614 resultados para Juntunen, Esko Kalevi
OBJECTIVE: Multiple organ failure is a common complication of acute circulatory and respiratory failure. We hypothesized that therapeutic interventions used routinely in intensive care can interfere with the perfusion of the gut and the liver, and thereby increase the risk of mismatch between oxygen supply and demand. DESIGN: Prospective, observational study. SETTING: Interdisciplinary intensive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Thirty-six patients on mechanical ventilation with acute respiratory or circulatory failure or severe infection were included. INTERVENTIONS: Insertion of a hepatic venous catheter. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Daily nursing procedures were recorded. A decrease of >or=5% in hepatic venous oxygen saturation (Sho2) was considered relevant. Observation time was 64 (29-104) hours (median [interquartile range]). The ICU stay was 11 (8-15) days, and hospital mortality was 35%. The number of periods with procedures/patient was 170 (98-268), the number of procedure-related decreases in Sho2 was 29 (13-41), and the number of decreases in Sho2 unrelated to procedures was 9 (4-19). Accordingly, procedure-related Sho2 decreases occurred 11 (7-17) times per day. Median Sho2 decrease during the procedures was 7 (5-10)%, and median increase in the gradient between mixed and hepatic venous oxygen saturation was 6 (4-9)%. Procedures that caused most Sho2 decreases were airway suctioning, assessment of level of sedation, and changing patients' position. Sho2 decreases were associated with small but significant increases in heart rate and intravascular pressures. Maximal Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores in the ICU correlated with the number of Sho2 decreases (r: .56; p < 0.001) and with the number of procedure-related Sho2 decreases (r: .60; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients are exposed to repeated episodes of impaired splanchnic perfusion during routine nursing procedures. More research is needed to examine the correlation, if any, between nursing procedures and hepatic venous desaturation.
We prove analogs of classical almost sure dimension theorems for Euclidean projection mappings in the first Heisenberg group, equipped with a sub-Riemannian metric.
INTRODUCTION Dexmedetomidine was shown in two European randomized double-blind double-dummy trials (PRODEX and MIDEX) to be non-inferior to propofol and midazolam in maintaining target sedation levels in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Additionally, dexmedetomidine shortened the time to extubation versus both standard sedatives, suggesting that it may reduce ICU resource needs and thus lower ICU costs. Considering resource utilization data from these two trials, we performed a secondary, cost-minimization analysis assessing the economics of dexmedetomidine versus standard care sedation. METHODS The total ICU costs associated with each study sedative were calculated on the basis of total study sedative consumption and the number of days patients remained intubated, required non-invasive ventilation, or required ICU care without mechanical ventilation. The daily unit costs for these three consecutive ICU periods were set to decline toward discharge, reflecting the observed reduction in mean daily Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS) points between the periods. A number of additional sensitivity analyses were performed, including one in which the total ICU costs were based on the cumulative sum of daily TISS points over the ICU period, and two further scenarios, with declining direct variable daily costs only. RESULTS Based on pooled data from both trials, sedation with dexmedetomidine resulted in lower total ICU costs than using the standard sedatives, with a difference of €2,656 in the median (interquartile range) total ICU costs-€11,864 (€7,070 to €23,457) versus €14,520 (€7,871 to €26,254)-and €1,649 in the mean total ICU costs. The median (mean) total ICU costs with dexmedetomidine compared with those of propofol or midazolam were €1,292 (€747) and €3,573 (€2,536) lower, respectively. The result was robust, indicating lower costs with dexmedetomidine in all sensitivity analyses, including those in which only direct variable ICU costs were considered. The likelihood of dexmedetomidine resulting in lower total ICU costs compared with pooled standard care was 91.0% (72.4% versus propofol and 98.0% versus midazolam). CONCLUSIONS From an economic point of view, dexmedetomidine appears to be a preferable option compared with standard sedatives for providing light to moderate ICU sedation exceeding 24 hours. The savings potential results primarily from shorter time to extubation. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00479661 (PRODEX), NCT00481312 (MIDEX).
sqv (squashed vulva) genes comprise a set of eight independent loci in Caenorhabditis elegans required zygotically for the invagination of vulval epithelial cells and maternally for normal oocyte formation and embryogenesis. Sequencing of sqv-3, sqv-7, and sqv-8 suggested a role for the encoded proteins in glycolipid or glycoprotein biosynthesis. Using a combination of in vitro analysis of SQV enzymatic activities, sqv+-mediated rescue of vertebrate cell lines, and biochemical characterization of sqv mutants, we show that sqv-3, -7, and -8 all affect the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans and therefore compromise the function of one specific class of glycoconjugates, proteoglycans. These findings establish the importance of proteoglycans and their associated glycosaminoglycans in epithelial morphogenesis and patterning during C. elegans development.
