806 resultados para Lente intraocular difractiva
Il ritiro dello Space Shuttle dalla vita operativa avvenuto nel 2011 e le iniziative in corso tra NASA ed aziende commerciali hanno dato il via ad una fase di transizione nel volo spaziale umano volta a fornire servizi di trasporto spaziale maggiormente flessibili. Accanto ad iniziative private che sono principalmente volte al trasporto di turisti nello spazio allo scopo di far loro provare per pochi minuti l’ebbrezza dell’assenza di gravita’ (ad esempio Virgin Galactic), anche la Difesa si sta impegnando in questo campo, in particolar modo negli USA. Inoltre è stata firmata a marzo 2014 una lettera d’intenti tra l’Aeronautica militare e l’Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC) per definire i criteri e le modalità per lo sviluppo della cooperazione nel settore del volo suborbitale e dell’aerospazio. L’accordo segue di pochi giorni la firma a Washington di un Memorandum of Cooperation sul medesimo argomento tra la Federal Aviation Administration americana(FAA) e la stessa ENAC, accordo che fa dell’Italia il primo paese europeo scelto dalla FAA statunitense come partner per la collaborazione nel settore del trasporto spaziale.
Notizie riguardanti scandali relativi al utilizzo inappropriato di contrassegni per disabili sono all’ordine del giorno. Situazioni meno popolari dal punto di vista mediatico, ma altrettanto gravi a livello sociale coinvolgono tutti quegli individui che si prodigano a falsificare contrassegni oppure ad utilizzarli anche in mancanza del disabile, eventualmente anche successivamente al decesso del medesimo. Tutto questo va inevitabilmente a discapito di tutti coloro che hanno reale diritto e necessità di usufruire delle agevolazioni. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quindi quello di illustrare un possibile sistema per contrastare e possibilmente debellare questo malcostume diffusissimo in Italia. La proposta è quella di dematerializzare il pass cartaceo sostituendolo con un equiva- lente elettronico, temporaneo e associato non più ad una targa, ma all’individuo stesso. Per farlo si ricorrerà all’uso di tecniche di autenticazione attraverso sistemi biometrici, quali il riconoscimento facciale, vocale, di espressioni facciali e gestures.
Il progetto di tesi elaborato tratta uno dei temi più attuali nell’ambito architettonico, l’efficienza energetica degli edifici. La tesi, sviluppata all’interno del Laboratorio di Laurea in Architettura Sostenibile, tratta un caso peculiare, in quanto riguarda il recupero di un’opera incompiuta, un comparto di 24 alloggi di Social Housing situato nella città di Rovigo. Il proprietario dell’impianto, l’ente pubblico per l’edilizia sociale ATER, ha posto delle direttive qualitative e quantitative per portare a compimento l’opera. Preso atto di queste disposizioni, e a seguito di accurate analisi di tipo tecnico, morfologico e demografico, sono state definite accurate strategie progettuali, riguardanti la definizione di alloggi idonei alla richiesta dell’ente e alla conformazione demografica della città, il recupero della preesistenza e lo sviluppo di una architettura energicamente efficiente.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di studiare il problema del trasporto di una carica attraverso un solenoide. Il campo magnetico ha la caratteristica di essere nullo fuori dal solenoide, costante all’interno, con una transizione più o meno rapida. Quando la transizione è discontinua si può fornire una soluzione analitica associandovi una mappa di trasferimento. Negli altri casi la soluzione si ottiene con una integrazione numerica. Inoltre il solenoide si comporta come una lente cromatica, che può essere usata per selezionare la componente di un fascio con una determinata energia. Nel quadro dei dispositivi che utilizzano solenoidi per focalizzare un fascio di protoni, si descrive il modulo di trasporto a bassa energia denominato LEBT, che precede i dispositivi acceleranti presenti in un linac come quello di ESS. A tal fine si discute brevemente come gli effetti di carica spaziale attenuino il potere focalizzante di un solenoide. Una linea di trasporto LEBT è anche presente nel linac del progetto IFMIF, il cui scopo è analizzare il danneggiamento prodotto dai neutroni sui materiali che verranno impiegati nei reattori ITER e DEMO. In questo abtract non si segue l’ordine di presentazione dei vari argomenti data la diversa rilevanza che questi hanno nella trattazione che segue.
