948 resultados para Kagome-lattice
The most general black M5-brane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity (with a flat R4 spacetime in the brane and a regular horizon) is characterized by charge, mass and two angular momenta. We use this metric to construct general dual models of large-N QCD (at strong coupling) that depend on two free parameters. The mass spectrum of scalar particles is determined analytically (in the WKB approximation) and numerically in the whole two-dimensional parameter space. We compare the mass spectrum with analogous results from lattice calculations, and find that the supergravity predictions are close to the lattice results everywhere on the two dimensional parameter space except along a special line. We also examine the mass spectrum of the supergravity Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and find that the KK modes along the compact D-brane coordinate decouple from the spectrum for large angular momenta. There are however KK modes charged under a U(1)×U(1) global symmetry which do not decouple anywhere on the parameter space. General formulas for the string tension and action are also given.
We study large N SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in three and four dimensions using a one-parameter family of supergravity models which originate from non-extremal rotating D-branes. We show explicitly that varying this angular momentum parameter decouples the Kaluza-Klein modes associated with the compact D-brane coordinate, while the mass ratios for ordinary glueballs are quite stable against this variation, and are in good agreement with the latest lattice results. We also compute the topological susceptibility and the gluon condensate as a function of the "angular momentum" parameter.
[spa] En el contexto de los juegos de asignación bilaterales, estudiamos el conjunto de matrices asociadas a mercados de asignación con el mismo nucleo. Se proporcionan condiciones sobre las entradas de la matriz que aseguran que los juegos de asignación asociados tienen el mismo núcleo. Se prueba que este conjunto de matrices que dan lugar al mismo núcleo forman un semirretículo con un número finito de elementos minimales y un único máximo. Se da una caracterización de estos elementos minimales. También se proporciona una condición suficiente para obtener un retículo.
[spa] En el contexto de los juegos de asignación bilaterales, estudiamos el conjunto de matrices asociadas a mercados de asignación con el mismo nucleo. Se proporcionan condiciones sobre las entradas de la matriz que aseguran que los juegos de asignación asociados tienen el mismo núcleo. Se prueba que este conjunto de matrices que dan lugar al mismo núcleo forman un semirretículo con un número finito de elementos minimales y un único máximo. Se da una caracterización de estos elementos minimales. También se proporciona una condición suficiente para obtener un retículo.
Työssä on tutkittu epäpuhtauksien vaikutusta kastelulannoitesuolojen monokaliumfosfaatin, kaliumnitraatin ja ureafosfaatin kiteytyksessä. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty kastelulannoiteprosessit ja epäpuhtauksien vaikutus kastelulannoitteiden valmistuksessa. Kiteytys ja kiteenkasvu on esitetty perusyhtälöin, joissa on otettu epäpuhtauksien vaikutus huomioon. Tarkemmin on perehdytty monokaliumfosfaatin kiteytykseen ja kolmenarvoisten kationeiden, Al3+, Fe3+ ja Cr3+, vaikutukseen kiteiden kasvuun. Kolmenarvoiset metalli-ionit adsorboituvat kiteen pintaan haitaten kiteenkasvua, mikä vaikuttaa erityisesti kiteen prismapinnan kasvuun. Lisäksi on esitelty muita kiteenkasvuun vaikuttavia olosuhteita. Lopuksi on käsitelty kompleksinmuodostajia metalli-ionien haitallisten vaikutusten ehkäisijöinä. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin liukoisuuskokeita monokaliumfosfaatin liukoisuuden selvittämiseksi eri pH-olosuhteissa. Suoritetuissa yksikidekokeissa tutkittiin pH:n ja kolmenarvoisten kationeiden; Al3+, Fe3+ ja Cr3+, vaikutus monokaliumfosfaattikiteen pituus- ja leveyskasvuun ja kidemuotoon eri ylikylläisyyksillä. Lisäksi tutkittiin voidaanko lämpötilaa ja pH muuttamalla tai pyrofosfaattia lisäämällä poistaa raudan kasvua inhiboima vaikutus. Kiteytyslämpötilaa nostamalla voidaan poistaa raudan haitallinen vaikutus kiteen kasvuun.
