983 resultados para Metaplastic Carcinomas


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Foi realizado um estudo das doenças de pele diagnosticadas em ovinos e caprinos, no semi-árido dos Estados da Paraíba, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Norte. De janeiro de 2000 a novembro de 2006 foram registrados no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, em Patos, Paraíba, 656 diagnósticos em caprinos e 324 em ovinos, além do estudo de espécimes de necropsia ou biópsia da pele de 31 em caprinos e 45 em ovinos enviados para exame histológico. Dos casos atendidos 80 (8,16%) apresentavam alterações na pele, destes 35 ocorreram em caprinos (5,33% do total de casos diagnosticados nesta espécie) e 45 em ovinos (13,88% dos casos diagnosticados nesta espécie). Das doenças de pele, a mais freqüente foi a miíase (10 casos em caprinos e 7 em ovinos) seguida do ectima contagioso (8 casos em caprinos e 2 em ovinos), carcinoma epidermoide (4 casos em caprinos e 5 em ovinos), dermatofilose (8 casos em ovinos), dermatite alérgica (1 caso em ovino e 1 em caprino). Além disso, foram diagnosticados dois casos de pitiose em ovinos, dois casos de epidermólise bolhosa em caprinos, um caso de intoxicação por Brachiaria brizantha (fotossensibilização) e outro de intoxicação por Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) em ovinos e um caso de papilomatose, um de pênfigo foliáceo, um de prototecose e um de rabdomiossarcoma em caprinos. Em 4 casos em ovinos e 19 em caprinos não foi realizado diagnóstico etiológico da doença. A informação gerada sobre a ocorrência e epidemiologia das doenças de pele permite estabelecer medidas adequadas de controle.


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Tissue-based biomarkers are studied to receive information about the pathologic processes and cancer outcome, and to enable development of patient-tailored treatments. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential prognostic and/or predictive value of selected biomarkers in colorectal cancer (CRC). Group IIA secretory phospholipase A2 (IIA PLA2) expression was assessed in 114 samples presenting different phases of human colorectal carcinogenesis. Securin, Ki-67, CD44 variant 6 (CD44v6), aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) and β-catenin were studied in a material including 227 rectal carcinoma patients treated with short-course preoperative radiotherapy (RT), long-course preoperative (chemo)RT (CRT) or surgery only. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene copy number (GCN), its heterogeneity in CRC tissue, and association with response to EGFR-targeted antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab were analyzed in a cohort of 76 metastatic CRC. IIA PLA2 expression was decreased in invasive carcinomas compared to adenomas, but did not relate to patient survival. High securin expression after long-course (C)RT and high ALDH1 expression in node-negative rectal cancer were independent adverse prognostic factors, ALDH1 specifically in patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. The lack of membranous CD44v6 in the rectal cancer invasive front associated with infiltrative growth pattern and the risk of disease recurrence. Heterogeneous EGFR GCN increase predicted benefit from EGFR-targeted antibodies, also in the chemorefractory patient population. In summary, high securin and ALDH1 protein expression independently relate to poor outcome in subgroups of rectal cancer patients, potentially because of resistance to conventional chemotherapeutics. Heterogeneous increase in EGFR GCN was validated to be a promising predictive factor in the treatment of metastatic CRC.


