930 resultados para Intergroup Bias


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Recent findings have highlighted a ‘perfection bias’, that is women being evaluated on more criteria than men in the workplace (Moscatelli et al., 2020; Prati et al., 2019). However, these studies have not considered faces as stimuli, even if facial first impressions can affect several real-world outcomes (Todorov et al., 2015). On this basis, the present research aimed to verify the presence of a perfection bias at face perception level, employing for the first time all the four facets of the fundamental dimensions of social judgments (i.e., competence, dominance, morality, sociability; Abele et al., 2016) and attractiveness (Hosoda et al., 2003) as evaluation criteria of applicants’ hireability. Four experiments were conducted (total N = 645), employing a gender-neutral position (Study 1) as well as managerial positions (Study 2, 3, 4) and recruiting Italian and British students (Study 1, 2) as well as British workers (Study 3, 4). Results of Study 1 confirmed that male applicants were evaluated only on their facial competence, while female applicants were evaluated on all the other facial traits. However, the other three studies showed a different and unexpected pattern: besides facial attractiveness and competence considered equally important for both male and female applicants, facial dominance was considered as more important in evaluating women, while facial morality and sociability were considered as more important in evaluating men. Hence, results highlighted a sort of ‘deficit bias’, so that counter stereotypic traits in which men and women are believed weak (Fiske, 1998) were more relevant for their hireability.


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Acculturation processes and intergroup relations lie at the heart of developing more inclusive social attitudes. Notably, these endeavors are embedded in primary socialization contexts of adolescents, as indicated by developmental and socio-psychological theoretical models reviewed in Chapter 1. Hence, this dissertation investigated how adolescents' acculturation processes and intergroup contact are embedded in family, peer, and school contexts. Accordingly, Chapter 2 indicated the combined effects of the perceived parents' acculturation orientations and classmates' acculturation preferences on adolescents' own acculturation orientations in Italy and Turkey. Chapter 3 showed that adolescents could be classified into one of four latent growth trajectory classes (i.e., ethnic-oriented, national-oriented, dual, and marginalized identities), which could be predicted by social identification with family and classmates. Chapter 4 highlighted that adolescents' cross-ethnic friendships mediated the positive associations of parents' cross-ethnic friendships with adolescents' psychological and social adjustment beyond the positive relationships between parents' and adolescents' friendships. Multiple studies conducted in Chapter 5 confirmed that a newly developed questionnaire (i.e., ICIS-Short Version) is a reliable tool to measure positive and negative contact among ethnic minority and majority adolescents. Chapter 6 revealed that teachers' equal treatment increased positive and decreased negative contact among ethnic minority and majority adolescents. Moreover, Chapter 7 indicated that adolescents’ positive and negative contact in the school context were related over time to higher corresponding positive and negative contact in out-of-school contexts and vice versa, while their positive contact in the school context was linked over time to lower levels of negative contact in the out-of-school contexts. Eventually, Chapter 8 strived to summarize and discuss these findings in light of social inclusivity. Overall, this dissertation tapped into the paramount importance of family, peer, and school contexts to provide a unique resource for adolescents to cope with acculturative challenges that go beyond the normative developmental tasks of adolescence.


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A cárie dentária é uma doença de causa multifatorial, considerada um problema de saúde pública, que atinge indivíduos de todas as idades. O município de Bias Fortes tem apresentado altos índices da doença em crianças e adolescentes, apesar da realização de atividades coletivas preventivas. Um fator agravante é a não fluoretação da água de abastecimento da cidade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi elaborar um plano de intervenção para o enfrentamento desse problema. O verniz fluoretado foi escolhido como método a ser usado. Inicialmente foi feito diagnóstico situacional, realizado através do método do planejamento estratégico situacional. Para a fundamentação teórica, foi realizada uma busca junto a Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online) e SCIELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online), além de livros, monografias, teses e manuais do Ministério da Saúde, em português e inglês, entre os anos de 1975 e 2013. Concluiu-se que há necessidade de maior investimento e melhoria na estrutura dos serviços de saúde e compra de materiais para atender melhor a população. Espera-se que o plano de intervenção elaborado possa responder à altura dos desafios vivenciados por essa população do município e possa contribuir para a organização do sistema municipal de saúde, bem como para a construção da integralidade no cotidiano.


