988 resultados para Medial PFC


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El present PFC pretén introduir i donar les bases, tant teòriques com pràctiques, per tractar una de les possibles aplicacions d¿aquests sistemes: la gestió de rutes. Mésconcretament, es vol establir la base per la creació d¿aplicacions que permetin calcular rutes òptimesentre diferents punts georeferenciats.


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En el PFC implementarem en Java una aplicació per gestionar historials mèdics de manerasegura. Està desenvolupada seguint el model de capa de dades, capa de negoci i capa depresentació i el resultat són tres parts que anomenarem ¿part del gestor¿, ¿part del pacient¿ i ¿part del metge¿.


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El PFC té com objectiu dissenyar i implementar un esquema criptogràfic per a garantir un accéssegur a les dades proporcionant mecanismes per salvaguardar la confidencialitat, autenticitat i integritat de les dades i no repudi de les accions portades a terme pels usuaris.


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Con este proyecto se pretender dar una visión global de los SIG, y cuya aplicación principal es calcular y mostrar el camino a seguir entre dos puntos. Tanto el resultadoobtenido como los puntos de inicio y fin de la ruta deben mostrarse sobre un mapa enun navegador. Como particularidad del PFC, el mapa a mostrar corresponde a laciudad de Palma de Mallorca, y se establece como puntos de destino para las rutas losatractivos turísticos o puntos de interés de la ciudad.


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L'àrea de treball en la qual se centra aquest projecte final de carrera (d'ara endavant PFC), es l'àrea de Compiladors. Aquesta àrea és present, es desenvolupa, a les assignatures "Compiladors I" i "Compiladors II" del pla d'estudis d'Enginyeria Informàtica ofert per la UOC. Òbviament, a un treball de síntesi com aquest no és suficient amb el coneixement assolit a aquestes dues assignatures i es posen en pràctica coneixements teòrics i pràctics assolits en altres assignatures com ara "Metodologia i gestió de projectes informàtics", "Enginyeria del programari orientat a l'objecte" o "Enginyeria del programari de components i sistemes distribuïts".


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El projecte suposa el disseny i construcció de diferents parts: anàlisi dels requeriments de l'empresa, el disseny de les taules de la base de dades, definició dels índexs de les taules, disseny i implementació dels procediments emmagatzemats de la base de dades. Aquests procediments emmagatzemats seran l'única forma d'entrada o sortida de la base de dades ocultant així els detalls més pesats relatius a l'estructura interna de la base de dades creada, d'aquesta manera, les consultes de les dades podran ser realitzades per part d'usuaris que no tenen coneixements específics sobre bases de dades.


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PFC de los estudios de Ingeniería Informática, del área .NET, desarrollado conforme a la propuesta "Iluminando el escritorio, la web y la nube con Microsoft Silverlight".


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El PFC s'emmarca dins de l'àrea de seguretat informàtica. D'acord amb la legislació, la informació de caràcter personal ha de ser protegida ja que es tracta d'informació molt sensible.Cal aplicar mesures que garanteixin la seguretat i privadesa de la informació.En el cas específic de la informació relativa a les dades de salut de les persones, el nivell de protecció ha de ser encara més elevat.A més, en el cas dels historials mèdics electrònics la informació es transmet per xarxes de comunicacions per la qual cosa cal aplicar mesures addicionals de seguretat per tal de garantir la seguretat i privadesa de la informació.L'objectiu d'aquest PFC és estudiar la legislació actual i extreure els requeriments de seguretat i privadesa exigits, per tal de determinar el grau de compliment d'aquests requeriments per part de les implementacions existents.


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Background: The prevalence of a low bone mineral density (T-score <-1 SD) in postmenopausal women with a fragility fracture may vary from 70% to less than 50%. In one study (Siris ES. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1108-12), the prevalence of osteoporosis was very low at 6.4%. The corresponding values in men are rarely reported. Methods: In a nationwide Swiss survey, all consecutive patients aged 50+ presenting with one or more fractures to the emergency ward, were recruited by 8 participating hospitals (University Hospitals: Basel, Bern, and Lausanne; cantonal hospitals: Fribourg, Luzern, and St Gallen; regional hospitals: Estavayer and Riaz) between 2004 and 2006. Diagnostic workup was collected for descriptive analysis. Results: 3667 consecutive patients with a fragility fracture, 2797 women (73.8 ± 11.6 years) and 870 men (70.0 ± 12.1 years), were included. DXA measurement was performed in 1152 (44%) patients. The mean of the lowest T-score values was -2.34 SD in women and -2.16 SD in men. In the 908 women, the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia according to the fracture type was: sacrum (100%, 0%), rib (100%, 0%), thoracic vertebral (78%, 22%), femur trochanter (67%, 26%), pelvis (66%, 32%), lumbar vertebral (63%, 28%), femoral neck (53%, 34%), femur shaft (50%, 50%), proximal humerus (50%, 34%), distal forearm (41%, 45%), tibia proximal (41%, 31%), malleolar lateral (28%, 46%), malleolar median (13%, 47%). The corresponding percentages in the 244 men were: distal forearm (70%, 19%), rib (63%, 11%), pelvis (60%, 20%), malleolar median (60%, 32%), femur trochanter (48%, 31%), thoracic vertebral (47%, 53%), lumbar vertebral (43%, 36%), proximal humerus (40%, 43%), femoral neck (28%, 55%), tibia proximal (26%, 36%), malleolar lateral (18%, 56%). Conclusion: The probability of underlying osteoporosis or osteopenia in men and women aged 50+ who experienced a fragility fracture was beyond 75% in fractures of the sacrum, pelvis, spine, femur, proximal humerus and distal forearm. The medial and lateral malleolar fractures had the lowest predictive value in women, not in men.


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Peri-insular hemispherotomy is a surgical technique used in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy of hemispheric origin. It is based on the exposure of insula and semi-circular sulci, providing access to the lateral ventricle through a supra- and infra-insular window. From inside the ventricle, a parasagittal callosotomy is performed. The basal and medial portion of the frontal lobe is isolated. Projections to the anterior commissure are interrupted at the time of amygdala resection. The hippocampal tail and fimbria-fornix are disrupted posteriorly. We report our experience of 18 cases treated with this approach. More than half of them presented with congenital epilepsy. Neuronavigation was useful in precisely determining the center and extent of the craniotomy, as well as the direction of tractotomies and callosotomy, allowing minimal exposure and blood loss. Intra-operative monitoring by scalp EEG on the contralateral hemisphere was used to follow the progression of the number of interictal spikes during the disconnection procedure. Approximately 90% of patients were in Engel's Class I. We observed one case who presented with transient postoperative neurological deterioration probably due to CSF overdrainage and documented one case of incomplete disconnection in a patient presenting with hemimegalencephaly who needed a second operation. We observed a good correlation between a significant decrease in the number of spikes at the end of the procedure and seizure outcome. Peri-insular hemispherotomy provides a functional disconnection of the hemisphere with minimal resection of cerebral tissue. It is an efficient technique with a low complication rate. Intra-operative EEG monitoring might be used as a predictive factor of completeness of the disconnection and consequently, seizure outcome.


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Anomalous activations of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and posterior cerebral areas have been reported in previous studies of working memory in schizophrenia. Several interpretations have been reported: e.g., neural inefficiency, the use of different strategies and differences in the functional organization of the cerebral cortex. To better understand these abnormal activations, we investigated the cerebral bases of a working memory component process, namely refreshing (i.e., thinking briefly of a just-activated representation). Fifteen patients with schizophrenia and 15 control subjects participated in this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Participants were told that whenever they saw a word on the screen, they had to read it silently to themselves (read and repeat conditions), and when they saw a dot, they had to think of the just-previous word (refresh condition). The refresh condition (in comparison with the read condition) was associated with significantly increased activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus and significantly decreased connectivity within the prefrontal cortex and between the prefrontal and parietal cortices in patients with schizophrenia in comparison with control subjects. These results suggest that prefrontal dysfunctions in schizophrenia might be related to a defective ability to initiate (rather than to execute) specific cognitive processes.


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Alternanthera tenella Colla extracts are used in Brazilian traditional folk medicine to treat a variety of infectious diseases as well as inflammation and fever. In this work, the immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and potential toxic effects of cold (CAE) and hot (HAE) aqueous extracts of A. tenella were investigated in vivo. In addition, we analyzed the phytochemical properties of both extracts. BALB/c mice were immunized in vivo with sheep red blood cells and concomitantly inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with each extract (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg). Specific antibody-producing cells were enumerated using plaque-forming cell assays (PFC) and anti-SRBC IgG and IgM serum levels were measured via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Body and lymphoid organ weights were determined after treatments in order to evaluate toxic effects. Carrageenan-induced paw edema was employed to investigate anti-inflammatory activity in mice inoculated i.p. with CAE or HAE (200 or 400 mg/kg). Phytochemical screening was performed using spectrometric and chromatographic approaches and revealed that CAE possessed higher tannin and flavonoid levels than HAE. PFC numbers were increased after treatment with CAE (100 mg/kg) four days after immunization, as were the serum antibody titers after four and seven days, suggesting immunostimulatory activity through modulation of B lymphocyte functions. Body and organ weights did not show major changes, suggesting that extracts administered to mice did not induce significant toxicity. Both extracts had significant anti-inflammatory activity in the paw edema assay. These results suggested that aqueous extracts from A. tenella contained several chemical compounds that possess positive and/or negative modulator effects on the immune system, which appeared to correlate with tannin and flavonoid levels in those extracts. In summary, these studies provide important insight into the biological activities of A. tenella.


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Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) suffer from widespread subtle white matter abnormalities and abnormal functional connectivity extending beyond the affected lobe, as revealed by Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging, volumetric and functional MRI studies. Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) is a diffusion imaging technique with high angular resolution for improving the mapping of white matter pathways. In this study, we used DSI, connectivity matrices and topological measures to investigate how the alteration in structural connectivity influences whole brain structural networks. Eleven patients with right-sided TLE and hippocampal sclerosis and 18 controls underwent our DSI protocol at 3T. The cortical and subcortical grey matters were parcellated into 86 regions of interest and the connectivity between every region pair was estimated using global tractography and a connectivity matrix (the adjacency matrix of the structural network). We then compared the networks of patients and controls using topological measures. In patients, we found a higher characteristic path length and a lower clustering coefficient compared to controls. Local measures at node level of the clustering and efficiency showed a significant difference after a multiple comparison correction (Bonferroni). These significant nodes were located within as well outside the temporal lobe, and the localisation of most of them was consistent with regions known to be part of epileptic networks in TLE. Our results show altered connectivity patterns that are concordant with the mapping of functional epileptic networks in patients with TLE. Further studies are needed to establish the relevance of these findings for the propagation of epileptic activity, cognitive deficits in medial TLE and outcome of epilepsy surgery in individual patients.


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L’objectiu d’aquest PFC és el desenvolupament d’una eina pel modelatge procedural d’edificis i altres estructures arquitectòniques. El modelatge d’edificis és, per si sol, un bon tema on aplicar‐hi la programació procedural. Un edifici normal compte sempre amb elements que es repeteixen en altura i amplada. El fet de “repetir” una tasca suggereix sempre l’aplicació d’algun tipus de procediment per tal de simplificar i reduir la feina de l’usuari a l’hora de desenvolupar aquesta feina


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El GREP (grup de recerca de producte, procés i producció) de la UdG actualmentdisposa d’una eina informàtica desenvolupada en un PFC del 2003 que li permet fer la seqüenciació de la producció d’un taller mecànic amb un màxim de cinc productes, un nombre definit de possibles rutes de fabricació per a cada producte i tres màquines. Aquesta eina és molt resolutiva per a aquests casos, ja que estudia totes les possibilitats i les comprova una per una. No obstant aquest fet presenta una sèrie de limitacions com són el temps d’execució doncs al comprovar totes les seqüències té un elevat cost computacional i la rigidesa del sistema doncs no ens permet seqüenciar més productes ni més màquines. Per tal de donar solució a aquest problema es planteja generar una nova eina informàtica a partir de l’actual però que permeti seqüenciar més peces sense ocupar tanta memòria per així implementar-hi futures millores com el temps de preparació etc... Per a desenvolupar l’eina informàtica s’han utilitzat mètodes heurístics, concretament dos que són: algoritmes genètics i cerca TABU. Aquests mètodes destaquen perquè no busquen totes les combinacions possibles sinó que estudien una sèrie de combinacions i utilitzant mètodes de creuament i generació d’entorns busquen una solució