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Neste trabalho descreve-se a frequência de carcinomas de células escamosas diagnosticados pelo Laboratório de Patologia Animal (LPA) do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) em bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e equinos no semiárido da Paraíba, durante o período de 1983 a 2010, analisando dados epidemiológicos e fatores de risco. Foi realizada a análise dos fatores de risco, mediante o teste de qui-quadrado de aderência, considerando como variáveis espécie, raça, sexo, idade e localização da massa tumoral. Durante o período foram registrados 3.153 diagnósticos provenientes de biópsias e necropsias. Destes, 81 casos (2,7%) foram de carcinomas de células escamosas. A frequência por espécie foi de 4% (42/1052) em bovinos, 2,5% (15/603) em equinos, 1,7% (12/709) em ovinos e 1,5% (12/789) em caprinos, sendo significativamente maior em bovinos (p<0,001). Todos os casos apresentavam características histológicas de CCE, variando apenas o grau de diferenciação celular. Em bovinos e caprinos, a frequência do tumor foi significativamente maior em animais adultos (p<0,001 e p<0,005, respectivamente). Nos bovinos a localização preferencial foi em olhos e região periocular (p<0,001) e nos ovinos na pele (p=0,018), principalmente na cabeça, enquanto que nas outras espécies não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na localização do tumor. Sugere-se que a maior frequência de CCE em bovinos deve-se à constituição do rebanho, formado predominantemente por fêmeas da raça Holandesa.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar os tumores mais prevalentes em gatos e relacionar os tumores mamários a alguns de seus fatores prognósticos. Os arquivos do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) foram revisados e um total de 1.427 protocolos de biopsias e necropsias de felinos, entre 2000 e 2011, foi encontrado. Com base nas informações dos arquivos, foi estabelecida a relação entre os tumores e alguns fatores como sexo, idade, raça, estado reprodutivo, uso de contraceptivos, número e localização das glândulas afetadas, ulcerações, tamanho do neoplasma, metástases distantes e para os linfonodos. Assim, observou-se que os tumores de mama foram o segundo diagnóstico mais prevalente, após os tumores de pele. Todos os gatos com tumores mamários eram fêmeas, sendo os sem raça definida e os idosos os mais afetados. Os neoplasmas malignos foram diagnosticados com maior frequência, seguidos pelos tumores não neoplásicos e pelos neoplasmas benignos. Os tumores menores eram, na sua maioria, carcinomas. Ulcerações estavam presentes não só em neoplasmas malignos, mas também em alterações não neoplásicas. Metástases distantes foram encontradas principalmente nos pulmões e na pele.


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A prevalência e os aspectos epidemiológicos, anatomopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos dos tumores hepáticos malignos primários (THMP) em cães foram estudados. De 7.373 cães necropsiados em 48 anos (1965-2012), 64 morreram de THMP, o que corresponde a 0,9% do total de cães que morreram por qualquer causa, 7,8% do total de cães que morreram por tumores em geral e 33,5% do total de cães que morreram por tumores hepáticos. Desses 64 casos de THMP, 51 foram revistos histologicamente, avaliados imuno-histoquimicamente e reclassificados como carcinomas (colangiocarcinomas [n=36], carcinomas hepatocelulares [n=9] e hepatocolangiocarcinoma [n=1]) e sarcomas (hemangiossarcomas [n=5]). Dos cães com colangiocarcinomas e carcinomas hepatocelulares em que a idade estava disponível nos protocolos, 64,7% e 77,8% eram idosos, respectivamente. Na necropsia, colangiocarcinomas caracterizaram-se principalmente por ocorrerem em um padrão multinodular (83,3%), enquanto carcinomas hepatocelulares ocorreram tanto de forma massiva (44,4%) quanto nodular (44,4%). Metástases extra-hepáticas foram vistas em 77,8% e 33,3% dos casos de colangiocarcinomas e carcinomas hepatocelulares, respectivamente, e em relação aos colangiocarcinomas afetaram principalmente pulmões (52,8%), linfonodos (50%) e peritônio (19,4%). Ascite (22,2%) e icterícia (22,2%) foram achados associados ocasionalmente com ambos os tumores. Na histologia, a maior parte dos colangiocarcinomas (86,1%) e dos carcinomas hepatocelulares (55,6%) tinha padrão tubular e trabecular, respectivamente. Na imuno-histoquímica, a maioria (63,9%) dos colangiocarcinomas demonstrou imunomarcação para CK7 e nenhum imunomarcou para Hep Par 1. A maioria (55,6%) dos carcinomas hepatocelulares demonstrou imunomarcação para Hep Par 1 e nenhum imunomarcou para CK7. Os resultados aqui apresentados demonstram uma altíssima prevalência de THMP, principalmente colangiocarcinomas, e servem para auxiliar, através dos achados de necropsia, histologia e imuno-histoquímica, patologistas veterinários no diagnóstico dessa tão comum forma de câncer em cães da Região Central do RS, Brasil.


