877 resultados para Músculos indiretos


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A musculatura peitoral de anuros gera a potência necessária para a produção das vocalizações, tendo seu perfil histológico descrito para apenas uma espécie. Para esta, a musculatura peitoral apresenta 100% de fibras oxidativas rápidas. Entretanto, a taxa de vocalização apresenta enorme variação interespecífica, mesmo considerando espécies pertencentes a um mesmo gênero, como é o caso do gênero Scinax. Acreditamos que o perfil morfológico e histoquímico da musculatura peitoral, particularmente no tocante à capacidade oxidativa aeróbia, deve covariar com o desempenho aeróbio. Desta forma, o objetivo deste projeto foi realizar uma análise comparativa da morfologia e histoquímica do músculo peitoral de três diferentes espécies de pererecas do gênero Scinax. Os animais foram coletados durante o pico de atividade reprodutiva. Estes foram pesados e eutanaziados para a retirada dos músculos peitorais. Fragmentos musculares foram congelados em nitrogênio líquido e armazenados em freezer -80°C. Cortes histológicos (10μm), obtidos em criostato, foram submetidos à coloração HE (Hematoxilina-Eosina) para avaliação do padrão morfológico das fibras, e NADH-TR (Nicotinamida Adenina Dinucleotídeo-Tetrazólico Redutase), para avaliação do metabolismo oxidativo das fibras. Não houve diferenças qualitativas e quantitativas na morfologia e área das fibras entre as espécies. Provavelmente as diferenças comportamentais interespecíficas devem estar associadas a caracteres ultraestruturais da musculatura como capilarização, volume mitocondrial e tipo de miosina (MHC) presente na fibra muscular. O músculo peitoral de S. perereca e S. fuscovarius apresentou forte reação NADH-TR, o que demonstra alto metabolismo oxidativo, enquanto que Scinax hiemalis apresentou uma população de fibras com metabolismo oxidativo mais moderado; isso está de acordo com dados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A formação de mosaicos de habitats em regiões de reflorestamento e outras atividades antrópicas acabam influenciando na comunidade de mamíferos silvestres, de diferentes formas. Os mamíferos de médio e grande porte têm importantes funções como dispersores de sementes, polinizadores e predadores. Concomitantemente, este grupo de animais vem se tornando cada vez mais ameaçado na Mata Atlântica, especialmente no estado de São Paulo. O presente estudo realizou a caracterização da comunidade de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte, presente em dois ambientes: fragmentos de vegetação natural e talhões de eucalipto. Para tanto, foram utilizados métodos indiretos de registro: observação de pegadas em transectos lineares e em armadilhas de areia. De acordo com a curva acumulativa de espécies, o esforço amostral se mostrou suficiente para registrar as espécies que vivem no ambiente de mata e eucalipto. A riqueza de espécies na mata foi maior que a riqueza nos eucaliptos, sendo este último, um ambiente preferencialmente de passagem, enquanto a mata é um habitat natural para os mamíferos. Entretanto, o ambiente de eucalipto se mostra importante para diversas espécies de mamíferos, que utilizam este ambiente como abrigo e para busca de recursos


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A natação é um esporte praticado em meio líquido o que a torna muito dependente da técnica do nadador, pelo fato de apresentar maior resistência quando comparado com o meio terrestre. A força muscular, composição corporal e a técnica do nado são alguns fatores determinantes para a melhora do desempenho esportivo do atleta. Sendo assim, a capacidade de gerar força propulsiva e minimizar a resistência ao meio líquido são altamente influenciadoras do desempenho nesta modalidade. Um dos principais músculos utilizados na propulsão da braçada do nado crawl é o tríceps braquial o qual é responsável pela extensão do cotovelo. O nível de força dos membros dominante e não dominante também pode influenciar no desequilíbrio muscular dos nadadores e consequentemente na propulsão do atleta. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a reprodutibilidade de pico de torque (PT) durante as contrações isométrica e isocinética concêntrica em diferentes velocidades do músculo tríceps braquial nos membros dominante e não dominante em nadadores. Participaram do estudo nadadores velocistas e meio fundistas do gênero masculino, com idade entre 18 e 28 anos, com experiência no mínimo de 3 anos na modalidade. Os voluntários foram solicitados a comparecer no laboratório em 3 ocasiões em dias diferentes. Primeiramente para obter as medidas antropométricas (massa, estatura, envergadura e dobras cutâneas) e logo em seguida foi feita a familiarização ao teste isométrico e isocinético no dinamômetro. Nas próximas visitas os atletas realizaram no dinamômetro isocinético, o teste máximo para determinação do PT da contração isométrica e isocinéticas concêntricas em diferentes velocidades. O procedimento foi realizado duas vezes em dias diferentes. O teste para determinação do PT isométrico e isocinético foi realizado de forma aleatória... