803 resultados para Lamb wavemodes


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Although extensively studied biochemically, members of the Protein 4.1 superfamily have not been as well characterized genetically. Studies of coracle, a Drosophila Protein 4.1 homologue, provide an opportunity to examine the genetic functions of this gene family. coracle was originally identified as a dominant suppressor of EgfrElp, a hypermorphic form of the Drosophila Epidermal growth factor receptor gene. In this article, we present a phenotypic analysis of coracle, one of the first for a member of the Protein 4.1 superfamily. Screens for new coracle alleles confirm the null coracle phenotype of embryonic lethality and failure in dorsal closure, and they identify additional defects in the embryonic epidermis and salivary glands. Hypomorphic coracle alleles reveal functions in many imaginal tissues. Analysis of coracle mutant cells indicates that Coracle is a necessary structural component of the septate junction required for the maintenance of the transepithelial barrier but is not necessary for apical–basal polarity, epithelial integrity, or cytoskeletal integrity. In addition, coracle phenotypes suggest a specific role in cell signaling events. Finally, complementation analysis provides information regarding the functional organization of Coracle and possibly other Protein 4.1 superfamily members. These studies provide insights into a range of in vivo functions for coracle in developing embryos and adults.


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Treatment of soybean (Glycine max L. cv Williams 82) cell-suspension cultures with Pseudomonas syringae pv glycinea (Psg) harboring an avirulence gene (avrA) or with yeast elicitor resulted in an oxidative burst characterized by the accumulation of H2O2. This burst, and the resultant induction of glutathione S-transferase transcripts, occurred more rapidly and was more prolonged if cells were simultaneously treated with serine protease inhibitors such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) or diisopropylfluorophosphate. PMSF and diisopropylfluorophosphate potentiate a large oxidative burst in cells exposed to Psg harboring the avrC avirulence gene, which is not recognized by the soybean cultivar used in this study. The potentiated burst was inhibited by diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, and by the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. PMSF treatment of elicited cells or cells exposed to Psg:avrA caused a large increase in the accumulation of the isoflavonoid phytoalexin glyceollin; however, this was not associated with increased levels of transcripts encoding key phytoalexin biosynthetic enzymes. Glyceollin accumulation was inhibited by diphenylene iodonium; however, the oxidative burst in cells treated with Psg:avrC and PMSF was not followed by phytoalexin accumulation. We conclude that active oxygen species from the oxidative burst are necessary but not sufficient for inducing isoflavonoid phytoalexin accumulation in soybean cells.


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We have implemented an approach for the detection of DNA alterations in cancer by means of computerized analysis of end-labeled genomic fragments, separated in two dimensions. Analysis of two-dimensional patterns of neuroblastoma tumors, prepared by first digesting DNA with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme Not I, yielded a multicopy fragment which was detected in some tumor patterns but not in normal controls. Cloning and sequencing of the fragment, isolated from two-dimensional gels, yielded a sequence with a strong homology to a subtelomeric sequence in chimpanzees and which was previously reported to be undetectable in humans. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated the occurrence of this sequence in normal tissue, for the most part in the satellite regions of acrocentric chromosomes. A product containing this sequence was obtained by telomere-anchored PCR using as a primer an oligonucleotide sequence from the cloned fragment. Our data suggest demethylation of cytosines at the cloned Not I site and in neighboring DNA in some tumors, compared with normal tissue, and suggest a greater similarity between human and chimpanzee subtelomeric sequences than was previously reported.


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The guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) cascade underlying phototransduction is one of the best understood of all signaling pathways. The diffusional interactions of the proteins underlying the cascade have been analyzed, both at a macroscopic level and also in terms of the stochastic nature of the molecular contacts. In response to a single activated rhodopsin (R*) formed as a result of a single photon hit, it can be shown that molecules of the G-protein transducin will be activated approximately linearly with time. This, in turn, will cause the number of activated molecules of the effector protein (the phosphodiesterase) also to increase linearly with time. These kinetics of protein activation provide an accurate description of the time course of the rising phase of the photoreceptor's electrical response over a wide range of flash intensities. Recent estimates indicate that at room temperature each R* triggers activation of the phosphodiesterase at a rate of 1000-2000 subunits.s-1. Now that a quantitative description of the activation steps in transduction has been obtained, perhaps the greatest challenge for the future is to provide a comprehensive description of the shutoff reactions, so that a complete account of the photoreceptor's response to light can be achieved.