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No Brasil, dados relacionados com a ocorrência de neoplasias em ruminantes e equinos são escassos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a frequência de neoplasias diagnosticadas em bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e equídeos no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, durante o período de 1983 a 2010 e analisar os fatores de risco, mediante o teste de qui-quadrado, considerando como variáveis, espécie, raça, sexo e idade. Durante o período foram registrados 177 (5,6%) tumores de um total de 3.153 diagnósticos provenientes de biópsias e necropsias. Houve diferenças significantes (p<0,001) na frequência de tumores entre as diferentes espécies sendo mais acometidos os equinos (10,6%), seguidos pelos bovinos (6,8%), caprinos (3,3%) e ovinos (2,1%). Os tumores mais frequentes foram o carcinoma células escamosas (CCE) nos bovinos (58,3%), ovinos (80%) e caprinos (46,1%) e o sarcoide em equinos (45,3%). Quanto à localização anatômica, as neoplasias foram mais frequentes na pele em equídeos (62,5%) e ovinos (60%), olho e tecido periocular em bovinos (36,1%) e sistema reprodutor feminino (períneo e vulva) em caprinos (34,6%). Em relação ao sexo dos animais, apenas os bovinos apresentaram prevalência significativa (p<0,001). Em relação à idade apenas os caprinos apresentaram prevalência significativa (p=0,015). Não houve prevalência significativa em nenhuma espécie em relação à raça. Conclui-se que os carcinomas de células escamosas em ruminantes e o sarcoide em equídeos são os tumores mais frequentes em animais de produção no semiárido do Nordeste Brasileiro e que a espécie equina foi a mais acometida dentre as espécies estudadas.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de cana-de-açúcar por meio de inibidores da PROTOX e antioxidantes para indução do acúmulo de protoporfirina IX (PROTO IX) e/ou de seus precursores em plantas. Esses compostos podem ser utilizados como agentes sensibilizantes em terapia fotodinâmica (TFD), os quais possibilitam uma fonte de baixo custo para o tratamento de neoplasias e carcinomas. O experimento foi montado em câmara climatizada, com aplicação de nove tratamentos (1. oxyfluorfen + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E; 2. oxyfluorfen + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; 3. oxyfluorfen; 4. carfentrazone + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E; 5. carfentrazone + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; 6. carfentrazone; 7. testemunha + vitaminas C e E; 8. testemunha + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; e 9. testemunha) em oito genótipos de cana-de-açúcar (PO933499, RB806043, RB470355, PO830698, SP701143, PO901387, PO894414 e SP903414), dispostos em esquema fatorial 9 x 8, com quatro repetições. As repetições constituíram-se de folhas (20 cm) destacadas de cada genótipo, sendo estas pulverizadas com os tratamentos mencionados, em simulador estacionário. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle aos 2 DAA (dias após aplicação) e, no fim do estudo, determinações analíticas via extração da biomassa fresca, verificando os teores de protoporfirina IX por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Os resultados mostraram que em curto prazo foram detectados aumentos significativos nas concentrações de PROTO IX para os genótipos RB470355 e SP903414 submetidos ao tratamento 2 e para o genótipo SP701143 submetido ao tratamento 8, indicando que eles podem ser utilizados como fontes acumuladoras de protoporfirina IX.


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An anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (mAb 6D1.1) was evaluated in vitro and in vivo to determine its suitability as a tracer for immunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinomas. Determination of mAb affinity for CEA showed a constant of association of 0.63 ± 0.11 x 109 M-1. Binding of technetium-99m (99mTc)-6D1.1, labeled by a direct method, to human cultured lineages was highly specific. Binding to only CEA-positive LS-174T cells resulted in a saturable curve inhibited by pre-incubation with unlabeled mAb. No binding at all was observed for the human lineages MeWo (melanoma) or ZR75-30 (breast carcinoma), neither of them expressing CEA cells. Intravenous injection of 99mTc-6D1.1 into nude mice xenografted with human LS-174T tumors resulted in planar images of excellent quality. Localization of an irrelevant mAb labeled with either 99mTc or iodine-125 was never observed in tumor masses. Biodistribution studies on excised tumoral tissue showed retention of 28.48% of the injected dose per gram of LS-174T tumor. The tumor-to-blood ratio was 3.46. The same analysis performed on the other three human xenografted tumors studied demonstrated that only the CEA-producing HT-29 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) retained 99mTc-6D1.1 while the other two (ZR75-30 and MeWo) did not. These data demonstrate that this mAb is an adequate tool for targeting CEA-expressing tumors in experimental models.