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of previous active static stretch on the isometric peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (RFD) measured from different time intervals from the beginning of muscle contraction. Participated of this study 15 male individuals, apparently healthy, with ages between 18 and 25 years, without regular physical activity practice. The individuals were submitted in different days to the following tests: 1) Familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; 2) Two maximal isometric concentric contractions for knee extensors in isokinetic dynamometer to determine PT and RFD (Control), and; 3) Two active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 x 30 s for each exercise, with 20 s of rest). After the stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (Post-Stretching). The conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. The RFD was considered as the mean slope of the moment-time curve at time intervals of 0-30, 0-50 and 0-100ms relative to the beginning of muscle contraction. It was verified significant reduction for both maximal RFD and PT after the stretching (p < 0.05). At intervals of 0- 30ms, 0-50ms and 0-100ms, the RFD at the conditions with stretching was similar to the RFD without stretching (p > 0.05). At intervals of 0-150ms and 0-200ms, the RFD obtained at the contraction without stretching was significantly higher that that obtained at the contraction with stretching (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that the static stretching, performed with duration of 600 s diminish isometric PT, maximal RFD and RFD measured at late phase (> 100 ms) of muscle contraction.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar a fadiga muscular por meio da amplitude e freqüência do sinal eletromiográfico (EMG) do músculo vasto lateral (VL) e reto femoral (RF) do membro inferior direito, durante protocolo incremental de corrida em esteira e nas contrações isométricas submáximas realizadas no início e após cada velocidade. Participaram deste estudo 07 voluntários saudáveis, do gênero masculino, experientes em corrida na esteira, com idade média de 25 anos (± 4,3), sem antecedentes de doenças músculo-esqueléticas nos membros inferiores e de antropometria semelhante. Foram realizadas três contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas (CIVM = 100%) de extensão do joelho para posterior determinação da contração submáxima de 50% da CIVM (CI-50%). O protocolo de corrida foi composto de um aquecimento de 5 minutos (9 km/h), e após iniciou-se o teste com velocidade inicial de 10 km/h e incremento de 1 km/h a cada 3 minutos, até a exaustão voluntária, havendo uma pausa entre cada velocidade de aproximadamente 2 minutos. Antes do início da corrida e após cada velocidade realizou-se uma contração isométrica com 50% da CIVM (CI-50%) de 5s de duração. No sinal eletromiográfico coletado durante a corrida, os valores de RMS (Root Mean Square) dos músculos VL e RF foram obtidos no período correspondente a um ciclo completo da passada a 10% e 100% do tempo analisado (120 segundos finais de cada velocidade) por meio de rotina específica (Matlab). No sinal eletromiográfico coletado durante as CI-50% (5s), os valores de RMS e FM (freqüência mediana) foram obtidos no período de 1s (intervalo de 1 a 2s). A normalidade dos dados foi determinada através do teste de Shapiro-Wilk. Utilizou-se teste-t de Student para amostras pareadas, e o nível de significância (p) adotado foi de p<0,05. Os resultados...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Muscle fatigue is described as a cause of injuries among the many related to the running practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the behavior of the amplitude (RMS) and median frequency (MF) of EMG signal of the iliocostalis (CI), rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM) biceps femoris (long head) (BFCL), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius (lateral) (LNG) from the right lower limb, and the behavior of the parameters of amplitude (AP) and frequency (PF) spent in different percentages of the maximum speed during incremental protocol of treadmill running. 