Using mean field theory, we have studied Bose-Fermi mixtures in a one-dimensional optical lattice in the case of an attractive boson-fermion interaction. We consider that the fermions are in the degenerate regime and that the laser intensities are such that quantum coherence across the condensate is ensured. We discuss the effect of the optical lattice on the critical rotational frequency for vortex line creation in the Bose-Einstein condensate, as well as how it affects the stability of the boson-fermion mixture. A reduction of the critical frequency for nucleating a vortex is observed as the strength of the applied laser is increased. The onset of instability of the mixture occurs for a sizably lower number of fermions in the presence of a deep optical lattice.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin jälkiseurantana putkipalkkirakenteisen ristikkotornin rakennusprojektia. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli suomalaiselle öljynjalostamolle vuonna 1992 rakennettu vapaastiseisova 105 m korkea soihtutorni. Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia teräsrakennekokonaisuutta toisaalta suunnittelun ja lujuuslaskennan, toisaalta valmistuksen, kuljetuksen ja asennuksen kannalta. Lisäksi työssä etsittiin soihtutornin vaihtoehtoisia rakenneratkaisuja. Esisuunnittelun tuloksena syntyneitä rakenteita verrattiin vuonna 1992 toteutettuun rakenteeseen. Toteutetun ristikkomaston lujuusominaisuuksia arvioitiin käymällä läpi tehdyt lujuuslaskelmat ja selvittämällä mm. rakenteen eri kohdista mitoituksen tasaisuus. Havaittiin, että rakenteen lujuuden käyttöaste vaihteli 0,7:n ja 0,9:n välillä 72 m:n korkeuteen asti. Tästä ylöspäin käyttöasteet olivat pienempiä. Konepajavalmistuksen, kuljetusten ja asennustöiden onnistumista tutkittiin haastattelemalla sekä konepajan että tilaajan edustajia. Ylöspäin kapeneva rakenne osoittautui lujuusopillisesti järkeväksi, mutta valmistusteknisesti vanhanaikaiseksi. Massiivisten ristikkotornien kuljetus- ja nostomahdollisuuksia tutkittiin selvittämällä lainsäädännön asettamat rajoitukset ja käsikirjojen antamat ohjeet. Lisäksi haastateltiin erikoiskuljetuksia ja -nostoja suorittavan yrityksen edustajaa. Uusien rakenneratkaisujen suunnittelussa korostettiin pitkälle vietyä osavalmistusta sekä kuljetus- ja nostomahdollisuuksia. Uusista tornivaihtoehdoista tutkittiin tarkemmin massiivisista pyöreistä putkipalkeista tehty torni, joka on rakenteeltaan Vierendeel-kehän sovellutus. Rakenne on 62 % painavampi kuin vuonna 1992 toteutettu soihtutorni, mutta silti 9 % halvempi. Uuden rakenteen valmistusystävällisyys on merkittävästi parempi kuin vanhan.
El límite altitudinal del bosque y los pastos alpinos forman los límites inferior y superior del ecotono bosque subalpino-pastos alpinos, respectivamente. El objetivo es la descripción espacial de este ecotono, en un sitio poco afectado por perturbaciones humanas locales (Tessó, 42° 36' N, 01° 03' E), para inferir los procesos que generaron su estructura espacial. Este ecotono está compuesto por Pinus uncinata y su límite altitudinal se sitúa a -2350 m snm. Se midieron la localización (coordenadas x e y) y varias características (diámetros en la base -Db- y a 1,3 m -Dbh-, altura, edad estimada, etc.) para cada árbol dentro de una parcela rectangular (30 m x 140 m) paralela a la máxima pendiente y cruzando el ecotono. La estructura espacial se describió mediante cuatro grupos de técnicas:(i) análisis del patrón de puntos, (ii) análisis del patrón de superficies, (iii) detección y descripción de fronteras (lattice-wombling), y (iv) ordenación de 115 cuadrados de 6 m x 6 m en que se subdividió la parcela de acuerdo a su posición en el ecotono y al tipo de individuos de P. uncinata (adultos, jóvenes, vástagos, plántulas y muertos) y de plantas (arbustos y herbáceas) que contenían. El límite del bosque se sitúa bajo el límite forestal potencial marcado por la isoterma de 10 ºC para la temperatura media del mes más cálido. A lo largo de la pendiente, las plántulas de P. uncinata aparecen por encima del límite del árbol, donde predomina Dryas octopetala, mientras que los individuos grandes (adultos) aparecen cerca o dentro del bosque, con un sotobosque dominado por densas matas de Rhododendron ferrugineum acompañadas por Vaccinium myrtillus sobre un sustrato de materia orgánica. La ordenación confirma estos resultados colocando a los individuos muertos en una posición intermedia. La variación a lo largo del ecotono de diversas variables ...
The possible coexistence of ferromagnetism and charge/orbital order in Bi3/4Sr1/4MnO3 has been investigated. The manganite Bi0.75Sr0.25MnO3, with commensurate charge balance, undergoes an electronic transition at TCO~600 K that produces a longrange modulation with double periodicity along a and c axis, and unusual anisotropic evolution of the lattice parameters. The previously proposed ferromagnetic properties of this new ordered phase were studied by magnetometry and diffraction techniques. In zero field the magnetic structure is globally antiferromagnetic, ruling out the apparition of spontaneous ferromagnetism. However, the application of magnetic fields produces a continuous progressive canting of the moments, inducing a ferromagnetic phase even for relatively small fields (H<<1 T). Application of pulsed high fields produces a remarkable and reversible spin polarization (under 30 T, the ferromagnetic moment is ~3 ¿B/Mn, without any sign of charge order melting). The coexistence of ferromagnetism and charge order at low and very-high fields is a remarkable property of this system.
