950 resultados para Inscriptions, Turkish


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Il presente lavoro è incentrato sulla raccolta e l’analisi dell’instrumentum fittile inscriptum – in particolare laterizi, dolia, lucerne, ceramica fine da mensa, anfore e tappi d’anfora - rinvenuto a Modena e nel suo territorio. L’attenzione è stata concentrata sul materiale bollato e, per quanto riguarda le anfore, anche sullo studio degli esemplari recanti tituli picti. Si è proceduto ad una raccolta di tutto il materiale edito, a cui si è aggiunto lo studio di un’ingente quantità di reperti provenienti da due recenti scavi suburbani: quello presso il Parco Novi Sad, che si segnala soprattutto per la ricchezza del materiale anforico, e quello di Viale Reiter, ove sono venuti alla luce numerosi scarti di cottura di lucerne a canale recanti le firme di alcuni dei più noti produttori di tali oggetti nel mondo romano. A ciascuna categoria di instrumentum è stato dedicato un capitolo, corredato di tabelle in cui è stato raccolto tutto il materiale considerato; inoltre, per i reperti del Parco Novi Sad e di Viale Reiter, è stato realizzato un catalogo corredato di riproduzioni grafiche e fotografiche. Per quanto concerne le iscrizioni dipinte, un capitolo è stato dedicato a quelle presenti sulle anforette adriatiche da pesce; quanto ai tituli picti su anfore di morfologia betica per il trasporto di salse di pesce è stato effettuato un confronto con esemplari rinvenuti in due scavi inediti a Parma, che presentano significative analogie col materiale modenese. Dall’analisi dell’instrumentum inscriptum di Mutina, pur consapevoli dei limiti insiti in una ricerca incentrata unicamente su tale tipo di materiale, è emersa un’immagine della colonia, tra la tarda età repubblicana ed il I sec. d.C., congruente con quella delineata dalle fonti letterarie, dall’epigrafia lapidaria e dai rinvenimenti archeologici, ossia di una città di notevole importanza e ricchezza.


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La ricerca riguarda lo studio del cantiere edilizio protobizantino, con particolare riferimento al ciclo della lavorazione del marmo. Quest’ultimo viene analizzato sotto il profilo amministrativo, tecnico, sociale ed artigianale. L’elemento guida della ricerca sono i marchi dei marmorari, sigle apposte da funzionari e maestranze durante il processo produttivo. Dapprima, fonti letterarie ed epigrafiche, tra cui le sigle di cava e officina su marmo, vengono esaminate per ricostruire il sistema alto-imperiale di amministrazione delle cave e di gestione dei flussi marmorei, nonché l’iter tecnico-artigianale adottato per la produzione dei manufatti. Il confronto con i dati disponibili per la tarda antichità, con particolare riferimento alle cave di Proconneso, evidenzia una sostanziale continuità della prassi burocratico-amministrativa, mentre alcuni cambiamenti si riscontrano nell’ambito produttivo-artigianale. Il funzionamento degli atelier marmorari viene approfondito attraverso lo studio dei marchi dei marmorari. Si tratta di caratteri greci singoli, multipli o monogrammi. Una ricognizione sistematica delle sigle dalla pars Orientalis dell’impero, reperite in bibliografia o da ricognizioni autoptiche, ha portato alla raccolta di circa 2360 attestazioni. Per esse si propone una classificazione tipologica tra sigle di cava, stoccaggio, officina. Tra le sigle di cava si annoverano sigle di controllo, destinazione/committenza, assemblaggio/posizionamento. Una particolare attenzione è riservata alle sigle di officina, riferibili ad un nome proprio di persona, ovvero al πρωτομαΐστωρ, il capo-bottega che supervisionava il lavoro dei propri artigiani e fungeva da garante del prodotto consegnato alla committenza. Attraverso lo studio comparato delle sigle reperite a Costantinopoli e in altri contesti si mette in luce la prassi operativa adottata dagli atelier nei processi di manifattura, affrontando anche il problema delle maestranze itineranti. Infine, sono analizzate fonti scritte di varia natura per poter collocare il fenomeno del marmo in un contesto socio-economico più ampio, con particolare riferimento alle figure professionali ed artigianali coinvolte nei cantieri e al problema della committenza.


