986 resultados para Mannose 6-phosphate Receptors


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Gut hormone receptors are over-expressed in human cancer and allow receptor-targeted tumor imaging and therapy. A novel promising receptor for these purposes is the secretin receptor. The secretin receptor expression was investigated in the human liver because the liver is a physiological secretin target and because novel diagnostic and treatment modalities are needed for liver cancer. METHODS: Nineteen normal livers, 10 cirrhotic livers, 35 cholangiocarcinomas, and 45 hepatocellular carcinomas were investigated for secretin receptor expression by in vitro receptor autoradiography using (125)I-[Tyr(10)] rat secretin and, in selected cases, for secretin receptor mRNA by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Secretin receptors were present in normal bile ducts and ductules, but not in hepatocytes. A significant receptor up-regulation was observed in ductular reaction in liver cirrhosis. Twenty-two (63%) cholangiocarcinomas were positive for secretin receptors, while hepatocellular carcinomas were negative. RT-PCR revealed wild-type receptor mRNA in the non-neoplastic liver, wild-type and spliced variant receptor mRNAs in cholangiocarcinomas found receptor positive in autoradiography experiments, and no receptor transcripts in autoradiographically negative cholangiocarcinomas. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of secretin receptors in the biliary tract is the molecular basis of the secretin-induced bicarbonate-rich choleresis in man. The high receptor expression in cholangiocarcinomas may be used for in vivo secretin receptor-targeting of these tumors and for the differential diagnosis with hepatocellular carcinoma.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the in vitro binding properties of a novel radiolabelled bombesin analogue, (177)Lu-AMBA, in human neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues selected for their expression of the bombesin receptor subtypes GRP-R, NMB-R and BRS-3. METHODS: In vitro receptor autoradiography was performed in cancers expressing the various bombesin receptor subtypes. The novel radioligand (177)Lu-AMBA was used and compared with established bombesin radioligands such as (125)I-Tyr(4)-bombesin and (125)I-[D: -Tyr(6),beta-Ala(11),Phe(13),Nle(14)]-bombesin(6-14). In vitro incidence of detection of each of the three bombesin receptor subtypes was evaluated in each tumour. RESULTS: (177)Lu-AMBA identified all GRP-R-expressing tumours, such as prostatic, mammary and renal cell carcinomas as well as gastrointestinal stromal tumours. (177)Lu-AMBA also identified all NMB-expressing tumours, but did not detect BRS-3-expressing tumours or BRS-3-expressing pancreatic islets. GRP-R-expressing peritumoural vessels were heavily labelled with (177)Lu-AMBA. In contrast to the strongly GRP-R-positive mouse pancreas, the human pancreas was not labelled with (177)Lu-AMBA unless chronic pancreatitis was diagnosed. In general, the sensitivity was slightly better with (177)Lu-AMBA than with the conventional bombesin radioligands. CONCLUSION: The present in vitro study suggests that (177)Lu-AMBA may be a very useful in vivo targeting agent for GRP-R-expressing tumours, NMB-R-expressing tumours and GRP-R-expressing neoangiogenic vessels.


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Focal osteochondral defects are still a challenging problem in joint surgery. We have developed a two-layered implant consisting of a basal porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) for bone reconstruction and a superficial fibrous collagen type I/III layer for cartilage regeneration. Fifty-four osteochondral defects in the trochlear groove of 27 Göttinger Minipigs were created and either left untreated, treated with the implant alone, or the implant augmented with an additional growth factor mixture, which was assumed to stimulate cell and tissue differentiation. Follow-up was 6, 12 and 52 weeks with n=6 for each group. The repair tissue was evaluated for its gross appearance and biomechanical properties. Histological sections were semi-quantitatively scored for their histomorphological structure. Treatment with the two-layered implant improved defect filling and subchondral bone repair at 6 and 12 weeks follow-up. The TCP was replaced by cancellous bone at 52 weeks. Cartilage repair tissue mainly consisted of fibrocartilage and showed a moderate cell density up to the joint surface. Growth factor treatment improved the mechanical and histomorphological properties of the cartilage repair tissue at 12, but not at 52 weeks postoperatively. In conclusion, the two-layered collagen-TCP implant augmented with chondroinductive growth factors seems a promising new option for the treatment of deep osteochondral defects in joint surgery.


