807 resultados para Level of service
Due to the high level of service required by customers and the constant need to reduce costs, the logistics can be considered as a strategic area for a company. In particular, the order picking is responsible for most of the operating costs in a warehouse. Therefore it’s necessary to plan the materials storage in order to maximize the space available and minimize the total distance traveled to meet customer orders. For these reasons, this study aims to examine and propose a way to organize the electrical materials storage in distribution centers through a study on an electronics company in Cajamar
This work deals with the creation of an inventory policy, with the main objective of increasing the company's level of service offered to its customers, avoiding plant stops by the lack of raw materials and / or bad inventory management. Calculating safety stock and reorder point of the main raw materials of chemical industry by collecting historical data, statistical analysis and future projections of the company's consumption, and a proposed solution. At the end of the work, have a review of the results
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
There are several researches on evaluation of urban public space, but not all establish a relationship between the configuration of spaces with the thermal environment, ergonomics and environmental behavior of users. To understand this relationship, the aim of this paper is to present the model DEPAN (Design for Permanence and Attractiveness in niches open spaces of conviviality), based on graphical meshes, which were designed to evaluate the influence of design and ergonomics of open public spaces in the human thermal comfort and the ways in which users appropriate the space. Its applicability is demonstrated through a case study conducted in a park in the city of Bauru-SP. To perform this evaluation public space niches were chosen. They were formed by morphological elements and street furniture and defined by their spatial arrangements. The collected data were incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS), which allowed the overlay of meshes. The results indicate that the DEPAN model allows the verification of the spatial characteristics, thermal quality and ergonomic design generated by spaces, as well as the evaluation of the influence of these aspects in the way of using the spaces. The model allows the generation of a classification for every niche and set a value for the level of service offered.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A literatura internacional é consistente em apontar fatores de risco fortemente associados à persistência do comportamento infracional em adolescentes. O conhecimento tem servido de base para o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de avaliação de risco de reincidência infracional, com o propósito principal de adequar a medida judicial, o tipo e o nível de intervenção às necessidades do adolescente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma investigação exploratória da performance do instrumento Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory, fundamentado nos fatores de risco associados à persistência da conduta infracional, em amostra composta de quarenta adolescentes em conflito com a lei, no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Realizada a coleta de dados inicial, após um período de 6 a 12 meses foi feito levantamento no Cartório da Infância e Juventude para verificar registro de novas infrações. Análises estatísticas mostraram a boa capacidade preditiva do instrumento. Outros resultados e limitações do estudo são apresentados e discutidos.
The aim of this research is to analyze the transport system and its subcomponents in order to highlight which are the design tools for physical and/or organizational projects related to transport supply systems. A characteristic of the transport systems is that the change of their structures can recoil on several entities, groups of entities, which constitute the community. The construction of a new infrastructure can modify both the transport service characteristic for all the user of the entire network; for example, the construction of a transportation infrastructure can change not only the transport service characteristics for the users of the entire network in which it is part of, but also it produces economical, social, and environmental effects. Therefore, the interventions or the improvements choices must be performed using a rational decision making approach. This approach requires that these choices are taken through the quantitative evaluation of the different effects caused by the different intervention plans. This approach becomes even more necessary when the decisions are taken in behalf of the community. Then, in order to understand how to develop a planning process in Transportation I will firstly analyze the transport system and the mathematical models used to describe it: these models provide us significant indicators which can be used to evaluate the effects of possible interventions. In conclusion, I will move on the topics related to the transport planning, analyzing the planning process, and the variables that have to be considered to perform a feasibility analysis or to compare different alternatives. In conclusion I will perform a preliminary analysis of a new transit system which is planned to be developed in New York City.
CONCLUSION Bone conduction implants are useful in patients with conductive and mixed hearing loss for whom conventional surgery or hearing aids are no longer an option. They may also be used in patients affected by single-sided deafness. OBJECTIVES To establish a consensus on the quality standards required for centers willing to create a bone conduction implant program. METHOD To ensure a consistently high level of service and to provide patients with the best possible solution the members of the HEARRING network have established a set of quality standards for bone conduction implants. These standards constitute a realistic minimum attainable by all implant clinics and should be employed alongside current best practice guidelines. RESULTS Fifteen items are thoroughly analyzed. They include team structure, accommodation and clinical facilities, selection criteria, evaluation process, complete preoperative and surgical information, postoperative fitting and assessment, follow-up, device failure, clinical management, transfer of care and patient complaints.
