641 resultados para Lobatto formulae


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The research objectives were:- 1.To review the literature to establish the factors which have traditionally been regarded as most crucial to the design of effectlve exhaust ventilation systems. 2. To design, construct, install and calibrate a wind tunnel. 3. To develop procedures for air velocity measurement followed by a comprehensive programme of aerodvnamic data collection and data analysis for a variety of conditions. The major research findings were:- a) The literature in the subject is inadequate. There is a particular need for a much greater understanding of the aerodynamics of the suction flow field. b) The discrepancies between the experimentally observed centre-line velocities and those predicted by conventional formulae are unacceptably large. c) There was little agreement between theoretically calculated and observed velocities in the suction zone of captor hoods. d) Improved empirical formulae for the prediction of centre-line velocity applicable to the classical geometrically shaped suction openings and the flanged condition could be (and were) derived. Further analysis of data revealed that: - i) Point velocity is directly proportional to the suction. flow rate and the ratio of the point velocity to the average face velocity is constant. ii) Both shape, and size of the suction opening are significant factors as the coordinates of their points govern the extent of the effect of the suction flow field. iii) The hypothetical ellipsoidal potential function and hyperbolic streamlines were found experimentally to be correct. iv) The effect of guide plates depends on the size, shape and the angle of fitting. The effect was to very approximately double the suction velocity but the exact effect is difficult to predict. v) The axially symmetric openings produce practically symmetric flow fields. Similarity of connection pieces between the suction opening and the main duct in each case is essential in order to induce a similar suction flow field. Additionally a pilot study was made in which an artificial extraneous air flow was created, measured and its interaction with the suction flow field measured and represented graphically.


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This thesis set out to develop an objective analysis programme that correlates with subjective grades but has improved sensitivity and reliability in its measures so that the possibility of early detection and reliable monitoring of changes in anterior ocular surfaces (bulbar hyperaemia, palpebral redness, palpebral roughness and corneal straining) could be increased. The sensitivity of the program was 20x greater than subjective grading by optometrists. The reliability was found to be optimal (r=1.0) with subjective grading up to 144x more variable (r=0.08). Objective measures were used to create formulae for an overall ‘objective-grade’ (per surface) equivalent to those displayed by the CCLRU or Efron scales. The correlation between the formulated objective verses subjective grades was high, with adjusted r2 up to 0.96. Determination of baseline levels of objective grade were investigated over four age groups (5-85years n= 120) so that in practice a comparison against the ‘normal limits’ could be made. Differences for bulbar hyperaemia were found between the age groups (p<0.001), and also for palpebral redness and roughness (p<0.001). The objective formulae were then applied to the investigation of diurnal variation in order to account for any change that may affect the baseline. Increases in bulbar hyperaemia and palpebral redness were found between examinations in the morning and evening. Correlation factors were recommended. The program was then applied to clinical situations in the form of a contact lens trial and an investigation into iritis and keratoconus where it successfully recognised various surface changes. This programme could become a valuable tool, greatly improving the chances of early detection of anterior ocular abnormalities, and facilitating reliable monitoring of disease progression in clinical as well as research environments.


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Service-based systems that are dynamically composed at run time to provide complex, adaptive functionality are currently one of the main development paradigms in software engineering. However, the Quality of Service (QoS) delivered by these systems remains an important concern, and needs to be managed in an equally adaptive and predictable way. To address this need, we introduce a novel, tool-supported framework for the development of adaptive service-based systems called QoSMOS (QoS Management and Optimisation of Service-based systems). QoSMOS can be used to develop service-based systems that achieve their QoS requirements through dynamically adapting to changes in the system state, environment and workload. QoSMOS service-based systems translate high-level QoS requirements specified by their administrators into probabilistic temporal logic formulae, which are then formally and automatically analysed to identify and enforce optimal system configurations. The QoSMOS self-adaptation mechanism can handle reliability- and performance-related QoS requirements, and can be integrated into newly developed solutions or legacy systems. The effectiveness and scalability of the approach are validated using simulations and a set of experiments based on an implementation of an adaptive service-based system for remote medical assistance.


