997 resultados para Levi, Giovanni


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Considering ancient monuments and historical buildings, it seems that these mortars have proved to be durable and reliable materials. The restoration and maintenance of old renders is one of the key aspects of correct rehabilitation practice. The ideal course of action is to replace the damaged material by a material with compatible characteristics.The study in development presents the chemical, physical and morphologic analysis performed for ancient air lime mortars belonging to historical monuments: Santa Marta Fortress in the coast line Lisbon-Cascais dated from XVII century and Defense Wall of Lisbon dated from XI century, which layout could be associated to roman period. It is important to underline that the studied samples of ancient portuguese air lime mortars, have been submitted during centuries to very severe maritime environment that includes daily cycles of wet/dry, wind, friction and the constant presence of salts, generally aggressive. However, they show very good performance and conservation state, unlike most of the new air lime mortars, which are generally considered weak, not very durable, materials. This work is included in a study intending to determine key factors to the durability of these ancient materials in presence of water. Visible reaction rims around some aggregates suggests the occurrence of pozzolanic reactions between aggregates and the lime binder that creates neoformation products, such as calcium-silico-aluminates, which seems be, besides the pores filling, the responsible for the resistance and cohesion of these ancient mortars submitted to aggressive humid environments.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 20 de Março de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.


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Através da análise comparativo/intertextual do conto Don Juan, de E.T.A. Hoffmann e do libreto da ópera Don Giovanni, de Mozart, da autoria de Lorenzo da Ponte, o objectivo deste artigo foi pôr em relevo a relação intrínseca, presente em muitas das obras de E.T.A. Hoffmann, entre a escrita e a música, explicável pela enorme sensibilidade musical deste autor, a que não só dedicou a sua vida, como também produziu várias obras musicais. Tal como na ópera Don Giovanni, de Mozart, a escrita de Hoffmann é dirigida por uma batuta imaginária, apresentando o suspense próprio dos enigmas, cuja revelação é suspensa por um entreacto – neste caso, uma carta escrita a um amigo, em que nos é apresentada uma reformulação do mito de Don Juan – entreacto este que vem prolongar o mistério e nos encaminha para um finale, em que a progressão da melodia e a sequência narrativa se unem mais uma vez. Por seu turno, na análise puramente intertextual, é feita uma tentativa de estabelecer, de forma clara, os paralelismos existentes com o pré-texto, isto é, com o libreto da autoria de Lorenzo da Ponte, bem como com outros pré-textos presentes no texto de forma mais esbatida, mas cujo peso é, também ele, significativo para a criação do novo mito de Don Juan, um homem sempre consciente do absurdo da existência, interpretação esta que abriu caminho para novas abordagens do mito, do herói e da história. Tal como em muitas outras obras, o pós-texto procura, em geral, apropriar-se do texto pressuposto, tentando ultrapassá-lo em mestria, o que acontece com este texto de Hoffmann, literária e semanticamente mais rico que o seu pré-texto.


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Estudamos a dinâmica de sistemas não-autónomos periódicos que têm como espaço de fases o cilindro. Sempre que o sistema for dissipativo a aplicação de Poincaré tem um atractor. Procuramos condições para que este atractor seja ou não homeomorfo ao círculo. Motivados pelos resultados obtidos por M. Levi e independentemente por Q. Min, S. Xian e Z. Jinyan estudamos aplicações à equação do pêndulo forçado com atrito. Encontramos relações com a trabalho de R. A. Smith que utilizamos no estudo de sistemas de osciladores acoplados e equações ordinárias de ordem n.


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Os Autores registram o primeiro caso de síndrome de compressão da veia cava inferior devida a paracoccidioidomicose. Resumem a evolução clínica do paciente, tratamento e os achados laboratoriais e ultrassonográficos que evidenciaram o diagnóstico de compressão da veia cava inferior.


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Right ventricular endomyocardial biopsies were studied in 30 patients, 15 with myocardiopathy from chronic Chagas'disease and 15 with idiopathic congestive myocardiopathy; five other myocardial samples were taken at necropsies of patients with chronic Chagas' disease. The authors tried to establish by means of direct immunofluorescence techniques whether there were immunoglobulins G, A and M, fibrinogen and C3 complement deposition in the myocardium; only one of these 30 patients exhibited a positive reaction to IgG, it was a patient with idiopathic congestive myocardiopathy. All fragments from patients with Chagas' disease showed no response to any of the fluorescent conjugates. These findings do not support the idea that anti-myoeardial antibodies have pathogenic importance in the evolution of dilated or chagasic myocardiopathies.


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This report describes two patients with chronic Chagas' Heart Disease who developed clinical and laboratorial signs of myocardial infarction. Both patients presented sudden oppressive chest pain, without precipitating factor. In the first case, the highest MB-CK value was 65 IU, 22 hours after the beginning of the pain. On the second case, it was 77 IU at 18 hours after the beginning of the pain. In both cases ECG changes suggesting non-transmural infarction were present. The 99mTc PYP myocardial scintigram of the first case was positive. Coronary angiograms performed on the 18th and 9th day, respectively, after the acute infarction did not display obstructive lesions. Possible mechanisms causing myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries in Chagas' Disease may include: embolic event's, particularly when there is associated congestive heart failure; coronary thrombosis and coronary spasms.