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Adrenocortical tumors (ACT) in children under 15 years of age exhibit some clinical and biological features distinct from ACT in adults. Cell proliferation, hypertrophy and cell death in adrenal cortex during the last months of gestation and the immediate postnatal period seem to be critical for the origin of ACT in children. Studies with large numbers of patients with childhood ACT have indicated a median age at diagnosis of about 4 years. In our institution, the median age was 3 years and 5 months, while the median age for first signs and symptoms was 2 years and 5 months (N = 72). Using the comparative genomic hybridization technique, we have reported a high frequency of 9q34 amplification in adenomas and carcinomas. This finding has been confirmed more recently by investigators in England. The lower socioeconomic status, the distinctive ethnic groups and all the regional differences in Southern Brazil in relation to patients in England indicate that these differences are not important to determine 9q34 amplification. Candidate amplified genes mapped to this locus are currently being investigated and Southern blot results obtained so far have discarded amplification of the abl oncogene. Amplification of 9q34 has not been found to be related to tumor size, staging, or malignant histopathological features, nor does it seem to be responsible for the higher incidence of ACT observed in Southern Brazil, but could be related to an ACT from embryonic origin.


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Adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) is the major regulatory hormone of steroid synthesis and secretion by adrenocortical cells. The actions of ACTH are mediated by its specific membrane receptor (ACTH-R). The human ACTH-R gene was recently cloned, allowing systematic determination of its sequence, expression and function in adrenal tumorigenesis. The presence of oncogenic mutations of the ACTH-R gene in adrenocortical tumors has been reported. Direct sequencing of the entire coding region of the ACTH-R gene of sporadic adrenocortical adenomas and carcinomas did not reveal constitutive activating mutations, indicating that this mechanism is not frequent in human adrenocortical tumorigenesis. Recent studies demonstrated allelic loss of the ACTH-R gene in a subset of sporadic adrenocortical tumors using a PstI polymorphism located in the promoter region of the ACTH-R gene. Loss of heterozygosity of the ACTH-R was analyzed in 20 informative patients with a variety of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors. Three of them showed loss of heterozygosity of the ACTH-R gene. In addition, Northern blot experiments demonstrated reduced expression of ACTH-R mRNA in these three tumors with loss of heterozygosity, suggesting the functional significance of this finding at the transcriptional level. Deletion of the ACTH-R gene seems to be involved in a subset of human adrenocortical tumors, contributing to cellular dedifferentiation.


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Metastasis is a multistep cascade initiated when malignant cells penetrate the tissue surrounding the primary tumor and enter the bloodstream. Classic studies indicated that blood platelets form complexes around tumor cells in the circulation and facilitate metastases. In other work, the anticoagulant drug heparin diminished metastasis in murine models, as well is in preliminary human studies. However, attempts to follow up the latter observation using vitamin K antagonists failed, indicating that the primary mechanism of heparin action was unrelated to its anticoagulant properties. Other studies showed that the overexpression of sialylated fucosylated glycans in human carcinomas is associated with a poor prognosis. We have now brought all these observations together into one mechanistic explanation, which has therapeutic implications. Carcinoma cells expressing sialylated fucosylated mucins can interact with platelets, leukocytes and endothelium via the selectin family of cell adhesion molecules. The initial organ colonization of intravenously injected carcinoma cells is attenuated in P-selectin-deficient mice, in mice receiving tumor cells pretreated with O-sialoglycoprotease (to selectively remove mucins from cell surfaces), or in mice receiving a single dose of heparin prior to tumor cell injection. In each case, we found that formation of a platelet coating on cancer cells was impeded, allowing increased access of leukocytes to the tumor cells. Several weeks later, all animals showed a decrease in the extent of established metastasis, indicating a long-lasting effect of the short-term intervention. The absence of obvious synergism amongst the three treatments suggests that they all act via a common pathway. Thus, a major mechanism of heparin action in cancer may be inhibition of P-selectin-mediated platelet coating of tumor cells during the initial phase of the metastatic process. We therefore suggest that heparin use in cancer be re-explored, specifically during the time interval between initial visualization of a primary tumor until just after definitive surgical removal.


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In addition to the mutations that underlie most cases of the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome, somatic mutations of the MEN1 gene have also been described in sporadic tumors like gastrinomas, insulinomas and bronchial carcinoid neoplasm. We examined exon 2 of this gene, where most of the mutations have been described, in 148 endocrine and nonendocrine sporadic tumors. DNA was obtained by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation from 92 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples, and from 40 fresh tumor tissue samples. We used 5 pairs of primers to encompass the complete coding sequence of exon 2 of the MEN1 gene that was screened by the polymerase chain reaction-single-stranded conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) technique in 78 sporadic thyroid cancers: 28 follicular adenomas, 35 papillary carcinomas, 14 follicular carcinomas, and 1 anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. We also examined 46 adrenal lesions (3 hyperplasias, 3 adenomas and 35 adrenocortical carcinomas, 2 pheochromocytomas, 2 ganglioneuroblastomas, and 1 lymphoma) and 24 breast cancers (6 noninvasive, 16 infiltrating ductal, and 2 invasive lobular tumors). The PCR product of 5 tumors suspected to present band shifts by SSCP was cloned. Direct sense and antisense sequencing did not identify mutations. These results suggest that the MEN1 gene is not important in breast, thyroid or adrenal sporadic tumorigenesis. Because the frequency of mutations varies significantly among tumor subgroups and allelic deletions are frequently observed at 11q13 in thyroid and adrenal cancers, another tumor suppressor gene residing in this region is likely to be involved in the tumorigenesis of these neoplasms.


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The c-myc protein is known to regulate the cell cycle, and its down-regulation can lead to cell death by apoptosis. The role of c-myc protein as an independent prognostic determinant in cervical cancer is controversial. In the present study, a cohort of 220 Brazilian women (mean age 53.4 years) with FIGO stage I, II and III (21, 28 and 51%, respectively) cervical squamous cell carcinomas was analyzed for c-myc protein expression using immunohistochemistry. The disease-free survival and relapse-rate were analyzed using univariate (Kaplan-Meier) survival analysis for 116 women who completed the standard FIGO treatment and were followed up for 5 years. Positive c-myc staining was detected in 40% of carcinomas, 29% being grade 1, 9% grade 2, and 2% grade 3. The distribution of positive c-myc according to FIGO stage was 19% (17 women) in stage I, 33% (29) in stage II, and 48% (43) in stage III of disease. During the 60-month follow-up, disease-free survival in univariate (Kaplan-Meier) survival analysis (116 women) was lower for women with c-myc-positive tumors, i.e., 60.5, 47.5 and 36.6% at 12, 36, and 60 months, respectively (not significant). The present data suggest that immunohistochemical demonstration of c-myc does not possess any prognostic value independent of FIGO stage, and as such is unlikely to be a useful prognostic marker in cervical squamous cell carcinoma.


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We have retrospectively analyzed a series of 155 sequential cases of T1N0M0 ductal carcinomas of which 51 tumors had a ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) component for correlation between the presence of DCIS and clinicopathological variables, recurrence and patient survival. No correlations between the presence of DCIS and age, menopausal status, size, estrogen or progesterone receptors were found. High-grade infiltrative tumors tended not to present a DCIS component (P = 0.08). Patients with tumors associated with DCIS form a subgroup with few recurrences (P = 0.003) and good survival (P = 0.008). When tumors were classified by size, an association between large tumors (>1.0 cm) and increased recurrence and shortened overall survival was found. The presence of DCIS in this subgroup significantly reduced the relative risk of death.


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There is strong evidence that the patched (PTCH) gene is a gene for susceptibility to the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. PTCH has also been shown to mutate in both familial and sporadic basal cell carcinomas. However, mutations of the gene seem to be rare in squamous cell carcinomas. In order to characterize the role of the gene in the broader spectrum of sporadic skin malignant and pre-malignant lesions, we performed a polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of genomic DNA extracted from 105 adult patients (46 females and 59 males). There were 66 patients with basal cell carcinomas, 30 with squamous cell carcinomas, 2 with malignant melanomas and 7 patients with precancerous lesions. Two tissue samples were collected from each patient, one from the central portion of the tumor and another from normal skin. Using primers that encompass the entire exon 1, exon 8 and exon 18, where most of the mutations have been detected, we were unable to demonstrate any band shift. Three samples suspected to present aberrant migrating bands were excised from the gel and sequenced directly. In addition, we sequenced 12 other cases, including tumors and corresponding normal samples. A wild-type sequence was found in all 15 cases. Although our results do not exclude the presence of clonal alterations of the PTCH gene in skin cancers or mutations in other exons that were not screened, the present data do not support the presence of frequent mutations reported for non-melanoma skin cancer of other populations.