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This dissertation mimics the Turkish college admission procedure. It started with the purpose to reduce the inefficiencies in Turkish market. For this purpose, we propose a mechanism under a new market structure; as we prefer to call, semi-centralization. In chapter 1, we give a brief summary of Matching Theory. We present the first examples in Matching history with the most general papers and mechanisms. In chapter 2, we propose our mechanism. In real life application, that is in Turkish university placements, the mechanism reduces the inefficiencies of the current system. The success of the mechanism depends on the preference profile. It is easy to show that under complete information the mechanism implements the full set of stable matchings for a given profile. In chapter 3, we refine our basic mechanism. The modification on the mechanism has a crucial effect on the results. The new mechanism is, as we call, a middle mechanism. In one of the subdomain, this mechanism coincides with the original basic mechanism. But, in the other partition, it gives the same results with Gale and Shapley's algorithm. In chapter 4, we apply our basic mechanism to well known Roommate Problem. Since the roommate problem is in one-sided game patern, firstly we propose an auxiliary function to convert the game semi centralized two-sided game, because our basic mechanism is designed for this framework. We show that this process is succesful in finding a stable matching in the existence of stability. We also show that our mechanism easily and simply tells us if a profile lacks of stability by using purified orderings. Finally, we show a method to find all the stable matching in the existence of multi stability. The method is simply to run the mechanism for all of the top agents in the social preference.


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L'Europe commence à découvrir le désert à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Ce milieu présente des aspects multiples aux premiers explorateurs, qui le décrivent comme un lieu vivant et varié. La géopolitique constitue le premier approche d'analyse : le désert peut être rendu plus viable si mieux administré, donc libre de la domination ottomane. Au cours du siècle, le tourisme se développe, aussi en raison de la colonisation ; l'expérience du désert devient commune, et les voyageurs partent en quête d'une expérience spirituelle aussi bien que d'une aventure. Le désert devient un écran de projection pour la rêverie et les souvenirs des Européens (la Bible et les topos traditionnels demeurent actifs dans l'imaginaire occidental) ; seules certaines caractéristiques de ce milieu sont dès lors appréciées par les voyageurs. Ensuite, avec l'âge du Réalisme, devient objet d'appréciation de la part des peintres. Grâce à la médiation de l'art, la littérature commence à regarder au désert d'un point de vue esthétique, et elle lui reconnaît un charme de la nudité et du dépouillement. La mort et le minéral caractérisent ce milieu vers la fin du siècle ; le désert se vide, et devient le "désert de sable" que nous tous connaissons aujourd'hui.


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Si compie un'indagine al fine di determinare se all'interno dell'epigrafia romana fossero presenti precise specificità locali e quale livello di consapevolezza ne avessero i fruitori del mezzo epigrafico. Campione di indagine è l'orizzonte epigrafico di Mediolanum, di cui si definiscono le specificità - monumentali, impaginative, sintattiche, ma anche relative a maestranze e committenza - per confronto con le produzioni epigrafiche circostanti. Il quadro finale è quello di una produzione ben inserita negli orizzonti cisalpino e transpadano, ma che allo stesso tempo se ne differenzia per una serie di peculiarità, che in taluni casi sembrerebbero volutamente ricercate dai committenti.


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Dopo un’introduzione sull’economia nel mondo antico e nella Galilea, la tesi affronta una rappresentazione storica de “Il Mare di Galilea tra l’antichità e oggi” (cap. 3). Seguono i capitoli sulle “Tecniche e le attrezzature di pesca” (cap.4) e su “Città, villaggi e aree di pesca” (Cap. 5). Due capitoli riguardano più particolarmente l’attività economica in senso stretto: “L’organizzazione dell’attività” (cap. 6) e “Commercio ed esportazione” (cap. 7). Chiudono la tesi due capitoli di carattere più metodologico: una rappresentazione degli agenti sociali della pesca (“i pescatori”) condotta ispirandosi alla network Analysis e un’analisi antropologica del loro sistema di vita (capitolo finale).La tesi è basata essenzialmente su tre corpi di documentazione: papiri documentari, dati archeologici, fonti storiche e letterarie. Molti dei documenti reperiti, in lingua greca, non erano mai stati tradotti in lingue moderne.La tesi consta – oltre ai diversi capitoli – anche di un’appendice documentaria molto estesa


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INTRODUCTION: N-Acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) deficiency is a rare urea cycle disorder, which may present in the neonatal period with severe hyperammonemia and marked neurological impairment. CASE REPORT: We report on a Turkish family with a patient who died due to hyperammonemia in the neonatal period. Reduced activity of NAGS and carbamyl phosphate synthetase were found at autopsy. A second child who developed hyperammonemia on the second day of life was immediately treated with arginine hydrochloride, sodium benzoate and protein restriction. After NAGS deficiency was suspected by enzyme analysis, sodium benzoate was replaced by N-carbamylglutamate (NCG). A third child who developed slight hyperammonemia on the third day of life was treated with NCG before enzyme analysis confirmed reduced NAGS activity. Neither of the patients developed hyperammonemia in the following years. After the human NAGS gene was identified, mutation analysis revealed that the older sibling on NCG therapy was homozygous for a 971G>A (W324X) mutation. The parents and the younger sibling were heterozygous. Therapy was continued in the older sibling until now without any adverse effects and favourable neurodevelopment outcome. In the younger sibling, therapy was stopped without any deterioration of urea cycle function. CONCLUSION: NAGS deficiency can be successfully treated with NCG and arginine hydrochloride with favourable outcome. Molecular diagnostic rather than enzyme analysis should be used in patients with suspected NAGS deficiency.


