975 resultados para Many-body
Introduction: Increased fat mass is becoming more prevalent in women and its accumulation in the abdominal region can lead to numerous health risks such as diabetes mellitus. The clay body wrap using compounds such as green clay, green tea and magnesium sulfate, in addition to microcurrent, may reduce abdominal fat mass and minimize or prevent numerous health problems. Objective: This study aims at measuring the influence of the clay body wrap with microcurrent and aerobic exercise on abdominal fat. Methods: Nineteen female patients, randomized into intervention (n = 10) and control (n = 9) groups, were evaluated using ultrasound for visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, calipers and abdominal region perimeter for subcutaneous fat and bioimpedance for weight, fat mass percentage and muscular mass. During 10 sessions (5 weeks, twice a week) both groups performed aerobic exercise in a cycloergometer and a clay body wrap with microcurrent was applied to the intervention group. Results: When comparing both groups after 5 weeks of protocol, there was a significant decrease in the subcutane- ous fat around left anterior superior iliac spine in the intervention group (ρ = 0.026 for a confidence interval 95%). When comparing initial and final abdominal fat in the intervention group, measured by ultrasound (subcutaneous and visceral fat) and by skinfold (subcutaneous fat), we detected a significant abdominal fat reduction. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the clay body wrap used with microcurrent and aerobic exercise can have a positive effect on central fat reduction.
Dairy foods comprise a range of products with varying nutritional content. The intake of dairy products (DPs) has been shown to have beneficial effects on body weight and body fat. This study aimed to examine the independent association between DP intake, body mass index (BMI), and percentage body fat (%BF) in adolescents. A cross-sectional, school-based study was conducted with 1,001 adolescents (418 boys), ages 15–18 years, from the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. Anthropometric measurements were recorded (weight and height), and %BF was assessed using bioelectric impedance analysis. Adolescent food intake was measured using a self-administered, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Data were analyzed separately for girls and boys, and separate multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the association between total DP, milk, yogurt, and cheese intake, BMI, and %BF, adjusting for potential confounders. For boys and girls, respectively, total DP consumption was 2.6 ± 1.9 and 2.9 ± 2.5 servings/day (P = 0.004), while milk consumption was 1.7 ± 1.4 and 2.0 ± 1.7 servings/day (P = 0.001), yogurt consumption was 0.5 ± 0.6 and 0.4 ± 0.7 servings/day (P = 0.247), and cheese consumption was 0.4 ± 0.6 and 0.5 ± 0.8 servings/day (P = 0.081). After adjusting for age, birth weight, energy intake, protein, total fat, sugar, dietary fiber, total calcium intake, low-energy reporters, parental education, pubertal stage, and physical activity, only milk intake was negatively associated with BMI and %BF in girls (respectively, girls: β = −0.167, P = 0.013; boys: β = −0.019, P = 0.824 and girls: β = −0.143, P = 0.030; boys: β = −0.051, P = 0.548). Conclusion: We found an inverse association between milk intake and both BMI and %BF only in girls.
We report a case of tropical pyomyositis in a boy who presented with a severe febrile illness associated with diffuse erythema, and swelling in many areas of the body which revealed on operation extensive necrotic areas of various muscles that required repeated débridement. The patient gave a history of contact with dogs, and an ELISA test for Toxocara canis was positive. He also presented eosinophilia and high serum IgE levels. Staphylococcus aureus was the sole bacteria isolated from the muscles affected. We suggest that tropical pyomyositis may be caused by the presence of migrating larvae of this or other parasites in the muscles. The immunologic and structural alterations caused by the larvae, in the presence of concomitant bacteremia, would favour seeding of the bacteria and the development of pyomyositis.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Doctoral degree in Biology, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Introduction: Coronary artery disease and aging seems to be associated with a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to increased abdominal fat and consequently metabolic complications. The exercise can break this cycle by stimulating lipolysis and the use of fatty acids. In Europe there is still a lack of cardiac rehabilitation programmes in hospitals, therefore, this study aims to demonstrate the advantages of implementing home-based exercise programmes, as well as, their effects on cardiovascular prevention. This study analyzed the effects of a home-based exercise programme, in patients with coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction for 1 year), in body composition, abdominal fat, lipid profile. Methods: An ongoing randomized controlled trial with a sample of 20 participants were randomly allocated to intervention (n = 10) and control groups (n = 10). Intervention group performed a specific exercise programme during 8 weeks, consisting of ten home based exercises taking into account flexibility, muscle endurance and strength as well as cardiovascular endurance. Skinfolds thickness were measure to calculate the percentage of total fat: Skinfolds used were suprailiac, abdominal horizontal and vertical. Body mass index calculation and blood tests for lipidic profile were performed. Results: After eight weeks the intervention group decreased significantly the percentage of total fat (p < 0.05), the suprailiac skinfold (p < 0.05), the abdominal horizontal and vertical skinfold (p < 0.05) when compared with control group. In the intervention group it was observed after 8 weeks a significant decrease in body mass index, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Conclusions: Home-based exercise programme influenced body composition, abdominal fat and lipid profile. These results highlight the importance of implementing home based exercises that are easy and cheap to implement in cardiac patients, in order to promote health and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.
