946 resultados para MQL with water
As condições meteorológicas são determinantes para a produção agrícola; a precipitação, em particular, pode ser citada como a mais influente por sua relação direta com o balanço hídrico. Neste sentido, modelos agrometeorológicos, os quais se baseiam nas respostas das culturas às condições meteorológicas, vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados para a estimativa de rendimentos agrícolas. Devido às dificuldades de obtenção de dados para abastecer tais modelos, métodos de estimativa de precipitação utilizando imagens dos canais espectrais dos satélites meteorológicos têm sido empregados para esta finalidade. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo utilizar o classificador de padrões floresta de caminhos ótimos para correlacionar informações disponíveis no canal espectral infravermelho do satélite meteorológico GOES-12 com a refletividade obtida pelo radar do IPMET/UNESP localizado no município de Bauru, visando o desenvolvimento de um modelo para a detecção de ocorrência de precipitação. Nos experimentos foram comparados quatro algoritmos de classificação: redes neurais artificiais (ANN), k-vizinhos mais próximos (k-NN), máquinas de vetores de suporte (SVM) e floresta de caminhos ótimos (OPF). Este último obteve melhor resultado, tanto em eficiência quanto em precisão.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito do resíduo do chá preto como substrato na produção de mudas de alface, tomate e pepino. Para tal, foram conduzidos testes de germinação e ensaios de crescimento empregando, respectivamente, extrato aquoso e diferentes tipos de resíduo. Nos testes de germinação, sementes de alface, tomate e pepino foram colocadas em bandejas sobre papel de filtro umedecido com água ou extrato aquoso na concentração de 1, 5 e 10%. Nos ensaios de crescimento, sementes das mesmas espécies foram colocadas em bandejas contendo: 1. vermiculita; 2. resíduo decomposto mais vermiculita; 3. resíduo decomposto e 4. resíduo bruto lavado mais vermiculita. O resíduo decomposto foi obtido após processo de decomposição do resíduo bruto e o resíduo bruto lavado foi obtido a partir da lavagem do resíduo bruto em água. Nos testes de germinação e ensaios de crescimento, foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições com 30 sementes cada. Os resultados indicaram que o extrato aquoso inibiu a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das plântulas de alface, tomate e penino. O uso do resíduo bruto lavado mais vermiculita reduziu a emergência das plântulas. O resíduo decomposto e o resíduo decomposto mais vermiculita estimularam a emergência e o crescimento das plântulas. O processo de decomposição tornou viável a utilização do resíduo da indústria de chá preto como substrato para produção de mudas de hortaliças.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii. Foram analisadas 13 propriedades leiteiras dos Estados do Paraná e de São Paulo, segundo os seguintes critérios de seleção: confirmação prévia de casos de mastite por Prototheca spp., triagem pela pesquisa de Prototheca spp. em tanques de expansão e latões e rebanhos com contagem de células somáticas acima de 5x105cel mL-1. As amostras coletadas consistiram de: leite, água, solo, fezes e swab de teteiras. Prototheca spp. foi isolada de amostras de leite dos quartos mamários com mastite clínica ou subclínica em uma propriedade e de amostras de leite e do ambiente em quatro propriedades, nas quais foi isolada em amostras de: água de bebedouro, abastecimento, esgoto, empoçada no piso de estábulo e sala de ordenha, solo de piquete e pasto, teteiras, fezes de bezerros e suínos. do total de 383 vacas examinadas, Prototheca spp. foi isolada em 20 (5,2%) vacas, sendo caracterizada como P. zopfii em 18. Os fatores de risco associados à mastite causada por P. zopfii foram: criação das vacas a pasto, alimentação dos animais com pasto e silagem, realização de ordenha mecânica em estábulo, permanência das vacas após ordenha em piquete sem alimento, criação de suínos próxima às instalações dos bovinos, existência de cães, gatos e roedores, falta de higienização dos tetos com água, pré-imersão dos tetos em aplicador com retorno e sem a troca do anti-séptico, alimentação dos bezerros com leite de vacas com mastite clínica e serem as vacas da raça holandesa.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a suplementação da dieta do bicho-da-seda com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS) interfere na produção de casulos e no consumo de folhas de amoreira (Morus alba L.) de diferentes cultivares pelas lagartas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4x5, com quatro cultivares de amoreira ('IZ64', 'IZ56/4', 'FM86' e 'FMSM') e cinco dietas (folhas não tratadas, folhas umedecidas com água, folhas enriquecidas com EHS, em três níveis: suplementação da dieta com 5, 10 e 20% de PB). O EHS foi aspergido sobre as folhas, tendo a água como agente dispersante. O consumo foi verificado pela diferença entre a quantidade de folhas fornecidas e a quantidade não consumida pelas lagartas. A ingestão de alimento