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BACKGROUND: Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma is exceedingly rare in minor salivary glands of the oral cavity. We present a case of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (CEPA) of the buccal mucosa in a 47-year-old Turkish patient. The buccal mass was of a size of 1.5 cm located in the left cheek. Pleomorphic adenoma was the tentative diagnosis. METHODS: The tumor was removed under local anesthesia. Histopathologic evaluation revealed a preexisting pleomorphic adenoma associated with adenoid tumor component with tubulo-cystic and papillary or pseudopapillary structures; CEPA was diagnosed. Capsular integrity was incomplete with infiltration by islands of metaplastic/dysplastic epithelium. RESULTS: Secondary surgery of the site was performed. No tumor tissue could be detected in the resection specimen. The patient is free of recurrence since 9 months.


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Tourists to the archaeological site of Tiwanaku are presented with ancient calendars, of which the Gateway of the Sun is the most important, famous, and beautiful. Arthur Posnansky and other early 20th-century archaeologists claimed that its inscriptions constituted a written calendar. These claims were intimately connected to narratives of Tiwanaku as a central source of knowledge in both pre-Columbian times and the contemporary world. Posnansky presented his interpretation of Tiwanaku’s calendars as a response to the debates of the World Calendar Movement, which in the 1930s was attempting to rationalize the Gregorian calendar. In the Gateway, Posnansky found a uniquely Bolivian response to the international, North Atlantic-dominated scientific community’s search for a rational way to keep time in the world economy. Bolivian intellectuals merged their interest in the indigenous past with their concerns about the role of the modernist Bolivian state in the global system.


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P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the electron donor for all microsomal P450s including steroidogenic enzymes CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and CYP21A2. We found a novel POR mutation P399_E401del in two unrelated Turkish patients with 46,XX disorder of sexual development. Recombinant POR proteins were produced in yeast and tested for their ability to support steroid metabolizing P450 activities. In comparison to wild-type POR, the P399_E401del protein was found to decrease catalytic efficiency of 21-hydroxylation of progesterone by 68%, 17α-hydroxylation of progesterone by 76%, 17,20-lyase action on 17OH-pregnenolone by 69%, aromatization of androstenedione by 85% and cytochrome c reduction activity by 80%. Protein structure analysis of the three amino acid deletion P399_E401 revealed reduced stability and flexibility of the mutant. In conclusion, P399_E401del is a novel mutation in POR that provides valuable genotype-phenotype and structure-function correlation for mutations in a different region of POR compared to previous studies. Characterization of P399_E401del provides further insight into specificity of different P450s for interaction with POR as well as nature of metabolic disruptions caused by more pronounced effect on specific P450s like CYP17A1 and aromatase.


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Management of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia is notoriously difficult. For these patients, LDL apheresis is considered the treatment of choice. Treatment initiation is advocated generally from the age of seven years onwards (Thompson et al., Atherosclerosis 198:247-255, 2008). Here, we present the case of a young girl from a large inbred family of Turkish descent with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia and fatal outcome at the early age of 4(1/2) years.In conclusion, this case suggests that management of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia may require earlier and more aggressive treatment, including LDL apheresis before the age of seven years.


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Mr. Gajevic traced the development of literacy and literature in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the 12th to the 19th in relation to other south Slavic literatures and civilisations, studying their interrelations, links and influences. From the 12th to the 15th centuries, literature in this area developed under strong influence from the neighbouring South Slavic countries, which were directly connected with more developed foreign cultures and civilisations. The literatures of these countries had differing religious and cultural backgrounds, some developing under Byzantine and Orthodox influence and others as a part of Latin civilisation and the Catholic religion. This led to different and sometimes contradictory literary, religious and other influences on Bosnia and Herzegovina, making spiritual and religious unity for the country virtually impossible. Under the influence of the Bosnian state and church, however, there were signs of a search for compromise, leading to some mixing of the difference traditions. Following the Turkish conquest, however, three denominational communities (Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim) developed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and this became the general framework for life, including literature. This led to three separate literary traditions - Serb-Orthodox, Croat-Catholic and Bosniac-Islamic. This internal disintegration of Bosnian literature did however facilitate the process of integration of some of its denominational traditions with similar traditions in other countries. The third aspect considered in the research was the genesis and expansion of vernacular and folk literature from Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the South Slavic areas and its contribution to the language and literature integration of four peoples - Serbs, Croats, Bosniacs and Montenegrins. Of special interest here were the aspirations of the Catholic church to establish the Bosnian language as the common South Slavic literary language for its religious and propaganda activities, and the contribution of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic to the effort to establish the "Bosnian language" as the common literary language of the South Slavic peoples.


