High-spin states in Pt-187 were studied via the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction. Rotational bands based on the vi(13/2), v7/2(-)[503], vi(13/2)(2)vj, v3/2(-)[512] and v1/2(-)[521] configurations were observed, and interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The TRS calculations show that the vi(13/2) band has an appreciable negative gamma deformation, and the negative-parity bands tend to have a near prolate shape with small positive gamma values. Experimental values of B(M1)/B(E2) ratios have been extracted and compared with theoretical values from the semi-classical Donau and Frauendof approach, strongly suggesting a low frequency pi h(9/2) alignment in the v7/2(-)[503] band.
High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.
1 初级视觉皮层功能,GABA系统功能在衰老过程中的变化 本章首先对衰老过程中神经形态学和神经电生理学上的研究进行了综述,然后报道了作者的博士学位论文研究工作。实验采用神经电生理的手段,探讨初级视觉皮层(primary visual cortex;V1)功能,以及GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid)系统功能在衰老过程中的变化。 实验1和2均采用单细胞记录技术,检测了中年猴V1细胞的方位选择性、方向选择性、自发放和最大反应,并与年轻和老年猴进行对比;比较了年轻和老年猴V1细胞的感受野外周抑制能力。在实验3中,我们记录了年轻和中年大鼠在给予GABA直接或间接的激动剂,戊巴比妥钠或氯胺酮{通过拮抗NMDA(N-methyl-D-aspartate)受体}后,其皮层的EEG(electroencephalogram)活动,并分析与年龄相关的差异。结果如下: 实验1:中年猴V1细胞的方向选择性和自发放介于年轻猴和老年猴之间,而方位选择性和最大反应与年龄之间没有相关性。 实验2:感受野外周区的最优刺激明显降低了年轻和老年猴具有高方位选择性细胞的比例。同时,年轻猴所有细胞,以及老年猴高方位选择性细胞具有较高的最大抑制比,与它们相比,老年猴无明显方位偏好细胞的最大抑制比显著降低; 实验3:戊巴比妥钠注射后,在年轻和中年大鼠上,alpha (8-12 Hz) 和beta (12-20 Hz) 频段EEG功率增加,theta (4-8 Hz) 功率减少,这些变化在中年大鼠上较为明显。氯胺酮注射后,中年大鼠theta功率比年轻大鼠具有更大幅度的降低。 我们的结果表明,视觉皮层功能的下调在衰老早期就已发生,其机制可能与抑制系统功能普遍降低有关. 2 奖赏机制,极低频磁场的生物学效应研究 本章首先对自然奖赏和药物成瘾机制、极低频磁场生物学效应,以及极低频磁场对奖赏系统的影响进行了综述,然后报道了作者的博士论文研究工作。实验目的是探讨大鼠眶额叶皮质(orbitofrontal cortex;OFC)活动与食物奖赏刺激的相关性,以及极低频磁场对小鼠空间认知能力的影响。 实验1采用EEG记录技术,检测了大鼠OFC在食物奖赏和渴求过程中EEG各频段的功率变化。在实验2中,使用了一种探索型Y-迷宫实验范式,它仅依赖于啮齿类动物天生的探索欲望,避免了奖赏效应的干扰,利用此新型迷宫,我们检测了25和50 Hz磁场对小鼠空间识别记忆能力的影响。其结果如下: 实验1:大鼠OFC的delta频段(2-4 Hz)EEG活动与食物刺激显著相关,其相对功率在食物渴求时下降,在食物奖赏时升高。 实验2:与短时照射相比,长时的50 Hz磁场照射降低了小鼠对新异臂的探索能力,而25和50 Hz磁场暴露都不影响小鼠的活动力。 本研究表明,食物奖赏与OFC的delta频段EEG活动密切相关,而我们以前发现,大鼠和猴OFC的gamma(20-100 Hz)活动与吗啡成瘾相关,提示了OFC在自然奖赏和药物成瘾中具有不同的作用;另外,本实验首次证明,极低频磁场损害了小鼠不依赖于奖赏系统的空间认知能力,而我们先前发现,极低频磁场可以强化吗啡诱导的条件化位置偏好,从而说明极低频磁场对吗啡成瘾具有独特的生物学效应。