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Snake venoms are complex mixtures of biologically active proteins and peptides. Many affect haemostasis by activating or inhibiting coagulant factors or platelets, or by disrupting endothelium. Snake venom components are classified into various families, such as serine proteases, metalloproteinases, C-type lectin-like proteins, disintegrins and phospholipases. Snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have a typical fold resembling that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Many snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have now been characterized, as heterodimeric structures with alpha and beta subunits that often form large molecules by multimerization. They activate platelets by binding to VWF or specific receptors such as GPIb, alpha2beta1 and GPVI. Simple heterodimeric GPIb-binding molecules mainly inhibit platelet functions, whereas multimeric ones activate platelets. A series of tetrameric snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins activates platelets by binding to GPVI while another series affects platelet function via integrin alpha2beta1. Some act by inducing VWF to bind to GPIb. Many structures of these proteins, often complexed with their ligands, have been determined. Structure-activity studies show that these proteins are quite complex despite similar backbone folding. Snake C-type lectin-like proteins often interact with more than one platelet receptor and have complex mechanisms of action.


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The role of platelets as inflammatory cells is demonstrated by the fact that they can release many growth factors and inflammatory mediators, including chemokines, when they are activated. The best known platelet chemokine family members are platelet factor 4 (PF4) and beta-thromboglobulin (beta-TG), which are synthesized in megakaryocytes, stored as preformed proteins in alpha-granules and released from activated platelets. However, platelets also contain many other chemokines such as interleukin-8 (IL-8), growth-regulating oncogene-alpha(GRO-alpha), epithelial neutrophil-activating protein 78 (ENA-78), regulated on activation normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha), and monocyte chemotactic protein-3 (MCP-3). They also express chemokine receptors such as CCR4, CXCR4, CCR1 and CCR3. Platelet activation is a feature of many inflammatory diseases such as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and congestive heart failure. Substantial amounts of PF4, beta-TG and RANTES are released from platelets on activation, which may occur during storage. Although very few data are available on the in vivo effects of transfused chemokines, it has been suggested that the high incidence of adverse reactions often observed after platelet transfusions may be attributed to the chemokines present in the plasma of stored platelet concentrates.


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Snake venoms contain components that affect the prey either by neurotoxic or haemorrhagic effects. The latter category affect haemostasis either by inhibiting or activating platelets or coagulation factors. They fall into several types based upon structure and mode of action. A major class is the snake C-type lectins or C-type lectin-like family which shows a typical folding like that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Those in snake venoms are mostly based on a heterodimeric structure with two subunits alpha and beta, which are often oligomerized to form larger molecules. Simple heterodimeric members of this family have been shown to inhibit platelet functions by binding to GPIb but others activate platelets via the same receptor. Some that act via GPIb do so by inducing von Willebrand factor to bind to it. Another series of snake C-type lectins activate platelets by binding to GPVI while yet another series uses the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) to affect platelet function. The structure of more and more of these C-type lectins have now been, and are being, determined, often together with their ligands, casting light on binding sites and mechanisms. In addition, it is relatively easy to model the structure of the C-type lectins if the primary structure is known. These studies have shown that these proteins are quite a complex group, often with more than one platelet receptor as ligand and although superficially some appear to act as inhibitors, in fact most function by inducing thrombocytopenia by various routes. The relationship between structure and function in this group of venom proteins will be discussed.


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Zolpidem is a positive allosteric modulator of GABA(A) receptors with sensitivity to subunit composition. While it acts with high affinity and efficacy at GABA(A) receptors containing the alpha(1) subunit, it has a lower affinity to GABA(A) receptors containing alpha(2), alpha(3), or alpha(5) subunits and has a very weak efficacy at receptors containing the alpha(5) subunit. Here, we show that replacing histidine in position 105 in the alpha(5) subunit by cysteine strongly stimulates the effect of zolpidem in receptors containing the alpha(5) subunit. The side chain volume of the amino acid residue in this position does not correlate with the modulation by zolpidem. Interestingly, serine is not able to promote the potentiation by zolpidem. The homologous residues to alpha(5)H105 in alpha(1), alpha(2), and alpha(3) are well-known determinants of the action of classical benzodiazepines. Other studies have shown that replacement of these histidines alpha(1)H101, alpha(2)H101, and alpha(3)H126 by arginine, as naturally present in alpha(4) and alpha(6), leads to benzodiazepine insensitivity of these receptors. Thus, the nature of the amino acid residue in this position is not only crucial for the action of classical benzodiazepines but in alpha(5) containing receptors also for the action of zolpidem.


