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We have designed, built, and tested an early prototype of a novel subxiphoid access system intended to facilitate epicardial electrophysiology, but with possible applications elsewhere in the body. The present version of the system consists of a commercially available insertion needle, a miniature pressure sensor and interconnect tubing, read-out electronics to monitor the pressures measured during the access procedure, and a host computer with user-interface software. The nominal resolution of the system is <0.1 mmHg, and it has deviations from linearity of <1%. During a pilot series of human clinical studies with this system, as well as in an auxiliary study done with an independent method, we observed that the pericardial space contained pressure-frequency components related to both the heart rate and respiratory rate, while the thorax contained components related only to the respiratory rate, a previously unobserved finding that could facilitate access to the pericardial space. We present and discuss the design principles, details of construction, and performance characteristics of this system.
Purpose: To compare the sparing potential of cerebral hemispheres with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) for whole-ventricular irradiation (WVI) and conventional whole-brain irradiation (WBI) in the management of localized central nervous system germ cell tumors (CNSGCTs). Methods and Materials: Ten cases of patients with localized CNSGCTs and submitted to WVI by use of IMRT with or without a ""boost"" to the primary lesion were selected. For comparison purposes, similar treatment plans were produced by use of 3D-CRT (WVI with or without boost) and WBI (opposed lateral fields with or without boost), and cerebral hemisphere sparing was evaluated at dose levels ranging from 2 Gy to 40 Gy. Results: The median prescription dose for WVI was 30.6 Gy (range, 25.2-37.5 Gy), and that for the boost was 16.5 Gy (range, 0-23.4 Gy). Mean irradiated cerebral hemisphere volumes were lower for WVI with IMRT than for 3D-CRT and were lower for WVI with 3D-CRT than for WBI. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy was associated with the lowest irradiated volumes, with reductions of 7.5%, 12.2%, and 9.0% at dose levels., compared with 3D-CRT. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy provided of 20, 30, and 40 Gy, respectively statistically significant reductions of median irradiated volumes at all dose levels (p = 0.002 or less). However, estimated radiation doses to peripheral areas of the body were 1.9 times higher with IMRT than with 3D-CRT. Conclusions: Although IMRT is associated with increased radiation doses to peripheral areas of the body, its use can spare a significant amount of normal central nervous system tissue compared with 3D-CRT or WBI in the setting of CNSGCT treatment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc.
1. Evidence for a 'putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor' originated over 20 years ago when cardiostimulant effects were observed to nonconventional partial agonists, These agonists were originally described as beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor antagonists; however, they cause cardiostimulant effects at much higher concentrations than those required to block beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Cardiostimulant effects of non-conventional partial agonists have been observed in mouse, rat, guinea-pig, cat, ferret and human heart tissues, 2. The receptor is expressed in several heart regions, including the sinoatrial node, atrium and ventricle, 3. The receptor is resistant to blockade by most antagonists that possess high affinity for beta(1)- and beta(2)- adrenoceptors, but is blocked with moderate affinity by (-)-bupranolol and CGP 20712A. 4. The receptor is pharmacologically distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. Micromolar concentrations of beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonists have no agonist or blocking activity, The receptor is also resistant to blockade by a beta(3)-adrenoceptor-selective antagonist. 5. The receptor mediates increases in cAMP levels and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PK) A activity in cardiac tissues. Phosphodiesterase inhibition potentiates the positive chronotropic and inotropic effects of non-conventional partial agonists. 6. The receptor mediates hastening of atrial and ventricular relaxation, which is consistent with involvement of a cAMP-dependent pathway. 7. The non-conventional partial agonist (-)-[H-3]-CGP 12177A labels the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor, Non-conventional partial agonists compete for binding with affinities that are closely similar to their agonist potencies, Catecholamines compete for binding in a stereoselective manner with a rank order of affinity of (-)-R0363 > (-)-isoprenaline > (-)-noradrenaline greater than or equal to (-)-adrenaline much greater than (-)-isoprenaline, suggesting that catecholamines can interact with the receptor. 8. The putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor appears to be coupled to the G(s)-adenylyl cyclase system, which could serve as a guide to its future cloning, Activation of the receptor may plausibly improve diastolic function but could also mediate arrhythmias.
Dendritic cells (DC) are potent APCs that enter resting tissues as precursors and, after Ag exposure, differentiate and migrate to draining lymph nodes. The phenotype of RelB knockout mice implicates this member of the NF kappa B/Rel family in DC differentiation. To further elucidate the role of RelB in DC differentiation, mRNA, intracellular protein expression, and DNA binding activity of RelB were examined in immature and differentiated human DC, as well as other PB mononuclear cell populations. RelB protein and mRNA were detected constitutively in lymphocytes and in activated monocytes, differentiated DC, and monocyte-derived DC. Immunohistochemical staining demonstrated RelB within the differentiated lymph node interdigitating DC and follicular DC, but not undifferentiated DC in normal skin. Active nuclear RelB was detected by supershift assay only in differentiated DC derived from either PB precursors or monocytes and in activated B cells. These RelB(+) APC were potent stimulators of the MLR. The data indicate that RelB expression is regulated both transcriptionally and post-translationally in myeloid cells. Within the nucleus, RelB may specifically transactivate genes that are critical for APC function.