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This study describes the sociolinguistic situation of the indigenous Hungarian national minorities in Slovakia (c. 600,000), Ukraine (c. 180,000), Romania (c. 2,000,000), Yugoslavia (c. 300,000), Slovenia (c. 8,000) and Austria (c. 6,000). Following the guidelines of Hans Goebl et al, the historical sociolinguistic portrait of each minority is presented from 1920 through to the mid-1990s. Each country's report includes sections on geography and demography, history, politics, economy, culture and religion, language policy and planning, and language use (domains of minority and/or majority language use, proficiency, attitudes, etc.). The team's findings were presented in the form of 374 pages of manuscripts, articles and tables, written in Hungarian and English. The core of the team's research results lies in the results of an empirical survey designed to study the social characteristics of Hungarian-minority bilingualism in the six project countries, and the linguistic similarities and differences between the six contact varieties of Hungarian and Hungarian in Hungary. The respondents were divided by age, education, and settlement group - city vs. village and local majority vs. local minority. The first thing to be observed is that Hungarian is tending to be spoken less to children than to parents and grandparents, a familiar pattern of language shift. In contact varieties of Hungarian, analytic constructions may be used where monolingual Hungarians would use a more synthetic form. Mr Kontra gives as an example the compound tagdij, which in Standard Hungarian means "membership fee" but which is replaced in contact Hungarian by the two-word phrase tagsagi dij. Another similar example concerns the synthetic verb hegedult "played the violin" and the analytic expression hegedun jatszott. The contrast is especially striking between the Hungarians in the northern Slavic countries, who use the synthetic form frequently, and those in the southern Slavic countries, who mainly use the analytic form. Mr. Kontra notes that from a structural point of view, there is no immediate explanation for this, since Slovak or Ukrainian are as likely to cause interference as is Serbian. He postulates instead that the difference may be attributable to some sociohistoric cause, and points out that the Turkish occupation of what is today Voivodina caused a discontinuity of the Hungarian presence in the region, with the result that Hungarians were resettled in the area only two and a half centuries ago. However, the Hungarians in today's Slovakia and Ukraine have lived together with Slavic peoples continuously for over a millennium. It may be, he suggests, that 250 years of interethnic coexistence is less than is needed for such a contact-induced change to run its course. Next Mr. Kontra moved on to what he terms "mental maps and morphology". In Hungarian, the names of cities and villages take the surface case (eg. Budapest-en "in Budapest") whereas some names denoting Hungarian settlements and all names of foreign cities take the interior case (eg. Tihany-ban "in Tihany" and Boston-ban "in Boston). The role of the semantic feature "foreign" in suffix-choice can be illustrated by such minimal pairs as Velence-n "in Velence, a village in Hungary" versus Velence-ben "in Velence [=Venice], a city in Italy", and Pecs-en "in Pecs, a city in Hungary" vs. Becs-ben "in Becs, ie. Vienna". This Hungarian vs. foreign distinction is often interpreted as "belonging to historical (pre-1920) Hungary" vs. "outside historical Hungary". The distinction is also expressed in the dichotomy "home" vs. "abroad'. The 1920 border changes have had an impact on both majority and minority Hungarians' mental maps, the maps which govern the choice of surface vs. interior cases with placenames. As there is a growing divergence between the mental maps of majority and minority Hungarians, so there will be a growing divergence in their use of the placename suffixes. Two placenames were chosen to scratch the surface of this complex problem: Craiova (a city in Oltenia, Romania) and Kosovo (Hungarian Koszovo) an autonomous region in southeast Yugoslavia. The assumption to be tested was that both placenames would be used with the inessive (interior) suffixes categorically by Hungarians in Hungary, but that the superessive suffix (showing "home") would be used near-categorically by Hungarians in Romania and Yugoslavia (Voivodina). Minority Hungarians in countries other than Romania and Yugoslavia would show no difference from majority Hungarians in Hungary. In fact, the data show that, contrary to expectation, there is considerable variation within Hungary. And although Koszovo is used, as expected, with the "home" suffix by 61% of the informants in Yugoslavia, the same suffix is used by an even higher percentage of the subjects in Slovenia. Mr. Kontra's team suggests that one factor playing a role in this might be the continuance of the former Yugoslav mentality in the Hungarians of Slovenia, at least from the geographical point of view. The contact varieties of Hungarian show important grammatical differences from Hungarian in Hungary. One of these concerns the variable use of Null subjects (the inclusion or exclusion of the subject of the verb). When informants were asked to insert either megkertem or megkertem ot - "I asked her" - into a test sentence, 54.9% of the respondents in the Ukraine inserted the second phrase as opposed to only 27.4% in Hungary. Although Mr. Kontra and his team concentrated more on the differences between Contact Hungarian and Standard Hungarian, they also discovered a number of similarities. One such similarity is demonstrable in the distribution of what Mr. Kontra calls an ongoing syntactic merger in Hungarian in Hungary. This change means effectively that two possibilities merge to form a third. For instance, the two sentences Valoszinuleg kulfoldre fognak koltozni and Valoszinu, hogy kulfoldre fognak koltozni merge to form the new construction Valszinuleg, hogy kulfoldre fognak koltozni ("Probably they will move abroad."). When asked to choose "the most natural" of the sentences, one in four chose the new construction, and a chi-square test shows homogeneity in the sample. In other words, this syntactic change is spreading across the entire Hungarian-speaking region in the Carpathian Basin Mr. Kontra believes that politicians, educators, and other interested parties now have reliable and up-to-date information about each Hungarian minority. An awareness of Hungarian as a pluricentric language is being developed which elevates the status of contact varieties of Hungarian used by the minorities, an essential process, he believes, if minority languages are to be maintained.