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Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) induces ventral mesoderm but represses dorsal mesoderm formation in Xenopus embryos. We show that BMP-4 inhibits two signaling pathways regulating dorsal mesoderm formation, the induction of dorsal mesoderm (Spemann organizer) and the dorsalization of ventral mesoderm. Ectopic expression of BMP-4 RNA reduces goosecoid and forkhead-1 transcription in whole embryos and in activin-treated animal cap explants. Embryos and animal caps overexpressing BMP-4 transcribe high levels of genes expressed in ventral mesoderm (Xbra, Xwnt-8, Xpo, Mix.1, XMyoD). The Spemann organizer is ventralized in these embryos; abnormally high levels of Xwnt-8 mRNA and low levels of goosecoid mRNA are detected in the organizer. In addition, the organizer loses the ability to dorsalize neighboring ventral marginal zone to muscle. Overexpression of BMP-4 in ventral mesoderm inhibits its response to dorsalization signals. Ventral marginal zone explants ectopically expressing BMP-4 form less muscle when treated with soluble noggin protein or when juxtaposed to a normal Spemann organizer in comparison to control explants. Endogenous BMP-4 transcripts are downregulated in ventral marginal zone explants dorsalized by noggin, in contrast to untreated explants. Thus, while BMP-4 inhibits noggin protein activity, noggin downregulates BMP-4 expression by dorsalizing ventral marginal zone to muscle. Noggin and BMP-4 activities may control the lateral extent of dorsalization within the marginal zone. Competition between these two molecules may determine the final degree of muscle formation in the marginal zone, thus defining the border between dorsolateral and ventral mesoderm.


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The Escherichia coli cytosolic homotetrameric protein SecB is known to be involved in protein export across the plasma membrane. A currently prevalent view holds that SecB functions exclusively as a chaperone interacting nonspecifically with unfolded proteins, not necessarily exported proteins, whereas a contrary view holds that SecB functions primarily as a specific signal-recognition factor--i.e., in binding to the signal sequence region of exported proteins. To experimentally resolve these differences we assayed for binding between chemically pure SecB and chemically pure precursor (p) form (containing a signal sequence) and mature (m) form (lacking a signal sequence) of a model secretory protein (maltose binding protein, MBP) that was C-terminally truncated. Because of the C-terminal truncation, neither p nor m was able to fold. We found that SecB bound with 100-fold higher affinity to p (Kd 0.8 nM) than it bound to m (Kd 80 nM). As the presence of the signal sequence in p is the only feature that distinguished p from m, these data strongly suggest that the high-affinity binding of SecB is to the signal sequence region and not the mature region of p. Consistent with this conclusion, we found that a wild-type signal peptide, but not an export-incompetent mutant signal peptide of another exported protein (LamB), competed for binding to p. Moreover, the high-affinity binding of SecB to p was resistant to 1 M salt, whereas the low-affinity binding of SecB to m was not. These qualitative differences suggested that SecB binding to m was primarily by electrostatic interactions, whereas SecB binding to p was primarily via hydrophobic interactions, presumably with the hydrophobic core of the signal sequence. Taken together our data strongly support the notion that SecB is primarily a specific signal-recognition factor.


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Sézary syndrome (SzS), the leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, is characterized by clonal proliferation of CD4+ T cells and immune dysfunctions, raising the possibility of cytokine-related abnormalities. We previously described a decreased response to the growth-inhibitory effects of transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) in SzS T cells accompanied by apparent loss of surface type II TGF-beta receptor (TGF beta RII). To specifically determine if defects exist in TGF beta RII protein expression and/or transport in SzS patients, we developed a sensitive flow cytometric method to detect TGF beta RII on the surface and intracellularly in the CD4+ T cells. Our results indicate that unlike normal CD4+ T cells, CD4+ T cells from 9 of 12 SzS patients expressed little, if any, surface TGF beta RII in response to mitogen stimulation. At the intracellular level, however, pools of TGF beta RII were comparable to those in normal CD4+ T cells. This indicates that defective trafficking of this inhibitory cytokine receptor may contribute significantly to the development of this disease.


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Microbial elicitors or attempted infection with an avirulent pathogen strain causes the rapid production of reactive oxygen intermediates. Recent findings indicate that H2O2 from this oxidative burst plays a central role in the orchestration of the hypersensitive response: (i) as the substrate driving the cross-linking of cell wall structural proteins to slow microbial ingress prior to the deployment of transcription-dependent defenses and to trap pathogens in cells destined to undergo hypersensitive cell death, (ii) as a local threshold trigger of this programmed death in challenged cells, and (iii) as a diffusible signal for the induction in adjacent cells of genes encoding cellular protectants such as glutathione S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase. These findings provide the basis for an integrated model for the orchestration of the localized hypersensitive resistance response to attack by an avirulent pathogen.