1.老年猴视皮层神经元对图形对比度的反应及潜伏期特征: 在正常衰老过程中人类的视觉功能受到严重影响,例如空间和时间对比度敏感性下降以及信息处理时间的延长。虽然部分视觉功能的退化与眼睛的光学系统老化有关,但是它并不能解释所有视觉功能的下降。此外,我们以前的研究和别人的研究结果都表明衰老过程中视觉中枢系统功能的改变可能是视觉功能下降的主要原因。因此,利用单位放电记录技术(single-unit recording technique),我们比较了年轻猕猴和老年猕猴的初级视觉皮层(primary visual cortex,又称V1)神经元对比度反应之间的差异,以及V1和内侧颞叶(medial temporal cortex,MT)视觉区神经元反应潜伏期及其变异性之间的差异。结果显示,与年轻猴相比,老年猴V1区神经元对比度敏感性降低,同时伴随着神经元活动信噪比下降;老年猴V1区和MT区神经元反应潜伏期及其变异性显著增加。然而,两个年龄组MT区神经元平均潜伏期之间差异小于V1区神经元平均潜伏期之间的差异,说明MT区神经元能够自我调整老化带来的影响。另外,两个年龄组V1区神经元潜伏期和变异性都具有正相关关系,但是MT区神经元则没有这种相关性。这些结果表明,在老化过程中皮层神经元的对比度和潜伏期反应特性发生了改变。我们推测这种改变可能与视觉皮层内抑制系统功能的降低有关,但是具体的分子机制和神经环路还不清楚。总之,本实验的研究结果为更好的理解老年人在视觉信息处理中时间和空间对比度敏感性及处理速度下降提供了新线索。2.极低频磁场对脑功能的影响及眶额叶认知功能的研究: 实验目的:(1)研究极低频磁场(20 Hz, 14 mT)照射对长期吗啡处理引起的大鼠背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2密度降低的影响;(2)小鼠青春期长期极低频磁场(50 Hz, 2 mT)照射对空间学习记忆的影响;(3)初步探讨了眶额叶在大鼠新异性探索行为中的作用。实验1,我们用免疫组化的方法检测了大鼠背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2受体密度的变化。结果显示,在长期吗啡处理后戒断早期背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2受体密度相对于对照组减少,磁场和吗啡共同作用会强化这种适应,但是这种变化很快恢复正常。这些结果表明长期吗啡处理会引起海马多巴胺系统产生适应;磁场强化了长期吗啡处理对背侧海马多巴胺系统的影响,这为我们先前发现磁场照射延缓了大鼠条件位置偏好消退的研究结果提供了一个内在神经基础。实验2,我们分别用Y-迷宫(two-trial Y-maze)和Morris水迷宫两种行为装置研究了青春期早期磁场暴露对小鼠短时空间识别记忆和长时空间参考记忆的影响。结果显示,磁场暴露并没有影响小鼠Y-迷宫作业,但是提高了水迷宫任务的学习以及记忆保持。这些结果表明磁场对空间记忆的影响是任务依赖性的。实验3,我们用旷场和Y-迷宫两种行为装置研究了眶额叶电损伤对大鼠新异性探索行为的影响。结果显示,眶额叶受损并没有影响大鼠的神经运动能力,但是降低了大鼠在旷场中的行走距离和直立次数以及降低了在Y-迷宫新异臂中的探索时间和穿梭次数。这些结果表明,眶额叶的完整性对大鼠探索新异环境行为是必要的,这可能与眶额叶参与记忆或行为决策功能有关。
A one-step method was developed to fabricate conductive graphene/SnO2 (GS) nanocomposites in acidic solution. Graphite oxides were reduced by SnCl2 to graphene sheets in the presence of HCl and urea. The reducing process was accompanied by generation of SnO2 nanoparticles. The structure and composition of GS nanocomposites were confirmed by means of transmission electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron and Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, the ultracapacitor characteristics of GS nanocomposites were studied by cyclic voltammograms (CVs) and electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The CVs of GS nanocomposites are nearly rectangular in shape and the specific capacitance degrades slightly as the voltage scan rate is increased. The EIS of GS nanocomposites presents a phase angle close to p/2 at low frequency, indicating a good capacitive behavior.
