998 resultados para Linha de costa - Evolução - Vagueira (Aveiro, Portugal)


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Esta dissertação de mestrado intitula-se “Estudo da Bacia Hidrográfica da Ribeira de Machico – Vulnerabilidade de Cheias”. Os objetivos deste estudo são: o estudo da Bacia Hidrográfica de Machico, catorze sub-bacias e secções de desembocadura destes afluentes para o curso de água principal, várias secções ao longo da linha de água principal, analisar se tais secções comportam os caudais de cálculo, elaboração de uma carta de vulnerabilidade e elaboração de uma lista de possíveis obras de intervenção e medidas a implementar. O método utilizado consistiu na identificação dos postos de monitorização de precipitação com efeito na bacia, de seguida aplicaram-se estatisticamente as amostras de precipitações máximas anuais com a duração de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 dias consecutivos, para que de seguida se estime a precipitação na bacia hidrográfica com o período de retorno e com a duração de 24h. Após determinação da precipitação para vários períodos de retorno, estimou-se o caudal de ponta de cheia através do método racional. Mediram-se as secções em estudo e determinou-se o caudal pela equação de Manning – Strickler nas mesmas. Após tal procedimento, verificaram-se quais as secções que não comportavam tal caudal e por fim elaboraram-se cartas de vulnerabilidade para vários períodos de retorno, quer para as secções de desembocadura de 14 sub-bacias, assim como, para as secções ao longo da ribeira de Machico. Relativamente aos resultados, foram os esperados, pois existem alguns trechos da ribeira que ainda estão por canalizar, assim como, a existência de passagens pedonais, pontes e passagens hidráulicas, onde há uma diminuição da área de vazão da ribeira de Machico. Assim sendo, tais secções apresentavam uma percentagem de preenchimento através da fórmula criada para o efeito, quociente entre o caudal pelo método racional e o caudal de Manning – Strickler, e multiplicado posteriormente por 100 %. Em termos numéricos é de constatar que para o período de retorno de 100 anos, seis das 18 secções estudadas da ribeira canalizada não comportam tal caudal líquido acabando por transbordar. Assim sendo, tem-se que 12 secções acabam por comportar tal volume de água, no entanto se juntarmos diferentes materiais tais como, solo, material rochoso e outros, essas secções não comportarão tal matéria líquida. Em suma, dever-se-á repensar e realizar obras de intervenção nos trechos onde a ribeira ainda está por canalizar como pontes e passagens pedonais. Dada a existência de um grande desnível na linha de água principal a partir do quarto quilómetro de montante para jusante, terá de haver uma série de intervenções a sul desse desnível de modo a mitigar um possível caudal que poderá advir de acordo com precipitações iguais ou superiores aos do período de retorno estudados. Por fim é importante referir que será de igual forma necessário realizar limpezas periodicamente tanto na ribeira principal como nos afluentes que nesta desaguam.


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Analisa as práticas de mediação desenvolvidas nas bibliotecas universitárias pelos bibliotecários diante das tecnologias digitais. Para tanto estabelece como objetivo geral analisar de forma comparativa, o impacto e mediação das tecnologias digitais no funcionamento de bibliotecas Universitárias de Portugal e da região Nordeste do Brasil. Integraram esta pesquisa 10 universidades federais brasileiras e 12 universidades públicas portuguesas, com um total geral de 115 bibliotecários, que são os sujeitos participantes. É uma pesquisa qualitativa que adota o método quadripolar – recomendado para os trabalhos desenvolvidos no âmbito das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, e em especial na área de Ciência da Informação. Através da interação entre os polos: epistemológico, teórico, técnico e morfológico, que fundamentam este método, houve o fortalecimento e a fluidez das questões estudadas. Os resultados dos questionários aplicados aos bibliotecários, bem como da análise dos sítios das bibliotecas pesquisadas, foram interpretados através de um alicerce teórico baseado em três pontos principais: as questões paradigmáticas que envolvem a área de Ciência da Informação, a análise da mediação pós-custodial informacional e científica e as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação presentes nas bibliotecas. Como principais resultados vemos que o impacto das tecnologias digitais nas bibliotecas universitárias é considerado pelos bibliotecários brasileiros e portugueses como positivo, com ênfase em dois pontos: a inovação dos suportes de informação e a autossuficiência dos utilizadores. A maior diferença se percebe em relação ao aspecto social, através de uma maior preocupação entre os bibliotecários brasileiros com as barreiras informacionais causadas por questões econômica, social e educacional e sentido com menos intensidade pelos bibliotecários portugueses, que ascendem as tecnologias digitais com mais facilidade. De forma conclusiva, a análise do impacto e a mediação das tecnologias digitais nas bibliotecas pesquisadas, apontam para uma evolução nas práticas mediadoras das bibliotecas universitárias de Portugal e do Nordeste do Brasil e uma convergência laboral entre os bibliotecários portugueses e brasileiros.