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BACKGROUND: Peptide receptors, overexpressed in specific cancers, represent new diagnostic and therapeutic targets. In this study, receptors for the gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), and other members of the bombesin-family of peptides, were evaluated in ovarian neoplasms. METHODS: 75 primary, secondary and metastatic ovarian tumors were investigated for their bombesin-receptor subtype expression, incidence, localization and density using in vitro autoradiography on tissue sections with the universal radioligand (125)I-[D-Tyr(6), beta-Ala(11), Phe(13), Nle(14)]-bombesin(6-14) and the GRP-receptor subtype-preferring (125)I-[Tyr(4)]-bombesin. RESULTS: GRP-receptors were detected in 42/61 primary ovarian tumors; other bombesin-receptor subtypes (BB1, bb3) were rarely present (3/61). Two different tissue compartments expressed GRP-receptors: the tumoral vasculature was the predominant site of GRP-receptor expression (38/61), whereas neoplastic cells more rarely expressed GRP-receptors (14/61). GRP-receptor positive vessels were present in the various classes of ovarian tumors; generally, malignant tumors had a higher incidence of GRP-receptor positive vessels compared to their benign counterparts. The prevalence of such vessels was particularly high in ovarian carcinomas (16/19) and their metastases (5/5). The GRP-receptors were expressed in high density in the muscular vessel wall. Normal ovary (n=10) lacked GRP-receptors. CONCLUSIONS: The large amounts of GRP-receptors in ovarian tumor vessels suggest a role in tumoral vasculature and possibly angiogenesis. Further, these vessels might be targeted in vivo with bombesin analogs for diagnosis or for therapy.


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OBJECTIVE: A novel biphasic calcium phosphate (CaP) granulate consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalciumphosphate (TCP) was compared with pure HA and pure TCP and with autograft as positive control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four standardized bone defects were prepared in both mandibular angles of 16 minipigs and grafted with autogenous bone chips, HA, HA/TCP (60% : 40%), or TCP. Histologic and histomorphometric analysis of bone formation and graft degradation followed healing periods of 2, 4, 8, and 24 weeks. RESULTS: 2 weeks: more bone formation in defects filled with autograft than with the three CaP materials (P<0.05). 4 weeks: bone formation differed significantly (P<0.05) between all four materials (autograft>TCP>HA/TCP>HA). 8 weeks: more bone formation in defects with autograft and TCP than with HA/TCP (P<0.05), and HA/TCP had more bone formation than HA (P<0.05). 24 weeks: no difference in bone formation between the groups. Autograft and TCP resorbed quickly and almost completely over 8 weeks, whereas HA/TCP and HA showed limited degradation over 24 weeks. CONCLUSION: All defects healed with mature lamellar bone and intimate contact between bone and the remaining graft material. The rate of bone formation corresponded to the content of TCP in the CaP materials.


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Recent observations using multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM) have uncovered an unexpectedly high lymphocyte motility within peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs). Lymphocyte-expressed intracellular signaling molecules governing interstitial movement remain largely unknown. Here, we used MP-IVM of murine PLNs to examine interstitial motility of lymphocytes lacking the Rac guanine exchange factor DOCK2 and phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)gamma, signaling molecules that act downstream of G protein-coupled receptors, including chemokine receptors (CKRs). T and B cells lacking DOCK2 alone or DOCK2 and PI3Kgamma displayed markedly reduced motility inside T cell area and B cell follicle, respectively. Lack of PI3Kgamma alone had no effect on migration velocity but resulted in increased turning angles of T cells. As lymphocyte egress from PLNs requires the sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor 1, a G(alphai) protein-coupled receptor similar to CKR, we further analyzed whether DOCK2 and PI3Kgamma contributed to S1P-triggered signaling events. S1P-induced cell migration was significantly reduced in T and B cells lacking DOCK2, whereas T cell-expressed PI3Kgamma contributed to F-actin polymerization and protein kinase B phosphorylation but not migration. These findings correlated with delayed lymphocyte egress from PLNs in the absence of DOCK2 but not PI3Kgamma, and a markedly reduced cell motility of DOCK2-deficient T cells in close proximity to efferent lymphatic vessels. In summary, our data support a central role for DOCK2, and to a lesser extent T cell-expressed PI3Kgamma, for signal transduction during interstitial lymphocyte migration and S1P-mediated egress.