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From the beginning of the standardisation of language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. from the acceptance of Karadzic's phonetic spelling in the mid-19th century, to the present day when there are three different language standards in force - Bosniac (Muslim), Croatian and Serbian, language in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a subject of political conflict. Documents on language policy from this period show the degree to which domestic and foreign political factors influenced the standard language issue, beginning with the very appellation for the specific norm regulation. The material analysed (proclamations by political, cultural and other organisations as well as corresponding constitutional and statutory provisions on language use) shows the differing treatment of the standard language in Bosnia and Herzegovina in different historical periods. During the period of Turkish rule (until 1878) there was no real political interest in the issue. Under Austro-Hungarian rule (1878-1918) there was an attempt to use the language as a means of forming a united Bosnian nation, but this was later abandoned. During the first Yugoslavia (1918-1941) a uniform solution was imposed on Bosnia and Herzegovina, as throughout the Serbo-Croatian language area, while under the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945), the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina was Croatian. The period from 1945 to 1991 had two phases: the first a standard language unity of Serbs, Croats, Muslims and Montenegrins (until 1965), and the second a gradual but stormy separation of national languages, which has been largely completed since 1991. The introductory study includes a detailed analysis of all the expressions used, with special reference to the present state, and accompanies the collection of documents which represent the main outcome of the research.


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Keratin 8 (KRT8) is one of the major intermediate filament proteins expressed in single-layered epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract. Transgenic mice over-expressing human KRT8 display pancreatic mononuclear infiltration, interstitial fibrosis and dysplasia of acinar cells resulting in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. These experimental data are in accordance with a recent report describing an association between KRT8 variations and chronic pancreatitis. This prompted us to investigate KRT8 polymorphisms in patients with pancreatic disorders. The KRT8 Y54H and G62C polymorphisms were assessed in a cohort of patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis of various aetiologies or pancreatic cancer originating from Austria (n=16), the Czech Republic (n=90), Germany (n=1698), Great Britain (n=36), India (n=60), Italy (n=143), the Netherlands (n=128), Romania (n=3), Spain (n=133), and Switzerland (n=129). We also studied 4,234 control subjects from these countries and 1,492 control subjects originating from Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ecuador, and Turkey. Polymorphisms were analysed by melting curve analysis with fluorescence resonance energy transfer probes. The frequency of G62C did not differ between patients with acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and control individuals. The frequency of G62C varied in European populations from 0.4 to 3.8%, showing a northwest to southeast decline. The Y54H alteration was not detected in any of the 2,436 patients. Only 3/4,580 (0.07%) European, Turkish and Indian control subjects were heterozygous for Y54H in contrast to 34/951 (3.6%) control subjects of African descent. Our data suggest that the KRT8 alterations, Y54H and G62C, do not predispose patients to the development of pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.