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Os museus como centros de ciências, enquanto espaços de educação não formal podem, por meio da participação ativa do público, promover a compreensão da ciência ao aguçar a curiosidade do indivíduo e estimular o prazer pela descoberta. Ação desenvolvida como intervenção acadêmica, social e cultural associada ao PIBID/UFRN/Biologia, tem como objetivo avaliar o uso de espaço de ensino não formal, na aprendizagem de conceitos, promovendo a alfabetização científica através de uma exposição em um museu de ciências e morfológicas. A visitação foi realizada no Museu de Ciências Morfológicas da UFRN, com alunos do 1º ano do ensino médio da escola Estadual Lourdes Guilherme, sendo aplicados questionários de pré e pós-visita sobre a Evolução dos Vertebrados, com intuito de analisar a contribuição do museu na aprendizagem destes conteúdos. A porcentagem de acertos no questionário pré-visita variou entre 8 e 68% em relação ao conhecimento geral dos alunos quanto à evolução dos vertebrados, enquanto no pós-visita essa variação foi de 16 a 90%. Com base nesses primeiros resultados verificamos o quanto os museus interativos de ciência se apresentam como um espaço educativo complementar à educação formal, possibilitando a ampliação e a melhoria do conhecimento científico de estudantes. Isso demonstra que o uso de espaços não formais contribui para a aprendizagem significativa, além de promover a alfabetização científica destes alunos ao gerar a compreensão da ciência e aguçar a curiosidade dos mesmos para o prazer da descoberta.


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The present inquiry has as main objective to understand the process of formation of the international strategies of the exporting companies of fruits of the RN through the theory of the resource dependence. Aiming at to clarify as the companies they can carry through the process of internationalization through this theory had been study the behavior and economic theories of the process of internationalization of companies. Amongst the economic theories they are distinguished the eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1958), Vernon (1669) through the theory of the cycle of the product and Bucley and Casson (1979) with the theory of the international operations. In the mannering boarding they had been investigated the school of Upsala through Johanson and Valnhe (1977) with the concept of the increasing of the markets and in the distance psychic starts and the interaction of the purchaser-salesman of Hallen and Wiedersheim-Paul (1979). In this perspective it observes main the occured changes in the organization in function of this process, following the rules observed by the gradual ingression in the international market, having as base ways of entrances in the external market used by these companies, in view of the frist phase that the company presents of businesses. Ahead of you analyze of these theories the study searches to analyze the convergence of the concepts proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources (PFEFFER; SALANCIK, 1978). and strategies of internationalization of the companies. The research is characterized as qualitative case study which adopts and exploratory and analytical type, retrospective matrix. The adopted strategy is of case study and the unit of analysis consisting of the Finobrasa, pertaining company to the Vicunha Group. The main method of collection of data was halfstructuralized interview allied the documentary research that together had presented an empirical perspective of the internationalization process. The analysis and quarrel of the results understand the description and the interpretation of the one of the information through the technique of analyzes of content. Initially the historical of the exportation of fruits of the Rio Grande do Norte with the focus in the region Açu/Mossoró is presented and after that the information of the Finobrasa are presented as base of the study. The main events are identified that had constituted the phases of the strategical model of the company. It was observed that the dimensions most excellent amongst those proclaimed by the School of Uppsala had been the learning, staffs and the step-starts is sufficiently gifts in the reality of the company, as well as the aspects of strategical alliances since the consolidated relationship of the Vicunha Group create a more solid trajectory in the international market allied the conditions created windows of marked . One understands, therefore, that the investigated process still has base the theoretical theories of the internationalization strategies corroborating for the theoretical convergence of the rules proclaimed for the theory of the dependence of resources.