10 volunteers participated in this study, athletes, male, aged between 18 and 30 years with no history of injury in lower limbs and similar anthropometry. The protocol consisted of a treadmill test with initial velocity of 10 km.h-¹ and increments of 1 km.h-¹ each three minutes until volitional exhaustion, without rest interval. Synchronized collections were made of electromyographic and kinematic data. The signals were obtained through an acquisition module of biological signals (Telemyo 900 - Noraxon - USA) and software (Myoresearch - Noraxon - USA) calibrated with a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz, gain 2000 times. The raw data were filtered with a 60Hz notch filter, high pass and low pass 20Hz to 500Hz. To capture the image was used a digital video recorder (model NV-GS320, PANASONIC brand), and for image scanning and kinematic data collection was used the software Peak Motus 9.0 (ViconPeak). To obtain the values of RMS and FM analyzed the last ten passes of each speed through a specific routine (Matlab). To obtain these variables AP (m) and FP (stride I min) were analyzed for the last ten past each speed, using specific software (Peak Motus 9.0). After verification of data normality (Shapiro-Wilk) and homogeneity of the data (Levene), the comparison ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of more than 30 genetical disorders characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscle. No effective therapy is available at present. Recent studies have reported that the transplantation of stem cells can offer an important potential therapy for genetic diseases. Adult bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells have been identified as a nonhematopoietic stem cell population capable of self-renewal with the ability to differentiate into many cell lineages, including bone, fat, cartilage and connective tissue. Because of their similarity with muscle progenitor cells, when they are injected in affected individuals, they are able to migrate into areas of skeletal muscle degeneration and participate in the regeneration process. The adipose tissue represents an alternative source of MSCs that, as the MSCs derived from bone marrow, are capable of in vitro differentiation into osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic and chondrogenic lineages. The objective of this project is to investigate the “in vitro” myogenic potential of mesenchymal stem cells derived from murine bone marrow and adipose tissue. Four experimental groups were analyzed: mice from lineages Lama2dy-2J/J and C57black and, C2C12 lineage cells and transformed C2C12 expressing the eGFP protein. MSCs cultures were obtained by flushing the bone marrow femurs and tibials with α-MEM or by the subcutaneous and inguinal fat from the mice. Their characterization was done by flow cytometry and in vitro differentiation. Muscle differentiation was studied through the analysis of the expression of transcriptional factors involved in muscle differentiation and/or the presence and amount of specific proteins from muscle differentiated cell. The pluripotency from bone marrow MSCs of the two lineages was evidenced and, in the muscular differentiation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Currently the company suffers a heavy influence of media, through their tentacles people are reached and clawed into a consumerist context, and the reason for the success of this market share is linked to aesthetics. An ideal beauty standard is followed, aimed at recognizing social, emotional success, professional and loving. Thus, people are accustomed from his childhood with the image of a perfect prince or princess, heroes that is becoming increasingly more muscular and developed throughout the evolution of cinema. While the aesthetic perfection is internalized by society and see that this beauty is not a particular good for some people, but everyone should become pretty standard to suit hence those who do not fit this stereotype are somehow excluded from the circle of society standard. One way people try to develop and hone the look is through weight training exercises in specialized academies. The problem is when it appears not the contentment of the individual in relation to his body. Even when your muscles are increasing, for the person who suffers from Vigorexia changes are significant to the point never to be content with their state of development, which is seen distorted and underestimated. Thus this paper aims to describe the situation and how the routine Vigorexia context and people are distorted to suit the aesthetic and social demands that are made, through a literature search on the muscle dysmorphia. It is of paramount importance to know the pathological picture of Vigorexia not only by professionals of Psychology, Psychiatry and Medicine, but also for Physical Educators that are constantly present in an active and that can positively or negatively influence the routine and pathological picture of these people with Muscular Dysmorphia