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This thesis covers both experimental and computer investigations into the dynamic behaviour of mechanical seals. The literature survey shows no investigations on the effect of vibration on mechanical seals of the type common in the various process industries. Typical seal designs are discussed. A form of Reynolds' equation has been developed that permits the calculation of stiffnesses and damping coefficients for the fluid film. The dynamics of the mechanical seal floating ring have been investigated using approximate formulae, and it has been shown that the floating ring will behave as a rigid body. Some elements, such as the radial damping due to the fluid film, are small and may be neglected. The equations of motion of the floating ring have been developed utilising the significant elements, and a solution technique described. The stiffness and damping coefficients of nitrile rubber o-rings have been obtained. These show a wide variation, with a constant stiffness up to 60 Hz. The importance of the effect of temperature on the properties is discussed. An unsuccessful test rig is described in the appendices. The dynamic behaviour of a mechanical seal has been investigated experimentally, including the effect of changes of speed, sealed pressure and seal geometry. The results, as expected, show that high vibration levels result in both high leakage and seal temperatures. Computer programs have been developed to solve Reynolds' Equation and the equations of motion. Two solution techniques for this latter program were developed, the unsuccesful technique is described in the appendices. Some stability problems were encountered, but despite these the solution shows good agreement with some of the experimental conditions. Possible reasons for the discrepancies are discussed. Various suggestions for future work in this field are given. These include the combining of the programs and more extensive experimental and computer modelling.


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The damping behaviour of the cold chamber pressure-die-casting alloy: M3, ZA8, ZA27, ZM11, Cosmal, Supercosmal and newly developed ZA27H1 and ZA27H2 was investigated at room temperature and elevated temperatures of up to 90 degrees C. The damping properties of the alloys were established at all temperatures. Formulas were established to predict damping properties of each alloy at any given temperature. The prediction formulae were found to be very accurate. All of the experimental alloys were heterogenous with varying microstructure and grain size; this was the major contribution and dominated the damping properties of the alloys. Super cosmal and ZA27 possessed the highest tensile strength but ZA27H1, ZA27H2 and ZM11 showed the highest damping properties. The relationship between microstructure and damping capacity of all alloys was also examined using back-scattered electron on the SEM. Further more detailed examinations of the microstructures of alloys ZM11, Cosmal and Supercosmal were carried out on the transmission electron microscope in order to establish the phases present in all alloys. These helped to obtain the mechanism of damping in the experimental alloys. The main damping mechanism in most of the experimental alloys was due to grain-boundary-sliding. Micro structural examinations also revealed the absence of -phase in the Cosmal and Supercosmal. This was thought to be due to a change in solid solubility of the alloys, which could have been caused by the addition of Si.


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Replacement of the traditional coil spring with one of more fibre-reinforced plastic sulcated springs is a future possibility. Spring designers of metallic coil springs have design formulae readily available, and software packages specific to coil spring design exist. However, the sulcated spring is at the prototype stage of development, so literature on these springs is very sparse. The thesis contains information on the market for sulcated springs, and their advantages and disadvantages. Literature on other types of fibre reinforced plastic springs has also been reviewed. Design software has been developed for the sulcated spring along similar lines to coil spring design software. In order to develop the software, a theoretical model had to be developed which formed the mathematical basis for the software. The theoretical model is based on a choice of four methods for calculating the flexural rigidity; beam theory, plate theory, and lamination theory assuming isotropic and orthoropic material properties. Experimental results for strain and spring stiffness have been compared with the theoretical model, and were in good agreement. Included in the design software are the results of experimental work on fatigue, and design limiting factors to prevent or warn against impractical designs. Finite element analysis has been used to verify the theoretical model developed, and to find the better approximation to the experimental results. Applications and types of assemblies for the sulcated spring were discussed. Sulcated spring designs for the automotive applications of a suspension, clutch and engine valve spring were found using the design computer software. These sulcated spring designs were within or close to the space of the existing coil spring and yield the same performance. Finally the commercial feasibility of manufacturing the sulcated spring was assessed and compared with the coil spring, to evaluate the plausibility of the sulcated spring replacing the coil spring eventually.


