991 resultados para Magnolia ovata


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A thick Neogene section was recovered in the upper ~300 m of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1138A, drilled on the Central Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Sediment lithologies consist primarily of mixed carbonate and biosiliceous clays and oozes, with several thin (1-3 cm) tephra horizons. The tephras are glass rich, well sorted, and dominantly trachytic to rhyolitic in composition. Volcaniclastic material in these horizons is interpreted to have originated from Heard Island, 180 km northwest of Site 1138, and was likely emplaced through both primary ash fall and turbiditic, submarine flows. A Neogene age-depth model for Hole 1138A is constructed primarily from 36 diatom biostratigraphic datums. Nannofossil and planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy provides supporting age information. Additionally, four high-precision 40Ar-39Ar ages are derived from ash and tephra horizons, and these radiometric ages are in close agreement with the biostratigraphic ages. The integrated age-depth model reveals a reasonably complete lower Miocene to upper Pleistocene section in Hole 1138A, with the exception of a ~1-m.y. hiatus at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. Another possible hiatus is also identified at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. High Neogene sedimentation rates and the presence of both calcareous and siliceous microfossils, combined with datable tephra horizons, establish Site 1138 as a suitable target for future drilling legs with paleoceanographic objectives. This report also proposes two new diatom species, Fragilariopsis heardensis and Azpeitia harwoodii, from Pliocene strata of Hole 1138A.


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Eocene through Pliocene benthic foraminifers were examined from seven sites located at middle and lower bathyal depths on the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea, from another site at lower bathyal depths in the Coral Sea, and from a site in the intermediate-depth, hemipelagic province of the Chatham Rise, east of southern New Zealand. Age-related, depth-related, and bioprovincial faunal variations are documented in this chapter. One new species, Rectuvigerina tasmana, is named. The paleoecologic indications of several key groups, including the miliolids, uvigerinids, nuttallitids, and cibicidids, are combined with sedimentologic and stable isotopic tracers to interpret paleoceanographic changes in the Tasman Sea. Because the total stratigraphic ranges of many bathyal benthic foraminifers are not yet known, most endpoints in the Tasman Sea are considered ecologically controlled events. The disappearances of Uvigerina rippensis and Cibicidoidesparki and the first appearances of U. pigmaea, Sphaeroidina bulloides, and Rotaliatina sulcigera at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary can be considered evolutionary events, as also can the first appearance of Cibicides wuellerstorfi in Zone NN5. Species which are restricted to the lower bathyal zone except during discrete pulses, most of which are related to the development of glacial conditions, include Melonis pompilioides, M. sphaeroides, Pullenia quinqueloba, Nuttallides umbonifera, and U. hispido-costata. Middle bathyal indigenes include U. spinulosa, U. gemmaeformis, Ehrenbergina marwicki, R. sulcigera, and all rectuvigerinids except Rectuvigerina spinea. Although the miliolids first occurred at lower bathyal depths, they were more common in the middle bathyal zone. Although the Neogene hispido-costate uvigerinids first developed at lower bathyal depths and at higher middle latitude sites, in the later Neogene this group migrated to shallower depths and became predominant also in the middle bathyal zone. Despite the relatively similar sedimentologic settings at the six middle bathyal Tasman sites, there was extensive intrageneric and intraspecific geographic variation. Mililiolids, strongly ornamented brizalinids, bolivinitids, Bulimina aculeata, Osangularia culter, and strongly porous morphotypes were more common at higher latitudes. Osangularia bengalensis, striate brizalinids such as Brizalina subaenariensis, Gaudryina solida, osangularids in general, and finely porous morphotypes were more common in the subtropics. There was strong covariance between faunas at lower middle latitude, lower bathyal Site 591, and higher middle latitude, middle bathyal Site 593. The following oceanographic history of the Tasman Sea is proposed; using the stable isotopic record as evidence for glacials and examining the ecologic correlations between (1) miliolids and carbonate saturation, (2) nuttallitids and undersaturated, cooled, or "new" water masses, (3) uvigerinids with high organic carbon in the sediment and high rates of sediment accumulation, and (4) cibicidids and terrestrial organic carbon. The glacial located near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary is characterized by the penetration of cooler, more corrosive waters at intermediate depths in high southern latitudes. This may have caused overturn, upwelling pulses, in other Tasman areas. The development of Neogenelike conditions began in the late Oligocene (Zone NP24/NP25) with the evolution of several common Neogene species. A large number of Paleogene benthics disappeared gradually through the course of the early Miocene, which was not well preserved at any Tasman site. Corrosive conditions shallowed into the middle bathyal zone in several pulses during the early Miocene. The development of glacial conditions in the middle Miocene was accompanied by major changes throughout the Tasman Sea. Sediment accumulation rates increased and high-productivity faunas and corrosive conditions developed at all but the lowest-latitude Site 588. This increase in productivity and accumulation rate is attributed to the eutrophication of Antarctic water masses feeding Tasman current systems, as well as to invigorated circulation in general. It overlaps with the beginning of the Pacific High-productivity Episode (10-5 Ma). During the latest Miocene glacial episode, corrosive conditions developed at lower bathyal depths, while cooler water and lower nutrient levels shallowed to middle bathyal depths. Lower input of terrestrial organic carbon may be related to the lower nutrient levels of this time and to the termination of the Pacific High-productivity Episode. The moderate glacial episode during the mid-Pliocene (Zone NN15/NN16, ~3.2 Ma) corresponds to a decline in sediment accumulation rates and a reorganization of faunas unlike that of all other times. New genera proliferate and indices for cool, noncorrosive conditions and high organic carbon expand throughout the middle bathyal zone coeval with the sedimentation rate decreases. By the latest Pliocene (about 2.5 Ma), however, during another glacial episode, faunal patterns typical of this and later glacials develop throughout the Tasman Sea. Benthic foraminiferal patterns suggest increased input of terrestrial organic matter to Tasman Sea sediments during this episode and during later glacials.


