999 resultados para K-arc


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Higher manganese silicide (HMS) based alloys with eutectic composition (Si-33.3 at% Mn) were prepared by arc-melting, melt-spinning and ball milling in order to evaluate the effect of microstructure on the thermal conductivity. Powder X-ray diffraction, SEM, EPMA and TEM analysis confirmed the presence of Si as a secondary phase distributed in the HMS matrix phase. Thermal properties of the samples were studied in the temperature range of 300-800 K. The microstructure refinement resulting from ball milling leads to a decrease of the thermal conductivity from 4.4 W/mK to 1.9 W/mK, whereas meltspinning is inefficient to this respect. The results show an opportunity to produce bulk higher manganese silicide alloys with reduced thermal conductivity in order to enhance its thermoelectric performance. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The K-user multiple input multiple output (MIMO) Gaussian symmetric interference channel where each transmitter has M antennas and each receiver has N antennas is studied from a generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) perspective. An inner bound on the GDOF is derived using a combination of techniques such as treating interference as noise, zero forcing (ZF) at the receivers, interference alignment (IA), and extending the Han-Kobayashi (HK) scheme to K users, as a function of the number of antennas and the log INR/log SNR level. Several interesting conclusions are drawn from the derived bounds. It is shown that when K > N/M + 1, a combination of the HK and IA schemes performs the best among the schemes considered. When N/M < K <= N/M + 1, the HK-scheme outperforms other schemes and is found to be GDOF optimal in many cases. In addition, when the SNR and INR are at the same level, ZF-receiving and the HK-scheme have the same GDOF performance.


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This paper derives outer bounds on the sum rate of the K-user MIMO Gaussian interference channel (GIC). Three outer bounds are derived, under different assumptions of cooperation and providing side information to receivers. The novelty in the derivation lies in the careful selection of side information, which results in the cancellation of the negative differential entropy terms containing signal components, leading to a tractable outer bound. The overall outer bound is obtained by taking the minimum of the three outer bounds. The derived bounds are simplified for the MIMO Gaussian symmetric IC to obtain outer bounds on the generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF). The relative performance of the bounds yields insight into the performance limits of multiuser MIMO GICs and the relative merits of different schemes for interference management. These insights are confirmed by establishing the optimality of the bounds in specific cases using an inner bound on the GDOF derived by the authors in a previous work. It is also shown that many of the existing results on the GDOF of the GIC can be obtained as special cases of the bounds, e. g., by setting K = 2 or the number of antennas at each user to 1.


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We report on the first dielectric investigation of high-k yttrium copper titanate thin films, which were demonstrated to be very promising for nanoelectronics applications. The dielectric constant of these films is found to vary from 100 down to 24 (at 100 kHz) as a function of deposition conditions, namely oxygen pressure and film thickness. The physical origin of such variation was investigated in the framework of universal dielectric response and Cole-Cole relations and by means of voltage dependence studies of the dielectric constant. Surface-related effects and charge hopping polarization processes, strictly dependent on the film microstructure, are suggested to be mainly responsible for the observed dielectric response. In particular, the bulky behaviour of thick films deposited at lower oxygen pressure evolves towards a more complex and electrically heterogeneous structure when either the thickness decreases down to 50 nm or the films are grown under high oxygen pressure.


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We report on the first dielectric investigation of high-k yttrium copper titanate thin films, which were demonstrated to be very promising for nanoelectronics applications. The dielectric constant of these films is found to vary from 100 down to 24 (at 100 kHz) as a function of deposition conditions, namely oxygen pressure and film thickness. The physical origin of such variation was investigated in the framework of universal dielectric response and Cole-Cole relations and by means of voltage dependence studies of the dielectric constant. Surface-related effects and charge hopping polarization processes, strictly dependent on the film microstructure, are suggested to be mainly responsible for the observed dielectric response. In particular, the bulky behaviour of thick films deposited at lower oxygen pressure evolves towards a more complex and electrically heterogeneous structure when either the thickness decreases down to 50 nm or the films are grown under high oxygen pressure.