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Some protected special spaces on behalf of fundamental rights to the environment and the housing at the city of Natal are fragile by facing actions and attempts to suppress and changing (or omission in the implementation) of standards in furtherance of those rights at the local level, which seems to reflect a situation that goes beyond the context of the city. Based on integrated approach of the housing rights and the environment and its protection of special spaces on the field of fundamental rights, the thesis seeks to understand the weaknesses that affect the legal state duty under the realization/implementation of fundamental rights to the environment and housing in cities, focusing on the issues of flexibility of the founding legislation of special spaces to the detriment of the attributes they protected and the lack of implementation of the legal system that allows their effectiveness. So, it looks initially to understand the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in the brazilian legal system, looking forward the evolution of its legal protection, as well as the weaknesses that emerge in the field of their effectiveness. Analyzing the trajectory of the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in Natal, considering its standards, attributes, protection indicators, weaknesses and negative evidence within its legal protections and their enforcement by state entity, this thesis proposes to verify the existence of forms to confronting the weaknesses founded in the maintenance of legal protection and its implementation. At this point it discusses the legal basis and safeguard instruments of protection, especially within the juridical field, as part of a (re)discussion about issues of legislative and administrative discretion in the face of objective legal state duty to realization/implementation of fundamental rights in the urban space. With all these issues together the thesis does not ignore the scenario where the dividing line between public and private (economic) are becoming ever more tenuous in the field of state action and where the city stands as a special commodity to the reproduction of real estate, according to the interests of capitalist logic


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This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment


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Waste stabilization ponds (WSP) have been widely used for sewage treatment in hot climate regions because they are economic and environmentally sustainable. In the present study a WSP complex comprising a primary facultative pond (PFP) followed by two maturation ponds (MP-1 and MP-2) was studied, in the city of Natal-RN. The main objective was to study the bio-degradability of organic matter through the determination of the kinetic constant k throughout the system. The work was carried out in two phases. In the first, the variability in BOD, COD and TOC concentrations and an analysis of the relations between these parameters, in the influent raw sewage, pond effluents and in specific areas inside the ponds was studied. In the second stage, the decay rate for organic matter (k) was determined throughout the system based on BOD tests on the influent sewage, pond effluents and water column samples taken from fixed locations within the ponds, using the mathematical methods of Least Squares and the Thomas equation. Subsequently k was estimated as a function of a hydrodynamic model determined from the dispersion number (d), using empirical methods and a Partial Hydrodynamic Evaluation (PHE), obtained from tracer studies in a section of the primary facultative pond corresponding to 10% of its total length. The concentrations of biodegradable organic matter, measured as BOD and COD, gradually reduced through the series of ponds, giving overall removal efficiencies of 71.95% for BOD and of 52.45% for COD. Determining the values for k, in the influent and effluent samples of the ponds using the mathematical method of Least Squares, gave the following values respectively: primary facultative pond (0,23 day-1 and 0,09 day-1), maturation 1 (0,04 day-1 and 0,03 day-1) and maturation 2 (0,03 day-1 and 0,08 day-1). When using the Thomas method, the values of k in the influents and effluents of the ponds were: primary facultative pond (0,17 day-1 and 0,07 day-1), maturation 1 (0,02 day-1 and 0,01 day-1) and maturation 2 (0,01 day-1 and 0,02 day-1). From the Partial Hydrodynamic Evaluation, in the first section of the facultative pond corresponding to 10% of its total length, it can be concluded from the dispersion number obtained of d = 0.04, that the hydraulic regime is one of dispersed flow with a kinetic constant value of 0.20 day-1


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One of the best established properties of the single late type evolved stars is that their rotational velocity and lithium content decrease with effective temperature and age. Nevertheless, the root cause of this property, as well as the link between rotation and lithium abundance and, in particular, the effects of binarity on rotation and lithium content in binary systems with evolved component, are not yet completely established. How does the gravitational tides, in binary systems, affects rotational evolution and lithium dilution? Trying to answer these questions, we have carried out an observational survey, in the lithium region centered at the lithium I line A6707.81A, for a large sample of about 100 binary systems with evolved component along the spectral range F, G and K, with the CES spectrometer mounted at the CAT 1.44 m Telescope of the ESO, La Silla, Chile. By combining the abundances of lithium issued from these observations with rotational velocity and orbital parameters, we have found a number of important results. First of all, we confirm that in this class of binary systems rotation is effectively affected by tidal effects. Binary systems with orbital period lower than about 100 days and circular or nearly circular orbits, present rotational velocity enhanced in relation to the single giant stars and to the binary systems with an orbital period larger than 100 days. This is clearly the result of the synchonization between the rotational and orbital motions due to tidal effects. In addition, we have found that lithium abundances in binary systems with giant components present the same gradual decreasing with effective temperature, observed in the single giants of same luminosity class and spectral types. We have found no lithium-rich binary systems, in contrast with single giants. A remarkable result from the present study is the one showing that synchronized binary systems with giant component retains more of their original lithium than the unsynchronized systems. In fact, we have found a possible "inhibited zone", in which synchronized binary systems with giant component having lithium abundance lower than a threshold level should be unusual. Finally, the present study also shows that the binary systems with giant component presenting the highest lithium contents are those with the highest rotation rates