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Benthic foraminifers from Site 652, Site 653 (Hole 653A), and Site 654 of Leg 107 (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean), which penetrated with more or less good recovery the Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic interval, were studied in a total of 699 close-spaced samples. A total number of 269 species have been classified and their quantitative distribution in each sample is reported. The benthic foraminifers assemblage is more diversified in Site 654, less diversified in Site 652. Less than a half of the benthic foraminifers species listed from Plio-Pleistocene Italian land sections are present in the coeval deep-sea Tyrrhenian record, in which shallow water species are missing and Nodosarids are poorly represented. A very few species have comparable stratigraphic distribution in the three deep-sea sequences and in Italian land sections when compared against calcareous plankton biostratigraphy. In the same three sites, the first appearance levels of several species are younger and younger, and last appearance levels are earlier and earlier from Site 654 to Site 653 and Site 652. Five biostratigraphic events, biochronologically evaluated and occurring at the same level in the deepsea Tyrrhenian record and in several land sections, have been selected as zonal boundaries of the proposed benthic foraminifers biostratigraphic scheme. The Plio-Pleistocene interval has been subdivided into four biozones and one subzone, recognizable both in the deep-sea and land-based sequences. The Cibicidoides (?) italicus assemblage zone stretches from the base of the Pliocene to the extinction level of the zonal marker, biochronologically evaluated at 2.9 Ma. The Cibicidoides robertsonianus interval zone stretches from the Cibicidoides (?) italicus extinction level to the Pliocene Mediterranean FO of Gyroidinoides altiformis, evaluated at 2.4 Ma. The Gyroidinoides altiformis interval zone stretches from the Mediterranean Pliocene FO of the zonal marker to the appearance level of Articulina tubulosa, evaluated at 1.62 Ma. The Articulina tubulosa assemblage zone stretches from the appearance level of the zonal marker to the Recent. In the Articulina tubulosa biozone, the Hyalinea baltica subzone is proposed. The appearance level of Hyalinea baltica is evaluated at 1.35 Ma, well above the Plio-Pleistocene boundary as defined in the Vrica stratotype section.