The rheological, morphological and mechanical properties of LLDPE/PS blends with a combined catalyst, Me3SiCl and InCl3 center dot 4H(2)O, were studied in this work. The higher complex viscosity and storage modulus at low frequency were ascribed to the presence of graft copolymers, which were in situ formed during the mixing process. From the rheological experiments, the complex viscosity and storage modulus of reactive blends were higher than the physical blends. The dispersion of LLDPE particles of reactive blending becomes finer than that of physical blends, consistent with the rheological results. As a result of increased compatibility between LLDPE/PS, the mechanical properties of reactive blends show much higher tensile and Izod impact strength than those of physical blends.
The spectroscopic characteristics of cytochrome c(WT) and its mutants(Y67F and N521) in the low frequency region were studied by Resonance Raman technique. The results show that the replacement of phenylalanine for Tyr 67 in WT had a very slight effect on the hydrogen-bonding and conformation of the amino acid residues around propionic acid side chains of heme group. However, large effects on the hydrogen-bonding of internal water with its surrounding amino acid residues and hydrophobility of the home cavity were observed as Asn 52 was substituted with isoleucine, which resulted in conformational regulations of home group and surrounding amino acid residues.
The effects of plasticizer ethylene carbonate (EC) on the AC impedance spectra and the ionic conductivity are reported. With increasing of EC concentration the semicircle in high frequency disappears, and the slope of the straight line in low frequency decreases. The data obtained from impedance experiments can be explained using an equivalent circuit proposed. On the other hand, the room temperature conductivity increases with EC concentration because of the increase of the segmental flexibility of PEO. For lower EC concentration samples, the temperature dependence of conductivity in low temperature range follows Arrhenius type, but when EC concentration is larger than 20%, the temperature dependence of conductivity obeys the Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) equation in all temperature ranges.
Circular dichroism and resonance Raman comparative studies of wild type cytochrome c and F82H mutant
The UV-visible, circular dichroism (CD), and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the wild type yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (WT) and its mutant F82H in which phenylalanine-82 (Phe-82) is substituted with His are measured and compared for oxidized and reduced forms. The CD spectra in the intrinsic and Soret spectral region, as well as RR spectra in high, middle, and low frequency regions, are discussed. From the analysis of the spectra, it is determined that in the oxidized F82H the two axial ligands to the heme iron are His-18 and His-82 whereas in the reduced form the sixth ligand switches from His-82 to Met-80 providing the coordination geometry similar to that of WT. Based on the spectroscopic data, the conclusion is that the porphyrin macrocycle is less distorted in the oxidized F82H compared to the oxidized WT. Similar distortions are present in the reduced form of the proteins. Frequency shifts of Raman bands, as well as the decrease of the or-helix content in the CD spectra, indicate more open conformation of the protein around the heme. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A composite solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) of (PEO)(10)LiClO4-Al2O3 was prepared and Pt and stainless steel(SS) blocking electrodes were used for an impedance study. It was found that the semicircle in the high frequency range and the straight line in the low frequency range depend upon different blocking electrodes and polarization potentials applied in the experiments. In the equivalent circuit. two constant phase elements (CPE) have been used instead of the pure geometrical and double layer capacitances. respectively. A theoretical line calculated from their estimated values has a good correlation with the experiment data. Moreover. the equivalent circuit also can be used to explain the impedance properties of Pt and stainless steel (SS) blocking electrodes both in the high and the low frequency ranges. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Impedance study was carried out for the interfaces between lithium, polyaniline (PAn), lithium-doped MnO2 and modified poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) electrolyte under various' conditions. The interfacial charge-transfer resistances R(ct) on PEO/PAn, R(ct) on PEO/LiMn2O4 increase with depth-of-discharge and decrease after the charge of the cell containing modified PEO as electrolyte. The charge-transfer resistance R(ct) on PEO/PAn is higher than R(ct) on PEO/LiMn2O4 under the same condition, since inserted species and mechanism are different for both cases. In the case of PAn, an additional charge-transfer resistance might be related to the electronic conductivity change in discharge/charge potential range, as it was evident from a voltammetry curve. With increasing cycle numbers, the charge-transfer resistance increases gradually. The impedance results also have shown that at low frequency the diffusion control is dominant in the process of the charge and discharge of Li/PEO/PAn or Li/PEO/LiMn2O4 cell. The diffusion coefficients have been calculated from impedance data.