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Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is becoming a fundamental technology in future generation wireless communications. Call admission control is an effective mechanism to guarantee resilient, efficient, and quality-of-service (QoS) services in wireless mobile networks. In this paper, we present several call admission control algorithms for OFDM-based wireless multiservice networks. Call connection requests are differentiated into narrow-band calls and wide-band calls. For either class of calls, the traffic process is characterized as batch arrival since each call may request multiple subcarriers to satisfy its QoS requirement. The batch size is a random variable following a probability mass function (PMF) with realistically maximum value. In addition, the service times for wide-band and narrow-band calls are different. Following this, we perform a tele-traffic queueing analysis for OFDM-based wireless multiservice networks. The formulae for the significant performance metrics call blocking probability and bandwidth utilization are developed. Numerical investigations are presented to demonstrate the interaction between key parameters and performance metrics. The performance tradeoff among different call admission control algorithms is discussed. Moreover, the analytical model has been validated by simulation. The methodology as well as the result provides an efficient tool for planning next-generation OFDM-based broadband wireless access systems.


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We investigate the statistics of a vector Manakov soliton in the presence of additive Gaussian white noise. The adiabatic perturbation theory for a Manakov soliton yields a stochastic Langevin system which we analyse via the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function (PDF) for the soliton parameters. We obtain marginal PDFs for the soliton frequency and amplitude as well as soliton amplitude and polarization angle. We also derive formulae for the variances of all soliton parameters and analyse their dependence on the initial values of polarization angle and phase. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We introduce a robot-safety device system attended by two different repairmen. The twin system is characterized by the natural feature of cold standby and by an admissible “risky” state. In order to analyse the random behaviour of the entire system (robot, safety device, repair facility) we employ a stochastic process endowed with probability measures satisfying general Hokstad-type differential equations. The solution procedure is based on the theory of sectionally holomorphic functions, characterized by a Cauchy-type integral defined as a Cauchy principal value in double sense. An application of the Sokhotski-Plemelj formulae determines the long-run availability of the robot-safety device. Finally, we consider the particular but important case of deterministic repair.


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This article reports on an investigationwith first year undergraduate ProductDesign and Management students within a School of Engineering and Applied Science. The students at the time of this investigation had studied fundamental engineering science and mathematics for one semester. The students were given an open ended, ill-formed problem which involved designing a simple bridge to cross a river.They were given a talk on problemsolving and given a rubric to follow, if they chose to do so.They were not given any formulae or procedures needed in order to resolve the problem. In theory, they possessed the knowledge to ask the right questions in order tomake assumptions but, in practice, it turned out they were unable to link their a priori knowledge to resolve this problem. They were able to solve simple beam problems when given closed questions. The results show they were unable to visualize a simple bridge as an augmented beam problem and ask pertinent questions and hence formulate appropriate assumptions in order to offer resolutions.


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The aim of this paper is to study a generalized form of elliptic-type integrals which unify and extend various families of elliptic-type integrals studied recently by several authors. In a recent communication [1] we have obtained recurrence relations and asymptotic formula for this generalized elliptic-type integral. Here we shall obtain some more results which are single and multiple integral formulae, differentiation formula, fractional integral and approximations for this class of generalized elliptic-type integrals.


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If a regenerative process is represented as semi-regenerative, we derive formulae enabling us to calculate basic characteristics associated with the first occurrence time starting from corresponding characteristics for the semi-regenerative process. Recursive equations, integral equations, and Monte-Carlo algorithms are proposed for practical solving of the problem.


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Usually, generalization is considered as a function of learning from a set of examples. In present work on the basis of recent neural network assembly memory model (NNAMM), a biologically plausible 'grandmother' model for vision, where each separate memory unit itself can generalize, has been proposed. For such a generalization by computation through memory, analytical formulae and numerical procedure are found to calculate exactly the perfectly learned memory unit's generalization ability. The model's memory has complex hierarchical structure, can be learned from one example by a one-step process, and may be considered as a semi-representational one. A simple binary neural network for bell-shaped tuning is described.


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There are applied power mappings in algebras with logarithms induced by a given linear operator D in order to study particular properties of powers of logarithms. Main results of this paper will be concerned with the case when an algebra under consideration is commutative and has a unit and the operator D satisfies the Leibniz condition, i.e. D(xy) = xDy + yDx for x, y ∈ dom D. Note that in the Number Theory there are well-known several formulae expressed by means of some combinations of powers of logarithmic and antilogarithmic mappings or powers of logarithms and antilogarithms (cf. for instance, the survey of Schinzel S[1].


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Toric coordinates and toric vector field have been introduced in [2]. Let A be an arbitrary vector field. We obtain formulae for the divA, rotA and the Laplace operator in toric coordinates.