Avaliação da variação da temperatura corporal, e a monitorização da mesma é bastante importante na prática clínica sendo, por vezes, a base de muitas decisões clínicas. Atualmente, os termómetros digitais, em particular os timpânicos são amplamente utilizados, em contexto hospitalar e domiciliário. Muitos estudos têm sido efetuados para determinar a validade das medições obtidas através de termómetros timpânicos. Os defensores destes termómetros afirmam que, se forem utilizados de forma adequada e periodicamente calibrados, a avaliação da temperatura corporal com este tipo de termómetros é eficaz, cómoda, rápida, pouco invasiva emais higiénica reduzindo o número de infeções cruzadas (FarnellMaxwell &Tan, Rhodes& Philips, 2005). A Metrologia como a ciência das medições e suas aplicações ((VIM1: 2.2) (INSTITUTO PORTUGUÊS DA QUALIDADE, 2012)), abrange todos os aspetos teóricos e práticos que asseguram a exatidão e precisão exigida num processo, procurando garantir a qualidade de produtos e serviços através da calibração de instrumentos de medição e da realização de ensaios, sendo a base fundamental para a competitividade das empresas. Só após o ano 1990, com a publicação dos resultados doHarvardMedical Practice Study (T A BRENNAN, 2004), sobre adventos adversos na área da saúde, começaram a surgir preocupação com o risco do uso de equipamentos e instrumentos sem a adequada avaliação metrológica. Neste estudo concluiu-se que 3,7 % dos pacientes hospitalizados sofriam eventos adversos devido ao uso inadequado de equipamento médico, sendo que 13,6% destes eram mortais. Pegando nesta realidade e sabendo que o não controlo de Equipamento de Monitorização e Medição é uma das causas de obtenção de 36%de não conformidades - 7.6 (NP EN ISO 9001:2008), em Auditorias da Qualidade em Serviços de Saúde (Luís Marinho – Centro Hospitalar São João), fez todo o sentido o estudo e trabalho desenvolvido. Foi efetuado um estudo, no que se refere a normalização em vigor e verificou-se que a nível metrológico muito trabalho terá que ser realizado no serviço nacional de saúde por forma este fornecer o suporte material fiável ao sistema de medições, essencial aos mais diversos sectores da saúde. Sabendo-se que os ensaios/calibrações são necessários e não são negligenciáveis na estrutura de custos das instituições de saúde, e por isso são vistas como mais uma fonte de despesas, é intenção com a realização deste trabalho, contribuir em parte para superação deste tema. Este trabalho passou pela execução/realização de um procedimento de calibração para termómetros timpânicos, tendo a necessidade de desenvolver/projetar um corpo negro. A amostra em estudo é constituída por cinco termómetros timpânicos hospitalares em uso dos diferentes serviços do CHSJ2, seleccionados completamente ao acaso. Um termómetro clínico no mínimo terá que ser calibrado a temperatura 35 ºC e 42 ºC. A calibração deverá ser realizada anualmente e por entidade acreditada. O erro máximo admissível é de ± 0,2 ºC (nas condições ambientais de funcionamento). Sem a confirmação metrológica, não é possível garantir a qualidade do produto ou serviço. A Metrologia na área da saúde desperta a exigência por produtos e serviços de qualidade. Esta tencionará ser encarada como um pilar de sustentabilidade para a qualidade na saúde, sendo absolutamente necessária a implementação de novos procedimentos e atitudes.