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Galactic stellar clusters have a great variety of physical properties that make valuable probes of stellar and galactic chemical evolution. Current studies show a discrepancy between the standard evolutionary models and observations, mainly considering the level of mixing and convective dilution of light elements, as well as to the evolution of the angular momentum. In order to better settle some of these properties, we present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 28 evolved stars, from the turn-off to the RGB, belonging to the stellar open cluster M67. The observations were performed using UVES+FLAMES at VLT/UT2. We determined stellar parameters and metallicity from LTE analysis of Fe I and Fe II lines between 420 1100 nm. The Li abundance was obtained using the line at 6707.78 ˚A, for the whole sample of stars. The Li abundances of evolved stars of M67 present a gradual decreasing when decreasing the effective temperature. The Li dilution factor for giant stars of M67 with Teff ∼ 4350K is at least 2300 times greater than that predicted by standard theory for single field giant stars. The Li abundance as a function of rotation exhibits a good correlation for evolved stars of M67, with a much smaller dispersion than the field evolved stars. The mass and the age seem to be some of the parameters that influence this connection. We discovered a Li-rich subgiant star in M67 (S1242). It is member of a spectroscopic binary system with a high eccentricity. Its Li abundance is 2.7, the highest Li content ever measured for an evolved star in M67. Two possibilities could explain this anomalous Li content: (i) preservation of the Li at the post turn off stage due to tidal effects, or (ii) an efficient dredge-up of Li, hidden below the convective zone by atomic diffusion occurring in the post turn off stage. We also study the evolution of the angular momentum for the evolved stars in M67. The results are in agreement with previous studies dedicated to evolved stars of this cluster, where stars in the same region of the CM-diagram have quite similar rotations, but with values that indicate an extra breaking along the main sequence. Finally, we analize the distributions of the average rotational velocity and of the average Li abundance as a function of age. With relation to the average Li abundances, stars in clusters and field stars present the same type of exponencial decay law t−β. Such decay is observed for ages lesser than 2 Gyr. From this age, is observed that the average Li abundance remain constant, differently of the one observed in the rotation age connection, where the average rotational velocity decreases slowly with age


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The estuaries are important investigation zones of the actual morphodynamic and of depositional facies of recent geological history. They are constituted in important receptor means of the coastal area sediments, where the evolutionary processes occur quickly. They are also attractive means for the development of anthropic activities, which in a disordered way interfere in the active processes in the sedimentary balance of the coastal areas. Among the human interventions, the alterations of the depositional environment of mangroves in areas of tropical estuary is deserving relevance, whose implications for the environment estuarine and the coastal adjacent, they are still far to be known. Due to the interest of the sedimentologic component in the comprehension of the processes linked to the evolution of the environments estuarine and coastal adjacent, this work, aimed at the understanding of the morphodynamic coastal phenomena that comprise the region of estuarine influence of the River Curimataú / RN. It was also evaluated in the morphodynamic context the implications due to alterations of the depositional environment of mangrove by anthropic activity. The Curimataú Estuary, located in the south portion of the oriental coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in the last decades has been objective of the overwhelming occupation of the shrimp farm in areas of mangroves, which were implanted with perspectives of development in a short to medium period. On the other hand, the estuary and its region of coastal influence lacks enough information to subsidize the planning and reorganization more effective of the surrounding activities. Thus, it was intended with this work to give a contribution target tothe maintainable use of the coastal resources of this region. A series of studies using data of orbital and acoustic remote sensing, as of sediments sampling, were executed in the gutter of the estuary. The obtained results starting from the interpretation of bathymetric maps, echo sounder graphics and of distribution of sediments made possible the location of the estuary based in morpho-sedimentar criteria. The estuarine tidal flat was dissected in environments of intertidal mangroves, supratidal mangroves and apicuns with base in the integration of data of sensor optic and of radar following by the field control. The adjacent coast that is influenced by the Curimataú estuary, was segmented according to their geomorphologic characteristics, where each segment had a point of observation of the beach morphodynamic, during the period from january/2001 to february/2002. Once every month, beaches profiles, collections of sediments in the beach zones, as measurement of hydrodynamic parameters were executed. The results of the observations of the tidal environment showed that the area of estuarine influence of the Curimataú begins to suffer negative sedimentary taxes, where in some beaches, the erosive processes are already observed. The granulometric characteristics of the beach sediments start to tend for the increase of thin sand in the erosive periods. The destruction of the depositional environments of mangroves of the Curimataú estuary, to the construction of shrimp farms, can be providing the diminution of the tidal prism of the estuary, enlarging the effects of the local increasing of the sea level, through the smaller supplying of sediments to the adjacent coast. Besides this, it was verified the possibility of the sanding of the tidal channel in the margins of the destroyed areas of mangroves, where very high taxes of sedimentation of thin materials were estimated in case of these areas were preserve