Mit diesem Artikel geben die Autorinnen und der Autor einen Überblick über einige wichtige, im deutschsprachigen Raum häufig eingesetzte, kriminalprognostische Verfahren. Die Fragestellung ist deren Anwendbarkeit bei Frauen. Im Einzelnen geht es dabei um die revidierte Psychopathie-Checkliste, den Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, das Historical Clinical Risk Management-20 und das revidierte Level of Service Inventory. Dabei werden zunächst Hintergrundinformationen sowie der jeweilige empirische Kenntnisstand dargestellt. Anschließend erfolgt eine Beschreibung zweier Studien anderer Autorinnen und Autoren, in denen die Anwendung von drei bzw. vier der der genannten Verfahren im Rahmen von Strafverfahren evaluiert wurde. Beide Überprüfungen ergaben Hinweise auf eine grundsätzlich vorhandene Kriteriumsvalidität der untersuchten Verfahren in Bezug auf erneute Straftaten. Allerdings erweist sich eine Verallgemeinerung dieser Studienergebnisse als kaum möglich. Die Implikationen, die sich daraus für die Anwendung kriminalprognostischer Verfahren bei beschuldigten Frauen oder Straftäterinnen im deutschen Sprachraum ergeben, werden diskutiert.
En los últimos tiempos, la proliferación de nuevos sistemas tranviarios en ciudades europeas con una imagen moderna, eficientes y accesibles ha provocado que los sistemas de autobuses convencionales se queden un poco obsoletos. Por este motivo han ido surgiendo en diferentes puntos del mundo los sistemas conocidos como Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), nacidos en Estados Unidos en la década de los 70, y que en Europa han adoptado el nombre de Bus with High Level of Service (BHLS). Estos sistemas BHLS mantienen la flexibilidad de los sistemas de autobús convencionales pero introducen algunas de las ventajas de los sistemas tranviarios, como pueden ser la velocidad, frecuencia, imagen, confort, etc. En el marco del proyecto europeo de investigación del 7º Programa Marco, EBSF (European Bus System of the Future), se ha desarrollado una metodología para evaluar los resultados de una serie de casos prácticos, en 7 ciudades europeas, que han puesto en marcha diferentes medidas en sus sistemas de autobuses con el objetivo de conseguir una nueva generación de autobuses que satisfaga las necesidades de los usuarios, cumpla con los requerimientos sociales y ambientales y responda a las necesidades de las ciudades. Entre estas medidas se encuentran la información en tiempo real, el diseño interno y externo del autobús, el aumento del número de puertas para mejorar el flujo de pasajeros, etc. Esta ponencia describe brevemente la metodología de evaluación desarrollada, así como los principales resultados de su aplicación a los casos de estudio.
No Brasil, o sistema de saúde é composto por duas estruturas: pública, representada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e privada suplementar, composta por 1.268 operadoras de planos de saúde, supervisionadas pela Agência Nacional de Saúde (ANS). No entanto, as operadoras têm sido consideradas ineficientes tanto na geração de resultados financeiros quanto na prestação de serviços aos beneficiários, destacando-se a necessidade e relevância para a saúde pública ao se buscar avaliar o seu desempenho sob essas perspectivas. O objetivo do trabalho foi, para um mesmo nível de eficiência na prestação de serviços, identificar as práticas administrativas que diferenciam as operadoras de planos de saúde (OPS) financeiramente sustentáveis. Para tanto, inicialmente foi aplicada a técnica da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) no intuito de identificar operadoras eficientes em transformar inputs em outputs e, a partir dos escores obtidos, selecionar duas OPS de nível de serviços semelhantes e desempenho financeiro opostos para que fossem comparadas por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos. A análise quantitativa indicou que as OPS de medicina de grupo apresentaram maior eficiência do que as demais modalidades. Já o estudo de múltiplos casos identificou que a gestão de políticas de crédito, de captação e aplicação de recursos, o planejamento tributário, a adoção de políticas de promoção e prevenção à saúde, as formas de remuneração dos médicos e a estratégia de composição de receitas diferenciaram a OPS de melhor desempenho.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.
Complex Event processing (CEP) has emerged over the last ten years. CEP systems are outstanding in processing large amount of data and responding in a timely fashion. While CEP applications are fast growing, performance management in this area has not gain much attention. It is critical to meet the promised level of service for both system designers and users. In this paper, we present a benchmark for complex event processing systems: CEPBen. The CEPBen benchmark is designed to evaluate CEP functional behaviours, i.e., filtering, transformation and event pattern detection and provides a novel methodology of evaluating the performance of CEP systems. A performance study by running the CEPBen on Esper CEP engine is described and discussed. The results obtained from performance tests demonstrate the influences of CEP functional behaviours on the system performance. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.