1000 resultados para Koskinen, Pirkko K.: Tasa-arvolaki
A fetal rat telencephalon organotypic cell culture system was found to reproduce the developmental pattern of Na-K-adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) gene expression observed in vivo [Am. J. Physiol. 258 (Cell Physiol. 27): C1062-C1069, 1990]. We have used this culture system to study the effects of triiodothyronine (T3; 0.003-30 nM) on mRNA abundance and basal transcription rates of Na-K-ATPase isoforms. Steady-state mRNA levels were low at culture day 6 (corresponding to the day of birth) but distinct for each isoform alpha 3 much greater than beta 1 = beta 2 greater than alpha 2 greater than alpha 1. At culture day 6, T3 did not modify mRNA abundance of any isoform. At culture day 12 (corresponding to day 7 postnatal), T3 increased the mRNA level of alpha 2 (4- to 7-fold), beta 2 (4- to 5-fold), alpha 1 (3- to 6-fold), and beta 1 (1.5-fold), whereas alpha 3 mRNA levels remained unchanged. Interestingly, the basal transcription rate for each isoform differed strikingly (alpha 2 greater than alpha 1 much greater than beta 1 = beta 2 greater than alpha 3) but remained stable throughout 12 days of culture and was not regulated by T3. Thus we observed an inverse relationship between rate of transcription and rate of mRNA accumulation for each alpha-isoform, suggesting that alpha 1- and alpha 2-mRNA are turning over rapidly whereas alpha 3-mRNA is turning over slowly. Our data indicate that one of the mechanisms by which T3 selectively controls Na-K-ATPase gene expression during brain development in vitro occurs at the posttranscriptional level.
MRI of coronary vessel walls using radial k-space sampling and steady-state free precession imaging.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to investigate the impact of radial k-space sampling and steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging on image quality in MRI of coronary vessel walls. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eleven subjects were examined on a 1.5-T MR system using three high-resolution navigator-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D black blood sequences (cartesian gradient-echo [GRE], radial GRE, and radial SSFP) with identical spatial resolution (0.9 x 0.9 x 2.4 mm3). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and motion artifacts were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean SNR and CNR of the coronary vessel wall were improved using radial imaging and were best using radial k-space sampling combined with SSFP imaging. Vessel border definition was similar for all three sequences. Radial k-space sampling was found to be less sensitive to motion. Consistently good image quality was seen with the radial GRE sequence. CONCLUSION: Radial k-space sampling in MRI of coronary vessel walls resulted in fewer motion artifacts and improved SNR and CNR. The use of SSFP imaging, however, did not result in improved coronary vessel wall visualization.
Whole-grain foods are touted for multiple health benefits, including enhancing insulin sensitivity and reducing type 2 diabetes risk. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with fasting glucose and insulin concentrations in individuals free of diabetes. We tested the hypothesis that whole-grain food intake and genetic variation interact to influence concentrations of fasting glucose and insulin. Via meta-analysis of data from 14 cohorts comprising ∼ 48,000 participants of European descent, we studied interactions of whole-grain intake with loci previously associated in GWAS with fasting glucose (16 loci) and/or insulin (2 loci) concentrations. For tests of interaction, we considered a P value <0.0028 (0.05 of 18 tests) as statistically significant. Greater whole-grain food intake was associated with lower fasting glucose and insulin concentrations independent of demographics, other dietary and lifestyle factors, and BMI (β [95% CI] per 1-serving-greater whole-grain intake: -0.009 mmol/l glucose [-0.013 to -0.005], P < 0.0001 and -0.011 pmol/l [ln] insulin [-0.015 to -0.007], P = 0.0003). No interactions met our multiple testing-adjusted statistical significance threshold. The strongest SNP interaction with whole-grain intake was rs780094 (GCKR) for fasting insulin (P = 0.006), where greater whole-grain intake was associated with a smaller reduction in fasting insulin concentrations in those with the insulin-raising allele. Our results support the favorable association of whole-grain intake with fasting glucose and insulin and suggest a potential interaction between variation in GCKR and whole-grain intake in influencing fasting insulin concentrations.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a probabilidade de resposta da produção de cana-de-açúcar à adubação potássica, em razão da relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 no solo. Foram compilados dados de 106 experimentos de adubação potássica na cana-de-açúcar. Em cada experimento foi registrado o ciclo de cultivo (cana-planta ou cana-soca), os teores de K, Ca e Mg do solo antes da adubação potássica, a relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5, e se houve, ou não, resposta estatisticamente significativa da produção à adubação potássica. Foi utilizado o método estatístico de regressão logística, efetuado pelo procedimento CATMOD do Statistical Analysis System. A característica ciclo de cultivo foi eliminada do modelo, pois esta se apresentou como não-significativa no ajuste estatístico. A relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 do solo influenciou a probabilidade de resposta da produção de cana-de-açúcar à adubação potássica. À medida que a relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 aumentou, a probabilidade de resposta da produção de cana-de-açúcar à adubação potássica diminuiu. A relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 no solo foi classificada em baixa (<0,2547), média (0,2547 a 0,3349) e alta (>0,3349). A relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 no solo deve ser usada como mais um critério para orientar a adubação potássica na cultura da cana-de-açúcar.
