848 resultados para Jovens : Comportamento social : Midia
Esta pesquisa se propôs a estudar o projeto de vida construído por alunos de duas escolas da cidade de Rio Claro-SP, considerando o Capital Social que estes alunos possuem a partir de suas realidades socioeconômicas e a importância que dão à escola quando pensam no futuro. Devido a rapidez exigida pela sociedade atual no que diz respeito as mudanças e aperfeiçoamento dos indivíduos pode-se notar um aumento na dificuldade dos jovens perante as escolhas necessárias para pensarem a vida futura, tanto no que se refere a área profissional, quanto as outras questões como sair de casa, formação da família etc. Assim é importante clarear qual a influência que o capital social destes jovens exerce sobre o projeto de vida que desejam construir. E também como este capital é capaz de fazer com que os alunos considerem a escola importante ou não para contribuir na construção do projeto de vida
No presente estudo, avaliamos se a exibição da nadadeira dorsal é usada na comunicação do status social na tilápia do Nilo. Medimos o grau de expansão da nadadeira dorsal de peixes durante confrontos que levassem ao estabelecimento de hierarquia de dominância (em isolamento, antes e após estabelecimento hierárquico). Foram observados dez pares de peixes, dos quais 7 claramente estabeleceram a hierarquia de dominância. Antes do pareamento, o grau de expansão da nadadeira dorsal (GEN) não diferiu entre os animais. Com o pareamento, mas antes da definição hierárquica, o GEN aumentou de forma similar para ambos os animais dos pares e os indivíduos de cada par emitiram taxas de confrontos equivalentes. Porém, após a definição hierárquica, tanto o GEN quanto as taxas de confrontos se mantiveram nos dominantes, reduzindo drasticamente nos submissos. Esses dados mostram que o GEN é um sinal indicativo da posição hierárquica dos peixes, podendo transmitir informação de dominância (elevação do GEN) ou submissão (redução do GEN)
Many young people have chosen go on exchange experiences, expecting to live in a context full of diversity, to know elements in the country they are visiting and also to develop themselves personally and professionally. Organizational and cultural values can be acquired or developed through these professional exchange experiences. This paper aimed to understand the vision of young people who went on the social exchange of AIESEC related to cultural and organizational values in the experience. AIESEC is a global and nonprofit organization formed by university students, with the objective of peace and the fulfillment of the humankind needs. Thus, professional exchanges are the main tool for achieving this goal. The study analyzes the experiences of 15 exchange students as well as the point of view of five managers of the organization in order to gain a broad perspective in relation to exchange experiences to understand how young people understand the concept of culture. The interview results suggest that in labor relations, autonomy and egalitarianism are values that go together, while the harmony could be observed by the fact that the projects deal with the issue of sustainability. Furthermore, responsibility, tolerance and collective were the human values that the exchange students developed the most, indicating that experience enables openness to live the diversity and to the intercultural dialogue in order to value local cultures of the visited countries
Introdução: A variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) descreve o comportamento dos intervalos RR que está relacionado às ações do sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) sobre o nódulo sinusal. Essa pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores dentre eles a obesidade, doença de etiologia multifatorial definida como um acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar em jovens obesos com idade entre 18 e 23 anos o comportamento autonômico cardíaco, durante o repouso, por meio da análise linear e não linear dos índices da VFC bem como associá-lo a eventos de desconforto músculoesquelético influenciados ou não pela prática regular de exercício físico nessa população. Metodologia: Para a realização deste estudo foram analisados dados de 68 voluntários jovens, de ambos os sexos, distribuídos de forma não randomizada em dois grupos: o G1 constituído por 32 obesos, 20,21 ± 1,66 anos e o G2 por 36 não obesos, 20,8 ± 1,47 anos sendo considerado como critério de classificação dos voluntários o índice de massa corpórea (IMC). O protocolo experimental consistiu da captação da frequência cardíaca batimento a batimento, por meio de uma cinta de captação fixada no tórax do voluntário juntamente com um receptor de frequência cardíaca fixado no punho. Para esta captação o voluntário foi orientado a permanecer em repouso na posição de decúbito dorsal sobre um colchonete, durante 30 minutos, com a respiração espontânea. Além disso, foram aplicados dois questionários, ou seja: versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionaire (IPAQ) - Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, a fim de classificar o nível de atividade física e o Questionário Nórdico, para detectar eventuais sintomas osteomusculares decorrentes das atividades de vida diária e/ou atividades física. Os índices da VFC analisados foram: análise linear... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Introduction: The triangular index and the Poincaré plot (or Lorenz plot) are the best known indexes obtained from geometric methods. The triangular index (TINN, RRtri) represent the global variability of the subject and SD1, which reflects the parasympathetic component, SD2, index of global variability and its relationship (SD1/SD2) are obtained from the Poincaré plot. Despite the literature showing changes in the cardiovascular system during and after the resistance exercise (RE), aspects related to autonomic modulation of heart against these conditions have not been explored yet, so it is important to evaluate this behavior. Objectives: Analyze the acute effects of RE on the cardiac autonomic modulation during recovery (REC) through analysis of geometric indices of heart rate variability (HRV), applied with different intensities and muscle groups in healthy and active young. Methods: Were evaluated 24 young, 22.25 ± 2.4 years and 24.47 ± 3.08 kg/m2, underwent an experimental protocol of five stages, in the first stage was conducted a test of one maximum repetition (1RM) in upper limbs (UL) and lower limb (LL), and the following steps were initiated interventions to 40 (E) and 80% (F) of 1RM. Considered for HRV analysis the periods: baseline and immediately after exercise, both in supine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
there is evidence that sport can trigger the onset of postural patterns specific to each modality, regardless of the geopolitical aspects, social, cultural habits of everyday life and ethnicity. Since changes in flexibility are cited as possible precursors of decreased range of motion, thereby harming the mechanics of the lower limbs and gait. Objetcive: The objective of this study was to analyze changes in posture and flexibility in young soccer players. Methods: were assessed 51 youngsters, aged between 14 and 18 years, soccer players registered in the Municipal Presidente Prudente SP and categories of the base of Gremio of Presidente Prudente. Data were collected from the assessment by the postural software assessment, and flexibility tests the Bench, to jail and later by tests of muscle length to jail earlier proposed by Kendall et al , was also collected anthropometric data were later confronted with the results statistically. The results were organized into spreadsheets for computing, which later could be performed the statistical analysis. Values are expressed by means of central tendency and variability as well as medians and 95% confidence intervals. The comparison for each profile height and BMI was made by means of analysis of variance complemented by Tukey test. Were considered the statistical differences when P <0.05. Results: In the sample studied 64% of the subjects classified as normal posture, the same happened with 70.59% of the athletes for flexibility in relation to the center of gravity of the sample had 100% anterior displacement of the trunk and 86.28% with a deviation of center of gravity to the left, showing a tendency to some postural deviations for the group assessed. Conclusion: from the results we can conclude that there was significant relationship between the postural angle of the right leg and left angle of the pelvis with BMI and also ankle angle... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The bee Apis mellifera has a great importance because it is the most economically valuable pollinator for crops worldwide, ensuring cross-pollination and increasing fruit yield. Moreover, agriculture increasingly develops chemicals to control weeds, fungi and insect pests to ensure productivity. Insecticides are used on a large scale in the state of São Paulo, in cultures of citrus for control of greening. Applications are usually made by aircraft and as a result of the effect derives a significant mortality is observed in apiaries near the plantations. Honey bees can get in contact with such chemical agent through their activities of water harvesting, plant resins, pollen and nectar. Intoxication resulting from this exposure can be lethal, which is easily detectable, or cause effects on the physiology and behavior of the insect. These, in turn are hardly detectable, such as paralysis, disorientation, behavioral changes, but can compromise the entire