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We develop a new dictionary learning algorithm called the l(1)-K-svp, by minimizing the l(1) distortion on the data term. The proposed formulation corresponds to maximum a posteriori estimation assuming a Laplacian prior on the coefficient matrix and additive noise, and is, in general, robust to non-Gaussian noise. The l(1) distortion is minimized by employing the iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithm. The dictionary atoms and the corresponding sparse coefficients are simultaneously estimated in the dictionary update step. Experimental results show that l(1)-K-SVD results in noise-robustness, faster convergence, and higher atom recovery rate than the method of optimal directions, K-SVD, and the robust dictionary learning algorithm (RDL), in Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian noise. For a fixed value of sparsity, number of dictionary atoms, and data dimension, l(1)-K-SVD outperforms K-SVD and RDL on small training sets. We also consider the generalized l(p), 0 < p < 1, data metric to tackle heavy-tailed/impulsive noise. In an image denoising application, l(1)-K-SVD was found to result in higher peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) over K-SVD for Laplacian noise. The structural similarity index increases by 0.1 for low input PSNR, which is significant and demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed method. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Southern Granulite Terrain in India is a collage of crustal blocks ranging in age from Archean to Neoproterozoic. This study investigate the tectonic evolution of one of the northernmost block- the Biligiri Block (BRB) through a multidisciplinary approach involving field investigation, petrographic studies, LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic analyses, metamorphic P-T phase diagram computations, and crustal thickness modeling. The garnet bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the central BRB preserve Mesoarchean magmatic zircons with ages between 3207 and 2806 Ma and positive epsilon Hf value (+2.7) which possibly indicates vestiges of a Mesoarchean primitive continental crust. The occurrence of quartzite-iron formation intercalation as well as ultramafic lenses along the western boundary of the BRB is interpreted to indicate that the Kollegal structural lineament is a possible paleo-suture. Phase diagram computation of a metagabbro from the southwestern periphery of the Kollegal suture zone reveals high-pressure (similar to 18.5 kbar) and medium-temperature (similar to 840 degrees C) metamorphism, likely during eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the Mesoarchean BRB. In the model presented here, slab subduction, melting and underplating processes generated arc magmatism and subsequent charnockitization within the BRB between ca. 2650 Ma and ca. 2498 Ma. These results thus reveal Meso- to Neoarchean tectonic evolution of the BRB. The spatial variation of crustal thickness, derived from flexure inversion technique, provides additional constraints on the tectonic linkage of the BRB with its surrounding terrains. In conjunction with published data, the Moyar and the Kollegal suture zones are considered to mark the trace of ocean closure along which the Nilgiri and Biligiri Rangan Blocks accreted on to the Western Dharwar Craton. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this letter, we submit our comment on the following recently published papers by Kalidas Das: (1) ``Influence of chemical reaction and viscous dissipation on MHD mixed convection flow,'' Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (5) (2014) 1881-1885; and (2) ``Cu-water nanofluid flow and heat transfer over a shrinking sheet,'' Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (12) (2014) 5089-5094. The authors attempt to present the similarity solutions in both papers. We comment that the similarity transformations considered in Refs. 1, 2] are incorrect. Thus, the results presented by Kalidas Das lead to invalid conclusions.


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Arc voltage fluctuations in a direct current (DC) non-transferred arc plasma generator are experimentally studied, in generating a jet in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes. The study is with a view toward elucidating the mechanism of the fluctuations and their relationship with the generating parameters, arc root movement and flow regimes. Results indicate that the existence of a 300 Hz alternating current (AC) component in the power supply ripples does not cause the transition of the laminar plasma jet into a turbulent state. There exists a high frequency fluctuation at 4 kHz in the turbulent jet regime. It may be related to the rapid movement of the anode attachment point of the arc.


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In the present paper the rarefied gas how caused by the sudden change of the wall temperature and the Rayleigh problem are simulated by the DSMC method which has been validated by experiments both in global flour field and velocity distribution function level. The comparison of the simulated results with the accurate numerical solutions of the B-G-K model equation shows that near equilibrium the BG-K equation with corrected collision frequency can give accurate result but as farther away from equilibrium the B-G-K equation is not accurate. This is for the first time that the error caused by the B-G-K model equation has been revealed.


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The arc-root attachment on the anode surface of a dc non-transferred arc plasma torch has been successfully observed using a novel approach. A specially designed copper mirror with a boron nitride film coated on its surface central-region is employed to avoid the effect of intensive light emitted from the arc column upon the observation of weakly luminous arc root. It is found that the arc-root attachment is diffusive on the anode surface of the argon plasma torch, while constricted arc roots often occur when hydrogen or nitrogen is added into argon as the plasma-forming gas.


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Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 was prepared by arc melting and solidified in situ by suction casting into 2-5-mm-diameter rods under various cooling rates (200-2000 K/s). The microstructure was investigated along the length of the rods by electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and mechanical properties were investigated under compression. The microstructure of differently prepared specimens consists of macroscopic spherical shape chemically inhomogeneous regions together with a low volume fraction of randomly distributed CuZr B2 phase embedded in a 2-7 nm size clustered "glassy-martensite" matrix. The as-cast specimens show high yield strength (1721 MPa), pronounced work-hardening behavior up to 2116 MPa and large fracture strain up to 12.1-15.1%. The fracture strain decreases with increasing casting diameter. The presence of chemical inhomogenities and nanoscale "glassy-martensite" features are beneficial for improving the inherent ductility of the metallic glass.


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A gliding arc discharge plasma and its characteristics are described. Analysis on the production principle of the plasma is presented. Some experimental results about two novel types of the gliding arc plasma generator were obtained. These types of gliding arc plasma are potentially used in chemical industry and environment engineering.