954 resultados para Martin, Edward, 1879-
The bees of the Peponapes genus (Eucerini, Apidae) have a Neotropical distribution with the center of species diversity located in Mexico and are specialized in Cucurbita plants. which have many species of economic importance. such as squashes and pumpkins Peponapis fervens is the only species of the genus known from southern South America The Cucurbita species occurring in the same area as P fervens Include four domesticated species (C ficifolia, C maxima maxima, C moschata and C pepo) and one non-domesticated species (Cucurbita maxima andreana) It was suggested that C. in andreana was the original pollen source to P fervens, and this bee expanded its geographical range due to the domestication of Cucurbita The potential geographical areas of these species were determined and compared using ecological niche modeling that was performed with the computational system openModeller and GARP with best subsets algorithm The climatic variables obtained through modeling were compared using Cluster Analysis Results show that the potential areas of domesticated species practically spread all over South America The potential area of P fervens Includes the areas of C m andreana but reaches a larger area, where the domesticated species of Cucurbita also Occur The Cluster Analysis shows a high climatic similarity between P fervens and C. m. andreana Nevertheless. P fervens presents the ability to occupy areas with wider ranges of climatic variables and to exploit resources provided by domesticated species (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Syftet med studien Maktens ideologier och språk i svenska skolors värdegrunder är att systematiskt analysera innehållet i skriftliga dokument som kan sägas utgöra eller har utgjort värdegrunder för allmänna svenska skolor. Resultaten visar att det finns en relativt tydlig koppling mellan den rådande maktordningen i samhället och den värdegrund som råder i allmänna svenska skolor. Detta tycks gälla oavsett historisk epok och oavsett vilka ideologier - religiösa eller politiska - de dominerande maktgrupperna förespråkar. Allmänna skolor kan således i hög grad ses som redskap för att reproducera, återskapa, makten hos för tillfället dominerande samhällsgrupper och för att styra eleverna, samhällsmedborgarna, i önskvärd riktning.
Brundin (2004, S. 63) sagt, dass sich die Reformation „um einen Kampf handelte, der Auswirkungen auf die ganze gesellschaftliche Struktur hatte.“ Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Absichten hinter, die linguistischen Methoden und die sozialen Auswirkungen der Bibelübersetzung Luthers festzustellen, und dadurch die Aussage Brundins zu bestätigen bzw. widerlegen. Es wurde gefunden, dass Martin Luther die Bibelübersetzung und die Reformation in enger Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Kollegen an der Leucorea Universität und unter Führung des sächsischen Kurfürsten, Friedrich III., durchgeführt hat. Dabei haben die verwendeten linguistischen Methoden eine Schlüsselrolle gespielt, und viele heute bekannten wissenschaftlichen Theorien sind praktisch umgesetzt worden. Dazu gehören die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese, die Defizit- bzw. die Differenzhypothese und die Diskurstheorie. Die Reformation hat eine gewaltige Machtverschiebung zur Folge, wo der Klerus dem Adel viele Rechte abgeben müsste, und die neu erzeugte Sprache der Lutherbibel hat zu einer deutschen Einheitssprache und die Erstehung eines deutschen Nationalstaates geführt. Als Schlussergebnis kann die Aussage Brundins klar bestätigt werden.
TOC: Life at LaGuardia…3/ LaGuardia At Work…11/College-Wide Activities…20/Mayor LaGuardia…26/Martin Luther King…28/Statue of Liberty…30/Activities and Trips…33/Recreation…52/Student Government and Clubs…56/Faculty and Staff…64/Letters to Graduates…83/Class ’85…87/Class ’86…115/Dedication to the Challenger…156/Boosters and Ads…158 Yearbook Committee: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Asst. Project Director, CATHY WHAN; Editor-in-Chief, MARGARET NEISS; Layout Editor, HORACIO OWENS; Asst. Layout Editor, MARICRUZ SAUNDERS; Copy Editor/Captain Editor, UMOJA KWANGUVU; Typesetter, EDWARD HOLLINS; Cover Artist, DAVID VAZQUEZ; End Sheets Photo, YOUNG BAEK CHOI; Finance Manager, GEORGE BERMUDEZ; Photographers: HORACIO OWENS, MARINA DIAZ, MARGARET NEISS, LORI GEORGE, RANDY FADER SMITH, UMOJA KWANGUVU, JUAN SEGARRA, PETER ABBATE, CLASSIC STUDIO; Production Staff: HORACIO OWENS, MARGARET NEISS, MARINA DIAZ, UMOJA KWANGUVU, MARICRUZ SAUNDERS, IRENE LEBRON, ARLENE BANREY, QUAALAN SAMUELS, MAYRA ALDONADO, CATHY WHAN, RAVI RAMDASS, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, BLANCA ARBITO, EDWARD HOLLINS, BRIDGET DAVIS; Feature Writers: YVONNE CANNON AND HARRIET ASCHOFF ("LaGuardia at Work"); GEORGE BERMUDEZ ("Mayor LaGuardia, A Civil Rights Political Leader"); SCOTT ENGEL ("Statue Of Liberty"); JEFFREY DAVIS ("Tribute to Ron Miller"); MARICRUZ SAUNDERS ("Challengers"); CASSANDRA WILLIAMS ("King: The Vision and the Fulfillment").