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In the late Paleocene to early Eocene, deep sea benthic foraminifera suffered their only global extinction of the last 75 million years and diversity decreased worldwide by 30-50% in a few thousand years. At Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Sites 689 and 690, palaeodepths 1100 m and 1900 m) and Walvis Ridge (Southeastern Atlantic, Sites 525 and 527, palaeodepths 1600 m and 3400 m) post-extinction faunas were low-diversity and high-dominance, but the dominant species differed by geographical location. At Maud Rise, post-extinction faunas were dominated by small, biserial and triserial species, while the large, thick-walled, long-lived deep sea species Nuttallides truempyi was absent. At Walvis Ridge, by contrast, they were dominated by long-lived species such as N. truempyi, with common to abundant small abyssaminid species. The faunal dominance patterns at the two locations thus suggest different post-extinction seafloor environments: increased flux of organic matter and possibly decreased oxygen levels at Maud Rise, decreased flux at Walvis Ridge. The species-richness remained very low for about 50 000 years, then gradually increased. The extinction was synchronous with a large, negative, short-term excursion of carbon and oxygen isotopes in planktonic and benthic foraminifera and bulk carbonate. The isotope excursions reached peak negative values in a few thousand years and values returned to pre-excursion levels in about 50 000 years. The carbon isotope excursion was about -2 per mil for benthic foraminifera at Walvis Ridge and Maud Rise, and about -4 per mil for planktonic foraminifera at Maud Rise. At the latter sites vertical gradients thus decreased, possibly at least partially as a result of upwelling. The oxygen isotope excursion was about -1.5 per mil for benthic foraminifera at Walvis Ridge and Maud Rise, -1 per mil for planktonic foraminifera at Maud Rise. The rapid oxygen isotope excursion at a time when polar ice-sheets were absent or insignificant can be explained by an increase in temperature by 4-6°C of high latitude surface waters and deep waters world wide. The deep ocean temperature increase could have been caused by warming of surface waters at high latitudes and continued formation of the deep waters at these locations, or by a switch from dominant formation of deep waters at high latitudes to formation at lower latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal post-extinction biogeographical patterns favour the latter explanation. The short-term carbon isotope excursion occurred in deep and surface waters, and in soil concretions and mammal teeth in the continental record. It is associated with increased CaC03-dissolution over a wide depth range in the oceans, suggesting that a rapid transfer of isotopically light carbon from lithosphere or biosphere into the ocean-atmosphere system may have been involved. The rapidity of the initiation of the excursion (a few thousand years) and its short duration (50 000 years) suggest that such a transfer was probably not caused by changes in the ratio of organic carbon to carbonate deposition or erosion. Transfer of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere was probably not the cause, because it would require a much larger biosphere destruction than at the end of the Cretaceous, in conflict with the fossil record. It is difficult to explain the large shift by rapid emission into the atmosphere of volcanogenic CO2, although huge subaerial plateau basalt eruptions occurred at the time in the northern Atlantic. Probably a complex combination of processes and feedback was involved, including volcanogenic emission of CO2, changing circulation patterns, changing productivity in the oceans and possibly on land, and changes in the relative size of the oceanic and atmospheric carbon reservoirs.


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Analogous to West- and North Africa, East Africa experienced more humid conditions between approximately 12 to 5 kyr BP, relative to today. While timing and extension of wet phases in the North and West are well constrained, this is not the case for the East African Humid Period. Here we present a record of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment elemental compositions of a sediment core from the East African continental slope, in order to provide insight into the regional shallow Indian Ocean paleoceanography and East African climate history of the last 40 kyr. During glacial times, the dominance of a benthic foraminiferal assemblage characterized by Bulimina aculeata, suggests enhanced surface productivity and sustained flux of organic carbon to the sea floor. During Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1), the Nuttallides rugosus Assemblage indicates oligotrophic bottom water conditions and therefore implies a stronger flow of southern-sourced AAIW to the study site. During the East African Humid Period, the Saidovina karreriana Assemblage in combination with sedimentary C/N and Fe/Ca ratios suggest higher river runoff to the Indian Ocean, and hence more humid conditions in East Africa. Between 8.5 and 8.1 kyr, contemporaneous to the globally documented 8.2 kyr Event, a severe reduction in river deposits implies more arid conditions on the continent. Comparison of our marine data with terrestrial studies suggests that additional moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, delivered by an eastward migration of the Congo Air Boundary during that time period, could have contributed to East African rainfall. Since approximately 9 kyr, the gaining influence of the Millettiana millettii Assemblage indicates a redevelopment of the East African fringe reefs.


