975 resultados para Mental content


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FUNDAMENTOS: A cintilografia miocárdica com estresse mental parece induzir isquemia através de uma fisiopatologia particular quando comparada com a cintilografia, utilizando o estresse físico ou farmacológico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de isquemia miocárdica induzida por estresse mental, em pacientes com dor torácica e cintilografia com estresse convencional normal, utilizando 99mTc-Sestamibi. MÉTODOS: 22 PAcientes foram admitidos com dor torácica na emergência, ou foram encaminhados ambulatorialmente ao serviço de medicina nuclear da nossa instituição, onde realizaram cintilografia miocárdica de estresse e repouso sem alterações isquêmicas. Então, foram convidados a realizar uma fase adicional com indução de estresse mental através do conflito de cores (Stroop Color Test) com o objetivo de detectar isquemia miocárdica. Dois cardiologistas e médicos nucleares realizaram a análise cega dos dados perfusionais e consequente quantificação através do SDS (Summed Diference Score), pontuando os segmentos com alteração perfusional após o estresse mental e comparando com a imagem de repouso. A presença de isquemia miocárdica foi considerada com SDS > 3. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de isquemia miocárdica induzida por estresse mental foi de 40% (9 pacientes positivos). Nos 22 pacientes estudados não houve diferença estatística quanto ao número de fatores de risco, alterações hemodinâmicas induzidas pelo estresse mental, uso de medicações, sintomas apresentados, presença ou ausência de doença coronariana e variações da fração de ejeção e volume sistólico final do Gated SPECT. CONCLUSÃO: EM Uma amostra selecionada de pacientes com dor torácica e cintilografia miocárdica convencional normal, a pesquisa de isquemia miocárdica induzida pelo estresse mental através de cintilografia pode ser positiva em até 40% dos casos.


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Results of analysis of variations of sum light ions concentration and their connections with radon, galactic cosmic rays intensity and content of sub-micron aerosols by diameter ≥ 0.1 micron in surface boundary layer of Tbilisi city are given.


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თბილისში მსუბუქი იონების, რადონის და გალაქტიკური კოსმოსური სხივების ნეიტრონული კომპონენტის ინტენსივობის 2009-2010 წლებში კომპლექსური მონიტორინგის მონაცემების მიხედვით გამოვლენილია მაიონიზებელი გამოსხივების ინტენსივობისა და ატმოსფეროში მსუბუქი იონების შემცველობის უკუკავშირის ეფექტი.


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In Tbilisi according to the data of the complex monitoring of light ions concentration, radon and sub-micron aerosols the effect of feedback of intensity of ionizing radiation with the light ions content in atmosphere is discovered.


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The results of the stationary and expeditionary investigations of the light ions content in surface boundary layer in the urban and ecologically clean locality for different regions of Georgia are represented.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2008


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Workers of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides (Lepeletier, 1836) develop their ovaries and lay eggs, therefore the production of vitellogenin is expected. In electrophoretic profiles only fat body extracts from nurse workers and ovary extracts from newly-emerged workers show protein with molecular mass similar to vitellogenin. However, an increase in the protein content was detected in forager fat body. This increase was attributed to storage of vitellogenin or other proteins in the previous phase and not discharged into the hemolymph or to an effect of the increased titre of juvenile hormone in this phase of worker life over the fat body functioning.


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RNA was determined in red blood cells of man and other mammals. Our report is based on 41 determinations. Red blood cells of rat showed the highest values in comparison with the blood cells of guinea pig, rabbit, horse and sheep which showed the lowest values, and man with intermediate ones. The method used was a combination of Schimidt and Thanhauser and Schneider extractions with the final reactions of pentose with the orcinol reagent colorimetrically measured.


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Les aspects physiques et psychiques sont étroitement intriqués à l'adolescence, et le corps représente un lieu privilégié d'expression des conflits. C'est dire l'importance de donner une place de choix au versant psychologique au sein d'une consultation de santé des adolescents, pour tenter de discerner la souffrance psychique souvent cachée derrière la plainte somatique.