apresentou-se de forma quadrática, diminuindo à medida que o EHS foi adicionado à dieta. Houve interação dos fatores cultivar e dieta. O fornecimento de folhas de amoreira com acréscimo proteico de 10% por meio do EHS melhorou a qualidade dos casulos do bicho-da-seda com a utilização das cultivares 'IZ56/4' e 'FMSM'. A pulverização de EHS nas folhas da cultivar 'IZ64' prejudicou a produção de casulos. Lagartas do bicho-da-seda, alimentadas com folhas de amoreira sem suplementação, produziram cascas séricas mais pesadas com folhas das cultivares 'IZ64' e 'FMSM'. A aspersão de água nas folhas incrementou o peso de cascas séricas produzidas a partir da cultivar 'FM86'. A suplementação da dieta com EHS diminui o consumo da lagarta do bicho-da-seda. A aplicação de EHS influencia a produção de casulos em função da cultivar utilizada.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Lead zirconate powder, with Zr/Ti ratio of 50/50 was prepared by polymeric precursor method and doped with 3, 5 and 7 mol% of Sr+2 Or Ba+2, as well as by 0.2 to 5 mol% of Nb+5. The powder was calcined at 750 degrees C by 4 hours and milled during 1.5 h in isopropilic alcohol. Powders were characterized by surface area measurements (BET method), by infrared spectroscopy and by X-ray diffraction to characterize the crystal structure. Isostatically pressed samples were sintered in a dilatometer furnace by using a constant heating rate of 10 degrees C/min from ambient to 1200 degrees C. Synthetic air and air with water vapor were used as atmospheres. Both Sr+2 and Ba+2 substitute Pb+2 and favor the formation of rhombohedral phase. Otherwise, Nb+5 substitute preferentially Zr+4 favoring tetragonal phase. The concentration of dopants and the atmosphere influence the densification and the microstructure of the PZT, which alters the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the ceramics.
Objective: This in situ blind crossover study investigated the effect of calcium (Ca) rinse prior to the use fluoride (F) dentifrice on remineralisation of artificially demineralised enamel and on the composition of biofilm. Design: During four phases of 14 days, 10 volunteers wore appliances containing two artificially demineralised bovine enamel blocks. Three times a day, they rinsed with 10 mL, of Ca (150 mM) or placebo rinse (1 min). A slurry (1:3, w/v) of F (1030 ppm) or placebo dentifrice was dripped onto the blocks. During I min, the volunteers brushed their teeth with the respective dentifrice. The appliance was replaced into the mouth and the volunteers rinsed with water. The biofilm formed on the blocks was analysed for F and Ca. Enamel alterations were evaluated by the percentage of surface microhardness change (%SMHC), cross-sectional microhardness (% mineral volume) and alkali-soluble F analysis. Data were analysed by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Results: the use of the Ca pre-rinse before the F dentifrice produced a six- and four-fold increase in biofilm F and Ca concentrations, respectively. For enamel, the remineralisation was significantly improved by the Ca pre-rinse when compared to the other treatments. There was a significantly higher concentration of alkali-soluble F in enamel when the F dentifrice was used, but the Ca pre-rinse did not have any significant additive effect. Conclusions: According to our protocol, the Ca pre-rinse significantly increased biofilm F concentration and, regardless the use of F dentifrice, significantly enhanced the remineralisation of artificially demineralised enamel. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The chemical modulation of agonistic behavior and conspecific recognition were tested in juveniles of the fish Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). After a 7-day isolation period, the fish were grouped (four individuals per aquarium) for 7 days. Then fish of alpha and beta ranks (previously matched for similar size) were paired in a neutral territory for analysis of their agonistic interaction. Pairs composed of alpha and beta fish were established with either fish from the same group (familiar) or from two different groups (unfamiliar). The pairs were tested in contiguous compartments, either with water exchange between the compartments or in the absence of water exchange. In each condition the fish were separated by a transparent glass partition. Twelve pairs were tested in each experimental condition. Fish behavior was videotaped and the following variables were analyzed: (a) frequency of and time spent in agonistic patterns, (b) latency to start fighting, and (c) duration of swimming. Water exchange between compartments decreased agonistic interactions. This effect, however, was more pronounced in pairs of fish coming from the same group (in this case, subordinate fish spent less time in confrontations than dominant ones). We conclude that chemical communication decreases aggression in this species by (1) inducing an alarm reaction and (2) increasing conspecific recognition (thus stabilizing the dominance hierarchy). (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.
