778 resultados para Lehto, Arto: Radioaaltojen maailma
Tekniikan kehityksen myötä reaalimaailman ilmiöitä voidaan mallintaa yhä tarkemmin. Tässä työssä tutkitaan VIRVE-radioverkon tukiaseman peittoalueen mallintamista. Työn tavoitteena oli mallintaa VIRVE-tukiaseman peittoalue mahdollisimman tarkasti. Tavoitteena oli myös löytää VIRVE-tukiasemaan peittoalueen kannalta nykyistä paremmat antenniratkaisut. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa selvitettiin tukiaseman peittoalueen mallintamiseen liittyviä tekijöitä, kuten radioaaltojen ominaisuuksia ja etenemismalleja sekä antennien teoriaa. Eri etenemismalleilla laskettuja tukiasemien peittoennusteita verrattiin empiirisesti toteutettuihin tukiasemien peittoalueiden mittaustuloksiin. Työn tuloksena löydettiin radioaaltojen etenemismalli, jolla mallinnettavien tukiasemien peittoalue-ennusteet vastasivat hyvin empiirisesti mitattuja tuloksia. Lisäksi löydettiin nykyistä paremmat antenniratkaisut VIRVE-tukiasemiin.
The role of contract manufacturing and subcontracting has been seen in black and white in product and service point of view. It used to be seen either as a product or a service. In the thesis product-service system, offering combining products and services, was discussed. Theory was created from two perspectives; Service productization via Business Model generation and product servitization via New Service Development process. Target for the case study was to point out new ways of service thinking and ways for changing business environment in contract manufacturing, especially in customer satisfaction and profitability point of view. The case study is following the New Service Development process phases. First ideas were collected from literature and via sales management interviews. Service offering and tool for service requirement evaluation was created. Last financial results of example service scenarios were calculated. It is recommended to take service offering into internal use and further develop it into modular service model. It is also recommended to take created customer service requirement evaluation tool into use for capturing customer service needs but also for communicating those internally.
An empirical study was conducted in the area of software engineering to study relationships between development, testing and intended software quality. International standards served as a starting point of the study. For analysis a round of interviews was kept and transcribed. It was found that interaction between humans is critical, especially in transferring knowledge and standards’ processes. The standards are communicated through interaction and learning processes are involved before compliance. One of the results was that testing is the key to sufficient quality. The outcome was that successful interaction, sufficient testing and compliance with the standards combined with good motivation may provide most repeatable intended quality.
Artturi Lehikoisen esitys ARTIVA-seminaarissa Helsingissä 5.2.2014
Teema: Avartuva maailma.
Teema: Avartuva maailma.
Teema: Avartuva maailma.
Teema: Avartuva maailma.
Teema: Avartuva maailma.