Inhibitors of glycosylation provide a tool for studying the biology of glycoconjugates. One class of inhibitors consists of glycosides that block glycoconjugate synthesis by acting as primers of free oligosaccharide chains. A typical primer contains one sugar linked to a hydrophobic aglycone. In this report, we describe a way to use disaccharides as primers. Chinese hamster ovary cells readily take up glycosides containing a pentose linked to naphthol, but they take up hexosides less efficiently and disaccharides not at all. Linking phenanthrol to a hexose improves its uptake dramatically but has no effect on disaccharides. To circumvent this problem, analogs of Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol were tested as primers of glycosaminoglycan chains. The unmodified disaccharide did not prime, but methylated derivatives had activity in the order Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)3-beta-O-2-naphthol > Xyl beta 1-->6Gal (Me)2 beta-O-2-naphthol >> Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)beta-O-2-naphthol. Acetylated Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol also primed glycosaminoglycans efficiently, suggesting that the terminal xylose residue was exposed by removing the acetyl groups. The general utility of using acetyl groups to create disaccharide primers was shown by the priming of oligosaccharides on peracetylated Gal beta 1-->4GlcNAc beta-O-naphthalenemethanol. This disaccharide inhibited sialyl Lewis X expression on HL-60 cells.
OBJECTIVES Secretoneurin is produced in neuroendocrine cells, and the myocardium and circulating secretoneurin levels provide incremental prognostic information to established risk indices in cardiovascular disease. As myocardial dysfunction contributes to poor outcome in critically ill patients, we wanted to assess the prognostic value of secretoneurin in two cohorts of critically ill patients with infections. DESIGN Two prospective, observational studies. SETTING Twenty-four and twenty-five ICUs in Finland. PATIENTS A total of 232 patients with severe sepsis (cohort #1) and 94 patients with infections and respiratory failure (cohort #2). INTERVENTIONS None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS We measured secretoneurin levels by radioimmunoassay in samples obtained early after ICU admission and compared secretoneurin with other risk indices. In patients with severe sepsis, admission secretoneurin levels (logarithmically transformed) were associated with hospital mortality (odds ratio, 3.17 [95% CI, 1.12-9.00]; p = 0.030) and shock during the hospitalization (odds ratio, 2.17 [1.06-4.46]; p = 0.034) in analyses that adjusted for other risk factors available on ICU admission. Adding secretoneurin levels to age, which was also associated with hospital mortality in the multivariate model, improved the risk prediction as assessed by the category-free net reclassification index: 0.35 (95% CI, 0.06-0.64) (p = 0.02). In contrast, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels were not associated with mortality in the multivariate model that included secretoneurin measurements, and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide did not improve patient classification on top of age. Secretoneurin levels were also associated with hospital mortality after adjusting for other risk factors and improved patient classification in cohort #2. In both cohorts, the optimal cutoff for secretoneurin levels at ICU admission to predict hospital mortality was ≈ 175 pmol/L, and higher levels were associated with mortality also when adjusting for Simplified Acute Physiology Score II and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores. CONCLUSIONS Secretoneurin levels provide incremental information to established risk indices for the prediction of mortality and shock in critically ill patients with severe infections.
Some issues have title: Sbírka zákonů a nařízení republiky Česko-Slovenské.; some have title: Sbírka zákonů a nařízení .
Has supplements.
A later edition appeared under title: Život i doživljaj : autobiografija.
The facsim. is a fold. double plate.
Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin miten Kyllikki Hiisku kuvasi toisen maailmansodan aikaista Roomaa vuodenvaihteesta 1942 - 1943 syyskuun puoliväliin 1943 asti. Tutkimuksen päälähteenä olen käyttänyt Kyllikki Hiiskun tuosta ajasta kirjoittamaa teosta Italia valinkauhassa nähtyä ja koettua, joka ilmestyi 1945 Gummeruksen kustantamana. Olen pyrkinyt sijoittamaan Hiiskun kokemat tapahtumat tuon aikakauden Rooman historialliseen ja poliittiseen kehitykseen aikalaiskirjallisuuden ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla. Hiisku oli Roomassa Mussolinin hallintokauden viimeisien kuukausien aikana. Hän kuvailee elävästi Mussolinin hallituksen syrjäyttämisen ja italialaisten poliittisten asenteiden muutokset. Samanaikaisesti hän tutustui sodan todellisuuteen Italiassa. Hänelle Rooman saksalaismiehitys oli järkytys, ja hän hämmästeli italialaisten ja saksalaisten huonoja suhteita. Turkulainen Hiisku oli aikaisemmin tutustunut Italiaan lähinnä kulttuurin kannalta. Stipendiaikanaan hän tutustui fasismiin ja maan poliittiseen elämään. Teoksessaan hän ei ota selvää poliittista kantaa, mutta teoksesta heijastuu kirjoittajan oikeistolaisuus. Hiiskun teos ilmestyi heti sodan jälkeen, ja siitä välittyy autenttinen kuva hänen stipendiajastaan Roomassa.
Tutkielmani käsittelee kioskikirjallisuuden suomennosten historiaa ja sitä, miten kioskikirjasarjoissa julkaistuja teoksia on suomennosvaiheessa lyhennetty. Suomessa on tehty vain vähän akateemista tutkimusta kioskikirjallisuudesta. Varsinkin siitä, miten ja millaisissa oloissa kioskikirjoja on suomennettu, on vain vähän tietoa. Tutkielman teoreettinen pohja on deskriptiivinen käännöstutkimus. Tutkin kioskikirjallisuutta aikakautensa ilmiönä ja pohdin sitä, miten aikakauden normit ja suomentajien asema ovat vaikuttaneet kioskikirjallisuuden suomennoksiin. Hyödynnän myös Gideon Touryn käännösnormeihin liittyvää tutkimusta. Pohdin tutkimuksessani lisäksi sitä, toteutuuko uudelleenkäännöshypoteesi tutkimissani suomennoksissa. Tutkielman empiirisessä osassa analysoin sitä, miten kioskikirjoja on lyhennetty ja mitä niihin on lisätty suomennosvaiheessa. Tutkimusmateriaalina on Ed McBainin teos The Pusher (1956) ja sen kaksi suomennosta, Vaasa Oy:n Ilves-sarjassa julkaistu Poikani on narkomaani? (1963, suom. Uolevi Maajärvi) ja Grammamies (1973, suom. Kalevi Nyytäjä). Sain tutkimuksessani selville, että Uolevi Maajärven suomennokseen tekemät poistot kohdistuivat pääasiassa seuraavanlaisiin tekstisegmentteihin: muistelu, kielellinen leikittely, epämiellyttäviksi koetut aiheet, toistoa sisältävät kappaleet, poliisitutkimuksen kuvaus ja henkilöhahmojen välisen vuorovaikutuksen kuvaus. Maajärvi oli myös lisännyt suomennokseensa kääntäjän huomautuksia. Maajärven suomennokseen tekemät poistot ja lisäykset eivät vaikeuttaneet kirjan pääjuonen seuraamista, mutta niiden kautta teoksesta katosi Ed McBainin kirjoitustyylille ominaisia aspekteja, kuten tarkat poliisitoiminnan kuvaukset. Maajärven suomennosta on todennäköisesti ensisijaisesti lyhennetty, jotta se sopisi pituudeltaan paremmin kustantajan kirjasarjaan. Suomennokseen tehdyissä poistoissa voidaan kuitenkin nähdä mm. suomentajan itsesensuuria. Kalevi Nyytäjän suomennos noudatti pääsääntöisesti alkuperäistekstiä. Käännösanalyysin perusteella suomennosten julkaisuajankohtien välisen vuosikymmenen aikana on tapahtunut selkeitä muutoksia, esimerkiksi tabu-aiheiden kääntämiseen liittyvissä normeissa. Käännösvertailun perusteella tutkimusmateriaalini tuki jossain määrin uudelleenkääntämishypoteesin olettamusta, jonka mukaan uudemmat käännökset ovat ensimmäisiä käännöksiä vieraannuttavampia.