Vol. 7; Sept. 1988; 109 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: Life at LaGuardia…2 / Activities and Events…17 / Faculty and Staff…33 / Activities at LaGuardia…49 / Graduation…71 Yearbook Committee Credits: Faculty Advisor, Vincent Banrey; Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors: Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; Asst. Editor, Kenny Rosa; LAYOUT: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Shirley Chance, George Condors, Milton Ferreira, Maria Flores, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Bernadette Henry, Juan Jimenez, Alejandro Meneses, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; PHOTOGRAPHY: Peter Abbate, Sandra Acres, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader Smith, Milton Ferriera, Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, Seymour Lerman, Chuck Lindsey, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Alan Scribner, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan. ART: Jose Marti (Cover Design and Division Pages); Martin Carrichner, Jose Marti (Endsheet Design), Arnold Escalera, Jacqui Fernandez, Richard Massey, Alejandro Meneses; WRITING: Anthony Archer, Alexandra Bastidas, Joie Fadde, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Doreen Hansen, Bernadette Henry, Sarah Hudson, Juan Jimenez, Donna Libert, Cathy Passiglia, Jody Pincus, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, Alan Scribner, Christiana Sommerville, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; SPECIAL THANKS: Blanca Arbito, Classic Studios, Edward Hollins, Umoja Kwanguvu, Kelly Johnson and the LaGuardia Archives, Andrew Saluga and Recreation Staff, Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing.
Sept. 1998; 72 pages; pages 69-72 (Yearzine) b&w, color photographs TOC: Reflections…1 / Dedication…2 / Table of Contents…3 / Message from the President…4 / Message from the Student Government President…5 / The Deans…6 / Robert Francis Kennedy…7 / Student Activities Club Life…8 / Student Activities Club Fair…10 / We Build Potential…12 / Student Government Association 1997/98…14 / Poetry Writing my way out of the Ghetto…16 / Multi-Cultural Appreciation Week 16A-D / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr….17 / Future Leaders Early Childhood Learning Center…18 / Poetry + 5K Race…20 / The Class of 1997/98…21 / Message from the Yearbook Committee…61 / Tribute to Donald Barker Health Center…62 / Poetry Stepping Out…63 / Credits…64 Credits: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: IRENE SOSA; PROJECT COORDINATOR: EDWARD HOLLINS; ASST. PROJECT COORDINATORS: VINCENT COUSIN, ALLEN SCRIBNER, MADODHREE YAMRAJ; EVENT PHOTOGRAPHERS: VINCENT COUSIN, ALLEN SCRIBNER, RANDY FADER-SMITH; GRADUATE PHOTOGRAPHERS: SAMUEL LEE, LUIS REYES; POETRY: MATTHEW JOFFE, LISA KREMENS, THOMAS MCCRAY, JR. Special Thanks: -THE STAFF OF STUDENT LIFE & DEVELOPMENT (FRAN, GREGORY, LUIS, MILLIE) -ENOCK CHARLOTIN -DR. NOMA KRASNEY -HIGH SPEED PHOTO (LOUIS, FERNANDO, JAMES -THANKS GUYS, GREAT JOB!) -WARREN COOPER (TAYLOR PUBLISHING) -ANILA JOHN (S.G.A OFFICE MANAGER) - RON BOERKE (EVENTS OFFICE)
A sonoridade é um aspecto importante para a execução violonística. Esse trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a sonoridade com um elemento da execução musical, entender os seus aspectos formadores dentro do âmbito técnico, textual e perceptivo, utilizando-se como exemplo duas gravações das Quatro Peças Breves de Frank Martin. Os resultado são discutidos à luz do embasamento teórico, fazendo-se considerações a respeito das possibilidades de execução musical e como a sonoridade do violão atua nesse contexto.