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A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) está associada à miopatia dos músculos esqueléticos com aumento da expressão das isoformas rápidas da cadeia pesada de miosina e alterações na matriz extracelular. Os fatores de regulação miogência(MRF),como a MyoD e MRF4, pertecem a uma família de fatores transcricionais que controlam vários genes músculo-específicos.Esses fatores forma heterodímeros com proteínas HLH e ligam-se a seqüências de DNA conhecidas como Ebox, presentes na região promotora de vários genes músculo–específicos, incluindo todos aqueles que codificam as subunidades dos receptores nicotínicos de acetilcolina (nAChR) da junção neuromuscular (JNM). Baseado no fato de que na IC há uma diminuição na expressão da MyoD e MRF4 no músculo sóleo de ratos com IC induzida por monocrotalina, o objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar possíveis alterações na expressão dos receptores de acetilcolina, bem como realizar uma análise morfológica e morfométrica das JNMs. Neste estudo foram utilizados ratos Wistar, machos, divididos em grupos controle e experimental e a Insuficiência cardíaca (IC) foi induzida pela injeção de monocrotalina intra-peritoneal.Quando os sintomas de IC foram visualizados (após 22 dias) os animais foram sacrificados pentobarbital sódico i.p. (50 mg/Kg). A seguir foram mensurados o peso corporal (PC) dos ratos, bem como outros parâmetros. O músculo sóleo de ambos os antímeros foram dissecados e preparados para: avaliação da expressão gênica das subunidades ε, γ e α dos receptores de acetilcolina por PCR em Tempo Real; para análise morfológica e morfométrica da Junção Neuromuscular através da técnica de Esterase inespecífica; para análise ultra-estrutural da JN. Os resultados indicam que não houveram alterações morfológicas e morfométricas na JN, mas houve um aumento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of previous active static stretch on the peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (TDF) during isokinetic concentric contractions at 60 and 180.s-1 in active individuals. Twelve active subjects with ages between 18 and 30 years participated of this study. The individuals were submitted in different days to the following tests: 1) Familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; 2) Five maximal isokinetic concentric contractions for knee extensors at each angular velocity (60 and 180.s-1) to determine PT and TDF (Control), and; 3) Two active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 x 30 s for each exercise, with 20 s of rest). After the stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (Post-Stretching). The conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. There was no significant modification after the stretch exercises on the PT, angle and time at which the PT was attained, at 60 and 180º.s-1. In the same way, there was no significant modification on the TDF and angle at which the maximal TDF was attained in both angular speeds. In other way, the time to attain maximal TDF (TTDF) at 180º.s-1 was significantly lower after the stretching (Pre - 98.3 ± 27.5 ms and Post - 86.6 ± 30.2 ms). There was significant modification on the torque (60 and 180º.s-1) and time (60º.s-1) at different delta of angle variations, obtained at 60º.s-1 at Control and Post-Stretching conditions. However, there was significant reduction of time after the stretching exercises on delta of angle variations of 90-88º (Pre - 46.6 ± 6.5 ms and Post - 44.1 ± 5.1 ms), 88-85º (Pre - 65.8 ± 7.9 ms and Post - 63.3 ± 4.9 ms) and 85-80º (Pre - 93.3 ± 7.7 ms and Post - 90.0 ± 4.2 ms) at 180º.s-1. With base on these data, it is possible to conclude that PT and TDF do not modify after static stretching, irrespectively on the speed...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The service area is in full development in the world, and it is proven the benefits of outsourcing services to large companies, which deliver services and manufacturing experts can focus only on production of their products. In the case of cargo handling is no different, many factories hire specialized companies to reduce fixed costs and factory overhead. And with the intense competition in the market, service providers are increasingly seeking to reduce costs in order to offer services at competitive prices. So if we see a growing need to train its employees to perform services faster and with better quality. In this work, will be a handbook of technical procedures for preventive maintenance, as well as a catalog of parts required to perform the same for Toyota 8 Series forklifts. Will be developed also tools to control and carry out the preventive maintenance of these trucks, such as Check-list and a manual of tools needed for each procedure. The results show that service quality has improved considerably and the cost of wrong parts decreases more than 15%


