986 resultados para Joint biofuels production system


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Foram analisados os dados de desempenho ponderal de bubalinos Murrah do Sistema de Produção de Leite da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, campus de Botucatu. Os pesos foram corrigidos às diversas idades-padrão e o modelo incluiu os efeitos de sexo (S), mês (M) e ano (A) de nascimento, classe de idade da búfala ao parto (C) e as interações S x M, S x A, S x C e M x A. As médias ajustadas e respectivos erros-padrão estimados para as características estudadas foram: Peso ao Nascer (PN): 37,71 ± 8,25kg; Peso aos 120 dias (P120): 102,08 ± 16,27kg; Peso aos 240 dias (P240): 169,84 ± 22,83kg; Peso aos 365 dias (P365): 250,59 ± 25,12kg; Peso aos 550 dias (P550): 326,13 ± 39,27kg e Peso aos 730 dias (P730): 389,80 ± 31,26kg. O efeito de sexo (S) foi significativo somente para PN e P365, sendo que machos tenderam a nascer mais pesados que fêmeas. O mês de nascimento (M) exerceu efeito sobre o PN, P120 e P730 sendo que animais nascidos em maio foram os mais pesados ao nascer, enquanto os nascidos em janeiro e maio, foram os mais pesados aos 120 e 730 dias, respectivamente. O efeito de ano de foi significativo sobre o PN, P120, P240 e P730. Os filhos de búfalas das classes de idade 1 (3 anos ou menos) e da classe 6 (10,11 e 12 anos) foram os mais leves e mais pesados ao nascer, respectivamente. O fato de a classe de idade da búfala não exercer efeito sobre os P365, P550 e P730 sugere que, em rebanhos comerciais possa ser feita a substituição de búfalas não gestantes por novilhas prenhes, apesar de esta prática reduzir a média de idade do rebanho de cria. Bubalinos da raça Murrah oriundos de rebanhos leiteiros podem ser utilizados para a produção de carne.


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O Brasil ocupa as posições de maior produtor e exportador mundial de carne bovina, com a região Centro-Oeste respondendo por 35% do abate nacional, em 2010. Entretanto, faz-se necessário valorizar o planejamento, o controle e a gestão empresarial nas propriedades produtoras, visando ao lucro na atividade. O presente estudo objetivou analisar e avaliar a viabilidade econômica da produção de bovinos de corte, em Camapuã (MS), a fim de identificar os itens relevantes aos custos da atividade. Como direcionador dos custos variáveis, no custo operacional efetivo, o suplemento mineral fornecido aos animais e a mão de obra mostraram-se relevantes para a gestão do sistema de produção, representando, aproximadamente, 71% dos custos. Com base nos resultados apresentados, pôde-se concluir que a propriedade apresenta boa lucratividade (superior a 20%). Verificou-se, ainda, com base no fluxo de caixa, taxa interna de retorno de 13,13% e capital inicial investido retornando em, aproximadamente, 7 anos, com resultados atrativos para o investimento, neste segmento agropecuário. O estudo proporcionou um parâmetro de custo para o produtor pecuarista, podendo contribuir para um melhor planejamento de atividades, em que, apesar dos altos investimentos iniciais, possivelmente, poderá reduzir seus custos, com o manejo racional no sistema produtivo, o que seria mais atrativo para o mercado, tornando mais viáveis as suas atividades de produção e comercialização do produto.


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Cada vez mais, os principais objetivos na indústria é a produção a baixo custo, com a máxima qualidade e com o tempo de fabrico o mais curto possível. Para atingir esta meta, a indústria recorre, frequentemente, às máquinas de comando numérico (CNC), uma vez que com esta tecnologia torna se capaz alcançar uma elevada precisão e um tempo de processamento mais baixo. As máquinas ferramentas CNC podem ser aplicadas em diferentes processos de maquinagem, tais como: torneamento, fresagem, furação, entre outros. De todos estes processos, o mais utilizado é a fresagem devido à sua versatilidade. Utiliza-se normalmente este processo para maquinar materiais metálicos como é o caso do aço e dos ferros fundidos. Neste trabalho, são analisados os efeitos da variação de quatro parâmetros no processo de fresagem (velocidade de corte, velocidade de avanço, penetração radial e penetração axial), individualmente e a interação entre alguns deles, na variação da rugosidade num aço endurecido (aço 12738). Para essa análise são utilizados dois métodos de otimização: o método de Taguchi e o método das superfícies. O primeiro método foi utilizado para diminuir o número de combinações possíveis e, consequentemente, o número de ensaios a realizar é denominado por método de Taguchi. O método das superfícies ou método das superfícies de resposta (RSM) foi utilizado com o intuito de comparar os resultados obtidos com o método de Taguchi, de acordo com alguns trabalhos referidos na bibliografia especializada, o RSM converge mais rapidamente para um valor ótimo. O método de Taguchi é muito conhecido no setor industrial onde é utilizado para o controlo de qualidade. Apresenta conceitos interessantes, tais como robustez e perda de qualidade, sendo bastante útil para identificar variações do sistema de produção, durante o processo industrial, quantificando a variação e permitindo eliminar os fatores indesejáveis. Com este método foi vi construída uma matriz ortogonal L16 e para cada parâmetro foram definidos dois níveis diferentes e realizados dezasseis ensaios. Após cada ensaio, faz-se a medição superficial da rugosidade da peça. Com base nos resultados obtidos das medições da rugosidade é feito um tratamento estatístico dos dados através da análise de variância (Anova) a fim de determinar a influência de cada um dos parâmetros na rugosidade superficial. Verificou-se que a rugosidade mínima medida foi de 1,05m. Neste estudo foi também determinada a contribuição de cada um dos parâmetros de maquinagem e a sua interação. A análise dos valores de “F-ratio” (Anova) revela que os fatores mais importantes são a profundidade de corte radial e da interação entre profundidade de corte radial e profundidade de corte axial para minimizar a rugosidade da superfície. Estes têm contribuições de cerca de 30% e 24%, respetivamente. Numa segunda etapa este mesmo estudo foi realizado pelo método das superfícies, a fim de comparar os resultados por estes dois métodos e verificar qual o melhor método de otimização para minimizar a rugosidade. A metodologia das superfícies de resposta é baseada num conjunto de técnicas matemáticas e estatísticas úteis para modelar e analisar problemas em que a resposta de interesse é influenciada por diversas variáveis e cujo objetivo é otimizar essa resposta. Para este método apenas foram realizados cinco ensaios, ao contrário de Taguchi, uma vez que apenas em cinco ensaios consegue-se valores de rugosidade mais baixos do que a média da rugosidade no método de Taguchi. O valor mais baixo por este método foi de 1,03μm. Assim, conclui-se que RSM é um método de otimização mais adequado do que Taguchi para os ensaios realizados. Foram obtidos melhores resultados num menor número de ensaios, o que implica menos desgaste da ferramenta, menor tempo de processamento e uma redução significativa do material utilizado.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional, 2016.


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The land suitability evaluation is used to establish land zonings for agriculture activities. Geographic information systems (GIS) are useful for integrating different attributes necessaries to define apt and not apt lands. The present study had as main objective to describe procedures to define land suitability using GIS tools, soils maps and data soils profiles data, emphasizing procedures to define soil atributes. The area studied was the watershed of Córrego Espraiado, Ribeirão Preto-SP, located on the recharging area of the Guarani Aquifer, with approximately 4,130 ha and predominance of sugar cane culture. The database project was developed using the GIS Idrisi 32. The land suitability evaluation was done considering the intensive agricultural production system predominant in the watershed, adjusted for the vulnerability of the areas of recharge and for the methodology of GIS tools. Numerical terrain models (NTM) had been constructed for cation exchange capacity, basis saturation, clay content and silt+clay content using kriging (geostatistical interpolator), and for aluminum saturation using the inverse-square-distance. Boolean operations for handling geographic fields (thematic maps and NTM) to produce information plans are described and a land suitability map obtained by GIS tools is presented, indicating that 85% of watershed lands are apt to annual cultures.


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Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Citrus are a group of fruit species, quite heterogeneous in many aspects, including chemical composition of the fruit. Since ancient times, some citrus fruits were used to prevent and cure human diseases. In the recent decades, it has been demonstrated that fruits can actually help prevent and cure some diseases and above all, they are essential in a balanced diet. Citrus fruits, as one of the groups of fruit species, with greater importance in the world, have been studied for their effects on human health. Some species of citrus were referred as potential antioxidant based therapy for heart disease, cancer and inflammation. Fruit peels and seeds have also high antioxidant activity. The health benefits of citrus fruit have mainly been attributed to the high level of bioactive compounds, such as phenols (e.g., flavanone glycosides, hydroxycinnamic acids), carotenoids and vitamin C. These compounds are present in the fruit pulp and hence in the juice. But some bioactive compounds can be found in parts of the fruit which usually are not used for human food. The content of bioactive compounds depends on the species and cultivar, but also depends on the production system followed in the orchard. Citrus fruits, their derivatives and their by-products (peel, pulp and oil) are reach in different bioactive compounds and its maturity, postharvest and agroindustry processes influence their composition and concentration. The aim of this chapter was to review the main bioactive compounds of the different components of citrus and their relationship to health.


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ABSTRACT: Ruminal gases, particularly methane, generated during the fermentative process in rumen, represent a partial loss of feed energy and are also pointed to as an important factors in greenhouse effect. This study aimed at quantifying methane (CH 4) emission rates from lactating and dry cows and heifers, 24 month-old in average, on pasture under Southeast Brazil tropical conditions, using the tracer gas technique, sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6), four animals per category, distributed in four blocks. Measurements were performed in February and June, 2002, with Holstein and Brazilian Dairy Crossbred (Holstein ¾ x Gir (Zebu) ¼), maintained on fertilized Tanzania-grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania) and fertilized Brachiaria-grass (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk) pastures. Heifers of both breeds were maintained on unfertilized Brachiaria-grass to simulate conditions of extensive cattle farming systems. CH 4 and SF 6 levels were measured with gas chromatography. Differences in CH4 emissions were measured (p < 0.05) for genetical groups. Holstein produced more methane (299.3g day?1) than the Crossbred (264.2 g day?1). Lactating cows produced more methane (353.8 g day?1) than dry cows (268.8 g day?1) and heifers (222.6 g day?1). Holstein, with greater milk production potential, produced less CH4 (p < 0.05) per unit of dry matter intake (19.1 g kg?1) than the Crossbred (22.0 g kg?1). Methane emission by heifers grazing fertilized pasture (intensive system) was 222.6 g day?1, greater (p < 0.05) than that of heifers on unfertilized pasture (179.2 g day?1). Methane emission varied as function of animal category and management intensity of production system.


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The transformations economical, social and politics in you finish them decades of the century XX brought changes that didn't just limit to the production system. The flexible accumulation took many workers lost her/it their workstations and they look for her/it new survival forms, migrating for administrative activities, of services rendered and for the tourist activity of small and medium load. The State has been investing in the implantation of plans of tourist development in order to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of the tourist activity in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast. A space when it starts to present a predominant economical activity suffers a restructuring in their social and economical relationships. The restructuring of these relationships takes to the construction of a new espacialidade. In the city of Christmas, in Rio Grande do Norte, the neighborhood of Black Tip is the most representative of the public investments for the tourist development. After intense process of tourist urbanization, Black Tip passed interfering in the global context consolidating as the tourist locus in the city. The tourist urbanization of the neighborhood took to the transformation of the space in merchandise that is sold and consumed as such. The recreation of fragments of other cultures brought by social actors, resulting from migratory processes stimulated by the tourist development, it has been presenting ruled social relationships in the informational technology, consumption of global goods and in the fragmentation of the urban space characterized by the internationalization and cosmopolitização. That process has been masking the inequalities partners and cultural as well as the territorial appropriation for an economical elite. The spaces are being appropriate for investors of the tourist section, private investors, agents and real estate producers, where the inequality is not just economical, but also cultural. The local population, mainly of the urban fraction of the Town of Black Tip, it doesn't participate of the productive process in function of the little or any professional qualification and he/she doesn't also have access to the consumption process. To the native ones it remains the fight for the preservation of his/her cultural identity and for the survival


