967 resultados para MACROPOROUS CERAMICS
Descripció de les peces de terrissa que el museu Arqueològic de Catalunya–Girona guarda de l’antiga Casa de la Misericòrdia i antic Hospici, actualment Casa de Cultura, de Girona. Inclou un breu resum sobre l’edifici
"La projecció d'un ideal estètic durant el Noucentisme. Josep Aragay i Blanchar (1889-1973)" es el primer estudi integral dedicat a aquest artista i teòric del Noucentisme. La tesi analitza amb profunditat la trajectòria d’Aragay com a dibuixant, pintor, gravador i ceramista, però també com a poeta, professor i polític; a més del paper que va exercir com a crític, polemista i teòric de l’art. La tesi posa de manifest la labor artística i intel•lectual d’aquest personatge que va assumir, defensar i projectar, fins el final de la seva vida, aquell ideal estètic de signe mediterraneista i classitzant, que sorgia a Catalunya a principis del segle XX.
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi dels valors límit d'exposició professional previstos en la normativa actual com a valors de referència per a l'avaluació i control dels riscos que comporta l'exposició a agents químics presents en el lloc de treball, fonamentalment per inhalació, per protegir la salut dels treballadors. No es pretén realitzar ni un estudi epidemiològic ni un estudi d'higiene, només s'utilitzen els valors d'exposició professional per analitzar el compliment de la normativa sobre la presència de plom en l'ambient de treball, i comprovar si el compliment de la normativa comporta la millora de la salut dels treballadors en funció de la millora de les concentracions de valors ambientals o biològics de l'exposició dels treballadors. La Directiva 98/24/CE deroga les Directives 80/1107/CEE sobre la protecció dels treballadors contra els riscos relacionats amb l'exposició a agents químics, físics i biològics durant el treball, i la Directiva 82/605/CEE, sobre la protecció dels treballadors contra riscos relacionats amb una exposició al plom metàl·lic i als seus compostos iònics durant el treball. S'analitza l'evolució de la normativa sobre la presència d'agents químics en l'ambient de treball, i en concret el plom, i la seva incidència en els accidents laborals i malalties professionals, i el compliment de la normativa al final d'un cicle marcat per l'entrada en vigor de la Directiva 98/24/CE. Per realitzar l'anàlisi anteriorment esmentada s'estudia la indústria ceràmica de les comarques gironines, de la construcció, de l'alimentació i decorativa, a través de les mesures de plom en l'ambient laboral i les mesures de plom en sang dels treballadors d'aquesta indústria des de 1991 a 1996.
The paper analyzes the Iberian ceramics from Sant Julià de Ramis (Girona). The scope of research includes the village itself and other archaeological sites as areas of the Bosc del Congosts silos and Escalers. The research draws several archaeological material dug up in the Iberian site and made in the fields of silos.
A Cerâmica nasce da união de três elementos relacionados com a vida do homem – a argila, o fogo e a água – afirmando-se sempre como uma tecnologia criadora de obras ao serviço da comunidade e encarada como um dos primeiros materiais que se relacionaram com a vida e com a morte dos homens “(…) para estes comerem na eternidade” (QUEIRÓS, 1987:21).
The Perthshire stone circle of Croft Moraig was excavated 40 years ago and is usually taken to illustrate the classic sequence at such monuments in Britain. A timber setting, accompanied by a shallow ditch, was replaced by two successive stone settings. The pottery associated with the earliest construction was dated to the Neolithic period. A new analysis of the excavated material suggests that, in fact, the ceramics are Middle or Late Bronze Age. They provide a terminus post quem for at least one of the stone settings on the site. Further study of the evidence suggests an alternative sequence of construction at Croft Moraig, involving a change in the axis of the monument. It seems possible that other stone and timber circles were equally late in date and that their period of use in Britain and Ireland may have been longer than is generally supposed.
A new macroporous stationary phase bearing 'tweezer' receptors that exhibit specificity for cholesterol has been constructed from rigid multifunctional vinylic monomers derived from 3,5-dibromobenzoic acid, propargyl alcohol and cholesterol. The synthesis of the novel tweezer monomer that contains two cholesterol receptor arms using palladium mediated Sonogashira methodologies and carbonate couplings is reported. The subsequent co-polymerisation of this tweezer monomer with a range of cross-linking agents via a 'pseudo' molecular imprinting approach afforded a diverse set of macroporous materials. The selectivity and efficacy of these materials for cholesterol binding was assessed using a chromatographic screening process. The optimum macroporous stationary phase material composition was subsequently used to construct monolithic solid phase extraction columns for use in the selective extraction of cholesterol from multi-component mixtures of structurally related steroids.
An exploratory model for cutting is presented which incorporates fracture toughness as well as the commonly considered effects of plasticity and friction. The periodic load fluctuations Been in cutting force dynamometer tests are predicted, and considerations of chatter and surface finish follow. A non-dimensional group is put forward to classify different regimes of material response to machining. It leads to tentative explanations for the difficulties of cutting materials such as ceramics and brittlo polymers, and also relates to the formation of discontinuous chips. Experiments on a range of solids with widely varying toughness/strength ratios generally agree with the analysis.