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Indoor soccer is a modality of sport similar to football, which is accompanying an increasing of the number of participants. With the growth of this sport, increased as well the number of injuries, which has been requiring greater attention and care from the health professionals. AIMS: To investigate the functional balance before and after an indoor soccer game and analyze the maximum force before and after the game, in order to verify if there is a great loss of muscle strength of knee flexors and extensors during the game. METHODS: The study included seven amateur soccer players. The isokinetic evaluation was made using the Biodex 3 isokinetic dynamometer at velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s with five repetitions at each velocity for each leg. Further, the study analyzed the peak torque of each leg at each speed of the extensor muscles and flexor concentric and eccentric. RESULTS: Compared to the peak torque before and after the game, there were no significant differences. At 60°/s in the non-dominant leg, peak torque decreased after the game of the extensor concentric and eccentric. In the dominant leg there was a decrease of peak torque in eccentric flexion at 60°/s and concentric flexion to 180°/s. Comparing the peak torque between dominance, there was any significant differences in speed. However, in eccentric flexion at 60°/s before the match there was a significant difference. The peak torque of the dominant leg showed better results than the non-dominant leg. Regarding the functional balance there was no statistically significant differences between the muscles involved. CONCLUSION: From the results achieved, it is possible to conclude that the peak torque of flexor eccentric decreases depending on the length of the exercise. This muscle is stronger in the dominant leg, comparing to the non-dominant leg


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One of the ways of Geography is the study of the relationship between man and space, so that the question of the preservation of the environment and yours attributes is increasingly standing out in society. The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade is a conservation of sustainable use, so with this category aims to reconcile nature conservation with sustainable use of a portion of its resources, and a place that has many direct and indirect benefits to the interconnected environment . Therefore, the object of study is the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, highlighting its Public Use Area. This work has as main objective to measure the importance of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, in the view of visitors, and present some key aspects of the unit in relation to its attractions. Thus, we seek the appreciation of the history of the city of Rio Claro and qualities of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade


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The direct and indirect effects of atmospheric aerossols in the amazonic climate have been focus of many published. This work aims to analyze a possible relation among Burns, atmospheric aerossols and precipitation above South America. It uses the avaluable data from the satellites AQUA/TERRA and TRMM and the images furnished by NOAA and GOES. These analysis can provide some explanations about the effects of emission of aerosols by burns on the composition of atmosphere and cloud formation, mainly in Amazon. We use the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from MODIS/TERRA-AQUA, burns index from CPTEC and rain rate from TRMM. The data we use were obtained from 2000 until 2012. The study is divided in two parts. In the first one, it was performed a quantitative analysis between number of burns and aerosols emission. It was identified a great variability in space and time of the AOD on South America. On the north, northeast and center-west, the AOD is significant during the winter period, with peak on August and September. The southeast is affected by aerosols from center-west due to the dynamical transport. In the second part, it was evaluated the relation between AOD and precipitation in a 13-year period. The statistical analysis shows up a negative correlation of 0.72 between August and October, on Legal Amazon. These result indicate an inverse relation between AOD and rain rate. The other months present not significant correlation. These results are in a good agreement with the literature, in which in-situ methods were applied or combined with satellites data. The increasing of aerosols concentration in the atmosphere are reinforced during drier years. It can affect the increasing process of water drops, decreasing the precipitation. We also verified higher values of AOD (0.25 - 0.3) during years with El Niño, than the climatologically average (~0.15 - 0.2), ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)