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Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is thought to result from a dysregulated interaction between the host immune system and commensal microflora. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), but their role in enteropathies in dogs is unknown. Hypothesis: That there is a dysregulation of TLRs recognizing bacterial MAMPs in dogs with IBD. Animals: Sixteen healthy beagles and 12 dogs with steroid-treated (ST) and 23 dogs with food-responsive (FR) diarrhea. Methods: Prospective, observational study. mRNA expression of canine TLR2, 4, and 9 was evaluated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in duodenal and colonic biopsies obtained before and after standard therapy. Samples from control dogs were taken at necropsy, with additional biopsies of stomach, jejunum, ileum, and mesenteric lymph node in 6 dogs. Results: There were significant differences (P small intestine >/= colon). Before therapy, ST expressed more mRNA than control dogs for all 3 receptors (P < .05). There were no significant differences between pretreatment and posttreatment values, even though 32/35 dogs improved clinically. No associations were found when comparing receptor mRNA expression with either histology or clinical activity scores. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Bacteria-responsive TLR2, 4, and 9 are upregulated in duodenal and colonic mucosa in IBD. This might lead to increased inflammation through interaction with the commensal flora. The absence of significant changes after therapy despite clinical improvement might point toward the existence of a genetic predisposition to IBD as described in human IBD.


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Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) causes significant morbidity and mortality in premature infants. The role of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of NEC remains unclear. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) recognizes microorganisms and activates the complement system via MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2). The aim of this study was to investigate whether MBL and MASP-2 are associated with NEC. This observational case-control study included 32 infants with radiologically confirmed NEC and 64 controls. MBL and MASP-2 were measured in cord blood using ELISA. Multivariate logistic regression was performed. Of the 32 NEC cases (median gestational age, 30.5 wk), 13 (41%) were operated and 5 (16%) died. MASP-2 cord blood concentration ranged from undetectable (<10 ng/mL) to 277 ng/mL. Eighteen of 32 (56%) NEC cases had higher MASP-2 levels (> or =30 ng/mL) compared with 22 of 64 (34%) controls (univariate OR 2.46; 95% CI 1.03-5.85; p = 0.043). Higher cord blood MASP-2 levels were significantly associated with an increased risk of NEC in multivariate analysis (OR 3.00; 95% CI 1.17-7.93; p = 0.027). MBL levels were not associated with NEC (p = 0.64). In conclusion, infants later developing NEC had significantly higher MASP-2 cord blood levels compared with controls. Higher MASP-2 may favor complement-mediated inflammation and could thereby predispose to NEC.


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Since the discovery that Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and related cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L. act on specific physiological receptors in the human body and the subsequent elucidation of the mammalian endogenous cannabinoid system, no other natural product class has been reported to mimic the effects of cannabinoids. We recently found that N-alkyl amides from purple coneflower (Echinacea spp.) constitute a new class of cannabinomimetics, which specifically engage and activate the cannabinoid type-2 (CB2) receptors. Cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) and CB2 receptors belong to the family of G protein-coupled receptors and are the primary targets of the endogenous cannabinoids N-arachidonoyl ethanolamine and 2-arachidonoyl glyerol. CB2 receptors are believed to play an important role in distinct pathophysiological processes, including metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, pain, and bone loss. CB2 receptors have, therefore, become of interest as new targets in drug discovery. This review focuses on N-alkyl amide secondary metabolites from plants and underscores that this group of compounds may provide novel lead structures for the development of CB2-directed drugs.