Increasing legislation has steadily been introduced throughout the world to restrict the use of heavy metals, particularly cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in high temperature pigments, ceramics, and optoelectronic material applications. Removal of cadmium from thin-film optical and semiconductor device applications has been hampered by the absence of viable alternatives that exhibit similar properties with stability and durability. We describe a range of tin-based compounds that have been deposited and characterized in terms of their optical and mechanical properties and compare them with existing cadmium-based films that currently find widespread use in the optoelectronic and semiconductor industries. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
We have carried out a thorough mineralogical analysis of 16 pottery samples from the Lapita site of Bourwera in Fiji, using micromorphological techniques with optical and polarising microscopes. While the overall mineralogy of all of the samples is similar the samples clearly divide into two groups, namely those with or without the mineral calcite. Our findings are backed up by chemical analysis using SEM–EDX and FTIR. SEM–EDX shows the clear presence of inclusions of calcite in some of the samples; FTIR shows bands arising from calcite in these samples. The study suggests that it is likely that more than one clay source was used for production of this pottery, but that most of the pottery comes from a single source. This finding is in line with previous studies which suggest some trading of pottery between the Fijian islands but a single source of clay for most of the pottery found at Bouwera. We found no evidence for the destruction of CaCO3 by heating upon production of the pottery in line with the known technology of the Lapita people who produced earthenware pottery but not high temperature ceramics.
Classical Greek and Roman influence on the material culture of Central Asia and northwestern India is often considered in the abstract. This article attempts to examine the mechanisms of craft production and movement of artisans and objects which made such influence possible, through four case studies: (1) Mould-made ceramics in Hellenistic eastern Bactria; (2) Plaster casts used in the production of metalware from Begram; (3) Terracotta figurines and the moulds used to produce them, from various archaeological sites; and (4) Mass production of identical gold adornments in the nomadic tombs from Tillya Tepe. The implications of such techniques for our understanding of the development of Gandhāran art are also discussed.
Fieldwalking in the Ginosar valley recorded an extensive spread of Late Hellenistic, Roman-period and Byzantine ceramics, tesserae, glass shards, and stone vessel fragments. Architectural stonework in modern Migdal, on the hilltop immediately west of this, seems, in part, to derive from the same site, which extended into the area of the present town. This suggests an urban centre immediately adjacent to, but probably separate from, the Roman-period site usually identified asMagdala, providing a context for the first-century boat currently displayed in the Yigdal Allon museum. The settlement may be identified with one of the un-located toponyms of the coast.
This paper is a case study of the continuum between standardization and variation in the production of red-figure Athenian fine wares in the first half of the 5th century BC. An investigation of the Pan Painter's pelikai reveals that they fall into 3 distinct groups, according to size. While the pelikai in each group are also distinguishable from each other by shape, pattern, and iconography, the next clearest distinction between the groups (after size) is in their style of decoration. The pelikai in the largest group, which is comprised of small pelikai, are particularly distinct from the Pan Painter's broader oeuvre of ca. 220 vases insofar as they exemplify a lackadaisical painting style, which I have termed banausic, on account of its frequent use for images of craftsmen, women at work, and other such genre images. While this casual style is antithetical to the Pain Painter's refined style, for which he is better known, and which he employs for his large pelikai, affinities between the 2 styles—as judged by his confident line, anatomical details, and other technical features—permit the conclusion that this group of pelikai were executed by one and the same craftsman as the others. As with all of the vases attributed to this talented painter, however, the pelikai—whether large or small—are decorated with a great bariety of images. While most painted Athenian vases are understood to have been individually created, not mass-produced, the Pan Painter's coherent group of small pelikai seem to have been created en masse, in a uniform size and shape and with a distinct decorative style. This group of standardized vases represents a body of work executed under the influence or at the behest of a specific vase workshop. The form of the small pelikai in fact allows us to associate them with the Geras Painter. With his work on these small pelikai, perhaps in the latter part of his career, the Pan Painter may have intentionally minimized variability in favour of standardization, to meet market demands.
This study aimed at investigating in vitro osteogenesis on three fluorcanasite glass-ceramic compositions with different solubilities (K3, K5, and K8). Osteoblastic cells were obtained from human alveolar bone fragments and cultured under standard osteogenic condition until subconfluence. First passage cells were cultured on K3, K5, and K8 and on Bioglass (R) 45S5 (45S5-control). Cell adhesion was evaluated at 24 h. For proliferation and viability, cells were cultured for 1, 4, and 10 days. Total protein content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were measured at 7, 14, and 21 days. Cultures were stained with Alizarin red at 21 days, for detection of mineralized matrix. Data were compared by ANOVA followed by Duncan`s test. Cell adhesion, cell proliferation, viability, total protein content, and ALP activity were not affected by fluorcanasite glass-ceramic composition and solubility. Bone-like formation was similar on all fluorcanasite-glass ceramics and was reduced compared to 45S5. The changes in the chemical composition and consequently solubility of the fluorcanasite glass-ceramics tested here did not significantly alter the in vitro osteogenesis. Further modifications of the chemical composition of the fluorcanasite glass-ceramic would be required to improve bone response, making this biomaterial a good candidate to be employed as a bone substitute.