997 resultados para Lopes, Baltasar, 1907-1989
The Back to the Future Trilogy incorporates several different generic elements, including aspects of the fifties teen movie, science fiction, comedy and the western. These different modes playfully intertwine with each other creating a complex world of repetitions, echoes and modulations. This essay seeks to interrogate the construction of generic elements and the play between them through a close analysis of a repeated performance. Genre is signalled through various strategies employed within the construction of mise-en-scène, a significant portion of this, as I would like to argue, is transmitted through performance. The material detail of a performance – incorporating gesture, movement, voice, and even surrounding elements such as costume – as well as the way it its presented within a film is key to the establishment, invocation and coherence of genre. Furthermore, attention to the complexity of performance details, particularly in the manner in which they reverberate across texts, demonstrates the intricacy of genre and its inherent mutability. The Back to the Future trilogy represents a specific interest in the flexibility of genre. Within each film, and especially across all three, aspects of various genres are interlaced through both visual and narrative detail, thus constructing a dense layer of references both within and without the texts. To explore this patterning in more detail I will interrogate the contribution of performance to generic play through close analysis of Thomas F. Wilson’s performance of Biff/Griff/Burford Tannen and his central encounter with Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) in each film. These moments take place in a fifties diner, a 1980s retro diner and a saloon respectively, each space contributing the similarities and differences in each repetition. Close attention to Wilson’s performance of each related character, which contains both modulations and repetitions used specifically to place each film’s central generic theme, demonstrates how embedded the play between genres and their flexibility is within the trilogy.
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka vad Snöå lanthushållskola 1909-1989 var. För att undersöka detta användes tillgängligt arkivmaterial angående Snöå lanthushållsskola, framförallt verksamhetsberättelser och årsredogörelser. Undersökningen visade att syftet med startandet av skolan framförallt var att skapa dugliga husmödrar som i sin tur genom att sköta hushållet på rätt sätt skulle göra sina män till bättre arbetare/lantbrukare och höja produktiviteten. Skolans undervisning var länge inriktad på att utbilda kvinnor i lanthushållning men då samhällets behov utav detta minskade blev utbildningen allt mindre inriktad på självhushåll och mer på hushåll. Efter detta var skolan ofta endast ett led i en yrkesutbildning och i dess sista fas bytte skolan namn och kom att syssla med rena textil- och kostkurser, även detta i samklang med samhällets behov. Skolan hänger alltså med då samhällssynen förändras, från att kvinnorna skall vara duktiga på att sköta hemmet, till att de ska vara duktiga yrkeskvinnor inom de yrkesområden som anses passa dem.
I korthet har uppsatsens syfte varit att ge en bild av vilken social bakgrund de flickor hade som gick på Snöå Lanthushållsskola i Dala-Järna, att ta reda på varför de valde att gå där och att undersöka vad som hände med eleverna senare i livet. Metoden som använts hör till den muntliga historieforskningens sätt att gå till väga: Under ett besök på skolans 100-års jubileum i september 2009 delades en enkät ut till ett hundrafemtiotal före detta elever, av vilka 15 stycken valdes ut. Dessa 15 delades in i tre grupper: den äldre generationens elever från 1936-1960, mellangenerationens elever från 1961-1970, och slutligen den yngre generationens elever från 1971-1989, varefter de intervjuades. Intervjuerna låg sedan till grund för uppsatsens resultat.Resultatet visar att elevernas sociala bakgrund har varierat, liksom ambitionerna bakom att söka till lanthushållsskolan och i vilken grad skolan fick betydelse för framtiden. Trenden verkar dock vara att det bland de tidigaste snöåkullorna var vanligt att man ville bli en god husmor, medan 1950-, 1960- och det tidiga 1970-talets elever behövde kursen i lanthushållning för att kunna vidareutbilda sig. Under 1970- och 1980-talet blev antalet skoltrötta som sökte sig till Snöån större, och skolan tycks ha blivit en nödlösning och ett andrahandsval. Samtliga minns snöåtiden som en mycket rolig och lärorik tid, och många av dem fick väninnor för livet.
The ISES Solar World Congress Clean and Safe Energy Forever was held in Kobe, Japan, September 4-8, 1989. Short impressions from the conference and the simultaneous exhibition are given. On our (separate) ways to Kobe, Eriksson visited institutions in the Bombay, India area, and Broman one institution in Islamabad, Pakistan. Accounts of these visits are given. Three papers presented in Kobe are included in an Appendix.