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Fa anys que s’està posant de manifest per diverses institucions que les malalties mentals van en augment. Tanmateix, sabem que les classes social i econòmicament baixes de la població són més vulnerables a les malalties mentals. Cal comprendre com es va anar dissenyant l’organisme humà durant el seu passat evolutiu i analitzar com afecta a la salut mental un entorn de grans desigualtats socials i econòmiques, societats jerarquitzades, males condicions laborals, bosses de pobresa, etc. Des de fa més de 20 anys que s’ha obert pas la proposta de la Renda Bàsica universal que podria contribuir a canviar algunes de les problemàtiques que aquí s’apunten.


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Background : In the present article, we propose an alternative method for dealing with negative affectivity (NA) biases in research, while investigating the association between a deleterious psychosocial environment at work and poor mental health. First, we investigated how strong NA must be to cause an observed correlation between the independent and dependent variables. Second, we subjectively assessed whether NA can have a large enough impact on a large enough number of subjects to invalidate the observed correlations between dependent and independent variables.Methods : We simulated 10,000 populations of 300 subjects each, using the marginal distribution of workers in an actual population that had answered the Siegrist's questionnaire on effort and reward imbalance (ERI) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ).Results : The results of the present study suggested that simulated NA has a minimal effect on the mean scores for effort and reward. However, the correlations between the effort and reward imbalance (ERI) ratio and the GHQ score might be important, even in simulated populations with a limited NA.Conclusions : When investigating the relationship between the ERI ratio and the GHQ score, we suggest the following rules for the interpretation of the results: correlations with an explained variance of 5% and below should be considered with caution; correlations with an explained variance between 5% and 10% may result from NA, although this effect does not seem likely; and correlations with an explained variance of 10% and above are not likely to be the result of NA biases. [Authors]


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Road safety has become an increasing concern in developed countries due to the significant amount of mortal victims and the economic losses derived. Only in 2005 these losses rose to 200.000 million euros, a significant amount - approximately the 2% of its GDP- that easily justifies any public intervention. One tool used by governments to face this challenge is the enactment of stricter policies and regulations. Since drunk driving is one of the most important concerns of public authorities on this field, several European countries decided to lower their illegal Blood Alcohol Content levels to 0.5 mg/ml during the last decade. This study evaluates for the first time the effectiveness of this transition using European panel-based data (CARE) for the period 1991-2003 using the Differences-in-Differences method in a fixed effects estimation that allows for any pattern of correlation (Cluster-Robust). My results show the existence of positive impacts on certain groups of road users and for the whole population when the policy is accompanied by some enforcement interventions. Moreover, a time lag of more than two years is found in that effectiveness. Finally, I also assert the importance of controlling for serial correlation in the evaluation of this kind of policies.


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In this paper we attempt an empirical application of the multi-region input-output (MRIO) method in order to enumerate the pollution content of interregional trade flows between five Mid-West regions/states in the US –Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin – and the rest of the US. This allows us to analyse some very important issues in terms of the nature and significance of interregional environmental spillovers within the US Mid-West and the existence of pollution ‘trade balances’ between states. Our results raise questions in terms of the extent to which authorities at State level can control local emissions where they are limited in the way some emissions can be controlled, particularly with respect to changes in demand elsewhere in the Mid-West and US. This implies a need for policy co-ordination between national and state level authorities in the US to meet emissions reductions targets. The existence of an environmental trade balances between states also raises issues in terms of net losses/gains in terms of pollutants as a result of interregional trade within the US and whether, if certain activities can be carried out using less polluting technology in one region relative to others, it is better for the US as a whole if this type of relationship exists.


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The paper presents a (genetic) model of the joint distribution of surnames and income. It shows that we can infer how important background is by looking at how informative surnames are. Extensions of the model allow for the possibility of assortative mating, and the introduction of ethnic differences in the income process (due to discrimination or any other reason).