actualmente desconocidas. La información que arrojó el análisis de estos documentos completó el conocimiento existente sobre la vida de Ramón Vega, permitió enderezar algunas ideas falibles en torno a su producción operística, así como construir y sustentar la hipótesis de que El grito de Dolores puede calificarse como el primer intento de creación de una ópera mexicana “enteramente nacional”.


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Resumen: La presente colaboración pretende valorar la ‘historicidad’ de los textos del Nuevo Testamento, de aquellos que tradicionalmente se ha considerado que presentan una ‘envoltura’ ambiental más fidedigna. Tal tarea no puede llevarse a cabo sin un previo discernimiento de las diferencias que sus distintos textos presentan, sin explicar los ambientes distintos en los que cada tradición se forjo, ni la intencionalidad de los distintos géneros a los que se recurrió. La obra de Lucas, constituida por la suma del tercer evangelio sinóptico y de los llamados Hechos de los apóstoles, presenta la percepción más evidentemente diacrónica, desde el nacimiento de Jesús hasta la instalación del cristianismo en Roma, y suma casi un tercio del texto neotestamentario, bastante más si tenemos en cuenta que para su comprensión es necesario el cotejo con los otros evangelios sinópticos y con las cartas paulinas. La perspectiva desde la cual se enfrenta este estudio es la del historiador, no la de la exégesis, la obra de Lucas se analiza como si se tratase de un texto más de la tradición helenística. Un texto que ha de responder, por lo tanto, a unos cánones literarios comprensibles a sus hipotéticos lectores, un texto construido en los años de máximo esplendor del Imperio romano, muy probablemente a finales del siglo I, en un contexto geográfico y cultural de momento impreciso pero que ha de tener en cuenta los problemas palestinos posteriores a la guerra judía de los años 67-70 y el entorno de pugna religiosa y creatividad teológica que, necesariamente, habría de caracterizar a una religión nueva, aún en proceso de formación y que estaba perfilando y perfeccionando sus definitivas señas de identidad. En este sentido se ha de valorar la personalidad del autor y su nivel de compromiso con el grupo religioso del cual pretende presentar una semblanza; por supuesto, es necesario descifrar la intencionalidad del texto, mediatizada por el género y por el público al cual pretende llegar. Debemos insertar la información particular que Lucas-Hechos aporta dentro de un contexto y, cuando sea posible, corroborar su información recurriendo a otras fuentes contemporáneas. A partir de ese proceso podremos concluir si la información aportada es verídica o no, si tal nivel de precisión es imposible podremos al menos pronunciarnos sobre si es creíble o si, por el contrario, es un mero artificio.


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Abstract: When Qohelet declares “there is nothing new under the sun,” his own words are no exception. It has been known for a century now that not all of Qohelet’s material is original to his own genius, and the idea that Qohelet is directly dependent on a literary source(s) is standard fare. The hallmark example continues to be Siduri the alewife’s advice to Gilgamesh which displays remarkable correspondence with Ecclesiastes 9: 7-9. However, what may have been construed as an instance of clear literary dependency a century ago cannot be maintained in light of the data that continues to emerge from the ancient Near East. New sources have risen that contend with the Gilgamesh Epic, and there has yet to emerge a definitive victor. This paper calls into question the very idea that Qohelet was directly dependent on a literary precursor and joins with a few select voices both past and present in suggesting an alternate interpretation of the data.


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Abstract: Fear is commonly regarded as a natural emotion in war, present as well in ancient Greek warfare. Greek literary sources occasionally emphasize the emotions connected to the contemporary experience of combat from a primarily narrative perspective. This paper will offer an introduction to the Greek notion and conceptualization of fear in the classical period and its relationship with war, intending to achieve a better understanding of its role in the literary sources and, ultimately, its relevance in Greek culture and warfare.