social structure of the colony, therefore aimed to study the effects of the insecticide Thiamethoxam behavior of honeybees A. mellifera. Newly emerged individuals and with 10 days of age were tested. Applications of 1 μL de Thiamethoxam, diluted in acetone, were made on the dorsal thorax with a microapplicator. Preliminarily, it was observed LD50 twenty four hours after topical treatment of Thiamethoxam. It was found that the LD50 for newly emerged honeybees is 8 ng/bee and for honeybees with 10 days of age is 18 ng/bee. The behaviors were analyzed 1 hour after application of insecticide at doses corresponding to LD50/100, LD50/50, LD50/10 and LD50, besides the control group. In the test reflex proboscis extension, there was impairment of behavior at doses of 8 and 18 ng/bee workers in newly emerged workers and 10 days of age, respectively. And in locomotor behavior was no change only at a dose of 18 ng/bee workers at 10 days of age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The present monograph is a historical research of one of the brazilian newspapers in a journalistic heterogeneous effervescence, referring to the proliferation of vehicles on alternative libertarians of the 60/70. The project gives visibility to the Rolling Stone newspaper as the document that disproved their own relevancy in the viability of the music production and counterculture inspired by North America, developing the repercussion of the new behavior of young flower power in the country. The personality of those who were in the journalistic team, the production schema, editorial and proposed tariffs would be in total congruency with the countercultural movement
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A pesquisa teve como objetivo central identificar e analisar as diversas estratégias de permanência e reprodução social dos produtores familiares e os efeitos do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) no município de Urânia - SP. Constata-se que as atividades desenvolvidas externamente a unidade produtiva e principalmente a previdência social rural são importantes na composição da renda dos produtores familiares. Mas, as principais estratégias são de base agrícola, visto que as atividades agropecuárias constituem-se na principal fonte de renda dos produtores familiares, destacando-se a opção por culturas que proporcionam alta rentabilidade por hectare cultivado, tais como: as frutíferas (uva, laranja, caju, dentre outras) e olerícolas (berinjela, jiló, milho verde etc.). Nesse sentido, a relevância das atividades agropecuárias, principalmente a fruticultura, em especial a uva que demanda grandes investimentos em tecnologia, despesas em insumos faz com que o PRONAF desempenhe importante papel para o desenvolvimento das atividades agropecuárias através das modalidades de custeio e investimento no conjunto de produtores familiares pesquisados, apesar de suas limitações no que tange a marginalização de produtores menos capitalizados e atuação exclusivamente vinculada à concessão de crédito. Identificamos que a gestão profissionalizada é um importante elemento para o progresso econômico da unidade produtiva, proporcionando condições mais favoráveis à permanência do produtor familiar na atividade agrícola e a sucessão hereditária na agricultura familiar, que perfaz a minoria dos casos em função da resistência dos jovens em permanecer no espaço rural decorrentes da baixa rentabilidade e de outros fatores como a penosidade do trabalho...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Population growth, together with the gradual social ascent in Brazil, reflects at the growing need for better use of urban spaces. In this context, the amount of new buildings to meet the demand in property market, the needs for creating new roads and highways, among others, make the use of geotechnical works and, more specifically, retaining walls, more and more common. One of the simplest solutions for underground works is the use of retaining structures using tie back walls for soil support, therefore, the present work deals with this kind of structures. This paper proposes the use of FTOOL software testing in predicting deformations in tie back walls, by comparing simulations of the presented model to a real and measured deformation case in Guabirotuba Formation (PR). The results showed the importance of defining the parameters such as stiffness and curtain geometry, as well as the definition of representative loads acting on it. Also, it was pointed out that the passive response of the steel rods depends on the horizontal displacement of the wall. The study concluded that the program generates very representative results when compared to field data and seems to be a promising tool for tie back structures displacement predictions
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)