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É descrito um caso de paracoccidioidomicose com envolvimento ocular. Pela primeira vez descreve-se a presença do fungo em lesão granulomatosa de coróide. Os Autores revêm os casos de paracoccidioidomicose com acometimento do trato uveal já descritos na literatura e analisam os achados clínicos e anátomo-patológicos destes e do presente relato.


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Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values of selected clinical signs and symptoms in the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection were evaluated in 403 individuals (69% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino). Highest sensitivity (13%) was found for blood in stools. Specificity over 90% was found for blood in stools, palpable liver with normal consistency and palpable hardened liver at middle clavicular (MCL) or middle sternal lines (MSL). Hardened liver at MSL (83%) or MCL (75%), and blood in stools (78%) presented higher positive predictive values for S. mansoni infection, while palpable liver with normal consistency at MCL (45%) or MSL (48%) presented smaller values. Enlarged liver without specification of its consistency has been traditionally used as an indicator of the infection in areas where malaria or Kalazar are not endemic. Our results demonstrate that the probability that a person with blood in stools or hardened palpable liver is infected is higher than among those with palpable liver with normal consistency.


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Associations between socio-demographic factors, water contact patterns and Schistosoma mansoni infection were investigated in 506 individuals (87% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino), aiming at determining priorities for public health measures to prevent the infection. Those who eliminated S. mansoni eggs (n = 198) were compared to those without eggs in the stools (n = 308). The following explanatory variables were considered: age, sex, color, previous treatment with schistosomicide, place of birth, quality of the houses, water supply for the household, distance from houses to stream, and frequency and reasons for water contact. Factors found to be independently associated with the infection were age (10-19 and > 20 yrs old), and water contact for agricultural activities, fishing, and swimming or bathing (Adjusted relative odds = 5.0, 2.4, 3.2, 2.1 and 2.0, respectively). This suggests the need for public health measures to prevent the infection, emphasizing water contact for leisure and agricultural activities in this endemic area.


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É comunicado caso de dirofilariose humana, adquirida no Brasil. Trata-se do segundo acometimento dessa natureza publicado em literatura científica. Como expressão clínica, foram evidenciados dois nódulos pulmonares, através de exame radiológico convencional e de tomografia computadorizada. O diagnóstico decorreu de análise histopatológica de uma das lesões.


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Forty-nine American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) patients, with xenodiagnosis proven parasitemia were treated by the authors. Forty-one of these patients were given benznidazole, at dosages ranging from 5mg/kg/day to 8mg/kg/day, during a pre-established period of 60 days. In this group, 17 patients had an undetermined form of the disease, whereas 22 had cardiologic disease and 4 had digestive disease (two patients had a mixed form of the disease). Side effects were frequent, and led to the discontinuation of treatment in 17 patients. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 20 years (mean follow-up period of 6 yrs. 7 mo). 26 (63.4%) of the patients became parasitemia-negative. The other eight patients were treated with nifurtimox, during 120 days, following a variable dose regime of 5mg/kg/day (initial dose) to 17 mg/kg/day (final dose). Six of them had severe side effects, and only one patient remained parasitemia-negative throughout the observation period (ranging from 1 to 18 years). Benznidazole proved to be better tolerated and more effective in the management of parasitemia when compared to nifurtimox, although more effective and less toxic drugs are still desirable.


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Hepatitis G virus/ GB virus C is a novel flavivirus recently detected in hepatitis non A-E cases. In this study, the presence of this virus in chronic non-B, non-C hepatitis patients was evaluated using GBV-C specific PCR and this virus was detected in one out of thirteen patients. This patient has presented a severe liver failure, has lived for a long time in the Western Amazon basin and no other cause for this clinical picture was reported. The impact of the discovery of this new agent is still under evaluation throughout the world. The study of the prevalence of this virus among chronic hepatitis patients and healthy individuals (as blood donors) will furnish subside to evaluate its real pathogenicity.


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Burkholderia cepacia colonizes cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We evaluated the impact of the use of a selective medium in the rate of B. cepacia recovery from respiratory samples of CF patients. During a 6-month period, respiratory samples were collected from 106 CF patients and cultivated on selective media including a B. cepacia selective medium. Confirmation of the identity of B. cepacia isolates was carried out by species specific PCR and determination of genomovar status performed by a sequential PCR approach. Results of B. cepacia isolation during this period were compared to the preceding two years, when the sample processing was identical except for the lack of the B. cepacia selective medium. B. cepacia was isolated in 11/257 (4.2%) of the samples using the selective medium, in contrast with the preceding two years, when it was isolated in 6/1029 samples (0.58%), p < 0.0001. Identity of all 11 isolates was confirmed by PCR and genomovar determination was accomplished in all but one isolate. These results suggest that the use of a selective medium increases recovery rate of B. cepacia from respiratory samples.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of the Hepatitis G Virus on a population of blood donors from São Paulo, Brazil and to evaluate its association to sociodemographic variables. Two RT-PCR systems targeting the putative 5'NCR and NS3 regions were employed and the former has shown a higher sensitivity. The observed prevalence of HGV-RNA on 545 blood donors was 9.7% (CI 95% 7.4;12.5). Statistical analysis depicted an association with race/ethnicity, black and mulatto donors being more frequently infected; and also with years of education, less educated donors presenting higher prevalences. No association was observed with other sociodemographic parameters as age, gender, place of birth and of residence. DNA sequencing of nine randomly chosen isolates demonstrated the presence of genotypes 1, 2 and 3 among our population but clustering of these Brazilian isolates was not detected upon phylogenetic analysis.