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O tratamento restaurador atraumático (ART) é uma técnica baseada no conceito de mínima intervenção e máxima preservação das estruturas dentárias, sendo caracterizada pela remoção parcial da dentina atingida pela cárie e selamento da cavidade com cimento de ionômero de vidro de alta viscosidade. Desde que associado a programas preventivos e de promoção da saúde, o ART pode ser considerado uma importante estratégia de controle da doença cárie, capaz de contribuir para a melhoria do acesso aos serviços odontológicos e favorecer a abordagem do paciente dentro do seu contexto social. Considerando a grande demanda reprimida com necessidade de tratamento odontológico e as dificuldades enfrentadas pela equipe de saúde bucal da Estratégia Saúde da Família de Bias Fortes, o presente trabalho propõe um plano de intervenção baseado tanto na revisão crítica da literatura sobre as restaurações atraumáticas quanto na atual realidade do município. A proposta é baseada na adoção do ART como forma de controle da cárie dentária, sendo esta técnica vinculada a programas de promoção da saúde. Para tal, são sugeridas estratégias a serem realizadas em curto, médio e longo prazo.


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The objective of this study was to review the growth curves for Turner syndrome, evaluate the methodological and statistical quality, and suggest potential growth curves for clinical practice guidelines. The search was carried out in the databases Medline and Embase. Of 1006 references identified, 15 were included. Studies constructed curves for weight, height, weight/height, body mass index, head circumference, height velocity, leg length, and sitting height. The sample ranged between 47 and 1,565 (total = 6,273) girls aged 0 to 24 y, born between 1950 and 2006. The number of measures ranged from 580 to 9,011 (total = 28,915). Most studies showed strengths such as sample size, exclusion of the use of growth hormone and androgen, and analysis of confounding variables. However, the growth curves were restricted to height, lack of information about selection bias, limited distributional properties, and smoothing aspects. In conclusion, we observe the need to construct an international growth reference for girls with Turner syndrome, in order to provide support for clinical practice guidelines.


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Ni(1-x)FexO nanoparticles have been obtained by the co-precipitation chemical route. X-ray diffraction analyses using Rietveld refinement have shown a slight decrease in the microstrain and mean particle size as a function of the Fe content. The zero-field-cooling (ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) magnetization curves show superparamagnetic behavior at high temperatures and a low temperature peak (at T = 11 K), which is enhanced with increasing Fe concentration. Unusual behavior of the coercive field in the low temperature region and an exchange bias behavior were also observed. A decrease in the Fe concentration induces an increase in the exchange bias field. We argue that these behaviors can be linked with the strengthening of surface anisotropy caused by the incorporation of Fe ions.


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By comparing the SEED and Pfam functional profiles of metagenomes of two Brazilian coral species with 29 datasets that are publicly available, we were able to identify some functions, such as protein secretion systems, that are overrepresented in the metagenomes of corals and may play a role in the establishment and maintenance of bacteria-coral associations. However, only a small percentage of the reads of these metagenomes could be annotated by these reference databases, which may lead to a strong bias in the comparative studies. For this reason, we have searched for identical sequences (99% of nucleotide identity) among these metagenomes in order to perform a reference-independent comparative analysis, and we were able to identify groups of microbial communities that may be under similar selective pressures. The identification of sequences shared among the metagenomes was found to be even better for the identification of groups of communities with similar niche requirements than the traditional analysis of functional profiles. This approach is not only helpful for the investigation of similarities between microbial communities with high proportion of unknown reads, but also enables an indirect overview of gene exchange between communities.