The optical quality of the human eye mainly depends on the refractive performance of the cornea. The shape of the cornea is a mechanical balance between intraocular pressure and tissue intrinsic stiffness. Several surgical procedures in ophthalmology alter the biomechanics of the cornea to provoke local or global curvature changes for vision correction. Legitimated by the large number of surgical interventions performed every day, the demand for a deeper understanding of corneal biomechanics is rising to improve the safety of procedures and medical devices. The aim of our work is to propose a numerical model of corneal biomechanics, based on the stromal microstructure. Our novel anisotropic constitutive material law features a probabilistic weighting approach to model collagen fiber distribution as observed on human cornea by Xray scattering analysis (Aghamohammadzadeh et. al., Structure, February 2004). Furthermore, collagen cross-linking was explicitly included in the strain energy function. Results showed that the proposed model is able to successfully reproduce both inflation and extensiometry experimental data (Elsheikh et. al., Curr Eye Res, 2007; Elsheikh et. al., Exp Eye Res, May 2008). In addition, the mechanical properties calculated for patients of different age groups (Group A: 65-79 years; Group B: 80-95 years) demonstrate an increased collagen cross-linking, and a decrease in collagen fiber elasticity from younger to older specimen. These findings correspond to what is known about maturing fibrous biological tissue. Since the presented model can handle different loading situations and includes the anisotropic distribution of collagen fibers, it has the potential to simulate clinical procedures involving nonsymmetrical tissue interventions. In the future, such mechanical model can be used to improve surgical planning and the design of next generation ophthalmic devices.
It has been shown that the pressure-to-cornea index (PCI), which estimates the relative effects of intraocular pressure (IOP) and central corneal thickness (CCT), may differentiate between glaucoma and non-glaucoma states. The authors investigated the utility of the pressure-cornea-vascular index (PCVI) in predicting field-progression in patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG).
The progress of wet age-related macular degeneration can now be controlled by intravitreal drug injection. This approach requires repeated injections, which could be avoided by delivering the drug to the retina. Intraocular implants are a promising solution for drug delivery near the retina. Currently, their accurate placement is challenging, and they can only be removed after a vitrectomy. In this paper, we introduce an approach for minimally invasive retinal drug delivery using magnetic intraocular inserts. We briefly discuss the electromagnetic-control system for magnetic implants and then focus on evaluating their ability to move in the vitreous humor. The mobility of magnetic intraocular implants is estimated in vitro with synthesized vitreous humors, and ex vivo with experiments on cadaver porcine eyes. Preliminary results show that with such magnetic implants a vitrectomy can be avoided.
Numerical simulations of eye globes often rely on topographies that have been measured in vivo using devices such as the Pentacam or OCT. The topographies, which represent the form of the already stressed eye under the existing intraocular pressure, introduce approximations in the analysis. The accuracy of the simulations could be improved if either the stress state of the eye under the effect of intraocular pressure is determined, or the stress-free form of the eye estimated prior to conducting the analysis. This study reviews earlier attempts to address this problem and assesses the performance of an iterative technique proposed by Pandolfi and Holzapfel [1], which is both simple to implement and promises high accuracy in estimating the eye's stress-free form. A parametric study has been conducted and demonstrated reliance of the error level on the level of flexibility of the eye model, especially in the cornea region. However, in all cases considered 3-4 analysis iterations were sufficient to produce a stress-free form with average errors in node location <10(-6)mm and a maximal error <10(-4)mm. This error level, which is similar to what has been achieved with other methods and orders of magnitude lower than the accuracy of current clinical topography systems, justifies the use of the technique as a pre-processing step in ocular numerical simulations.