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MyoD, a member of the family of helix-loop-helix myogenic factors that plays a crucial role in skeletal muscle differentiation, is a nuclear phosphoprotein. Using microinjection of purified MyoD protein into rat fibroblasts, we show that the nuclear import of MyoD is a rapid and active process, being ATP and temperature dependent. Two nuclear localization signals (NLSs), one present in the basic region and the other in the helix 1 domain of MyoD protein, are demonstrated to be functional in promoting the active nuclear transport of MyoD. Synthetic peptides spanning these two NLSs and biochemically coupled to IgGs can promote the nuclear import of microinjected IgG conjugates in muscle and nonmuscle cells. Deletion analysis reveals that each sequence can function independently within the MyoD protein since concomittant deletion of both sequences is required to alter the nuclear import of this myogenic factor. In addition, the complete cytoplasmic retention of a beta-galactosidase-MyoD fusion mutant protein, double deleted at these two NLSs, argues against the existence of another functional NLS motif in MyoD.


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A busca por produtos mais saudáveis e minimamente processados tem levado indústrias e pesquisadores a estudarem novas formas de preservação de alimentos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) avaliar o efeito da embalagem com atmosfera modificada (ATM) na preservação de lombo ovino armazenado sob refrigeração e 2) Avaliar o efeito do processamento em alta pressão na conservação de carne bovina marinada e com teor de sódio reduzido. Em ambas as pesquisas, músculos Longissimus lumborum foram submetidos à contagem microbiana, avaliação de cor, pH, oxidação lipídica (TBARS), perdas por cocção (PPC) e força de cisalhamento. Para o estudo do efeito da embalagem em atmosfera modificada, as amostras foram acondicionadas em cinco sistemas de ATM, 15% O2 + 85% CO2; 30% de O2 + 70% de CO2; 45% de O2 + 55% de CO2; 60% de O2 + 40% de CO2 e Vácuo (controle) e armazenadas a 1°C durante 21 dias. As análises de cor, pH, TBARS, PPC e força de cisalhamento foram realizadas a cada sete dias e as microbiológicas duas vezes por semana. Diferentes concentrações de oxigênio dentro da embalagem trouxeram diferença significativa na intensidade de cor vermelha das carnes armazenadas em ATM. Até o sétimo dia de estocagem tratamentos com maior quantidade de O2 apresentaram melhor coloração, após esse período embalagens a vácuo conseguiram preservar melhor a mioglobina. Diferentes concentrações gasosas não trouxeram causaram diferença (p> 0,05) no pH da carne entre tratamentos. Nenhuma diferença significativa entre tratamentos foi encontrada para amostras embaladas em ATM nos parâmetros perda de peso por cocção e força de cisalhamento. A embalagem em atmosfera modificada foi capaz de retardar o crescimento da microbiota presente na carne. Isso levou á preservação da amostra por até 18 dias sob refrigeração, enquanto amostras a vácuo tiveram uma vida útil de 11 dias. Para o estudo do efeito da alta pressão em carne marinada com baixo teor de sódio, as carnes foram inoculadas com 106 UFC/g de carne com E. faecium e Listeria innocua e em seguida marinadas durante 18 horas, a 4°C, em diferentes soluções: 1% NaCl + 1% ácido cítrico, 1% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico, 2% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico e 2% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico. Após a marinação as amostras foram submetidas ao tratamento nas seguintes pressões: Zero (controle), 300MPa, 450Mpa, 600MPa. As análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas foram realizadas logo após o tratamento. O tratamento em alta pressão foi capaz de reduzir a população microbiana em até seis ciclos logarítmicos quando 600Mpa foram aplicados em todas as soluções estudadas. A não aplicação de alta pressão proporcionou a redução de apenas um ciclo log na população de E. faecium quando as carnes foram marinadas com 2% NaCl + 2% ácido cítrico. A alta pressão e as diferentes concentrações de sal e ácido, não trouxeram diferença significativa na coloração das amostras. Já o maior teor de ácido cítrico na marinada causou maior (p<0,05) redução do pH da carne em comparação com as amostras em baixa concentração de ácido. Os experimentos demonstraram que a tanto embalagem a vácuo quanto a aplicação de ácido cítrico foram eficientes em retardar a oxidação lipídica. Pressões de 600Mpa tornaram a carne significativamente mais dura que as demais pressões aplicadas. Os resultados demonstraram a possibilidade de extensão da vida útil da carne refrigerada através da aplicação de diferentes tecnologias: a embalagem com atmosfera modificada para carne fresca e processamento em alta pressão de carnes marinadas com reduzido teor de sal.