We show how a nonlinear chaotic system, the parametrically kicked nonlinear oscillator, may be realized in the dynamics of a trapped, laser-cooled ion, interacting with a sequence of standing-wave pulses. Unlike the original optical scheme [G. J. Milburn and C.A. Holmes, Phys. Rev. A 44, 4704 (1991)], the trapped ion enables strongly quantum dynamics with minimal dissipation. This should permit an experimental test of one of the quantum signatures of chaos: irregular collapse and revival dynamics of the average vibrational energy.
Ergosterol is an important compound responsible to maintain integrity and fluidity of Leishmania spp. membranes. Starting from an overexpression/selection method, our group has isolated and mapped nine different loci of Leishmania (L.) major related to resistance against two inhibitors of the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, terbinafine (TBF) and itraconazole (ITZ). Individual functional analysis after overexpression induction of these loci in the presence of TBF and/or ITZ [or the ITZ analog ketoconazole (CTZ)] have shown low but significant levels of resistance after transfection into L. major wild-type parasites. In this work, we have shown the insert mapping and chromosomal identification of one of these loci (cosItz2). Functional analysis experiments associated with chromosomal localization by comparison at genomic database allowed us to identify two prospective gene-protein systems not related to the ergosterol biosynthesis and capable to confer wild-type cells resistance to ITZ-CTZ after transfection. We expected that this approach can open new insights for a better understanding of mechanisms of ITZ-CTZ action and resistance in Leishmania resulting in new strategies for the leishmaniasis treatment.
The findings of a neurological evaluation in 85 patients with confirmed, acute, dengue virus infection are described. Signs of central nervous system involvement were present in IS patients (21.2%). The most frequent neurological symptom was mental confusion. The frequency of neurological involvement did not differ between patients with primary and secondary dengue infection, and the prevalence of central nervous system involvement in dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever also did not differ significantly. The presence of CNS involvement did not influence the prognosis of dengue infection. Dengue viral CSF RNA was found in 7 of 13 patients submitted to a spinal tap, the CSF viral load being less than 1000 copies/ml. PCR was negative in serum samples obtained from three patients on the same day as the CSF samples, suggesting that the dengue virus actively enters the CNS and that the presence of the virus in the CNS does not result from passive crossing of the blood-brain barrier. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study investigated the effects of bilateral adrenalectomy (ADX) on the synthesis of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) mRNA and on the expression of its FGF receptor subtype-2 (FGFR2) mRNA after a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesion of nigrostriatal dopamine system. In previous papers we have demonstrated that corticosterone increases FGF-2 immunoreactivity mainly in the astrocytes of the substantia nigra [Chadi, G., Rosen, L., Cintra, A., Tinner, B., Zoli, M., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1993b. Corticosterone increases FGF-2 (bFGF) immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra of the rat. Neuroreport 4, 783-786.] and that 6-OHDA injected in the ventral midbrain upregulates FGF-2 synthesis in reactive astrocytes in the ascending dopamine pathways [Chadi, G., Cao, Y., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1994. Temporal and spatial increase of astroglial basic fibroblast growth factor synthesis after 6-hydroxydopamine-induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. Neuroscience 61, 891-910.]. Rats were adrenalectomized and received a 6-OHDA stereotaxical injection in the ventral midbrain 2 days later. Seven days after the dopamine lesion, Western blot analysis showed a decreased level of tyrosine hydroxylase in the lesioned side of the midbrain, an event that was not altered by ADX or corticosterone replacement. Moreover, the degeneration of nigral dopamine neurons, which was confirmed by the disappearance of acidic FGF (FGF-1) mRNA and the decrement of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA labeled nigral neurons, was not altered by ADX. The FGF-2 protein (23 kDa isoform but not 21 kDa fraction) levels increased in the lesioned side of the ventral midbrain. This elevation was counteracted by ADX, an effect that was fully reversed by corticosterone replacement. In situ hybridization revealed that ADX counteracted the elevated FGF-2 mRNA levels in putative glial cells of the ipsilateral pars compacta of the substantia nigra and in the ventral tegmental area. The ADX also counteracted the increased density and intensity of the astroglial FGF-2 immunoreactive profiles within the lesioned pars compacta of the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area as determined by stereology. The stereotaxical mechanical needle insertion triggered the expression of FGFR2 mRNA in putative glial cells, spreading to the entire ipsilateral ventral midbrain from the region of needle track, an occurrence that was partially reversed by ADX. In conclusion, bilateral ADX counteracted the increased astroglial FGF-2 synthesis in the dopamine regions of the ventral midbrain following a 6-OHDA-induced local lesion and interfered with FGF receptor regulation around injury. These findings give further evidence that adrenocortical hormones may regulate the astroglial FGF-2-mediated trophic mechanisms and wound repair events in the lesioned central nervous system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Although various techniques have been used for