Sociology in Greece from 1907 to the Metaxas dictatorship (1936–40) and the Second World War This paper focuses on pre-conditions for sociology to develop and the subject matters of emerging sociology in Greece. Pre-conditions were at hand but without continuity, and the opportunity for sociology to develop was lost. Sociology is said to have started in 1907 with the book The Social Question by Georgos Skliros. He presented sociology and Marxism as identical and deals with Greek society and (among other things) the language issue, all of which triggered off a vibrant debate. Sociological associations and journals were started. However, the initially reformist perspective of social science was gradually replaced by an approach that was more socio-philosophical, influenced by classical sociology, German sociology in particular. This turn was associated with the institutionalization of sociology at the universities during the 1920’s. The Metaxas dictatorship in 1936 put a stop to any further development of sociology for a long time.
Vol. 8, Sept. 1990; 136 p.; b&w, color photographs TOC: Activities & Events…17 / Clubs & Programs…33 / Graduation…49 CREDITS: FACULTY ADVISOR, Vincent Banrey; PROJECT DIRECTOR, Catherine Whan; EDITORS, Luis Lopez; ASST. EDITOR, Rodolfo Medina; ART: Rodolfo Medina (Cover Design; Back Endsheet; Division Pages), Peter Abbate (Front Endsheet). GRAPHIC ARTIST: Rodolfo "Funky Cold' Medina. LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Ann Marie Edwards, Charletin Enock, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Edward Hollins, Luis Lopez, Peter Martinez, Rodolfo Medina, JilI Nage, Angela ?, Keith ?, Daly Rodriguez, Catherine Whan. WRITERS: Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Vincent Cousin, Edward Hollins, Luis Lopez, JilI Nage, Cathy Passiglia, Eartha Porter, Daly Rodriguez, Christiana Sommerville, Catherine Whan. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Peter Abbate, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Charletin Enock, Milton Ferriera, Fran Gibson, Alexandra Gomez, Bernadette Henry, Edward Hollins, Juan Jiminez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Luis Lopez, Rodolfo Medina, Allen Scribner, Frank Tocco, Catherine Wran, Alan O. Young. Special Thanks to Cathy Soria of Classic Studio (as well as Frank & Tommy).
January 1989; This desktop publishing version of Perspective , the college's newsletter for faculty and staff, is designed to be less expensive and to appear more frequently than its predecessor. Comments on the new format and suggestions for articles are welcomed by the Office of Communications.
Perspective is a newsletter published periodically to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College.
Perspective is a newsletter published periodically to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College.
Perspective is a newsletter published periodically to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College.
The Winthrop yearbook was published from 1898 to 2002. It has been known as the Tatler since its inception except for 1904 (Lang Syne) and 1918 (Tatler a la Guerre). No yearbook was published in 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905,1906.
A biblioteca "fora do tempo" : políticas governamentais de bibliotecas públicas no Brasil, 1937-1989
o Instituto Nacional do Livro - INL como organismo governamental responsável pela promoção do livro, pela concepção e coordenação das políticas de bibliotecas públicas implantadas no Brasil, entre 1937 e 1989. Influências dos Planos Nacionais de Desenvolvimento e dos Planos Setoriais de Educação e Cultura no planejamento das politicas de bibliotecas. Análise do desempenho da Seção das Bibliotecas e de suas sucessoras, em relação a seu objetivo de desenvolver a biblioteca pública no pais. ldentificação da politica do livro concebida pelo INL, como política para as bibliotecas. Estudo da literatura publicada sobre bibliotecas públicas, para estabelecer a vinculação entre as politicas e a sua aplicação no dia-a-dia das bibliotecas.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo mapear em parte o mercado de arte do Rio Grande do Sul nas décadas de 60, 70 e 80, através do estudo mais particular dos Leilões de Artes e Antigüidades acontecidos na cidade de Porto Alegre no período citado. A partir do mercado que se estrutura, estudamos esta forma de intermediação entre a obra e o público: o leilão - nos seus aspectos teóricos, históricos e sociológicos. O objeto central da pesquisa é a averiguação do papel de legitimação e valorização da arte nos leilões. O trabalho apresenta-se estruturado em três capítulos, onde foram analisados primeiramente os aspectos teóricos pertinentes ao objeto da pesquisa, através de uma revisão de bibliografia nas áreas de sociologia da arte e filosofia. Num segundo capítulo, esboçamos o panorama do mercado de arte no Rio Grande do Sul nas décadas de 60, 70 e 80, enfatizando a origem dos artistas, estilos e técnicas mais empregadas. No último capítulo, escrevemos a história dos leilões, destacando o objeto central da pesquisa: como se dão os processos de valorização e legitimação das obras de arte, quando negociadas através dos pregões. Também resgatamos os principais artistas comercializados, sua origem, técnicas e estilos, possibilitando comparações entre uma visão macro - a do mercado de arte - e micro, dos leilões.