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The program PROBIODIESEL from the Ministry of Science and Technology has substantially increased glycerine, obtained as a sub-product of biodiesel production process, making it necessary to seek alternatives for the use of this co-product. On the other hand, herbicides although play a role of fundamental importance in the agricultural production system in force, have been under growing concern among the various segments of society because of their potential environmental risk. In this work, we used glycerin in microemulsion systems for application of herbicides, to improve efficiency and lower environmental pollution caused by the loss of those products to the environment. To obtain the systems of microemulsinados were used Unitol L90 NP and Renex 40 as surfactants, butanol as co-surfactant, coconut oil as oil phase and aqueous phase as we used solutions of glycerin + water. Through the determination of phase diagrams, the microemulsion region was found in the system E (L90 Unitol, coconut oil and glycerin + water 1:1). Three points were chosen to the aqueous phase rich in characterization and application in the solubilization of glyphosate and atrazine. Three experiments were performed in Horta, Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Science Sector, UFERSA, Mossoró-RN. The first experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide glyphosate (0.0, 0.45, 0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity of Brachiaria brizantha was measured at 7, 14, 28 and 60 DAA (days after application). At 60 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The second experiment was developed in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide atrazine (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays and Talinum paniculatum was evaluated at 2, 7, 20 DAA. The experiment III was developed in randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and three repetitions. The treatments consisted of 16 combinations among the constituents of the microemulsion: Unitol L90 surfactant (0.0, 1.66, 5.0, 15 %) and glycerin (0.0, 4.44, 13.33 and 40.0 %). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 DAA. At 14 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The control plants using the microemulsions was lower than in the water due to the poisoning caused by the initial microemulsions in the leaves of the plants, a fact that hinders the absorption and translocation of the herbicide. There was no toxicity in Zea mays plants caused by the herbicide, however, were highly intoxicated by microemulsions. T. paniculatum was better controlled in spraying with the microemulsions, regardless of the dose of the herbicide. The glycerine did not cause plant damage. Higher poisoning the plants are caused by tensoactive Unitol L90 and higher rates occur with the use of higher concentrations of surfactant and glycerin, or microemulsion. The microemulsions used hampered the action of glyphosate in controlling B. brizantha and caused severe poisoning in corn, and these poisonings attributed mainly to the action of surfactant


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The multiphase flow occurrence in the oil and gas industry is common throughout fluid path, production, transportation and refining. The multiphase flow is defined as flow simultaneously composed of two or more phases with different properties and immiscible. An important computational tool for the design, planning and optimization production systems is multiphase flow simulation in pipelines and porous media, usually made by multiphase flow commercial simulators. The main purpose of the multiphase flow simulators is predicting pressure and temperature at any point at the production system. This work proposes the development of a multiphase flow simulator able to predict the dynamic pressure and temperature gradient in vertical, directional and horizontal wells. The prediction of pressure and temperature profiles was made by numerical integration using marching algorithm with empirical correlations and mechanistic model to predict pressure gradient. The development of this tool involved set of routines implemented through software programming Embarcadero C++ Builder® 2010 version, which allowed the creation of executable file compatible with Microsoft Windows® operating systems. The simulator validation was conduct by computational experiments and comparison the results with the PIPESIM®. In general, the developed simulator achieved excellent results compared with those obtained by PIPESIM and can be used as a tool to assist production systems development


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A NOx reduction efficiency higher than 95% with NH3 slip less than 30 ppm is desirable for heavy-duty diesel (HDD) engines using selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems to meet the US EPA 2010 NOx standard and the 2014-2018 fuel consumption regulation. The SCR performance needs to be improved through experimental and modeling studies. In this research, a high fidelity global kinetic 1-dimensional 2-site SCR model with mass transfer, heat transfer and global reaction mechanisms was developed for a Cu-zeolite catalyst. The model simulates the SCR performance for the engine exhaust conditions with NH3 maldistribution and aging effects, and the details are presented. SCR experimental data were collected for the model development, calibration and validation from a reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and an engine experimental setup at Michigan Technological University (MTU) with a Cummins 2010 ISB engine. The model was calibrated separately to the reactor and engine data. The experimental setup, test procedures including a surrogate HD-FTP cycle developed for transient studies and the model calibration process are described. Differences in the model parameters were determined between the calibrations developed from the reactor and the engine data. It was determined that the SCR inlet NH3 maldistribution is one of the reasons causing the differences. The model calibrated to the engine data served as a basis for developing a reduced order SCR estimator model. The effect of the SCR inlet NO2/NOx ratio on the SCR performance was studied through simulations using the surrogate HD-FTP cycle. The cumulative outlet NOx and the overall NOx conversion efficiency of the cycle are highest with a NO2/NOx ratio of 0.5. The outlet NH3 is lowest for the NO2/NOx ratio greater than 0.6. A combined engine experimental and simulation study was performed to quantify the NH3 maldistribution at the SCR inlet and its effects on the SCR performance and kinetics. The uniformity index (UI) of the SCR inlet NH3 and NH3/NOx ratio (ANR) was determined to be below 0.8 for the production system. The UI was improved to 0.9 after installation of a swirl mixer into the SCR inlet cone. A multi-channel model was developed to simulate the maldistribution effects. The results showed that reducing the UI of the inlet ANR from 1.0 to 0.7 caused a 5-10% decrease in NOx reduction efficiency and 10-20 ppm increase in the NH3 slip. The simulations of the steady-state engine data with the multi-channel model showed that the NH3 maldistribution is a factor causing the differences in the calibrations developed from the engine and the reactor data. The Reactor experiments were performed at ORNL using a Spaci-IR technique to study the thermal aging effects. The test results showed that the thermal aging (at 800°C for 16 hours) caused a 30% reduction in the NH3 stored on the catalyst under NH3 saturation conditions and different axial concentration profiles under SCR reaction conditions. The kinetics analysis showed that the thermal aging caused a reduction in total NH3 storage capacity (94.6 compared to 138 gmol/m3), different NH3 adsorption/desorption properties and a decrease in activation energy and the pre-exponential factor for NH3 oxidation, standard and fast SCR reactions. Both reduction in the storage capability and the change in kinetics of the major reactions contributed to the change in the axial storage and concentration profiles observed from the experiments.


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The first application of WS2, a well-known graphene analogue, as a solid acid catalyst for carboxylic acid esterification is reported. WS2 exhibits excellent specific activities and high conversion to methyl esters of (65–90%) for C2–C16 carboxylic acid esterification with methanol under mild conditions, with Turnover Frequencies between 80 and 180 h−1, and outstanding water tolerance even under equimolar water spiking. WS2 also exhibits good stability towards methyl propanoate in the continuous esterification of propanoic acid, and is a promising candidate for biofuels production.


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In recent decades, the national and international media contexts, in particular television media, significantly changed. The role that social networks, in particular Facebook, have taken as a content diffusion platform is unquestionable. Nowadays, traditional media (radio, newspaper, television) use the Web’s potential to distribute news content (Canelas, 2011). Currently, all TV news channels in Portugal have a website or a page on social networks. TV stations have increased communication channels with the public on digital platforms and study strategies that promote the participation and interaction with the news content (Cazajeira, 2015). The TV / Internet convergence will not only reach the content, but also the consumer, who becomes an interactive and participative audience. This reality imposes on journalism a continuous and updated news production system, dependent on a user being permanently connected to the Internet (Cazajeira, 2015). In fact, a report launched by an autonomous institution that has the function of supervising and regulating the media Portugal (ERC, 2015), confirms the relevance that social media has assumed in the publication and consumption of news. Social networks are recognised as one of the most important means for news media consultation, right after television, and the practice of sharing news is very common among consumers of online news in Portugal. Furthermore, when compared to other countries analysed by Reuters Institute (Newman, Levy, & Nielsen, 2015), Portuguese consumers are those who make the most comments to online news, preferring social networks to news sites. Considering the importance of new online platforms for journalism, this study aims to present a quantitative analysis of user participation on the Facebook pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels, specifically RTP3, SIC Notícias and TVI24, between 8 and 14 February 2016. To track this participation, the following parameters were used: the "like" button as a way to study the demonstration of publication interest; "sharing" of a particular element, be it a photo, a video or a text, on the user Timeline, the Timeline of a friend or by private message. This monitoring is important to understand the dissemination of news content; and the comments area. The number of comments will help understand the dynamics and the discussion that the publication has on the public. The results of 1063 posts indicate that of the analysed parameters - "Like", "Comment", and "Share" – the one with the greatest power of participation among the users of the pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels is the "Like" system, followed by "Share" and then "Comment". The theme that generates the most user participation with "Likes" and “Comments” parameters are "Science and Technology", “Education” and “Humorous/Satirical/Unusual”. Finally, the publications available end of the night (10pm-1am) has better participation rates.


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In recent decades, the national and international media contexts, in particular television, media significantly changed. Although they were not created for the purpose, the role that social networks, in particular Facebook, have taken as a content diffusion platform is unquestionable. Nowadays, traditional media (radio, newspaper, television) use the Web’s potential to distribute news content (Canelas, 2011). Currently, all TV news channels in Portugal have a website or a page on social networks. TV stations have increased communication channels with the public on digital platforms and study strategies that promote the participation and interaction with the news content (Cazajeira, 2015). The TV / Internet convergence will not only reach the content, but also the consumer, who becomes an interactive and participative audience. This reality imposes on journalism a continuous and updated news production system, dependent on a user being permanently connected to the Internet (Cazajeira, 2015). In fact, an ERC report (2015) confirms the relevance that social media has assumed in the publication and consumption of news. Social networks are recognised as one of the most important means for news media consultation, right after television, and the practice of sharing news is very common among consumers of online news in Portugal. Furthermore, when compared to other countries analysed by Reuters Institute (Newman, Levy, & Nielsen, 2015), Portuguese consumers are those who make the most comments to online news, preferring social networks to news sites. Considering the importance of new online platforms for journalism, this study aims to present a quantitative analysis of user participation on the Facebook pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels, specifically RTP3, SIC Notícias and TVI24, between 8 and 14 February 2016. To track this participation, the following parameters were used: the "like" button as a way to study the demonstration of publication interest; "sharing" of a particular element, be it a photo, a video or a text, on their own Timeline, the Timeline of a friend or by private message. This monitoring is important to understand the dissemination of news content; and the comments area. The number of comments will help understand the dynamics and the discussion that the publication has on the public. The results of 1063 posts indicate that of the analysed parameters - "Like", "Comment", and "Share" – the one with the greatest power of participation among the users of the pages of the three Portuguese TV news channels is the "Like" system, followed by "Share" and then "Comment". Analysing the thematic that create the most user participation with "Likes" and “Comments” parameters are "Science and Technology". “Education” and “Humorous/Satirical/Unusual Finally, the publications available end of the night (10pm-1am) has better participation rates.