Lausunnoissa korostuvat tutkimus ja koulutuksen tasa-arvo : aikuiskoulutus KESUssa painopistealueena
Artikkelissa käsitellään Koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen kehittämissuunnitelmaa vuosille 2003-2008
Muistiin painettua - Kansalliskirjaston kulttuuriaarteita -teoksen julkistustilaisuus Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston kupolisalissa 29.11.2004
En este informe se describe el trabajo de fin de máster, centrado en el estudio de la gamificación como herramienta de aprendizaje aplicada a dispositivos móviles. Se ha realizado una revisión de los artículos científicos que tratan sobre el tema de la gamificación como herramienta educativa,para terminar el trabajo desarrollando un prototipo de juego para el aprendizaje de mapas de Karnaugh. Se ha optado por un desarrollo multiplataforma y se han revisado los frameworks de desarrollo más populares para desarrollo móvil multiplataforma así como los motores de juegos aplicables a este caso. Tras la implementación, se ha probado el prototipo en dos sistemas operativos móviles libres: Android y Firefox OS.
Between 1995 and 2005, the Spanish economy grew at an annual average rate higher than 3,5%. Total employment increased by more than 4.9 millions. Most of this growth was in occupations related with university degrees (more than 890,000, 18% of the total employment increase) and vocational qualifications (more than 855,000, 17.5% of the total employment increase). From a sectoral perspective, the main part of this increase took place in “Real estate, renting and business activities” (K sector in NACE rev.1), “Construction” (F sector) and “Health and social sector” (N sector). This paper analyses this employment growth in an Input-output framework, by means of a structural decomposition analysis (SDA). Two kinds of results have been obtained. From a sectoral perspective we decompose employment growth into Labour requirements change, technical change and demand change. From an occupational perspective, we decompose the employment growth in substitutions effect, labour productivity effect and demand effect. The results show that, in aggregated terms, the main part of this growth is attributable to demand growth, with a small technical improvement. But the results also show that this aggregated behaviour hides important sectoral and occupational variation. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the ongoing debate over productivity growth and what has been called the “growth model” for the Spanish economy.
Aldosterone exerts its effects through interactions with two types of binding sites, the mineralocorticoid (MR) and the glucocorticoid (GR) receptors. Although both receptors are known to be involved in the anti-natriuretic response to aldosterone, the mechanisms of signal transduction leading to modulation of electrolyte transport are not yet fully understood. This study measured the Na(+) and K(+) urinary excretion and the mRNA levels of three known aldosterone-induced transcripts, the serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase (Sgk-1), the alpha subunit of the epithelial Na(+) channel (alphaENaC), and the glucocorticoid-induced-leucine-zipper protein (GILZ) in the whole kidney and in isolated cortical collecting tubules of adrenalectomized rats treated with low doses of aldosterone and/or dexamethasone. The resulting plasma concentrations of both steroids were close to 1 nmol/L. Aldosterone, given with or without dexamethasone, induced anti-natriuresis and kaliuresis, whereas dexamethasone alone did not. GILZ and alphaENaC transcripts were higher after treatment with either or both hormones, whereas the mRNA abundance of Sgk-1 was increased in the cortical collecting tubule by aldosterone but not by dexamethasone. We conclude the increased expression of Sgk-1 in the cortical collecting tubules is a primary event in the early antinatriuretic and kaliuretic responses to physiologic concentrations of aldosterone. Induction of alphaENaC and/or GILZ mRNAs may play a permissive role in the enhancement of the early and/or late responses; these effects may be necessary for a full response but do not by themselves promote early changes in urinary Na(+) and K(+) excretion.