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The premature fusion of unilateral coronal suture can cause a significant asymmetry of the craniofacial skeleton, with an oblique deviation of the cranial base that negatively impacts soft tissue facial symmetry. The purpose of this study was to assess facial symmetry obtained in patients with unilateral coronal synostosis (UCS) surgically treated by 2 different techniques. We hypothesized that nasal deviation should not be addressed in a primary surgical correction of UCS. Consecutive UCS patients were enrolled in a prospective study and randomly divided into 2 groups. In group 1, the patients underwent total frontal reconstruction and transferring of onlay bone grafts to the recessive superior orbital rim (n = 7), and in group 2, the patients underwent total frontal reconstruction and unilateral fronto-orbital advancement (n = 5). Computerized photogrammetric analysis measured vertical and horizontal axis of the nose and the orbital globe in the preoperative and postoperative periods. Intragroup and intergroup comparisons were performed. Intragroup preoperative and postoperative comparisons showed a significant (all P < 0.05) reduction of the nasal axis and the orbital-globe axis in the postoperative period in the 2 groups. Intergroup comparisons showed no significant difference (all P > 0.05). Facial symmetry was achieved in the patients with UCS who underwent surgery regardless of surgical approach evaluated here. Our data showed a significant improvement in nasal and orbital-globe deviation, leading us to question the necessity of primary nasal correction in these patients.


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Acupuncture stimulates points on the body, influencing the perception of myofascial pain or altering physiologic functions. The aim was to evaluate the effect of electroacupuncture (EAC) and acupuncture (AC) for myofascial pain of the upper trapezius and cervical range of motion, using SHAM acupuncture as control. Sixty women presenting at least one trigger point at the upper trapezius and local or referred pain for more than six months were randomized into EAC, AC, and SHAM groups. Eight sessions were scheduled and a follow-up was conducted after 28 days. The Visual Analog Scale assessed the intensity of local and general pain. A fleximeter assessed cervical movements. Data were analyzed using paired t or Wilcoxon's tests, ANOVA or Friedman or Kruskal-Wallis tests and Pearson's correlation (α=0.05). There was reduction in general pain in the EAC and AC groups after eight sessions (P<0.001). A significant decrease in pain intensity occurred for the right trapezius in all groups and for the left trapezius in the EAC and AC groups. Intergroup comparisons showed improvement in general pain in the EAC and AC groups and in local pain intensity in the EAC group (P<0.05), which showed an increase in left rotation (P=0.049). The AC group showed increases in inclination (P=0.005) sustained until follow-up and rotation to the right (P=0.032). EAC and AC were effective in reducing the pain intensity compared with SHAM. EAC was better than AC for local pain relief. These treatments can assist in increasing cervical range of motion, albeit subtly.


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The validation of an analytical procedure must be certified through the determination of parameters known as figures of merit. For first order data, the acuracy, precision, robustness and bias is similar to the methods of univariate calibration. Linearity, sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, adjustment, selectivity and confidence intervals need different approaches, specific for multivariate data. Selectivity and signal to noise ratio are more critical and they only can be estimated by means of the calculation of the net analyte signal. In second order calibration, some differentes approaches are necessary due to data structure.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify if the frequency of spontaneous pubertal development among girls with Turner syndrome (TS) diagnosed in infancy and childhood is greater than that of patients diagnosed later. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty three girls aged < 10 years at the time of diagnosis were evaluated regarding pubertal development. The frequency of spontaneous puberty was compared with that of girls aged > 13 years diagnosed at the same service. RESULTS: Sixteen of 32 informative patients had signs of spontaneous puberty, a frequency greater than that of patients diagnosed later. In six patients, there was no progression of puberty; menarche occurred in six, and one became pregnant, but the fetus was a stillborn. Spontaneous puberty was absent in all cases with 45,X karyotype. CONCLUSIONS: The greater prevalence of spontaneous puberty in girls whose diagnosis was not based on pubertal delay suggests that, among those diagnosed later, there is a bias towards patients with hypogonadism. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):653-7


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física