Many-core platforms are an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. These devices offer various options for power savings, cost reductions and contribute to the overall system flexibility, however, issues such as unpredictability, scalability and analysis pessimism are serious challenges to their integration into the aforementioned area. The focus of this work is on many-core platforms using a limited migrative model (LMM). LMM is an approach based on the fundamental concepts of the multi-kernel paradigm, which is a promising step towards scalable and predictable many-cores. In this work, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping on a many-core platform using LMM, and propose a three-stage method to solve it. An extended version of the existing analysis is used to assure that derived mappings (i) guarantee the fulfilment of timing constraints posed on worst-case communication delays of individual applications, and (ii) provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. energy/thermal management, fault tolerance and/or performance reasons.
As of today, AUTOSAR is the de facto standard in the automotive industry, providing a common software architec- ture and development process for automotive applications. While this standard is originally written for singlecore operated Elec- tronic Control Units (ECU), new guidelines and recommendations have been added recently to provide support for multicore archi- tectures. This update came as a response to the steady increase of the number and complexity of the software functions embedded in modern vehicles, which call for the computing power of multicore execution environments. In this paper, we enumerate and analyze the design options and the challenges of porting AUTOSAR-based automotive applications onto multicore platforms. In particular, we investigate those options when considering the emerging many- core architectures that provide a more scalable environment than the traditional multicore systems. Such platforms are suitable to enable massive parallel execution, and their design is more suitable for partitioning and isolating the software components.
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2015), Funchal, Portugal.
6th International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS 2015), Lund, Sweden.
Self-inflicted burns (SIB) are responsible for 2-6% of admissions to Burn Units in Europe and North America, and for as many as 25% of admissions in developing nations. Recently, a promising new tool was proposed to stratify SIB patients in the following subgroups: "typical", "delirious", and "reactive". However, as far as the authors know, the clinical usefulness of this instrument has not yet been validated by others. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 56 patients admitted to our Burn Unit with the diagnosis of SIB injury in the past 14 years. The following parameters were evaluated: demographic features; psychiatric illness; substance abuse; mechanism of injury; burn depth, total body surface area (TBSA) involved, Abbreviated Burn Severity Index (ABSI); length of hospital stay, and mortality. All patients were followed up by a psychologist and a psychiatrist, and were classified according to the SIB-Typology Tool, into three classes: "typical", "delirious" and "reactive". There was a slight predominance of the "typical" type (44.6%), followed by the "delirious" type (30.4%), and, finally the "reactive" type (25.0%). Mortality was significantly higher in the "typical" subgroup. In conclusion, the SIB-Typology Tool appears to be a valuable instrument in the clinical management of SIB patients.
Background: Upper arm anthropometry has been used in the nutritional assessment of small infants, but it has not yet been validated as a predictor of regional body composition in this population. Objective: Validation of measured and derived upper arm anthropometry as a predictor of arm fat and fat-free compartments in preterm infants. Methods: Upper arm anthropometry, including the upper arm cross-sectional areas, was compared individually or in combination with other anthropometric measurements, with the cross-sectional arm areas measured by magnetic resonance imaging, in a cohort of consecutive preterm appropriate-for-gestationalage neonates, just before discharge. Results: Thirty infants born with (mean 8 SD) a gestational age of 30.7 8 1.9 weeks and birth weight of 1,380 8 325 g, were assessed at 35.4 8 1.1 weeks of corrected gestational age, weighing 1,785 8 93 g. None of the anthropometric measurements are reliable predictors (r 2 ! 0.56) of the measurements obtained by magnetic resonance imaging, individually or in combination with other anthropometric measurements. Conclusion: Both measured anthropometry and derived upper arm anthropometry are inaccurate predictors of regional body composition in preterm appropriate-for-gestational-age infants.
3rd Workshop on High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems (HIRES 2015). 21, Jan, 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Article in Press, Corrected Proof
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications