879 resultados para Lingua dei Segni, Arte, Integrazione, Teatro, Corpo


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In view of a field research carried out by a team connected to the universe of body modification, it is possible to discern some uses and meanings linked to these forms of body interventions. Body modification or body change is part of the circuit of piercings and tattoos, although they are socially less thinned and more extreme, like scarifications, subcutaneous implants, bifurcated tongues, surfaces and body suspensions. The aim of this paper is to cast an anthropological glance on these practices, joining at the same context all the subjects involved with these techniques, placing them inside the same relational focus and capturing their journeys and trajectories. The discussions are concentrated on the notion of body building and urban life style. Ideas as personal distinctness and prestige imitation are also present in this universe, as well as matters attached to genre, pleasure, art, and to the so-called alternative circuit . This way, the ethnography so far presented here, reveals the complex and contemporaneous character of these practices of body markings in which the body appears as the central element in the experiences of the subjects of this study


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Vivemos um tempo de incerteza e instabilidade. Vivemos um tempo em que o presente se reproduz e se reinventa continuamente sem a perspectiva de um futuro certo e perdurável. A presente dissertação orienta-se em torno de um corpo de trabalho de experimentação artística que explora a relação entre arte contemporânea e fracasso. Trata-se, aqui, de reflectir sobre a natureza paradoxal do fracasso, sobre a utilidade e inutilidade do fracasso na sociedade e na artecontemporânea ocidental. Entre a intenção e a realização, entre a perspectiva de sucesso e o fracasso alcançado, abre-se um espaço gerador (potência)ocupado pela dúvida e questionamento, suporte essencial do pensamento e da acção humana. Corpo fracasso (descendente de Sísifo) dedicado a tarefas inúteis (nãoprodutivas) e repetitivas no tempo como alternativa ao corpo sucesso (base-docapitalismo), dedicado a tarefas úteis (produtivas) e repetitivas no tempo.


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O documento integral está disponível através do link que se encontra no campo Versão do Editor.


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Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game


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The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process


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This work is a discussion of the artistic process of an artist-researcher made from field research with benzedeiras and benzedores the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is an investigation on the cultural universe of the popular benzeção as poetic element to the artistic dance. To discuss the different stages of the research and the relationships between the artist-researcher, the benzedeiras/benzedores and the creation/composition scenic, the work takes as reference the triangular relationship created by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his discussion on the effectiveness of symbols of healing, adapted to the context of benzeção . For dialogue between tradition, popular knowledge, scientific and artistic knowledge this work approaches as analytical reference the epistemological model of the type rhizome proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, understanding it as a model that seeks to form a network of relations in different paths of research, to establish connections between elements without target them or subordinating them. In the universe of benzeção , benzedeiras and benzedores carry a symbolic power that issued in whispered prayers, in peculiar gestures that form crosses in space, heal those who seek your prayers and blessing. In this research, the mixture of popular knowledge, artistic and academic knowledge, born an artistic work in the context of Performing Arts, more specifically dance, and between branches, saints, candles and conversations the work allowed other looks poetic for our popular culture, (re)asserting their cultural and human values through the art


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The actor is an actor during all the phases of creation and development of his character. (S) He goes beyond the moment of interpreting. In this sense, in her (his) daily life, the actor may use her (his) potential to extract from reality the necessary elements for the work of creation. This is a theoretical research which focus on the concept of presence in the actor s work, stretching the concept beyond the scene, encompassing different components such as the body, the word, the silence, the technique and the acting as the actor s stance in regards to his own reality. The objective of such stance is to integrate him (her) self in the environment, balancing his (hers) inner life with the outside life flow. To reach this objective, the research drew theoretical resources from the concept of presence in the actor s work according to BROOK, BARBA, GROTOWSKI and MNOUCHKINE and the studies on reception theory in ISER, 1996; GUMBRECHT, 2010. Thus, the dialogue between reader and actor high lights both as receivers in this work. A practical description of a street theater Kamchàtka show, featured by the Kamchàtka Company is used as an example of the research on the presence. The elements localized in this show are: play, listening, word, silence, meaning, relationship with here and now and the effects of the said presence


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Los mitos griegos constituyen un acervo cultural que todavía impregna y conforma nuestra manera de pensar y de ser. Nos son conocidos gracias a la literatura, a los poetas y mitógrafos, y al arte de las manifestaciones de Grecia y de Roma. La tragedia ateniense tiene una influencia decisiva como transmisora de la tradición mítica ya que el mito es fuente de creación poética. La tragedia nace y llega a su máximo esplendor en el siglo V a C, pero como género no muere con los tres grandes dramaturgos sino que continúa en el siglo siguiente e incluso sobrevive hasta el final del mundo pagano, experimentando las variaciones y cambios propios del paso del tiempo. La máscara utilizada en sus representaciones ha pasado a ser un símbolo de la tragedia. Platón habla de la tragedia como la forma de poesía más universal. Las representaciones teatrales formaban parte de la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos, como espectadores o como participantes en las actuaciones. La afición por la tragedia fue grande en la Atenas del siglo V donde miles de espectadores las veían cada año y suponemos que además de disfrutar con el espectáculo, se educaban y formaban su personalidad. Sabemos por ejemplo que la tragedia de Esquilo Los Persas, había contribuido a que los atenienses tomaran conciencia de su superioridad espiritual y que se representa en Sicilia todavía en vida de su autor, que muere en el 456 precisamente en la ciudad siciliana de Gela. Los autores trágicos adquieren fama y notoriedad que se traslada pronto a la Magna Grecia, sobre todo a las ciudades de Sicilia donde el tirano Dioniso era un fanático de la tragedia. Construye teatros en la isla, los mejor conservados, prueba evidente de la gran afición que despierta. Las colonias, algunas de las cuales llegaron a ser muy prósperas, mantienen lazos con las ciudades de origen y más tarde producen sus propias obras. Es lógico que los artistas, sobre todo los pintores, desde épocas tempranas se inspiraran en los mitos para plasmarlos en sus obras y que haya correspondencia entre la palabra y la imagen, que se refuerzan mutuamente. Las imágenes adquieren una nueva dimensión cuando se convierten en portavoces del mensaje de los poetas. La tragedia, por tanto, además de palabra y acción es también imagen. Vamos a ver una muestra 2 de cómo se reproduce a través de las imágenes. El poeta Simónides decía que la pintura es la poesía silenciosa y la poesía es pintura parlante. Nos vamos a limitar a las pinturas que decoran la cerámica, objetos imprescindibles en la vida de los griegos tanto por su uso práctico como simbólico. Los vasos se adornaban con todo tipo de imágenes, con escenas de la vida normal y con las procedentes del mito sin que, en este último caso, podamos comprender lo que el tema representado significaba en cada ocasión. Se utilizaban en el hogar, en los symposios, como premios en las competiciones atléticas, en las ceremonias nupciales y de manera especial en los ritos funerarios.


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Tesis de Licenciatura en Arte Dram?tico


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Este trabalho tem como objectivo explorar a metodologia de preparação do actor, centrada nas teorias teatrais do teatro de encontro/contacto, à luz da teoria do momento presente e do momento de encontro. A investigação consiste num estudo exploratório de caso que pretende compreender e aprofundar as proximidades existentes entre as teorias teatrais e psicológicas do encontro. Partindo de uma reflexão teórica pretendeu-se responder a algumas das questões levantadas, através de uma pesquisa junto de um grupo de actores. Para isso procurou-se perceber a possibilidade de identificar e caracterizar “momentos de encontro” durante o treino e desempenho dos actores. Em paralelo procurou-se indagar, sobre o eventual efeito de facilitação do crescimento pessoal das técnicas de preparação de actor identificadas. As temáticas desta investigação foram exploradas através de uma entrevista semi-dirigida Este estudo de caso contou com a participação de três actores de teatro universitário, do dISPArteatro, com pelo menos 2 anos de frequência do grupo. Na prática do grupo foram encontradas as aproximações sugeridas entre as concepções de uma preparação do actor através do contacto e as características do momento presente/momento de encontro. Todos os actores experienciaram mudanças na sua vida pessoal, nas áreas investigadas (relação com o corpo, relação consigo mesmos e relação com os outros). O processo foi sentido pelos actores como um crescimento pessoal e no global mencionam que se sentem mais capazes de viver o momento, o aqui-e-agora e que procuram mais relacionamentos com maior nível de intimidade e partilha.


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In view of a field research carried out by a team connected to the universe of body modification, it is possible to discern some uses and meanings linked to these forms of body interventions. Body modification or body change is part of the circuit of piercings and tattoos, although they are socially less thinned and more extreme, like scarifications, subcutaneous implants, bifurcated tongues, surfaces and body suspensions. The aim of this paper is to cast an anthropological glance on these practices, joining at the same context all the subjects involved with these techniques, placing them inside the same relational focus and capturing their journeys and trajectories. The discussions are concentrated on the notion of body building and urban life style. Ideas as personal distinctness and prestige imitation are also present in this universe, as well as matters attached to genre, pleasure, art, and to the so-called alternative circuit . This way, the ethnography so far presented here, reveals the complex and contemporaneous character of these practices of body markings in which the body appears as the central element in the experiences of the subjects of this study


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O propósito desta pesquisa foi investigar o papel atribuído à Dança, no âmbito da dimensão afetivossocial compreendendo como se reflete na vida (pessoal e social) dos jovens estudantes dos oito Centros de Pesquisa e Formação em Ensino Escolar de Arte e Esporte – Núcleo de Arte da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro – distribuídos em distintas regiões do município do Rio de Janeiro. A base teórica do estudo foi fundamentada pela dimensão afetivossocial em autores de referência da área (Bertine, 2014; Damásio, 2012; 2013; Godoy, 2013; Leme, 2013; Macara 2010a, 2010b; Marques, 2010; 2014; Matos & Tomé, 2012; Monteiro, 2012; Shapiro, 2008; Stinson, 2014; Strongman, 2002; Sawaia, 2014; Varregoso et al., 2014). Com este desígnio, o trajeto metodológico percorrido para construção da tese decorreu em duas fases. A primeira de natureza exploratória, marcada por dois Estudos Preliminares. A segunda de natureza pluri-metodológicos: Pesquisa de Método Misto, com a combinação entre a abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, marcada por um estudo de campo. Participaram do estudo quantitativo 378 praticantes de Dança de 12 a 18 anos de idade e do estudo qualitativo 52 integrantes do espaço (diretores, professores, coordenador e praticantes e ex-praticantes). O método de análise adotado foi estatístico descritivo e correlação de Pearson pelo SPSS22 e, análise de conteúdo. Todos os dados analisados foram integrados nas duas dimensões do estudo, Dimensão Representação Afetivossocial e Dimensão Transformação Pessoal e Social. Como resultado, verificamos que os jovens sentem-se motivados e incluídos pelo trabalho realizado nas oficinas de Dança nos núcleos, percebem que a Dança é fonte de empoderamento da dimensão afetivossocial pelo despertar da motivação, do bem-estar e da autorealização. No campo afetivo, descrevem o desenvolvimento das competências emocionais pelas sensações, emoções e sentimentos gerados no corpo e nas experiências relacionais na Dança, despertando o conactus (Damásio, 2012; Leme, 2013) e a potência de ação (Sawaia, 2014), capazes de transformar estados emocionais, situações e coisas em benefício próprio. O desenvolvimento das competências sociais transcorreu pela mudança comportamental em casa, pela tríade interação-participação-transformação social no núcleo, família, escola e comunidade despertando sentimentos na construção da dimensão afetivossocial e promovendo liberdade de ser e estar no mundo. Com o desenvolvimento destas competências, estes jovens percebem-se incluídos na sociedade despertando para muitos o desejo de prosseguimento na carreira (Amadora ou Profissional).


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O Exército Português tem projetado contingentes para participar em Missões de Paz sob e égide das principais Organizações Internacionais. Estas missões, pela sua complexidade exigiram das instituições militares a capacidade de atuar em conflitos em que as entidades desestabilizadoras se encontram no seio da população. O presente trabalho está subordinado ao tema: “A Cavalaria Portuguesa e as Missões de Paz – Reflexos da Mudança da Arte Militar” e o objectivo desta investigação é compreender as alterações efetuadas nas Unidades de Cavalaria projetadas em Operações de Apoio à Paz no Teatro de Operações do Kosovo. A metodologia utilizada para a realização do mesmo foi feita através do método indutivo, em que foi feito um estudo de caso baseado em Unidades de Cavalaria projetadas em Operações de Apoio à Paz no Teatro de Operações do Kosovo, com o objetivo de formular ideias e princípios a serem utilizados no Exército Português quer no mesmo teatro, quer em outros. A recolha de informação surgiu da análise documental e de algumas entrevistas feitas a militares que participaram em missões no Teatro de Operações do Kosovo. Os resultados espelharam que as mais notáveis alterações a nível orgânico, de instrução e treino e de emprego de viaturas blindadas no teatro refletiram-se sobretudo pela integração na Reserva Tática do Kosovo Force e consequentemente pela gradual pacificação do conflito.


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Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game


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The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process