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Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar os níveis de estresse e a qualidade de carne de cordeiros mestiços Santa Inês x Dorper, submetidos a transporte de percurso curto (duas horas) e longo (seis horas) e em dois períodos de espera pré-abate (12 ou 24 horas). Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros com 127 ± 7 dias de idade e 30,4 ± 2,1 kg de peso vivo. Antes de serem submetidos aos períodos de transporte, os animais estavam alocados em baias coletivas e receberam ração concentrada (farelo de soja e milho, calcário calcítico e núcleo com monensina), bagaço úmido de citros e capim Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) e água ad libitum. Foram realizadas avaliações de reatividade dos animais no momento do embarque, desembarque e durante a contenção dos animais para as colheitas de sangue, urina e temperatura ocular por termografia infravermelho. Durante o período de espera pré-abate, realizou-se a colheita de dados comportamentais dos animais. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de cortisol no soro, na urina e as concentrações de haptoglobina no soro nos períodos que antecederam a insensibilização, assim como no momento do abate. Os animais apresentaram baixa reatividade durante todos os manejos. Houve diferença significativa no comportamento dos cordeiros durante os períodos de espera (P < 0,05) que durante as 12 horas apresentaram frequência de comportamentos que indicaram bem-estar favorável, enquanto que o período de transporte não afetou (P > 0,05). Os níveis de cortisol no soro mantiveram-se semelhantes da saída dos animais para o transporte até o final do período de espera (P > 0,05), enquanto houve oscilação dessas concentrações no cortisol na urina (P < 0,05), com pico no desembarque dos animais de duas horas de transporte e diminuição ao final do período de descanso. Os níveis de haptoglobina mantiveram-se semelhantes da colheita realizada antes do transporte, no embarque e no desembarque (P > 0,05) e diminuíram no final do período de espera pré-abate (P < 0,05). A temperatura ocular elevou-se no embarque e no desembarque dos animais, com diminuição da temperatura ao final do período de espera (P < 0,05). No momento do abate, foi observado aumento das concentrações de haptoglobina (P < 0,05), enquanto não houve alteração nas concentrações de cortisol no soro (P > 0,05). Animais que permaneceram por 24 horas de espera pré-abate apresentaram maior força de cisalhamento e menor luminosidade (L*) e intensidade de amarelo (b*). As variáveis comportamentais foram pouco afetadas pelos períodos de transporte e de espera pré-abate, porém o período de 12 horas de espera favoreceu a qualidade da carne


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Context. The mechanism by which supergiant (sg)B[e] stars support cool, dense dusty discs/tori and their physical relationship with other evolved, massive stars such as luminous blue variables is uncertain. Aims. In order to investigate both issues we have analysed the long term behaviour of the canonical sgB[e] star LHA 115-S 18. Methods. We employed the OGLE II-IV lightcurve to search for (a-)periodic variability and supplemented these data with new and historic spectroscopy. Results. In contrast to historical expectations for sgB[e] stars, S18 is both photometrically and spectroscopically highly variable. The lightcurve is characterised by rapid aperiodic ` aring' throughout the 16 years of observations. Changes in the high excitation emission line component of the spectrum imply evolution in the stellar temperature - as expected for luminous blue variables - although somewhat surprisingly, spectroscopic and photometric variability appears not to be correlated. Characterised by emission in low excitation metallic species, the cool circumstellar torus appears largely unaffected by this behaviour. Finally, in conjunction with intense, highly variable He ii emission, X-ray emission implies the presence of an unseen binary companion. Conclusions. S18 provides observational support for the putative physical association of (a subset of) sgB[e] stars and luminous blue variables. Given the nature of the circumstellar environment of S18 and that luminous blue variables have been suggested as SN progenitors, it is tempting to draw a parallel to the progenitors of SN1987A and SN2009ip. Moreover the likely binary nature of S18 strengthens the possibility that the dusty discs/tori that characterise sgB[e] stars are the result of binary-driven mass-loss; consequently such stars may provide a window on the short lived phase of mass-transfer in massive compact binaries.


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie (D.Psy.)