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as características clínicas de mulheres com diagnóstico prévio de miocardiopatia periparto e verificar as características associadas à evolução desfavorável. MÉTODOS: Variáveis clínicas, obstétricas e ecocardiográficas foram estudadas em 12 pacientes com miocardiopatia periparto, avaliadas no momento do diagnóstico e em consulta atual, quando foram divididas em dois grupos: GF (n= 6, sem alterações cardíacas) e GD (n= 6, com cardiomegalia e disfunção ventricular persistentes). As comparações foram feitas com o teste t de Student e exato de Fisher (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: No diagnóstico, a idade média das pacientes (8 brancas e 4 negras/pardas) foi de 24±7,4 anos; todas em classe funcional IV (NYHA) e 8 relataram hipertensão gestacional ou pré-eclâmpsia. A mediana do tempo de seguimento foi de 25 meses. Dez pacientes evoluíram para classe funcional I/II. A comparação entre os grupos mostrou GD com menor fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (0,30±0,05 vs. 0,58±0,09; p<0,001) e maior diâmetro sistólico do VE (58±5mm vs. 46±3mm; p<0,001), no momento do diagnóstico. A evolução desfavorável foi mais frequente entre as pardas (p=0,01). Na avaliação atual o GD apresentou menor espessura relativa da parede (0,13±0,02 vs. 0,17±0,02; p< 0,05) e maior massa do VE (283±90g vs. 186±41g; p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com miocardiopatia periparto prévia apresentam evolução desfavorável associada à raça negra e alterações cardíacas iniciais mais acentuadas e a evolução favorável está associada à redução da massa miocárdica e aumento da espessura relativa da parede ventricular.


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In view of the limited number of drill holes, interpolation of the data becomes a relatively complex task. In this study, we sought to make estimates associated with lithological types, since a quantification based on lithology can be extracted from the empty spaces in the sampling. For example, QBarton is always below the median of the biotitic litotype, information which can be used in the elaboration of geostatistical models in situations where samples are lacking. To overcome bias in the data, required by geostatistical conceptualization, we worked with the residuals obtained from the adjustment of a surface and the observed values, for the variographic analysis. The final results made possible a more optimized evaluation of the final costs required for the construction project.


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The extension of the Pangaea started in the Upper Triassic and evolved to uplifts, magmatism and development a triple junction during the Mesozoic, and opening the Central Atlantic Ocean. The Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin was formed in three Mesozoic extensional events. The first event is recorded by the Calçoene Graben of the Foz do Amazonas Basin. The second event started in the Valangian and is recognized by the enlargement of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, formation of the Marajó and Grajaú basins, and the Gurupi Graben System. The third event commenced in the Albian related to northwestward progression of the rift system, which enlarged the Foz do Amazonas and formed the Potiguar, Ceará, Barreirinhas and Pará-Maranhão basins. At the end of the Lower Cretaceous the movements attenuated in the Marajó Basin and Gurupi Graben System; the extension concentrated in the Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão and Barreirinhas basins, and evolved to continental rupture of northern South America and western Africa opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean.


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The Equatorial Atlantic Margin evolved from three rift systems recorded by a complex set of sedimentary basins developed since Upper Triassic to the Lower Cretaceous (Albian). The first rift system formed Foz do Amazonas Basin in Upper Triassic; the second phase formed Marajó Basin in Berriasian, a new rift in Foz do Amazonas Basin in Valanginian and Bragança-Viseu, Ilha Nova, São Luís e Barreirinhas basins in Aptian; the third phase formed Barreirinhas and Pará- Maranhão basins and a new rifting in the Foz do Amazonas Basin between the Aptian and Albian and evolved to continental break up. The main paleostress field during rift evolution was NE-SW and after the continental break up took the E-W direction, from the development of transform zones in the oceanic crust. From Miocene, South America was subjected to intraplate tectonics, which resulted in formation of E-W transcurrent faults that generated transtensive and transpressive segments that formed sedimentary basins and hills, resulting in changes in the drainage network. In Quaternary the landscape was modified by the last ice age that changed the sea level; the coastal drainage network was drowning resulting in the formation of the current line coast.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC