1000 resultados para Inventário de arborização
Estudos têm apontado relações entre déficits de habilidades sociais educativas de pais e problemas de comportamento de seus filhos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa visa a descrever os efeitos de um procedimento de intervenção com pais, o qual pretendeu promover suas habilidades sociais educativas. Participaram dois pais e sete mães, que elegeram o filho com o qual descreveram ter maiores dificuldades de relacionamento. Para a avaliação: 1) das dificuldades dos pais, foi utilizada uma entrevista estruturada, e 2) dos procedimentos de intervenção, foram utilizados: a) questionário de habilidades sociais educativas parentais (QHSE-P) e b) inventário de habilidades sociais (IHS-Del Prette). Os resultados das comparações pré e pós-intervenção do IHS-Del Prette mostraram aumento no escore dos grupos; as comparações do QHSE-P apontaram aquisições de diversas habilidades sociais educativas: expressar sentimentos positivos, agradecer elogios, dizer não e negociar limites. Discute-se a necessidade de procedimentos de promoção de habilidades sociais educativas para ampliar o repertório social parental.
O artigo relata pesquisa que visou, entre outros objetivos, identificar a presença do estresse, a sintomatologia e as fases apresentadas pelos professores de 1ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental atuantes em escolas públicas estaduais de uma cidade do Interior de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 175 professores, perfazendo, aproximadamente, 70% dos profissionais de Ensino Básico I (PEB-I) em atuação no município. Para obtenção dos objetivos foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta de dados: o ISSL (Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse) e um questionário para caracterizar a população pesquisada. A pesquisa revelou que 56,6% dos professores estão experimentando estresse, cujos principais sintomas presentes são: sensação de desgaste físico constante, cansaço constante, tensão muscular, problemas com a memória, irritabilidade excessiva, cansaço excessivo, angústia/ansiedade diária, pensar constantemente em um só assunto e irritabilidade sem causa aparente.
Este estudo objetivou avaliar e correlacionar os níveis de vulnerabilidade ao estresse no trabalho e percepção de suporte familiar em trabalhadores porteiros. Participaram 100 porteiros de uma empresa prestadora de serviços de médio porte. Utilizou-se o questionário de caracterização, a Escala de Vulnerabilidade ao Estresse no Trabalho (EVENT) e o Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar (IPSF). A idade média dos participantes foi de 37,8 anos; trabalhavam na empresa, em torno de quatro anos e como porteiros, em média, há cinco anos. Os resultados mostraram uma pontuação média na medida de estresse geral da EVENT, sugerindo indicação de poucos estressores nesse grupo de porteiros. O IPSF também apresentou pontuação média, indicando que grande parte dos participantes possui percepção de bom suporte familiar. As análises mostraram correlações negativas fracas, porém estatisticamente significantes, entre a dimensão adaptação familiar do ipsf e as dimensões clima e funcionamento organizacional, pressão no trabalho e total da EVENT.
A vida na universidade corresponde a um período no qual os indivíduos são expostos a influências psicossociais que podem desencadear situações estressoras, prejudicando a saúde e a qualidade de vida dos estudantes. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as diferenças de sintomas, níveis e presença de stress entre calouros (n=57) e veteranos (n=48), de ambos os sexos, do curso de jornalismo de uma universidade pública no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Foi aplicado aos participantes o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp. Dos resultados obtidos, destacam-se: predominância de stress entre as mulheres; maior número de alunos estressados e na fase de quase-exaustão no último ano; predomínio de sintomas físicos entre calouros e psicológicos entre veteranos. Pesquisas são necessárias para elaboração de políticas institucionais que promovam condições favoráveis a um melhor desenvolvimento das potencialidades acadêmicas dos alunos.
Este estudo pesquisou sintomas de stress em adultos jovens, relacionando-os com o sexo e ano escolar em curso. Investigou também o tipo e a freqüência de sintomas. Participaram 295 estudantes de 15 a 28 anos, sendo 150 mulheres e 145 homens, que cursavam o primeiro e terceiro anos do ensino médio, curso pré-vestibular e primeiro e quarto anos de ensino superior. A avaliação do stress foi realizada através do Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp. Os resultados acusaram correlação significativa entre sexo e nível de stress (p<0,0001) sendo que as mulheres apresentaram maior nível de stress em todos os grupos avaliados. Maior índice de stress surgiu em estudantes do curso Pré-Vestibular, seguidos do terceiro ano do ensino médio. A sintomatologia apresentada foi predominantemente psicológica e os sintomas mais prevalentes foram sensibilidade emotiva excessiva, para as mulheres e, para os homens, pensamento recorrente.
Some studies reported in the literature that emotional factors and quality of life may be involved both in aetiology, as in the progression of Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Proposition: The purpose of this study is to observe a possible association between different forms of anxiety, quality of life and general health of patients diagnosed as carriers of various types and levels of Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Methodology: The sample consisted of 60 patients diagnosed as carriers of TMJD origin of muscle, joint, or both, with different levels of severity (mild TMD, moderate and severe). The patients were diagnosed with TMD-RDC (Research Diagnostic Criteria) to assess the type of dysfunction (muscle or joint) and by the Protocol of Fonseca to verify the degree of dysfunction (mild, moderate or severe). To evaluate the psychosocial aspects were used three self-applied, with the purpose of obtaining information about the general health (General Health Questionnaire - GHQ), the type of anxiety (Trait Anxiety Inventory-State - STAI) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality Of Life Short WHOQOL-brief). Results: There was a correlation between all indicators studied in several forms of TMD with varying degrees of commitment. Quality of life appeared linked to the type and the level of TMD: Muscular and Articular TMD (p = 0,037), Disk Displacement With Reduction (p = 0.01) and Mild TMD (p = 0.042). The General Health showed association with the level of TMD, with the exception of the stress factor (p = 0.78). For the analysis of the types and levels to Severe Muscular TMD had a statistically significant indicator of the quality of life (p = 0049). The anxiety only showed association with the level of TMD (p = 0,047 for anxiety-trait). Conclusion: Besides the limitations of the study, it was concluded that anxiety, quality of life and general health are important psychosocial indicators, which are linked to several forms of TMD in different levels of severity
Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is a relatively common, cronic inflammatory disease. Its etiopathogenesis is no completely understood and several factors have proposed in attempt to explain the appearance, variety of clinical manifestations and periods of exacerbation and remission of the symptons of the lesions. The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of local factors, systemic diseases and levels of anxiety in patients with OLP, investigating their association with the clinical characteristics of the lesions. The sample consisted of 37 patients with histopathologically confirmed OLP that were submitted to a clinical exam to evaluate the presence of smoking habits, consumption of alcoholic beverages, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The existence of skin lesions, as well as the time course, clinical form, symptomatology, number and location of the oral lesions were also registered. The trait anxiety was measured by Spielberger s Stai-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and to associate the variables we used the chi-square or Fisher s exact test. It was observed that females were the most affected (75%) and the mean age of the patients was 53,3 years. Most cases were non-smoker (97,3%) and none was drinker. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension were present in 10,8% e 16,2% of the sample, respectively and only one patient was HCV-seropositive (2,7%). Moderate levels of anxiety were seen in most cases (78,4%) and 21,6% had elevated levels. The oral lesions persisted in 95% of the cases for a period of 6 months to 13 years. The erosive form was the most prevalent (57,1%) and symptons were reported by 45,7% of the patients. Multiple lesions were frequent (60%), affecting mainly the buccal mucosa, followed by gums e tongue. There was no significant association of the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety with the clinical form or symptomatology of the oral lesions (p>0,005), despite a trend in patients with hypertension to have erosive lesions. It was concluded that, in the sample studied, moderate levels of anxiety were commonly observed, and the HCV infection apparently is not related to the onset of the OLP. In this study, the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and levels of anxiety seem not to be associated with the clinical characteristics of the lesions of OLP
Cortical interneurons are characterized by their distinct morphological, physiological and biochemical properties, acting as modulators of the excitatory activity by pyramidal neurons, for example. Various studies have revealed differences in both distribution and density of this cell group throughout distinct cortical areas in several species. A particular class of interneuron closely related to cortical modulation is revealed by the immunohistochemistry for calcium binding proteins calbindin (CB), calretinina (CR) and parvalbumin (PV). Despite the growing amount of studies focusing on calcium binding proteins, the prefrontal cortex of primates remains relatively little explored, particularly in what concerns a better understanding of the organization of the inhibitory circuitry across its subdivisions. In the present study we characterized the morphology and distribution of neurons rich in calcium-binding proteins in the medial, orbital and dorsolateral areas of the prefrontal cortex of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Using both morphometric and stereological techniques, we found that CR-reactive neurons (mainly double bouquet and bipolar cells) have a more complex dendritic arborization than CB-reactive (bitufted and basket cells) and PV-reactive neurons (chandelier cells). The neuronal densities of CR- and CB-reactive cells are higher in the supragranular layers (II/III) whilst PV-reactive neurons, conversely, are more concentrated in the infragranular layers (V/VI). CR-reactive neurons were the predominant group in the three regions evaluated, being most prevalent in dorsomedial region. Our findings point out to fundamental differences in the inhibitory circuitry of the different areas of the prefrontal cortex in marmoset
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome of unknown etiology, with symptoms of diffuse musculoskeletal pain and presence of specific anatomic sites called tender points. The symptoms are often associated with fatigue, sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, alterations in pain perception, anxiety and depression. Fibromyalgia exhibits a correlation between physical and behavioral symptoms, which have a negative influence on the quality of life of patients. Emotional skills are important factors since they are related to subjective well-being, personal productivity, social interaction and interpersonal relationships. We aim to describe the physical and psychosocial interactions in women with FM, showing the association between perceived social support and affect with symptoms of pain, functionality and mood. We will also describe a body representation of pain in women with FM. Data were collected over 3 years and the sample size ranged between studies. This is an exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with a convenience sample of 63 women with FM and 42 healthy women as a control group (CT), aged 20-76 years, recruited through spontaneous demand at Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) and the Clinical School of Physiotherapy of Universidade Potiguar (UNP). The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Social Support Scale (MOS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), in addition to pressure algometry were used. For data analysis, we used parametric and non-parametric tests and a general linear model with adjustment variables and analysis of variance. A significant difference was found between pain threshold and tolerance, functionality, depression, anxiety, social support, and positive and negative affect between the groups. Affective states and social support were associated with anxiety, depression and functionality. A body was drawn representing pain with higher incidences in trapeze, supraspinatus and second ribs. The reason for studying sensory aspects, affective behavior and social support in FM patients opens perspectives for scientific and clinical research of this syndrome. Women with chronic pain such as FM appear to have altered mood states, less social support and affective dysfunctions, influencing the other symptoms of the syndrome
Among a variety of learning conceptions, David Kolb´s Experiential Learning Theory proposes four different learning styles: diverging, characterized by orientation towards people and multi-perspective vision; assimilating, concerned with ideas and abstract concepts as well as theory formulation; converging, expert in dealing with technical tasks and problem solving; and accommodating, risk taker and good at getting things done. Interesting correlations have been pointed out between Kolb s learning styles, professional careers and genders. With respect to behaviors, specific cognitive skills and interests, sex differences are widely known, and explained by Evolutionary Psychology as the result of distinct selective pressures acting on each gender. The aim of this research was to assess adolescents learning styles and their relation with interests on school and career choices, analyzing possible gender differences. We distributed questionnaires to 221 senior high school students to research their preferences for school disciplines, professional activities and career choices. The Learning Style Inventory specified the learning style of each individual. Our results showed a high frequency of reflective styles, with predominance of females as diverging and males as assimilating. Concerning school and professional interests, there were correlations between styles oriented towards the abstract and technical interests. Moreover, females preferred disciplines related to languages and interpersonal activities while males preferred disciplines related to science and technical activities. There were more males in exact science and engineering careers, and more females in social science and applied social science. Correlations found between learning styles, school and professional interests corroborate Kolb´s propositions, and the findings about gender differences are supported by Evolutionary Psychology theories
This thesis studied the motivation to work among health professionals of the Basic Unities (BUH) in the health network of the city of Natal (RN). It was understood that the work motivation is a process. Then, the expectation theory was applied and motivation components (results of work, expectative, valence, instrumentality, and motivational force) were used to analyses. It s understanding the motivation as multifaceted phenomenon, the psycho sociological perspective was adopted. The research was developed in two phases: one with application of Work Motivation and Meaning Inventory (WMMI), and another with interview. In the first phases, the analysis of results revealed that the major factors contributing to increase the motivational force to health professionals in the BUH´s are: in valence, Self Expression and Personal Realization (VF2), Personal and Family Survival (VF3); in expectative, Self Expression and Work Justice (EF1), Safety and Dignity (EF2) and Responsibility (EF4); in instrumentality, Involvement (IF1) and Recognition and Economic Independence (IF4). In opposition, the factors that more contribute to reduce the motivational force are Wear and Dehumanization factors in valence (VF4), in expectative (EF3), and in instrumentality (IF4), behind the Work Justice Factor (IF2). Basing in content analysis of interviews, it was possible to associate by equivalence, the senses presented by health professionals with obtained results of first phase, indicating that the results of second phase corroborated and complemented those of first one. This possibility broadened the comprehension of the studied phenomenon. In speaking of the respondents, it was visible the presence of contents showing that they perceive the Health System and BUH´s in degradation. In the first phase, the participants´ instruction also predict the results in motivation, and in the interviews can be saw that the instruction is associated with the opportunities in outside of system. As work motivation is a process, the impact of personal and occupational characteristics tend to interact with contextual aspects. It was concluded the majority of health professionals present the moderated motivational force, but it was falling because they experience and perceive a degrading context with work condition increasingly unfavorable.
The main aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between resilience and organizational socialization among newcomers from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), comparing the results obtained in a cross-cultural perspective. The sample (N=205) was composed of mentored (N=70) and non-mentored (N=72) professors and technical-administrative employees at UFRN, and their non-mentored counterparts at NTNU (N=63). The data collection instruments used were the Organizational Socialization Inventory (OSI), the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) and a sociodemographic form. Data analysis was preceded by a number of tests to verify possible distinct response styles among the respondents, as they came from different cultures. Descriptive analysis and t-tests were performed to identify and compare organizational socialization and resilience outcomes. Hierarchical regression analyses were carried out, the first ones involving all participants (N=205), to observe the predictive power of resilience factors in relation to organizational socialization factors, beyond the effects of nationality, occupation and mentoring experience. The other hierarchical regression analyses were conducted separately for the professors (N=109) and technical-administrative employees (N=96); and for the mentored (N=70) and non-mentored newcomers from UFRN (N=72), and nonmentored newcomers from NTNU (N=63), to compare the predictive power of resilience in relation to organizational socialization between newcomers from the two occupations, and also among the three groups of participants. The results of this study showed that socialization and resilience profiles differed according to demographic and cultural characteristics, and to the socialization strategies adopted in the institutions studied. Furthermore, it was observed that resilience added a significant incremental prediction to all socialization factors, beyond nationality, occupation, and mentoring experience. The predictive contribution from each of the resilience factors was also noteworthy, mainly those of Planned Future and Social Resources. With respect to nationality, occupation and mentoring experience, it was noted that they explained a significant part of the variance in almost all organizational socialization factors, in addition to playing a meaningful role in predicting the scores of such factors, with some evidence of moderation or mediation by the resilience factors. Considering these and the comparative results of the predictive power of resilience in relation to the organizational socialization, between the two occupations and among the three groups of participants, as a whole, the main findings of this study were as follows: resilience tends to contribute to organizational socialization outcomes; the resilience of some subjects may be a differential factor for success in those situations in which individuals face working conditions that are less favorable to promoting their adaptation; and, a formal mentoring program may contribute to improving newcomer resilience, producing better and more homogeneous organizational socialization outcomes. The practical implications, limitations and main contributions of the study are discussed, with a number of suggestions for future research
Introduction: This work intents to characterize behavioral indicators of tack to the hemodialysis treatment in a sample of carrying patients of chronic kidney failure (CKF) in the great Natal/RN. The therapeutical adherence represents the agreement degree between the patient behavior and the health team lapsings. The CKF is the gradual and irreversible loss of the renal function, being the hemodialysis treatment an important alternative to assist or to substitute the kidneys. Method: The sample consisted in 80 chronic kidney patients in hemodialysis treatment in two located clinical centers in the region of the great Natal, RN. It was used as instruments (a) a protocol of clinical data collection, (b) the Millon Index of Personality Styles (MIPS) and (c) a script of halfstructuralized interview. Results: The results show a balance between the genders (51% of female and 48.8% of the male sex), average age and equal average time of dialysis respectively to the 43,4 years (±13,25 years) and 22,04 years (±4,24 years). The marital status of half of the sample is married, predominating basic education (43.6%) and a familiar income until a minimum wage (43.8%). It had been defined six physicianlaboratorial indicators to evaluate the therapeutical adherence, further the use of the evaluation of the health team and the patient themselves. Thus, there was an average adherence around 55.97% of the sample ±18.37%). However only between selfassessment of the patients about the adherence and the assessment made by blood pressure post-dialysis indicated a significant association (p=0,029, qui-square test). On the other hand, there was a significant association (p <0.05, chi-square test) among the criteria for treatment adherence and issues investigated in the interview - the perception on the quality of the health services provided to patients, the difficulties following the prescribed diet, the characterization of the days between dialysis sessions and the perception of patients about the dialysis sessions. It was also noted a significant association (p <0.05, Levene test) between adherence to therapy and scales that constitute the MIPS. The health team characterized the patients