We consider one-seller assignment markets with multi-unit demands and prove that the associated game is buyers-submodular. Therefore the core is non-empty and it has a lattice structure which contains the allocation where every buyer receives his marginal contribution. We prove that in this kind of market, every pairwise-stable outcome is associated to a competitive equilibrium and viceversa. We study conditions under which the buyers-optimal and the seller-optimal core allocations are competitive equilibrium payoff vectors. Moreover, we characterize the markets for which the core coincidences with the set of competitive equilibria payoff vectors. When agents behave strategically, we introduce a procedure that implements the buyers-optimal core allocation as the unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium outcome.
Oxygen vacancies in metal oxides are known to determine their chemistry and physics. The properties of neutral oxygen vacancies in metal oxides of increasing complexity (MgO, CaO, alpha-Al2O3, and ZnO) have been studied using density functional theory. Vacancy formation energies, vacancy-vacancy interaction, and the barriers for vacancy migration are determined and rationalized in terms of the ionicity, the Madelung potential, and lattice relaxation. It is found that the Madelung potential controls the oxygen vacancy properties of highly ionic oxides whereas a more complex picture arises for covalent ZnO.
The semiconductor particle detectors used at CERN experiments are exposed to radiation. Under radiation, the formation of lattice defects is unavoidable. The defects affect the depletion voltage and leakage current of the detectors, and hence affect on the signal-to-noise ratio of the detectors. This shortens the operational lifetime of the detectors. For this reason, the understanding of the formation and the effects of radiation induced defects is crucial for the development of radiation hard detectors. In this work, I have studied the effects of radiation induced defects-mostly vacancy related defects-with a simulation package, Silvaco. Thus, this work essentially concerns the effects of radiation induced defects, and native defects, on leakage currents in particle detectors. Impurity donor atom-vacancy complexes have been proved to cause insignificant increase of leakage current compared with the trivacancy and divacancy-oxygen centres. Native defects and divacancies have proven to cause some of the leakage current, which is relatively small compared with trivacancy and divacancy-oxygen.
Every adherent eukaryotic cell exerts appreciable traction forces upon its substrate. Moreover, every resident cell within the heart, great vessels, bladder, gut or lung routinely experiences large periodic stretches. As an acute response to such stretches the cytoskeleton can stiffen, increase traction forces and reinforce, as reported by some, or can soften and fluidize, as reported more recently by our laboratory, but in any given circumstance it remains unknown which response might prevail or why. Using a novel nanotechnology, we show here that in loading conditions expected in most physiological circumstances the localized reinforcement response fails to scale up to the level of homogeneous cell stretch; fluidization trumps reinforcement. Whereas the reinforcement response is known to be mediated by upstream mechanosensing and downstream signaling, results presented here show the fluidization response to be altogether novel: it is a direct physical effect of mechanical force acting upon a structural lattice that is soft and fragile. Cytoskeletal softness and fragility, we argue, is consistent with early evolutionary adaptations of the eukaryotic cell to material properties of a soft inert microenvironment.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">A version of cascaded systems analysis was developed specifically with the aim of studying quantum noise propagation in x-ray detectors. Signal and quantum noise propagation was then modelled in four types of x-ray detectors used for digital mammography: four flat panel systems, one computed radiography and one slot-scan silicon wafer based photon counting device. As required inputs to the model, the two dimensional (2D) modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectra (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) were measured for six mammography systems that utilized these different detectors. A new method to reconstruct anisotropic 2D presampling MTF matrices from 1D radial MTFs measured along different angular directions across the detector is described; an image of a sharp, circular disc was used for this purpose. The effective pixel fill factor for the FP systems was determined from the axial 1D presampling MTFs measured with a square sharp edge along the two orthogonal directions of the pixel lattice. Expectation MTFs were then calculated by averaging the radial MTFs over all possible phases and the 2D EMTF formed with the same reconstruction technique used for the 2D presampling MTF. The quantum NPS was then established by noise decomposition from homogenous images acquired as a function of detector air kerma. This was further decomposed into the correlated and uncorrelated quantum components by fitting the radially averaged quantum NPS with the radially averaged EMTF(2). This whole procedure allowed a detailed analysis of the influence of aliasing, signal and noise decorrelation, x-ray capture efficiency and global secondary gain on NPS and detector DQE. The influence of noise statistics, pixel fill factor and additional electronic and fixed pattern noises on the DQE was also studied. The 2D cascaded model and decompositions performed on the acquired images also enlightened the observed quantum NPS and DQE anisotropy.
An empirical equation: DMHmº = t i/b (where t i is the Kelvin temperature of the beginning of the thermal decomposition obtained from the thermogravimetry of the adducts; b is an empirical parameter wich depends on the metal halide and on the number of ligands) was obtained and tested for 53 adducts MX2.nL (where MX2 is a metal halide from the zinc group). The difference between experimental and calculated values was less than 6% for 22 adducts. To another 22 adducts, that difference was less than 10%. Only for 4 compounds the difference between experimental and calculated values exceeds 15%.