It is increasingly recognised that chronically activated glia contribute to the pathology of various neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma. One means by which this can occur is through the release of neurotoxic, proinflammatory factors. In the current study, we therefore investigated the spatio-temporal patterns of expression of three such cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6, in a validated rat model of experimental glaucoma. First, only weak evidence was found for increased expression of IL-1β and TNFα following induction of ocular hypertension. Second, and much more striking, was that robust evidence was uncovered showing IL-6 to be synthesised by injured retinal ganglion cells following elevation of intraocular pressure and transported in an orthograde fashion along the nerve, accumulating at sites of axonal disruption in the optic nerve head. Verification that IL-6 represents a novel marker of disrupted axonal transport in this model was obtained by performing double labelling immunofluorescence with recognised markers of fast axonal transport. The stimulus for IL-6 synthesis and axonal transport during experimental glaucoma arose from axonal injury rather than ocular hypertension, as the response was identical after optic nerve crush and bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries, each of which is independent of elevated intraocular pressure. Moreover, the response of IL-6 was not a generalised feature of the gp130 family of cytokines, as it was not mimicked by another family member, ciliary neurotrophic factor. Finally, further study suggested that IL-6 may be an early part of the endogenous regenerative response as the cytokine colocalised with growth-associated membrane phosphoprotein-43 in some putative regenerating axons, and potently stimulated neuritogenesis in retinal ganglion cells in culture, an effect that was additive to that of ciliary neurotrophic factor. These data comprise clear evidence that IL-6 is actively involved in the attempt of injured retinal ganglion cells to regenerate their axons.
The maintenance of vision, through prevention and attenuation of neuronal injury in glaucoma, forms the basis of current clinical practice. Currently, the reduction of intraocular pressure is the only proven method to achieve these goals. Although this strategy enjoys considerable success, some patients progress to blindness; hence, additional management options are highly desirable. Several terms describing treatment modalities of neuronal diseases with potential applicability to glaucoma are used in the literature, including neuroprotection, neurorecovery, neurorescue and neuroregeneration. These phenomena have not been defined within a coherent framework. Here, we suggest a set of definitions, postulates and principles to form a foundation for the successful translation of novel glaucoma therapies from the laboratory to the clinic.
To determine the agreement between intraocular pressure and the 'Wuerzburg bleb classification score', as well as between single items of the score and intraocular pressure. Interobserver variability was analyzed.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation in the retina of immunocompromized patients is a cause of significant morbidity as it can lead to blindness. The adaptive immune response is critical in controlling murine CMV (MCMV) infection in MCMV-susceptible mouse strains. CD8(+) T cells limit systemic viral replication in the acute phase of infection and are essential to contain latent virus. In this study, we provide the first evaluation of the kinetics of anti-viral T-cell responses after subretinal infection with MCMV. The acute response was characterized by a rapid expansion phase, with infiltration of CD8(+) T cells into the infected retina, followed by a contraction phase. MCMV-specific T cells displayed biphasic kinetics with a first peak at day 12 and contraction by day 18 followed by sustained recruitment of these cells into the retina at later time points post-infection. MCMV-specific CD8(+) T cells were also observed in the draining cervical lymph nodes and the spleen. Presentation of viral epitopes and activation of CD8(+) T cells was widespread and could be detected in the spleen and the draining lymph nodes, but not in the retina or iris. Moreover, after intraocular infection, antigen-specific cytotoxic activity was detectable and exhibited kinetics equivalent to those observed after intraperitoneal infection with the same viral dose. These data provide novel insights of how and where immune responses are initiated when viral antigen is present in the subretinal space.