breast conservation surgery reconstruction, there are few studies describing a logical approach to reconstruction of these defects. The objectives of this study were to establish a classification system for partial breast defects and to develop a reconstructive algorithm. Methods: The authors reviewed a 7-year experience with 209 immediate breast conservation surgery reconstructions. Mean follow-up was 31 months. Type I defects include tissue resection in smaller breasts (bra size A/B), including type IA, which involves minimal defects that do not cause distortion; type III, which involves moderate defects that cause moderate distortion; and type IC, which involves large defects that cause significant deformities. Type II includes tissue resection in medium-sized breasts with or without ptosis (bra size C), and type III includes tissue resection in large breasts with ptosis (bra size D). Results: Eighteen percent of patients presented type I, where a lateral thoracodorsal flap and a latissimus dorsi flap were performed in 68 percent. Forty-five percent presented type II defects, where bilateral mastopexy was performed in 52 percent. Thirty-seven percent of patients presented type III distortion, where bilateral reduction mammaplasty was performed in 67 percent. Thirty-five percent of patients presented complications, and most were minor. Conclusions: An algorithm based on breast size in relation to tumor location and extension of resection can be followed to determine the best approach to reconstruction. The authors` results have demonstrated that the complications were similar to those in other clinical series. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon, and careful intraoperative management.
Objective. Refractory, disabling pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) is usually treated with total knee replacement. However, pain in these patients might be associated with central nervous sensitization rather than peripheral inflammation and injury. We evaluated the presence of hyperalgesia in patients scheduled for a total knee replacement due to knee osteoarthritis with refractory pain, and we assessed the impact of pressure pain threshold measurements (PPT) on pain, disability, and quality of life of these patients. Methods. Sixty-two female patients were compared with 22 age-matched healthy controls without reported pain for the last year. PPT was measured at the lower extremities subcutaneous dermatomes, over the vastus medialis, adductor longus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, iliacus, quadratus lumborum and popliteus muscles and at the supraspinous ligaments from L1-L5, over the L5-S1 and S1-S2 sacral areas and at the pes anserinus bursae and patellar tendon. Results. Patients with knee OA had significantly lower PPT over all evaluated structures versus healthy control subjects (P < 0.001). Lower PPT values were correlated with higher pain intensity, higher disability scores, and with poorer quality of life, except for the role-emotional and general health status. Combined PPT values over the patellar tendon, at the S2 subcutaneous dermatome and at the adductor longus muscle were the best predictors for visual analog scale and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index pain scores. Conclusion. Patients with pain due to osteoarthritis who were scheduled for total knee replacement showed hyperalgesia of nervous system origin that negatively impacted pain, knee functional capacity, and most aspects of quality of life.
The traditional methods employed to detect atherosclerotic lesions allow for the identification of lesions; however, they do not provide specific characterization of the lesion`s biochemistry. Currently, Raman spectroscopy techniques are widely used as a characterization method for unknown substances, which makes this technique very important for detecting atherosclerotic lesions. The spectral interpretation is based on the analysis of frequency peaks present in the signal; however, spectra obtained from the same substance can show peaks slightly different and these differences make difficult the creation of an automatic method for spectral signal analysis. This paper presents a signal analysis method based on a clustering technique that allows for the classification of spectra as well as the inference of a diagnosis about the arterial wall condition. The objective is to develop a computational tool that is able to create clusters of spectra according to the arterial wall state and, after data collection, to allow for the classification of a specific spectrum into its correct cluster.
BACKGROUND: Among the various occupations which necessarily require long-term and chronic sun exposure is that of a fisherman. However, clinical experience in dermatology earned over several years of medical practice does not seem to confirm this hypothesis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical, histological and immunological effects of long-term and chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation in fishermen. METHODS: A prospective, cross-sectional and observational study characterized skin lesions, immunological markers and histological alterations in fishermen, as well as lymphocyte subpopulations compared to a control group. Mann-Whitney, Fisher`s and Wilcoxon statistical tests were used at a significance level of 0.05. RESULTS: There were significant differences between the exposed group and the group protected due to elastosis (p = 0.03), ectasia of dermal vessels (p = 0.012) and number of cells in the epidermal layers between cones (p = 0.029). Most common among fishermen were CD45RO, CD68 + and mastocytes in the skin (p = 0.040, p < 0.001, p = 0.001) and CD3CD8CD45RO in the blood (p = 0.016). CONCLUSION: The alterations suggest that long-term and chronic sun exposure promotes tolerance to ultraviolet radiation, which protects against immunosuppression.