The C-H stretching, C-H bending, C-C stretching and the low-frequency vibration regions have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy for [n-CnH2n+1NH3]2 ZnCl4 with n=7 approximately 12, 16. It is found that their frequency and relative intensities are related to the length of carbon chain in the molecules and present the odd-even effect to carbon atom numbers in chain. Some changes in spectra are interpreted in terms of the different molecular packing and interaction of chain.
The C-H stretching, C-H bending, C-C stretching and the low-frequency vibrational regions have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy for [n-CnH2n+1NH3]2ZnCl4 with n = 7-12, 16. The frequencies and relative intensities are related to the length of the carbon chain in the molecules and present the odd-even effect of the carbon atom numbers in the chains. Some changes in the spectra are interpreted in terms of the different molecular packing.
Attenuations of different types of gas hydrate cementation in fluid-saturated porous solids are discussed. The factors affecting estimation of gas hydrate and free gas saturation are analyzed. It is suggested that porosity of sediment, the P wave velocity model and methods of calculating elastic modulus are key factors in the estimation of gas hydrate and free gas saturations. Attenuation of gas hydrate-bearing sediment is closely related with the cementation types of gas hydrate. Negative anomalies of quality factors indicate that gas hydrate deposits away from grain as part of fluid. Positive anomalies of the quality factors indicate that gas hydrate contacts with solid and changes the elastic modulus of matrix. Low frequency velocity and high frequency velocity models are used to estimate gas hydrate and free gas saturation in the Blake Ridge area according to the well log data of the hole 995 in ODP leg 164. The gas hydrate saturation obtained by low frequency velocity is 10% similar to 20% of the pore space and free gas saturation is 0.5% similar to 1% of the pore space. The gas hydrate saturation obtained by high frequency velocity is 5% similar to 10% of the pore space and free gas saturation is 1% similar to 2% of the pore space.
A major problem which is envisaged in the course of man-made climate change is sea-level rise. The global aspect of the thermal expansion of the sea water likely is reasonably well simulated by present day climate models; the variation of sea level, due to variations of the regional atmospheric forcing and of the large-scale oceanic circulation, is not adequately simulated by a global climate model because of insufficient spatial resolution. A method to infer the coastal aspects of sea level change is to use a statistical ''downscaling'' strategy: a linear statistical model is built upon a multi-year data set of local sea level data and of large-scale oceanic and/or atmospheric data such as sea-surface temperature or sea-level air-pressure. We apply this idea to sea level along the Japanese coast. The sea level is related to regional and North Pacific sea-surface temperature and sea-level air pressure. Two relevant processes are identified. One process is the local wind set-up of water due to regional low-frequency wind anomalies; the other is a planetary scale atmosphere-ocean interaction which takes place in the eastern North Pacific.