BACKGROUND: Little is known about the ocular penetration of echinocandin antifungals. We studied the ocular distribution of systemically administered caspofungin in a rabbit uveitis model. METHODS: Caspofungin (1 mg/kg per day) was given intravenously to rabbits as a single dose or as repeated daily doses on 7 days starting 24 h after induction of unilateral uveitis by intravitreal endotoxin injection. Caspofungin concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography in the cornea, aqueous humor, vitreous humor, and serum 4, 8, 16, and 24 h after administration of a single dose and 24 h after the last of seven doses. RESULTS: The mean caspofungin concentration in the aqueous of the inflamed eye 4 and 8 h after single-dose administration was 1.30 +/- 0.39 mug/ml and 1.12 +/- 0.34 mug/ml, respectively. Drug concentrations decreased to 0.24 +/- 0.09 mug/ml at 16 h and 0.26 +/- 0.14 mug/ml at 24 h. In the vitreous of inflamed eyes drug levels were undetectable at all time points. No drug was found in the aqueous of inflamed eyes 24 h after the last of seven repeated doses, and the vitreous only contained trace amounts. In the corneas of inflamed eyes concentrations reached 1.64 +/- 0.48 mug/g at 4 h, peaked at 2.16 +/- 1.14 mug/g at 8 h, and declined to 1.87 +/- 0.52 mug/g and 1.49 +/- 0.48 mug/g at 16 and 24 h, respectively. After repeated dosing, corneal concentrations of caspofungin were 0.8 and 1.0 mug/g and below the limit of detection in two of four animals. In non-inflamed eyes no drug was detectable in the aqueous and vitreous humor, and the corneas at any time point. CONCLUSIONS: In our model, caspofungin reached therapeutically relevant levels in the aqueous and cornea but not in the vitreous humor of inflamed eyes. Intraocular drug deposition was critically dependent on a disrupted blood-eye barrier. These findings suggest a limited role for caspofungin in the treatment of fungal endophthalmitis.
PURPOSE: To describe a case series of neovascular glaucoma (NVG) caused by central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) that was treated with intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB; Avastin). DESIGN: Retrospective interventional case series. METHODS: Six consecutive patients with NVG and a refractory, symptomatic elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) and pronounced anterior segment congestion received IVB (1.25 mg/0.05 ml). Diode laser cyclophotocoagulation was carried out only if pressure was controlled insufficiently by topical medication. Follow-up examinations occurred at four to 16 weeks. RESULTS: IVB resulted in a marked regression of anterior segment neovascularization and relief of symptoms within 48 hours. IOP decreased substantially in three eyes; in the other three eyes, adjuvant cyclophotocoagulation was necessary. No side effects were observed. Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) was performed as soon as feasible, five to 12 weeks after IVB treatment. CONCLUSION: IVB leads to a rapid regression of iris and angle neovascularization and should be investigated more thoroughly as an adjunct in the management of NVG.
BACKGROUND: Following vitrectomy for PVR-associated retinal detachment, placement of an encircling band, filling with silicone oil (SO) and successful retinal reattachment, a recurrence of PVR can develop. Retinal redetachment after SO removal is usually due to secondary or residual PVR. We wanted to ascertain whether the anatomical and functional outcomes of surgery in patients with a reattached retina and recurrent PVR can be improved by delaying the removal of SO. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 112 consecutive patients with PVR-associated retinal detachment who had undergone vitrectomy with SO filling, were monitored for at least 6 months after SO removal. Prior to SO removal, the retina posterior to the encircling band had to be completely reattached. Patients who developed PVR after SO filling were divided into two groups according to the duration of SO retention: 12 - 18 months (group 2: n = 48); > 18 months (group 3: n = 21). Individuals without PVR recurrence after SO filling and in whom the SO was consequently removed within 4 - 12 months served as control (group 1: n = 43). Anatomical success, intraocular pressure (IOP) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) served as the primary clinical outcome parameters. RESULTS: Six months after SO removal, the anatomical success rates (86.3 %, 88.8 % and 84.6 %, in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; log rank = 0.794) and the BCVAs (p = 0.861) were comparable in the three groups. Mean IOP (p = 0.766), and the frequency of complications such as PVR recurrence (p = 0.936), bullous keratopathy (p = 0.981) and macular pucker (p = 0.943) were likewise similar. Patients in whom SO was retained for more than 18 months had the highest IOPs and required the heaviest dosage with anti-glaucoma drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In patients who develop a recurrence of PVR after vitrectomy and SO filling the surgeon can observe and treat retinal changes for up to 18 months without impairing the anatomical and functional outcomes. The retention of SO for more than 18 months does not improve the anatomical outcome. However, it can impair the functional outcome by precipitating the development of a persisting secondary glaucoma.