Thiabendazole (TBZ) uptake and degradation rate in lemon fruits, following prestorage dipping at 50 degrees C in mixtures containing different amounts of fungicide, was compared with those measured after treatment at standard room temperature. TBZ residues were strictly dependent upon the amount of fungicide. Following 1,200 ppm TBZ dipping at 20 degrees C residue uptake in fruit was the same that would have been accumulated with ca. 150 ppm fungicide at 50 degrees C, a value that can be calculated due to the linear relationship between the residue in fruit after treatment and fungicide concentration TBZ residues showed great persistence during fruit storage: after 13 weeks at 8 degrees C and 1 week at 20 degrees C residues in fruit averaged ca. 70% of their initial values. In this study it was shown that it is possible to employ remarkably low amounts of TBZ (ca. 150 mg kg(-1)), when applied in combination with water at 50 degrees C, and keep the same residues of fruit treated at room temperature with high amounts of TBZ (1,200 mg kg(-1)).
We have pointed Out that. zinc-based particles obtained from zinc acetate sol-gel route is a mixture of quantum-sized ZnO nanoparticles, zinc acetate, and zinc hydroxide double salt (Zn-HDS). Aiming the knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the formation of ZnO and Zn-HDS phases, the thermohydrolysis of ethanolic zinc acetate solutions induced by lithium hydroxide ([LiOH]/[Zn2+] = 0.1) or water ([H2O]/[Zn2+] = 0.05) addition was investigated at different isothermal temperatures (40, 50, 60 and 70 degrees C) by in situ measurements of turbidity, UV-vis absorption spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structures (EXAFS). Only the growth of ZnO nanoparticles was observed in sol prepared with LiOH, while a two-step process was observed in that prepared with water addition, leading the fast growth of Zn-HDS and the formation of ZnO nanoparticles at advanced stage. A mechanism of dissolution/reprecipitation governed by the water/ethanol proportion is proposed to account for relative amount of ZnO. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Starch extraction from roots and tubers uses grating with water and sieves to separate the starch slurry from residual mass. The starch is recovered by decantation or centrifugation. The yam starch extraction is difficult due to high viscosity of the slurry caused by non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). The establishment of an efficient extraction process may turn yam into a competitive raw material. In this paper Dioscorea alata starch extracted by four methods was characterized in order to establish the impact of treatments. When the tubers were digested with an aqueous oxalic acid/ammonium oxalate (OA/AO) 1/1 solution, it was easier to separate the starch slurry from residual mass, because viscosity was reduced. For all the others methods tested, the viscosity remained almost the same. The nitrogen present in yam tubers was removed during the different extractions to a different extent. The largest nitrogen reduction was observed with ONAO followed by the control (water). The spectrum of starch granules sizes obtained also varied according to the treatment. Results proved that NSP carries small starch granules over to the waste water. The smaller starch granules diameter varied from 1.9 mu m (OA/AO extraction) to 13.5 mu m (water and pectinase extractions). The larger diameter varied from 41.0 mu m (NaOH treatment) to 67.7 mu m (ONAO). All starches extracted showed a RVA behavior in agreement with literature for yam starch, but with small differences due to the influence of methods. ONAO extraction showed the best recovery (18 g of starch/100 g tuber yam) and granular variation but it interfered with the rheological behavior of starch.
The ability of the stink bug (Nezara viridula) to induce and/or increase production of chemical defenses, i.e., flavonoids, in immature seeds of five genotypes of soybean (BR-16, IAC-100, PI 227687, PI 229358, and PI 274454) was investigated under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Samples from pods of each genotype damaged by stink bug were analyzed for flavonoid content with high performance liquid chromatography. A dual-choice test was conducted to evaluate the feeding preference of N. viridula comparing BR-16 pods treated with extracts of PI 227687 seeds (with and without stink-bug injury), with water-treated pods. Seeds of PI 227687 damaged by N. viridula presented the highest concentration (352 mug/g) of daidzin (4'-hydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside). The same trend was observed with genistin (4',5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside): PI 227687 contained 142.4 mug/g, PI 274454, 31.6 mug/g, and PI 229358, 38.9 mug/g. Seeds damaged by stink bugs had higher isoflavone contents (daidzin and genistin), compared to controls. However, after being damaged, PI 274454 and PI 229358 produced less genistin than the other genotypes and no differences in concentration between damaged and nondamaged plants of this genotypes were observed. The numbers of observations of the insect feeding and the numbers of stylet sheaths left in water-treated BR-16 pods were greater than in those treated with PI 227687 extracts. The insects fed for longer periods on BR-16 pods treated with extract of PI 227687 without injury compared to those that were treated with extract of PI 227687 previously injured by stink bugs. Extracts of PI 227687 pods ( damaged or not) were deterrent to adults of N. viridula, and insect injury increased concentrations of daidzin and genistin in PI 227687 seeds. The deterrence seemed to be more pronounced after pods had suffered stink-bug injury.