more adherent behavior as an attitude of acceptance of the treatment, looking actively for their implementation, for more information and knowledge, and establishing a positive communication with the team and with other patients. Similar results were confirmed by the MIPS evaluation. According to that assessment the more compliant patients adopt a more optimistic attitude, trying to act or adapt themselves to their environment, processing cognitively both concrete and objective information, such as more speculative and symbolic information. In addition they establish a gregarious, cooperative, submissive and flexibly pattern of interpersonal relationships to social demands. These characteristics managed to explain 55.7% of the adherence variation according the health team and 23.3% of the variation according the CaxP laboratory indicator. Conclusions: The MIPS shown to be able to identify the most and least adherent to therapy patients. The use of different adherence indicators is important for an evaluation covering the different facets of this process. The adhesion levels are observed within registered by the relevant literature. There is need for further studies with a larger sample to deepen the data findings in this work
We studied about the organizational health and the syndrome of burnout in professionals of the education and health field, with the objective of establishing a connection between those two constructs. This research was realized in three public schools and in three hospitals, two publics and one from the military. We obtained 168 valid questionnaires for investigation about the syndrome of burnout, being 83 in the hospitals and 85 in the schools, among the questionnaires given in those two organizations. Worked with accidental sample, although it was decided the professional proportions, with the objective of reproducing the population characteristics. In the schools the sample was planned with the teachers. In the hospitals the sample was planned with doctors, nurses and nurse assistants, nutritionists, psychologists, dentists and social assistants. To assure the syndrome of burnout, it was used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), followed with social demographic information. We used semi-structured interviews, based in the indicators, with the organizations key persons, directors, coordinators, and people involved in the human resources department, for research about the organizational health. Only among the hospitals were found significant statistics differences between the scores of factors and the incidence of burnout. Besides that, it was observed as well that it is possible to establish a connection between the organizational health and the syndrome of burnout, this research main objective
Millon describes the normal personality by means of adaptation styles that are effective in normal environments and personality disorders such as unadapted operating styles. To operacionalize his theoretical model, Millon has built several instruments, including the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III), wich consists of a self report inventory composed by 175 true or false response items, containing four verification scales, and others scales wich evaluates 14 personality patterns and 10 clinical syndromes. The Substance Dependence scale (T) is placed along with Clinical Syndromes scales. This research is justified by the lack of a Brazilian instrument to assess personality psychopathological aspects, and aims to translate and semantically adapt the MCMI-III to the Brazilian context, checking validity elements of the Substance Dependence scale, and developing a computer application for assisting the evaluation of assessment results. To this intent, 2.588 individuals data was collected, male and female, aged between 18 and 85 years, characterized as belonging to a clinical or non-clinical group, who took part in the survey via the internet or in person. Respondents completed the MCMI-III, a socio-demographic questionnaire and a subgroup also answered to the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Besides descriptive statistics, we performed the analysis using the Student t test, principal components analysis and internal consistency. Despite difficulties related to translating very specific English terms, the assessment by judges, experts on Millon´s theory, and the back translation, attested the adequacy of the Brazilian version. Factorial analysis indicated the grouping of translated T scale items into three factors (social activities prejudice, lack of impulse control, and oppositional behavior), by presenting a single item on a fourth factor (apparently related to seeking pleasurable stimuli). The Cronbach alpha for this set of items was 0,82, indicating an acceptable scale reliability. The data analysis resulted in distinction of scores between clinical and non-clinical groups and between men and women; the relationship between high scores on the scale T and the other scales; scores of drug users according to the declared used substance; and the relationship between high scores on T and the verification of disorder or risk on GHQ mental health factor, indicating the instrument´s adequate sensistivity in identifying psychopathologies and the relationship between the different disorders or psychopathological personality patterns. Although further studies are necessary to develop the scores transformation factors, the computerized correction tool was adequate.