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Leg 101 of the Ocean Drilling Program drilled 19 holes at 11 sites to investigate the geology of the Straits of Florida and the northern Bahamas. Drilling at Site 626 indicated that the Gulf Stream has had significant flow through the Straits of Florida for at least the last 24 million years. Winnowed, foraminiferal grainstones and packstones with sparse nannofossil assemblages and the reworking of older nannofossils suggest strong bottom-current activity throughout this interval. Drilling north of Little Bahama Bank and in Exuma Sound documents the growth of platform slopes during the late Cenozoic. Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the upper Cenozoic sediments from the Little Bahama Bank and Exuma Sound slope transects indicates relatively continuous deposition, with only short breaks in the periplatform ooze and/or calciturbidite accumulation during the late Pliocene. These unconformities may be linked to sea-level lowstands. Nannofossil assemblages are generally poorly preserved owing to accelerated diagenesis caused by high aragonite and high magnesium calcite contents of bank-derived material. High rates of influx of bank-derived materials appear to coincide with highstands of sea level. Periplatform sediments are largely limited to the upper Cenozoic at Little Bahama Bank. Pelagic and/or hemipelagic conditions existed during the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene. A relatively complete, continuous section of Oligocene is present in the Little Bahama Bank area, although the rest of the Paleogene is thin. Paleogene material is also present in Northeast Providence Channel, although its thickness is uncertain. A thick upper Campanian chalk sequence with abundant, moderately to well-preserved nannofossils occurs in the Little Bahama Bank area. Hemipelagic nannofossil marls and marly chalks at Little Bahama Bank contain an excellent nannofossil record, which indicates a continuous lowermost to middle Cenomanian sequence overlying the upper Albian drowned platform. These hemipelagic sediments are significantly younger than the organic-rich, middle Albian limestones in Northeast Providence Channel. The latter indicate that a deep-water channel was already well established by the middle Albian.


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Community metabolism and air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes were investigated in July 1992 on a fringing reef at Moorea (French Polynesia). The benthic community was dominated by macroalgae (85% substratum cover) and comprised of Phaeophyceae Padina tenuis (Bory), Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh, and Hydroclathrus clathratus Bory (Howe); Chlorophyta Halimeda incrassata f. ovata J. Agardh (Howe); and Ventricaria ventricosa J. Agardh (Olsen et West), as well as several Rhodophyta (Actinotrichia fragilis Forskál (Børgesen) and several species of encrusting coralline algae). Algal biomass was 171 g dry weight/m**2. Community gross production (Pg), respiration (R), and net calcification (G) were measured in an open-top enclosure. Pg and R were respectively 248 and 240 mmol Co2/m**2/d, and there was a slight net dissolution of CaCO3 (0.8 mmol/m**2/d). This site was a sink for atmospheric CO2 (10 ± 4 mmol CO2/m**2/d), and the analysis of data from the literature suggests that this is a general feature of algal-dominated reefs. Measurement of air-sea CO2 fluxes in open water close to the enclosure demonstrated that changes in small-scale hydrodynamics can lead to misleading conclusions. Net CO2 evasion to the atmosphere was measured on the fringing reef due to changes in the current pattern that drove water from the barrier reef (a C02 source) to the study site.


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A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil analysis of the Danian/Selandian boundary was conducted at Site 1262 (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) to pinpoint the lowest occurrence of fasciculiths and to unravel the evolutionary trends throughout nannofossil Zone NP4. Using quantitative analyses, numerous primary and secondary bioevents were identified, improving the biostratigraphic resolution of this interval. The main events recorded at Site 1262 were also identified at the Zumaia section Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Selandian and at the Qreiya section (Egypt). The lowest occurrence of fasciculiths (represented by the LO of Gomphiolithus magnicordis and Gomphiolithus magnus) was observed in the middle part of Chron C27r, above the LO of Toweius pertusus and prior to the LO of the genus Sphenolithus. The synchroneity of the LO of fasciculiths was also verified at various latitudes, such as DSDP Site 384 (NW Atlantic), ODP Site 761B (Indian Ocean) and DSDP Site 577A (Pacific Ocean). The first and second diversification events (Steurbaut and Sztrákos, 2008, doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2007.08.004), or radiation events (Bernaola et al., 2009, doi:10.1344/105.000000272), of fasciculiths have been thoroughly discussed and well characterized by a succession of events. The occurrence of the Latest Danian Event (LDE) and several paleoenvironmental changes recognized during this time interval, coupled with an ecological competition with Sphenolithus, appear to be the probable causes of the First and Second Radiations and the fasciculith barren interval between them. The occurrence of new morphostructures and taxa suggests evolutionary trends and a strict link between morphological evolution and paleoclimate.